"Flashback to January 4th, 2021. Pence promised that he was going to “hear the objections and evidence”, in reference to the massive irregularities and voter fraud in the 2020 election (video below).
Pence never got to hear those electors air their objections or evidence. The January 6th event at the Capitol was the means Pence used to justify NOT giving electors their day in Congress. Pence claimed the acts by Trump and his supporters were so heinous, that he was just going to certify the election the next day.
Well, now that we have the January 6th tapes, it is clear this event was facilitated and coordinated by elements within our own government, and the evidence of this was intentionally withheld from the American People in order to continue perpetuating this massive lie.
You witnessed an insurrection on January 6th 2021, but it wasn’t by Trump supporters. It was by establishment politicians, elements within the intelligence community, and State-controlled MSM outlets, who coordinated to generate, escalate, and exaggerate the situation in order to avoid electors airing their objections, in order to certify a stolen election. You witnessed treason and war waged on the American People.
That’s what happened on January 6th. Our nation was stolen from us by corrupt elements within our own government. And all the hatred, discrimination, censorship, and vitriol towards Trump supporters, ALL of it was based on a lie.
You best start believing in Orwellian dystopias. You’re in one."
- Clandestine
Perfectly articulated explanation.
Original: https://t.me/bioclandestine/2557
IMO, Pence was doing what he was told...by the white hats. Do you REALLY believe that a military plan that had been in the works since the JFK assassination would have let a "traitor" be selected VP, because I don't.
If Pence did not do what he did, it just would have went back to the states and they would have just recounted the same fraudulent ballots and say "nothing more to see here". Now all but the 4-6% can start to accept the truth of the fraudulent elections and lies of those in power. Nuremburg Part II, cannot come soon enough.
That is a very good point u/Deplorable_Badger 👈🏻
There was an assumption that all of these battleground state legislatures, which were Republican controlled, would fix the election wrongs of 2020.
The state Republicans are more RINO than DC. They are the farm system for the big leagues. All just as corrupt.
Had Pence sent the votes back to the states, they would have clearly dropped the ball.
And, we would be in worse shape. The left could claim Pence did send them back and the states still agreed it was a fair election.
"The state Republicans are more RINO than DC. They are the farm system for the big leagues. All just as corrupt."
This can't be repeated often enough. The DC Swamp isn't the only corruption we're facing.
And frankly, from a grass roots level, We The People can greatly impact the statewide elections. There should be no quarter for these RINOs. They are the ones who should not be able to walk the streets. They are the ones we need to take out with MAGA candidates.
Let's Ride!
I have no opinion of Pence because it isnt really required at this time. He was a role player and is right now no longer an active factor in this game. His credibility is pretty much gone and as a tool of the pedo death cult or the WH Patriots, he is no longer much use.
That said, Ive never liked him anyway and didnt want his milquetoast personality in the VP role from the start, but remain open to the possibility you describe.
Milquetoast 😆 If there was a game "Desribe Mike Pence in one word" you just won the world championship.
lol I dont know if there has ever been a more milquetoast personality come so close to being the most powerful person in the world in history. Maybe Carter?
At least Carter had an entertaining comment every now and then. AND he let his brother make terrible beer. Way less milquetoast. Now that I think of it... what goes better on milquetoast than... wait for it..... PEANUT BUTTER!!! 🤣 i'll see myself out now.
They let a succession of traitors occupy the Presidency waiting for the right moment. If they felt they could risk that and still prevail, accepting a DS operative as VP is a very manageable risk.
Yep. 50/50 chance. I keep reminding people pence gave a bad ass speech for space force where he said “we are running the most complex military operations in the history of the US armed forces”…shit man if you know anything about some of the crazy operations we ran you would know Q is about the only one that could be crazier it was also odd because there was no major conflict anywhere when he gave this speech.
Also they needed a Judas goat. You think politicians would go along with treason if they didn’t know the VP would certify? Naw.
I wish they would read this post on the 6 o'clock news.
No one watches the 6 o'clock news anymore. We Are The News.
Give it a week before the autists start putting out full length movies showing the progression of corruption on Jan 6.
Well done! It makes sense why they are pursuing anyone that was there. The more innocent people they can lock up, the more it protects the real insurrectionists and architects of this event. How evil these people truly are.
I believe Trump told Pence NOT to send back the electors. He told most of the senators and congressmen to not object. We needed a couple to object, just enough to break the law. The more this plays out, I think they wanted this to look as organic as possible. To me, this feels like a controlled burn, a psyop to move the country slowly to the right.
An important detail is being left out. Nancy pelosie changed the house rules so she could dispense regular order if there were an emergency, which allowed Pence to not call on states with objections. That is also the reason the insurrection had to start before Trump finished speaking. The incident had to happen before states were called on.
I notice there are a few asking why Trump didn't disperse early. This and the rules for occupation required the protest and Trump's instruction to disperse and go homes peacefully.
I knew there was soo much more than meets the eye, as to what is going on. Not sure IF people remember, Trump himself asked "The People" to come to D.C. on Jan 6th...saying "It is going to be wild"...
People forget (or don't know) this. And lets not forget, they also had a couple of bombs at the ready, (to create an emergency), if Pence had allowed things to proceed. Who knows how many other plans they had prepared that we don't even know about?
Great time to be alive!
Yea. The planned riot started right after Arizona was contested. The Trump supporters weren't there, yet, so there was an awkward moment of pause, and then the riot began without us.
I have been very annoyed since that day that no one being interviewed on the news discussed who had the motive to end the session that day or how the constitutional process was supposed to work that day based on the Electoral Act. Well, I heard it mentioned a couple times in 2022, but not on the news.
Too bad some multi-millionaire doesn't have this printed in large print in every newspaper, and appear on commercials on every tv channel.
Musk needs to post this and Rogan needs to talk about it.
The true goal of the J6 false flag was to remove President Trump through the 25th Amendment. Quite possibly he and his team were to be detained until the Inauguration was complete. The DS feared that President Trump would use Presidential powers to remain in office and eventually reveal how the election was stolen, including Senate and House elections.
Sealing the steal could have been accomplished through a series of procedural steps that dragged late into the night, well after the rally crowds left the city. Electors are challenged in almost every election and a simple majority vote is all that’s needed to overcome the objection. Pence could have appeared to permit the fight and accept each loss as because they would be within the established rules.
Eternal Sticky and frame in gold - Ty for posting this purkiss the legend
Judas Pence got his 30 pieces of silver and went about his merry little way.
Something amusing about "Ghost Buses."
You're mistaking knowledge with intelligence. A lot of people in the tech world are knowledgeable.
If I remember correctly, the fedcerection gave Nancy the ability to cut off objections and debate. Thus taking away Pence’s power. The White Hats new this was coming. Sealed the fate of the DS.
That whole thing was the set up of the century and it pisses me off Trump fell right into their trap. He would have been well served to just head to Mar lago that day and told his supporters it was a trap and stay home. But the good news is the tide is shifting blacks, latinos and even liberals are starting to support Trump. Trump haters are fucked. He needs to watch his back though, I would put nothing against these bastards and that includes assassination.
What would have happened if he did that? I’m curious how that scenario would have played out?
My guess is things would have been worse. Fake MAGA organizations would have still staged protests, smaller, but large enough to feed the false flag narrative. Lacking President Trump and his team to exert some control over the situation the DS agent provocateurs would have run wild.
I think it would have exposed how staged it was. When I hear people like Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt says that Trump caused an insurrection on Jan. 6th my blood boils. He knows it was a setup he was part of it.