It is a sad state of affairs when the people have to fight their government to do what it is tasked to do to represent them and their needs. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom with few exceptions so to look to them for any solutions has become futile...THEY are the problem...when a nation fails to honor God and Godly principles it is doomed to fail...a vacuum doesn't stay empty for long...
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
I think it's an example of how the slow drip process is easily countered by the deep state. Ask 10 people what they thought of it... I bet you hear 3 say "Never heard of it" , 2 say "didn't watch it" , 4 say "that was debunked" and 1 say "Trump was robbed of the election" .
i think you are wrong. most people who dont vote will say the system is rigged and voting doesnt matter, so they dont do it. like 90 percent of republicans, 70 percent of independents, and (i bet) 60 percent of democrats are aware shenanigans happened that night. 2000 Mules' name recognition is not comparable to the number of Americans who know Trump was robbed.
if you ask 10 random americans if they think election fraud happened you will probably get 5-7 "affirmatives", if you could force everyone to be honest.
There's no footage from Arizona in 2000 Mules I believe. I think it's all from the GA senate elections in 2021. And there's some dramatic reenactments.
The AZ thing was completely separate from the movie.
The filmmakers LATER claimed a fraud case in Yuma Arizona was due to the movie, but the Sheriff said this wasn't so. Here's the details of the case.
First off, it was a local primary election. Not the General Election for president.
It was in San Luis, Arizona, a town of 37,000 in Yuma county.
San Luis, Arizona — The City of San Luis held its primary election on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, where voters had their first opportunity of this election cycle to elect candidates for three at-large seats on the City Council amongst other county and state offices.
Third she was arrested and indicted way years before 2000 Mules was made. She was arrested shortly after this election in 2020 and 2000 Mules came out in May 2022.
Including our churches. Two Sundays in a row I have been going to the church my son is member of and each service the preacher has mentioned how Israel (the state of) is God's chosen people.
I hate it when preachers get into things this like this because most of them know so little about how the world really is.
I think most of us if asked to participate in some event like carrying a sign at a busy intersection, or rallying to protest against some affront, would gladly join in, but alone we view ourselves as a force of one, and we lack the catalyst we need to motivate ourselves to action.
Our energies are wound up tights as a spring yet we are all waiting on someone else to start some action that will set our talents into motion.
We hear people like Michael Yon saying exactly what going on with illegal invasion. He proves his claims though first hand, on the ground knowledge. He says, "If we don't act now, we are dead." You can't get any more plain than that. Yet we still do noting. WHY? I think its because we lack a sufficient catalyst that we expect will come from somewhere outside of our own initiative, and fail to see that we need to be that catalyst for each other.
I have no doubt that if you were my next door neighbor, that me and you being of the same mind would have no trouble coming up with some thing we do beyond our echo chamber that would be a better use of our talents than typing comments to each other on our keyboards.
What we have to do it get beyond our thinking that some else is going to knock on our door. We need to be the people that get other motivated.
Disclaimer: None of my words, expressions, paragraphs, phrases, statements or questions authored by me in this comment when take individually or in aggregate should be taken as supporting any illegal, or unconstitutional action against the constitutionally legitimate government, or any member thereof. Nothing in this comment should be construed as proposing, or supporting any unlawful or violent actions against any person, or group of persons. And any government glowies that views this can shove it up their royal tyrant asses.
The 2000 mules producers know everyone of the mules by name and phone number. Maybe they should DOX these traitors for the world to know. Keep them from doing it again. The legal system is broken, I see no other options. At least threaten them with DOXXING and maybe they'll admit to their crimes.
It would be a super invasive violation of people's privacy. The whole data brokering business is sketchy. Supposedly it's not hard to go from this sort of data to IDing people though.
Not hard to do. There are reverse lookup services. Take the location of the phone in the evening (where people live/sleep) and reverse lookup who owns or rents the house. Easy to do.
I mean; if info like that was in the hands of leftists, it would have been IMMEDIATELY released, so HELL YES; doxx those bastards!!!!!
This is why we keep losing so bad;
We play nice, by the rules, by "ethics" and "decency" and other BS, meanwhile our enemy plays for life & death and for keeps......
So, if elections are a joke, is this republic? If most important elections don't work, then most everyone that matters on the political stage is controlled and this isn't a real republic
And this is the biggest hurdle... How do you explain to someone how all of this evidence exists while nothing is being done and at the same time telling them to vote like it means something this time and dems just hosed republicans in 2023. Military is the only way means literally nothing to them and the phrase we caught them all just enrages them because if you did, why are you letting everyone suffer. Illegals killing raping and robbing. What is being done to help those people. This is why I have had to take a break from trying to wake people up. I have no response to any of it anymore.
120 years Noah's hammer screened out a warning,. The flood is coming! They laughed,they mocked, "nothing's happening" not a cloud in the sky. Then God shut the door to the ark. Game set and match. The laughing and mocking could be heard no more. Let us hold the line.
Indeed a whole different level of faith and patience which seems to be in short supply even here on GAW lately. I’ve been based for 50 years but the last 8 have led us to expect something huge to happen right now. That has produced a weariness as we wait. Even though much is happening we want it all and we want it now!! I certainly do but the only choice is to stay the course and keep pounding those nails. The day of rain has to be near….as Noah must have said at year 20 and every year after that… but it did finally come. Good thing he didn’t quit.
"There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed" "It Is by faith and patience that we inherit the promises" Mark it on the wall! Judgment is coming! "God is not mocked"
It is a sad state of affairs when the people have to fight their government to do what it is tasked to do to represent them and their needs. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom with few exceptions so to look to them for any solutions has become futile...THEY are the problem...when a nation fails to honor God and Godly principles it is doomed to fail...a vacuum doesn't stay empty for long...
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You are so right and thats why we fight......................
I think it's an example of how the slow drip process is easily countered by the deep state. Ask 10 people what they thought of it... I bet you hear 3 say "Never heard of it" , 2 say "didn't watch it" , 4 say "that was debunked" and 1 say "Trump was robbed of the election" .
i think you are wrong. most people who dont vote will say the system is rigged and voting doesnt matter, so they dont do it. like 90 percent of republicans, 70 percent of independents, and (i bet) 60 percent of democrats are aware shenanigans happened that night. 2000 Mules' name recognition is not comparable to the number of Americans who know Trump was robbed. if you ask 10 random americans if they think election fraud happened you will probably get 5-7 "affirmatives", if you could force everyone to be honest.
With groceries and everything else now unaffordable, most would answer, "you damn skippy" it was stolen.
But I've never asked one person, "Have you ever hear of Q" that answered YES.
Not true, someone in AZ that appeared in 2k Mules was charged.
So... "One" person was charged? What the outcome of their case?
There's no footage from Arizona in 2000 Mules I believe. I think it's all from the GA senate elections in 2021. And there's some dramatic reenactments.
The AZ thing was completely separate from the movie.
The filmmakers LATER claimed a fraud case in Yuma Arizona was due to the movie, but the Sheriff said this wasn't so. Here's the details of the case.
First off, it was a local primary election. Not the General Election for president. It was in San Luis, Arizona, a town of 37,000 in Yuma county.
You can see here to see no presidential elections were part of this election. Look for Yuma County
Secondly it didn't involve paid mules, it involved the ex-mayor of the town and a friend of hers. 4 ballots were involved.
Third she was arrested and indicted way years before 2000 Mules was made. She was arrested shortly after this election in 2020 and 2000 Mules came out in May 2022.
Apparently the left has an impenetrable defense called "don't acknowledge anything and just ignore it" and somehow it works..
When you stop to think about it, it truly is terrifying how thoroughly they have infested virtually EVERYWHERE in our society & government.....
It's really unbelievable....
Including our churches. Two Sundays in a row I have been going to the church my son is member of and each service the preacher has mentioned how Israel (the state of) is God's chosen people.
I hate it when preachers get into things this like this because most of them know so little about how the world really is.
Oh absolutely...great reminder... From the local, small-town church, all the way up to the vatican.....
Rot, corrupt, satanic.
Meanwhile, we good people stand around and do basically nothing...myself included....
I think most of us if asked to participate in some event like carrying a sign at a busy intersection, or rallying to protest against some affront, would gladly join in, but alone we view ourselves as a force of one, and we lack the catalyst we need to motivate ourselves to action.
Our energies are wound up tights as a spring yet we are all waiting on someone else to start some action that will set our talents into motion.
We hear people like Michael Yon saying exactly what going on with illegal invasion. He proves his claims though first hand, on the ground knowledge. He says, "If we don't act now, we are dead." You can't get any more plain than that. Yet we still do noting. WHY? I think its because we lack a sufficient catalyst that we expect will come from somewhere outside of our own initiative, and fail to see that we need to be that catalyst for each other.
I have no doubt that if you were my next door neighbor, that me and you being of the same mind would have no trouble coming up with some thing we do beyond our echo chamber that would be a better use of our talents than typing comments to each other on our keyboards.
What we have to do it get beyond our thinking that some else is going to knock on our door. We need to be the people that get other motivated.
Disclaimer: None of my words, expressions, paragraphs, phrases, statements or questions authored by me in this comment when take individually or in aggregate should be taken as supporting any illegal, or unconstitutional action against the constitutionally legitimate government, or any member thereof. Nothing in this comment should be construed as proposing, or supporting any unlawful or violent actions against any person, or group of persons. And any government glowies that views this can shove it up their royal tyrant asses.
The 2000 mules producers know everyone of the mules by name and phone number. Maybe they should DOX these traitors for the world to know. Keep them from doing it again. The legal system is broken, I see no other options. At least threaten them with DOXXING and maybe they'll admit to their crimes.
Have the 2000 mules producers said this?
I don't think they are even claiming this.
They bought cell phone location data from a data broker. Anonymized cell phone data.
So they would have to deanonymize it somehow.
I may have misunderstood but I thought they said they actually had the numbers during the show. Not just the anonymizes cell phone data.
It would be a super invasive violation of people's privacy. The whole data brokering business is sketchy. Supposedly it's not hard to go from this sort of data to IDing people though.
Not hard to do. There are reverse lookup services. Take the location of the phone in the evening (where people live/sleep) and reverse lookup who owns or rents the house. Easy to do.
Wow, really???
I mean; if info like that was in the hands of leftists, it would have been IMMEDIATELY released, so HELL YES; doxx those bastards!!!!!
This is why we keep losing so bad; We play nice, by the rules, by "ethics" and "decency" and other BS, meanwhile our enemy plays for life & death and for keeps......
100% agree
We need to up our game, big time...
goes to show how broken everything is.
And a Government run by 'we the people' allows for it to be this way. Guess we the people have failed with our responsibilities.
So, if elections are a joke, is this republic? If most important elections don't work, then most everyone that matters on the political stage is controlled and this isn't a real republic
And this is the biggest hurdle... How do you explain to someone how all of this evidence exists while nothing is being done and at the same time telling them to vote like it means something this time and dems just hosed republicans in 2023. Military is the only way means literally nothing to them and the phrase we caught them all just enrages them because if you did, why are you letting everyone suffer. Illegals killing raping and robbing. What is being done to help those people. This is why I have had to take a break from trying to wake people up. I have no response to any of it anymore.
The DA that fails to prosecute becomes a co-conspirator of the crime. Heads must roll.
How could that possibly be difficult to believe?
120 years Noah's hammer screened out a warning,. The flood is coming! They laughed,they mocked, "nothing's happening" not a cloud in the sky. Then God shut the door to the ark. Game set and match. The laughing and mocking could be heard no more. Let us hold the line.
Indeed a whole different level of faith and patience which seems to be in short supply even here on GAW lately. I’ve been based for 50 years but the last 8 have led us to expect something huge to happen right now. That has produced a weariness as we wait. Even though much is happening we want it all and we want it now!! I certainly do but the only choice is to stay the course and keep pounding those nails. The day of rain has to be near….as Noah must have said at year 20 and every year after that… but it did finally come. Good thing he didn’t quit.
Perfect explanation on why Conservatives and MAGA didn't vote last week.
You vote for a uniparty or you don't vote for a uniparty.
It comes to the same outcome.
If the government went away tomorrow what would you miss?
If Trump doesn't get elected or there's no election, I don't see how we patriots can hold back our anger any longer.
I think he’s going into the courts to subpoena from the top down.
"There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed" "It Is by faith and patience that we inherit the promises" Mark it on the wall! Judgment is coming! "God is not mocked"
You arent gojng to want to hear this… but listen anyway…
That the Mockingbird Media is lying? I expect that.
Also they keep the "No Evidence" narrative alive