Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Imagine voting democrat still.
Gas prices going down,how? With unrest in the middle east.
It's all a fugazzi.
It aint going down where I am at.
Perhaps Bidan is releasing the last few drops of strategic reserves?
Anybody have a good recommendations for a cardio machine that’s low impact on the knees and hips?
Rebound trampoline...
Yep I use my trampoline everyday. It’s good also for lymphatic drainage. I don’t do any type of workout or anything on it. After a while it becomes addictive.
Sitting recumbent bike and elliptical..both great for LISS. I am about to get back on the routine in a week or so
I’m looking at something like this: https://teeter.com/blog/best-exercises-for-bad-knees/
People typically rave about recumbent bikes.
Bicycle to work?
That's what I do.
That's a good point. I do pray for my knees, I don't want to give up bicycling...
The wife rides an E-Trike.
Me too. I bike to work at least half the time, weather permitting. I'm greener than the doorknob who thinks that carbon dioxide molecules will someday kill us all. He could walk to work yet he still drives, and has type 2 diabetes.
You got it. Raging shitlib, hates Christianity and will bash it while being quick to defend and praise Islam, repeats the late night talk show "comedian" talking points, pro tranny, and even has said plenty about his girl students to make me and other suspect that he is a closet pedo.
Was reading Mark 13 this morning (cuz our memory verse for Bible Study is Mark 13:37 for this week). There were a few study notes that really seemed relevant to today, so thought I'd share. God bless those Study Note writers in my Life Application Study Bible!
Study Notes
Mark 13:22, 23 Is it possible for Christians to be deceived? Yes. So convincing will be the arguments and proofs from deceivers in the end times that it will be difficult not to fall away from Christ. If we are prepared, Jesus says, we can remain faithful. But if we are not prepared, we will turn away. To penetrate the disguises of false teachers we can ask: (1) Have their predictions come true, or do they have to revise them to fit what's already happened? (2) Does any teaching utilize a small section of the Bible to the neglect of the whole? (3) Does the teaching contradict what the Bible says about God? (4) Are the practices meant to glorify the teacher or Christ? (5) Do the teachings promote hostility to other Christians?
Mark 13:31 In Jesus' day the world seemed concrete, dependable, and permanent. These days many people fear its destruction by nuclear war. Jesus tells us, however, that even if the earth passes away, the truth of his words will never be changed or abolished. God and his Word provide the only stability in our unstable world. How shortsighted people are who spend their time learning about this temporary world and accumulating its possessions, while neglecting the Bible and its eternal truths!
Mark 13:35-37 The entire thirteenth chapter of Mark tells us how to live while we wait for Christ's return: (1) We are not be misled by confusing claims or speculative interpretations of what will happen (13:5, 6). (2) We should not be afraid to tell people about Christ, despite what they might say or do to us (13:9-11). (3) We must stand firm by faith and not be surprised by persecutions (13:13). (4) We must be morally alert, obedient to the commands for living found in God's Word. This chapter was not given to promote discussions on prophetic timetables, but to stimulate right living for God in a world where he is largely ignored.
Like I said, just sharing.
A Song: https://youtu.be/sM0ovt_nbd4
Have a blessed day.
"Let not your heart be troubled." Jesus - John 14:1
Matthew 24:24 - "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. "
Question for all you bible scholars and those who know it from years of research. I feel the pull to start reading the Bible for my spiritual growth and to learn the history. I've tried a few times to read from start to finish and get bogged down in the first few books of the Old Testament. Then I jump to the New Testament and feel overwhelmed. See I'm a visual learner and it's hard for me to comprehend anything just reading it. Hence why I didn't do my best in school.
Any suggestions of where to start for both purposes? Learning history and most importantly spiritual growth. I'm the type that has to force myself to do something over and over until it becomes a much needed desire. Probably just my rebellious attitude in general, it was a way of coping as a kid that became a bad habit.
I like a chronological Bible for reading, it's not one I take to church or a Bible study but it helps me stay in the timeline of history since the Bible is not set up in chronological order. It bothers me that Paul's letters are sorted out of order! I have the "Daily Bible with Devotional Insights" (in NIV) that I read thru. The notes are more about how things fit together and history vs. "devotional" really, which are helpful. There are chronological Bibles in different versions.
I also like a "Reader's" Bible, where the chapters and verses (and notes) are left out and the text is formatted into single lines vs. columns. They are available in different versions. One I like changes the book order ("Books of the Bible" now renamed "Immerse"), which I like, for example, break up Matthew, Mark, Luke-Acts, and John in different places so you aren't reading them in all in row.
I find that I can read so much more when I don't have the interruption of verses and chapter breaks and the type face and formatting lessoned eye-fatigue and increased my comprehension. Most books in the Bible can be read in one sitting, I believe, most books (especially the NT ones and the smaller ones in the OT) SHOULD be read in one sitting, to get the general idea. There is time to go back and study and meditate on smaller sections. But who gets a letter from their beloved pastor (like Paul!) and then only read a bit one day, and a little bit more the next? : )
This may be unpopular, but I like to read different versions. I study in a couple versions, read another couple versions, and try not to be in just one too long. For a first time Bible reader, I've heard good things about some of the newer releases, that come with charts and graphs and photos, especially for a visual learner. No shame in that. There's one called the NLT Illustrated Study Bible and another is He Reads. There's time to get into more serious Bible study and more scholarly translations, but to get excited about God's Word, it's alright in my opinion to find a Bible that is easier to read and understand.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all anyone needs to live a happy and fulfilling life. Members of the correct religion, especially here will tell you, "you need to read all of it or none of it" which is elitist garbage with no basis on Jesus. In fact, the Bible itself is loaded with contradictions that only make sense with specific interpretations. But again, Matthew 23:8 shuts all that down by reminding us that in Jesus' eyes, we're all equals. He is the Massiah, teacher and leader. No man.
So the most important thing to remember, if anyone tries to exert their authority over you and claims to speak the "will of god" ignore them. Jesus gave authority to Himself only. A lot of Christians convienently forget this.
Same here. I have been told to start with John in New Testament by a couple people.
I suggest starting with the Gospel of John. It's relatively short, and Jesus makes no bones about being God. From there I would jump to Galatians. It is a beautiful book where the apostle Paul (who was not one of the original 12 disciples) makes the case for salvation through Christ's gracious sacrifice and faith in Him, alone. (In other words, no 'works.' ) If you read and absorb those two books, it will be well with your soul.
I'm slow with reading stuff, it's labor for me.
I started reading the Bible when I had a spiritual experience while journaling.
A couple of things helped me push on.
I believed the Holy Spirit in me teaches me through scripture.
When a verse popped out to me, I wrote it down and memorized it.
I kept a 3x5 card with just the references and went through the scriptures throughout the day.
I had a bunch of verses and doing them in order seemed to help.
40 years later I'm still slow, reading is still labor, but those verses the Holy Spirit taught me through repetition and contemplation the deep meaning of those verses.
Feel free to start a journaling sight............
This one is mine, you are welcome to journal there.
I can answer easy questions about bible stuff there too.
🙏Prayer Garden Podcast Episode 15: Matt (u/Exila)🙏
On this episode we speak with my friend Matt (Exila on communities.win). Matt and I met on the Prayer Garden Server and he is one of our first members that came over from Reddit. We get to hear Matt's testimony and how growing up with his grandparents pointed him in the direction to Christ. We also listen to the very honest discussion about battling the flesh when it comes to lust and how the Bible's instruction in 1 Corinthians 6 : 18-20 is instrumental to avoiding temptation. We then discuss how Matt feels lead by the Lord to help his local community in advancing the Gospel and the coming Kingdom of God.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
0:01 - Introduction
1:31 - Opening Prayer
2:20 - Bible Verse (Psalm 23:4)
4:40 - Announcements
6:12 - Beginning of Testimony
7:42 - Matt's Grandparents
10:25 - Teenage Years and Turning Away from Jesus (Battling the Flesh)
16:30 - How Matt Returned Stronger in Jesus
19:34 - God's Design for the Family
24:33 - How Sin can Creep Back In and Control Us (We NEED a Savior)
30:45 - Helping the Local Community
38:36 - Creating the Prayer Garden Website
44:50 - How Talking With Each Other Helps Overcome Our Strongholds (1 Corinthians 6 : 18-20)
49:17 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
I really went nuts buying all sorts of spring flower bulbs. No tulips, too many voles, all sorts of crocus and new lillies and iris and daffodils and other sorts. Hopeful for a beautiful new beginning after these dark months ahead. Yes it is metaphor for the world in general, and I am so grateful for the garden, each new blossom will be God's spoken word and convenent. I can plant them, but it is God that makes them grow. Never lose hope as long as you have HIM with you, take the time to get out there and be in Creation.
I miss spring bulb type flowers. I remember planting them with my mom in the 70s. She ordered from Holland every year and we'd plant them in the fall. Most of them have died out by now. Maybe I'll do that with my grandchild when she's old enough. FYI: any bulb flower that voles & moles eat can be planted in the ground with a little effort to avoid being eaten. My mom used to use the plastic nursery pots. Plant the pot in the ground and the bulb inside. Those little vermin love gerber daises.
You should try Foraging. It's even funner.
Agreed, fren. Being out in God's creation aways fills me with peace, wonder, and joy. We have such an amazingly beautiful world. Being out in it calms the nerves and quiets the soul so you can listen.
Ran across this last looking up a doctor I saw on YouTube so I started searching to see how much people get paid to speak at events. I'm posting Jordan Peterson because he's the highest paid speaker I've found. Nothing against him! He's very educated and I've learned a lot from him watching free videos on YouTube. However I believe nobody should be paid this much money for taking! Just another example of what's wrong with society.
Speaker booking agency
Click on three lines top right. Under find a speaker you can see what people are paid.
Speaker Booking Agency
Just ran across this account because they commented on a newsmax clip of Trump's lawyer talking about this circus of trail.
Warning ⚠️⛔️⚠️ it's disgusting BDSM account showing just enough so you know what's going on. It's more the wording that gives it away than the majority of the pictures. This lifestyle can't be normal behavior. You don't have to be a Christian to agree this is immoral behavior. Imagine if these people have kids or have a job working with kids.
If you have children don't let them on social media or heck even have a smart phone and watch them on the PC. We were on embarq internet way back when my daughter was getting online and honestly we should not have allowed it. We were able to monitor every site she visited. If your kids are in school they do the majority of their work online. Makes me wonder if this wasn't set up on purpose to lure kids online for predators.
Gay man account
Red Shoes
thanks for the warning, from that i would rather not.
could you provide a QRD as to what "it" is ?
Not sure what a QRD is.
I'll try to remember after I stalked his account I blocked him. Thing about blocking someone they can't see you but you can't see them, only fair.
Most posts are either his feet & feet & legs. He says stuff like "boy come to your daddy". Boy and daddy are the main terms I'm seeing. A few post of his crotch with clothes on, saying "boy come to your daddy, daddy is ready for boy. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he's implying. One post had mid evil century cuff & chains for the wrist. Don't remember the subject on that, I don't think I looked. A few post with red shoes and same subject boy/daddy. Two disturbing post: had red tape or plastic over head to the neck with a tube from nose for an airway. Another he was naked with black plastic (I think) around balls and penis with a plastic tube coming out (caption boy drink piss). A few pics of yellow stained piss (caption boy drink piss etc). Several pride posts with flag and love all. Love all from someone like that is a dang joke! They clearly only love themselves and Satan!
See that's the thing about social media they allow accounts like this but ban a mom for talking about Biden, Obama, herbs for a healthy lifestyle, etc. In all honesty I should probably delete my account and never look back. I used to post daily and interact with friends and strangers (with certain accounts like food or herbs). I don't interact with people I don't know or comment on accounts. I mainly screenshot food recipes and copy into notes for later use.
I hope this helps those that don't want to look. Something's you just can't unsee!
My uncle was a great very smart man and a big influence in my life growing up. As I became an adult and wiser I finally figured out he was gay. I never cared about that because I loved him and he was great to us as kids. Nothing ever happened as a kid around us that was bad or off. But that was a different time in the 70s when they kept it hidden. He had a very good job and was very well respected in the community. He moved away in the 60s to a town that has a marine base. He usually rented a room to a marine. I really don't think it was about sex back then. I met several of those marines and was around them as a teenager and on into adulthood. He was an alcoholic just like most men in my dad's family. He got very eccentric in his last twenty years, obsessing over genealogy and more living in the past than the present. I think he was probably very lonely living away from family and with the alcohol demons.
Fast forward to his last year on earth he was acting very crazy and even attempting suicide at my dad's house and in the area they were raised. My dad had him committed. My dad told the doctors he's so smart he could fool them into thinking he was ok. After a few weeks he was released. They told my dad he had diminished brain function due to the alcohol use. My dad drove him home because he knew he would commit suicide and didn't want it happening around my family with two small grandchildren around. Less than a week he gets a call from the local PD he was dead. They told my dad he was being investigated for child sexual crimes. The police didn't think it was true. A teenage boy was living with him and his mom reported it. I'm not defending him! I truly don't know what happened and don't want to know. Myself, husband and brother went to clean out his house and get what we wanted. He had ended up leaving contents to us but the house to a man, woman and their child. I didn't have an issue with it because he spent a lot of time with that family and not as much with us. When you are raising a family you don't travel to visit extended family like you did earlier in life. I found a huge of letters from a man in prison addressing my uncle as "Daddy". I believe it was more for building up a lonely person to get money than sexual. Not that it probably wasn't innocent I just can't see my uncle being prideful and wanting to be called daddy by a grown man. We found a sawed off pine tree branch with a dog collar and cuffs. It took me at least ten years to even talk about my uncle and I took his pictures down in my house. Needless to say I took gloves to clean out the house. I started going through pictures of me on the beach as a kid. Found I'm not the center of the photo but it's centered on guys on the beach. So, he was always gay and hid it because he came from a very small rural farming community in the south. I don't think his mom would have cared. She went through her own hell as child and was good at knowing the difference between reality and a fake image. Only thing she said about his suicide was he took the cowards way out hanging himself instead of using a gun. I didn't reply to that😳 just let it go. Sorry for the long story. I never knew about that type of sex until I saw it in an episode of CSI Vegas. Sadly it happens way more than the average person can fathom. Yet, those people are allowed to adopt kids. I have a very good friend that's gay who a husband, I've known since 3rd grade. I asked him years ago did they want kids it was a very quick flat NO. I don't believe every gay person is bad or evil. Yes it's against god's laws but that's on the person. I can't atone for their sins anymore than another can for my sins.
oh. okay.
QRD = Quick Run Down.
and yeah, its pretty degen out there. i just tell them "i never liked my father."
i could exhaust myself taking swings at every ball but im just going to say as someone who was molested as a kid, id love to see them hanging off of a clothesline by their ding dangs and that's been a draw for the "q" movement, you go your whole life feeling like theres no justice and no end to it and here's some people saying the perverts are going to be put away.
oh how i want to believe.
and im far from alone, its just that when people articulate views like this -- even and especially when theyre gay or victims of child sex abuse -- theyre banned for "violence" hate speech etc just like everyone else.
actual rapists and predators and sickos? might get a job as the platforms CEO.
I think the OP is referring to BDSM images.
thank you.
Report from Hawaii about food stamp app hacked. The person news is speaking with says two thousand a month in food stamps. I've been married 35 years and I know damned well I've never spent that much in four months on food let alone one month. So, the working people are taxed for the non workers to eat free. Nothing new, I didn't have a clue they were receiving a damned house payment value for food. First few years of my marriage we barely could afford a loaf of bread, sure weren't buying t bones & ribeyes.
2K a month Food Stamps
Do any of you think post great awakening dating will change? I am happily married but feel sympathy for our single frogs
For example, do you think looks over everything dating and swipe culture will disappear then?
My wife could have been a 1/10 and it is how great even our very first chat went that told me she was the one
I don't think even if I was promised dinner with Trump and finding out who Q actually Is, I could even hold Lizzo's paw. Not a pleasant thought
i hope so.
older "chatrooms" on irc or aol or whatever gave you an opportunity to watch people play in the sandbox and go "oh that one seems funny and cool" or "yikes" without having to chat privately or trade pics or give info that maybe you shouldnt.
i don't want to sit there and talk one on one with 50 people. especially not in light of where these conversations usually go. i havent met anyone off an app in years and just fell back on what we did before we had an internet: friends of friends, introductions, or go out in public.
i think what did me in two years ago were former friends who would scream that i dont care about grandma and im a sociopathic monster who doesnt care about anyones health if im not masked and boosted........ as they go meet their third online hookup conquest of the day or the week ...
My first thought is I doubt me or my husband would have given each other a second look if we were not at least cute (not beautiful). I think that's just the mindset of an 18 to twenty something mind. However it takes more than good looks to make a relationship work.
Hopefully things will change for the better. Kids today have such a false narrative about what's acceptable for themselves and a mate. They have so many celebrities they look up to and it's all a lie. It's up to the parents to set an example of reality vs fantasy. Kinda hard to do when the parents have idols themselves, from over paid sports athletes to musicians and celebrities.
I've had a lot going apologizes it's taken me so long to reply. I love your spunk😀 unfortunately I missed your reply. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend.
u/#q2450 u/#q2452 u/#q2458 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution
A new Kósmos.
That is world order.
Strong’s Definitions:
Jesus Christ conquered the kósmos, the world order.
Jesus Christ is in us through the throne of God, the new birth, and the Holy Spirit. The throne of God is greater than the kósmos, the world order.
The prophet John was really into overcoming the kósmos, the world order. In Revelation Babylon is allegorical typological for kósmos.
The kósmos, the world order, is changed at the seventh trumpet. It is plural because it is the same for everyone who has this kósmos change in their life, Jesus Christ conquers in the seventh trumpet.
This is what be not of the world means. Not some silly live like the Amish idea but that Jesus conquered the world for us
I'm not a huge Beatles fan like my friend is, or my wife. But the new "Now and Then" song is rather sentimental and touching. I was afraid John Lennon had recorded some other hippie crap song, but it turned out to be a good song. Thanks to technology from Peter Jackson's company, they were able to take a recording from an audiocassette, clean it up, strip the piano from the background, and make it sound incredible. And since for the past year I have been remembering old friends long gone, wanting to thank them but being unable to, the song brought a tear to my eye. It's fitting that this will be the final Beatles song.
Thanks for sharing I'd for sure watch again. First, that's brilliant they can do this with technology, I normally don't like things like this. There's lots of photoshop videos by the music industry with dead artists and an alive artist singing the same song. That's creepy to me. I didn't get this vibe at all. I don't remember this song but it's great and the video shows the good times of ordinary guys who just loved playing music together.
I've never been a big fan of the Beatles either. I first got exposed to them my senior year of high school. I went to a very small school and my senior class had so few people we could all fit into the big cars from the 70s & 80s. Five of us would usually go to lunch at least twice a week. The guy driving influenced me to a lot of different music genres. One day the Beatles, next might be CCR or Zeppelin. My take away of the Beatles music it's very upbeat and happy music. Once I got much older I started listening to the lyrics and that paints a different story. I might listen to the hits a couple times a year for nostalgia.
Even though there is footage of The Beatles at Graceland meeting and hanging with Elvis he wasn't a fan. The meeting was probably forced by the record label and Tom Parker. Of course we never know if what we read is true. Elvis was very vocal about most of his opinions of a person or the world, good or bad.
Off topic but a good perspective on the Beatles for people my age that wasn't around.
Elvis Meets Nixon to discuss youth, drugs and security of the nation
It's ironic Elvis was against drugs and they killed him, brainwashed by doctors pharmaceutical drugs were ok.
The early years of The Beatles with the first wave of their British Invasion sound was very upbeat for sure. Later on they did some weird stuff like Revolution 9. I'd never heard that before, but my daughter likes to find weird, creepy stuff sometimes on YouTube and she shared that one with me. Bizarre. I'm not keen on their later stuff. For this new song, this was a song that Lennon had recorded himself on tape before he died. The remaining 3 tried to do something with it in the '90s, but they didn't have the technology to clean it up and have it sound good. Peter Jackson's new technology is able to surgically remove the piano from his voice, remove the tape hiss, sharpen his voice, and make it sound like a modern recording. It's his voice, but by miracle of musical dissection, it's restored.
I read "The Outsiders" in junior high and learned of the whole Beatles/Elvis rivalry among fans. Funny how The Beatles did a cover song or two of Elvis songs starting with their second album.
I don't think I replied to your comment if I did apologizes for my double reply.
I beat that was a great read. I'll have to check it out. Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving.
No double reply. "The Outsiders" was an assigned reading for my English class. I did have a great Thanksgiving yesterday (it's Friday here already). Thanks! You too.
As we get older it seems that we remember the long ago past like it was yesterday even though we can't remember what we had for dinner last night...😂...
This was a touching song by The Beatles that I was not familiar with...but like you I have many old friends that pop up in memories and I am grateful for each one that contributed to making my life the unique tapestry that it is for me...so many people that I learned from, loved and admired...gone but not forgotten...the greatest gift that God gives us is the gift of love and there is no greater love than the love of a true friend...I actually named one of my sons Jonathan David because I was so impressed with the friendship of these two...thank you for sharing this...it brought a tear to my eye also...
I especially liked the parts showing young George Harrison goofing around. He was a goofball and I appreciate that. I guess that was really him doing that backflip off of a chair in his "Set on You" music video from the '80s.
Jhn 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome G3528 the world.
Strong’s Definitions:
Over my head, and then I got it
Prayers please.
I have no idea how to post, so I am praying I can get help for a tiny fellow, Carter. My son's best friend and wife had a baby boy 3 weeks ago and were just able to bring him home. I do not know what is wrong, but the doctors told them he only has a 30% chance. They lost a baby last year. She is 40. Prayer seems the only way. Please help. We will ask the church's prayer group.
God bless you all. I have never asked, but for a little fellow and his terrified parents, I humbly do. Thank you
Praying for little Carter and his parents, and giving God praise for friends like your son that extend the opportunity to pray for all of them. God blesses in many ways. 🙏
Thank you
Many hopes and prayers. Just remember that God is the miracle maker. He has saved people with less chance than 30 percent. God bless this family and God bless you.
Thank you. I know the power of prayer. When we were in desperate need I could actually feel it. I understood then how important follow through is. "I'll pray for you" is so much more than a social nicety.
Praying now, fren.
Thank you.
Please keep us updated. Everybody here loves the little babies and it breaks hearts to hear of their troubles.
I shall, as i hear. Thank you all for caring. There really are such good people and I pray they succeed in defeating the evil.
I read this last night and said this morning said a prayer for baby, family & medical staff working with the baby. Blessings in Jesus name❤️
Oh thank you.
I join others to agree in prayer that the Lord would touch Carter with his healing hand and bring the peace that passes understanding to his mom and dad...you know every need and you love this precious family...meet them where they are and give them your loving strength and comfort...all in the precious name of Jesus our Savior and King...
Amen and bless you.
Yes, it's working
I’m sorry, but I was in the backyard fixing a chainsaw that I broke on a tree today. 🤣😂
Then I heard this weird noises in the leaves, and I thought oh here we go someone’s gonna wanna fuck around and find out - turns out there was an owl in my backyard. 🦉
Sorry I’m late to the great disappointment. I figured you could at least count on me. 🥺