The US Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that Egyptian intelligence warned Israel about the Hamas attacks three days prior, and in doing so, proves that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly lied about the Israeli government not being warned by Egypt.
Israel was warned by Egypt of potential violence three days before Hamas’ deadly cross-border raid, a US congressional panel chairman has said. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee head Michael McCaul told reporters of the alleged warning.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu described the reports as “absolutely false”.
“We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” Mr McCaul told reporters following a closed-door intelligence briefing on Wednesday for lawmakers about the Middle East crisis, according to AFP news agency. “I don’t want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given,” the Texas Republican added. “I think the question was at what level.”
Translation: the US intelligence services knew about it too.
Green Flag confirmed. At least some of the attacks were real, and were committed by Hamas, and were allowed to take place as planned by the IDF. But there’s still some question about how some of those attacks appear to have been either a) a false flag or b) crisis theater, especially given the way some of the “murdered victims” have been found to be alive.
Not only is the Israeli government lying about having been caught totally unaware by the attack, but it’s now come out that the venue for the targeted rave was moved just days before it was scheduled to begin, much to the surprise of the organizers. An honest investigation would be focused on discovering who moved the rave and how Hamas got word of where it was. And a failure to investigate those things would serve as a practical confession that there were some false flag elements to the attacks.
To be fair to the Israelis, they practically admitted to the green flag when they said the attacks were a “Pearl Harbor” and a “9/11”.
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Bibi said this is Israel's 9/11. Well, considering the dancing Israelis on 9/11, that's all the confirmation I need to know this is a false flag event. Netanyahu is as [DS] as they come.
But Sean Hannity and his CIA pin loves the guy
I cant stand that hyena.
Trump's been calling out Bibi recently too, much to the chagrin of zionists everywhere. Can't wait for them to start trying to spin the "Trump is an anti-semite" narrative to maga lol
What blows my mind is listening to Christians who think that Israel (the nation) as it is known today is the same as the biblical Israel (the people). It's no wonder that other nations hate Israel and America, an alleged Christian nation where it's leaders have done way more harm than good over the last century. I really hope that the 30 pieces of silver was worth it for all those who have caused harm to all of us.
I know!
They been very good at convincing Christians for a long time. Most likely because they controlled all the christian institutions.
You know why? It's what the Scofield Reference Bible (published 1830) introduced to American Christians. It's called dispensationalism - it separates the Church from national Israel. Who bankrolled the publication & distribution of the Scofield Reference Bible? A Jewish group from NYC! Now ask yourself "why would a Jewish group bankroll the publication of a so-called Christian reference Bible? BTW I taught dispensationalism for 25 years - 15 years ago I saw serious problems with dispensational teachings.
Please explain. Thank you.
They're fabricating another indictment just for that....
you joke... The all encompassing Hate Crime should do it!
From the Washington Post of all sources.
Concert-goers herded into a killbox.
100%, and the media paraded their corpses for Israeli support, of course.
This is how we know to look away. The chiseled media driven narratives are for the NPC's. Media is the enemy. Look away and it won't affect me.
This is effing Cabin in the Woods level shit
I will just add my friend is in Isreal and his wife have lost family members. About 10 have died, so definitely deaths are happening. Its disgusting that evil will allow innocent people to die for an agenda. Using them to push a narrative.
Prayers for the lives that were ruthlessly sacrificed to push an evil agenda.
We called it here early and India also warned the Israelis. We are on to Mo's and You Know the Agency DS BS. JFK was right and now look at who the real suspects are.
Time for the Israeli Government and Mossad along with You Know the Agency to be tried for Treason and or crimes against humanity
But u/bgny, what difference does it make if the attacks were real or fake?! Or if Israel is lying to us in a moment of chaos they meticulously crafted? Surely we must #standwithisrael ?! Isn't that what everyone on TV is saying?!
I hope you're not anti-Semitic--not that it would be anti-Semitic to disagree with supporting Israel, and in fact suggesting that you wouldn't be permitted to question Israel would also be anti-Semitic, but surely you support Israel's right to lie to us to use our money and troops to defend itself, because suggesting otherwise would be standing with terrorism, which would be anti-Semitic?
it's exhausting
Good post.
THREE DAYS!!!!.............Oct 7 - 3 = Oct 4th, Q's delta about Israeli intelligence standing down was dead on.
Vox Day ...
Who benefits? It ain't complicated.
This information needs to circulate in Washington DC. Real reporters who want to prevent a WWIII scenario need to tell the politicians there and demand answers why Israel failed to act on this information. They need to demand what the United States knew about it, what role they were involved, and why the attack was not averted.
What’s a Green Flag?
When you know someone is planning an attack and you allow it to happen, so you can use it to further some goal.
Oh, thanks.
I only know about Red Flags for dating lol.
Holy land infiltrated and packed filled with hand rubbing, identity theft, pedo, lying merchants bloodlines of Cain that consistently undermines host nations of the west, and it’s a surprise that they lied? Lmao
They aren't that bad - they've only been kicked out of 109 countries. It could be worse - the # could be 110!
If only.
I also think it would be interesting to go back a month or two and see who bought heavily into the American defense contractors as the stock market in general was tanking. Two truisms seem to becoming very evident....big pharma and defense companies profit which means peace is not profitable and neither are medical cures. Eisenhower said be wary of the military industrial complex to which we can add the medical industrial complex. Both have been allowed to run amuck and bank obscene riches from sickness, destruction and death. This needs to change drastically for this world to have any future.
Israel knew, but wow this source is suspect.
Chairman of the House Foreign relations Committee is a suspect source?