Interesting that he was a big tennis player too. Lots of tennis comms the last few months. From Trump serving to the tennis ball in the pool with Scavinoa dogs looking at it.
What's weirder is that two elitists in two entirely different sectors of fame and also two different nations ended up going to school together at some point.
Honestly he sounds like a victim of the generational abuse the bloodline families put their children through.
I was thinking just that.
Ok, so THAT'S how Justina Castreau became a Homo....
He got a foot shoved up his ass and he liked it.
He never knew that life was going to be this way...
I want to give this another upvote for the sheer audacity of the Depth of sight of this comment....
This Rocks....
Knows both Keith Morrison and Justin Trudeau from childhood.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. Totally a coincidence.
Just like how the Bush family just HAPPENED to know young Obama. Totally no CIA involvement whatsoever.... 🙄
And how TWENTY British Prime Ministers all went to the same high school.
And Bin Laden, and John Hinckley Jr.
I read earlier Keith Morrison is his step father
Elitist Training Academy for the rich probably.
Dude got beat up by Chandler Bing!
Interesting that he was a big tennis player too. Lots of tennis comms the last few months. From Trump serving to the tennis ball in the pool with Scavinoa dogs looking at it.
hahah! that is too funny.
I knew I liked him.
Drinking at 14 is the average Canadians upbringing we don’t all turn out like that guy
What's weirder is that two elitists in two entirely different sectors of fame and also two different nations ended up going to school together at some point.
Not gonna lie.
The meter tipped up a bit for me here.
The muh cv18 t shit extravaganza bs is still immediate hell bound
The propaganda was bad, but I can't recall if he trashed on "antivaxxers" like Jennifer "Pizza Party With Adrenochrome Sauce" Aniston did.
So was he nonced on by Pierre while his wife was banging Fidel??
Interesting theory.
Big deal everyone in Canada beat his asss
Unfathomably based
He went to Epstein Island. A lot. That's all I need to know.
Didn't know that. I drive through Williamstown every day on my way to work.
Can we still give him an award?
Turdeau sorta got his revenge when Perry started playing ball about all the things he got executed for..............
Oh I really want that to be true🐸
Ironic that the vaxx likely got him and Justin was one of the mad pushers of that vaxx.