Out of all the stuff we talk about here, this is one that I and many others hoped to god wasn’t true. A normal persons brain will barely allow them to fathom this as being true, it’s just too evil
Well, boy do I hate to tell you but the amount of evidence and "coincidence" that points to this being true is staggeringly large and the information is fairly robust in implicating these people.
I want to inform people but even talking about it feels so wrong. I try to push through that because it absolutely needs to be seen in the light of day
Yeah I think it's the more difficult things to push into the light. Yeah we can convince some normies that 2020 was rigged and stolen but convincing a normie that the world is run by pedophile globalists just sounds more farfetched to them. Even with solid evidence some normies just won't even cross that bridge.
can you share for us, or at least me, your awakening process. I investigated it when it first came about and I was very wary of the MSM version already at that point so felt then it was true. why did you and the many others of you do you think it was a hoax and what finally got you to realize ? was it ultimately the same distrust you built up in the main stream version of the story?
Jack Posobiec's face appears within a Q drop (2089). In that same post Q labels AJ (Alex Jones) a Mossad asset (MOS backed) and suggests Posobiec and AJ are "associates".
Dunno why you're downvoted. If Jack is right about 8/10 things, then it's possible he was just wrong.
However he was still retarded for saying this, as there were quite a few of us literally hand feeding this information and he didn't even look into it at all.
Jack Posobiec's allegiance is an unknown. I've heard nothing convincing either way. Claiming pizzagate is fake could simply mean he hasn't looked into it. Or it could be to avoid limiting his audience size by venturing too far outside the Overton Window.
Pizzagate is real.
Pizzagate was so named because of the use of 'pizza' code words in the leaked Podesta emails. The emails discuss body fluid rituals, odd ways of using 'pizza', and children as entertainment.
The media twisted the story into something fantastical about Comet Pizza in DC. Which has shady ties and a serious creep factor, but it is not the real story.
IMHO there is a big difference in just "being wrong" we all have been wrong. And, using your twitter platform to try to influence others. Then, you have an obligation to be right, and when you're not, it does come across as suspect.
Jack streamed live from Comet Ping Pong, for anyone who isn’t aware. That was one of the first times I heard about him. Was a mostly stealthy visit. Don’t remember him saying too much to employees but he was definitely on the side of supporting Pizzagate.
It seemed. Going to CPP seems like a lot of effort if you don’t believe in something. Especially when you’re unknown online prior.
Jack is a CIA snake. He blocked me on X (then twitter) for calling him a war monger when he called for us to bomb Russia over a what was later to be found ukraine accidentally? bombing it's own citizens.
Posobitch has a long distinguished history of posting questionable things out of ignorance or (in many cases) what seemed to be deliberate lies or misleading statements.
Reasons that anytime someone links to something he said, I side-eye the fuck out of it. Dont trust him.
I didn't know he said this. But I definitely have been suspicious of him for a couple of years, and I can't remember what it was specifically. But when you put this many conspiracies in a list and say they are hoaxes....
Everything is a hoax until it is not. We had that saying in the 90s . Shit all you Hillary scarred shilling worked apparently so we will no longer need you to be fkn brainwashed. Not. The more you know.
Isn't Jack poso a farm boy? C_A?
many of us thought pizzagate wasn't a thing... until we started digging...... then realized it most certainly is a thing.
Out of all the stuff we talk about here, this is one that I and many others hoped to god wasn’t true. A normal persons brain will barely allow them to fathom this as being true, it’s just too evil
Well, boy do I hate to tell you but the amount of evidence and "coincidence" that points to this being true is staggeringly large and the information is fairly robust in implicating these people.
Yeah that’s why I said “hoped” as in past tense.
I want to inform people but even talking about it feels so wrong. I try to push through that because it absolutely needs to be seen in the light of day
Ah fair enough, I also wish none of this was happening. It is awful and that it is allowed to continue is awful as well.
Yeah I think it's the more difficult things to push into the light. Yeah we can convince some normies that 2020 was rigged and stolen but convincing a normie that the world is run by pedophile globalists just sounds more farfetched to them. Even with solid evidence some normies just won't even cross that bridge.
For the normies I say Epstein is the bridge that fills the mental gap between:
can you share for us, or at least me, your awakening process. I investigated it when it first came about and I was very wary of the MSM version already at that point so felt then it was true. why did you and the many others of you do you think it was a hoax and what finally got you to realize ? was it ultimately the same distrust you built up in the main stream version of the story?
Jack Posobiec's face appears within a Q drop (2089). In that same post Q labels AJ (Alex Jones) a Mossad asset (MOS backed) and suggests Posobiec and AJ are "associates".
But hey, don't take my word for it.
I wouldn't be surprised.
No chance he was just plain wrong about something?
Dunno why you're downvoted. If Jack is right about 8/10 things, then it's possible he was just wrong.
However he was still retarded for saying this, as there were quite a few of us literally hand feeding this information and he didn't even look into it at all.
Isn’t he former C_A? Or naval intelligence?
he was navel intel... but was in the drug testing part. he was a piss collector.
I thought that was DeSantis.
Meatball was JAG
we must have a few pedos for poso on this site.
Yeah, it's odd. My question was sincere. I don't anything about Posobiec.
Thanks for you response.
Yeah, the post itself just doesn’t make any sense. Why would he throw that in there with all these other things that we know for sure are a hoax.
judging by your down doots, it appears Jack is never wrong and you must submit. I wonder why he would say such a thing? Dopey Jack
Is this post even real? There's no link.
crazy that you're the only one asking
Has he ever come out and admit he was wrong?
Didn't he claim to know Q was microchip or something years ago?
Yes, he did, but never saw a retraction or apology for being an asshat.
oh right
I'm not sure what you are saying. My question is sincere, I do not know anything about Posobiec.
C_A disinformation asset. Otherwise he would correct the record, PIZZAGATE IS REAL (ISRAEL)
Pizzagate could severely limit your audience as well.
Nothing I'm seeing convinces me either way.
If we know for sure he's CIA, then we have no way to determine if he's a white or black hat.
Which is always the case. None of us, unless we have inside info, know shit about what's in the hearts of these people or who they actually serve.
what would it take to convince you it was real? eye witness testimony? audio proof? video proof?
why was Hillarys personal lawyer arrested in Haiti?
I thought we were talking about Jack Posobiec?
Jack Posobiec's allegiance is an unknown. I've heard nothing convincing either way. Claiming pizzagate is fake could simply mean he hasn't looked into it. Or it could be to avoid limiting his audience size by venturing too far outside the Overton Window.
Pizzagate is real.
Pizzagate was so named because of the use of 'pizza' code words in the leaked Podesta emails. The emails discuss body fluid rituals, odd ways of using 'pizza', and children as entertainment.
The media twisted the story into something fantastical about Comet Pizza in DC. Which has shady ties and a serious creep factor, but it is not the real story.
ok so why hasn't he come out and said "maybe i was wrong about pizzagate?"
I guess he was part of the hoax.
IMHO there is a big difference in just "being wrong" we all have been wrong. And, using your twitter platform to try to influence others. Then, you have an obligation to be right, and when you're not, it does come across as suspect.
That's because Jack is a faggot.
Jack streamed live from Comet Ping Pong, for anyone who isn’t aware. That was one of the first times I heard about him. Was a mostly stealthy visit. Don’t remember him saying too much to employees but he was definitely on the side of supporting Pizzagate.
It seemed. Going to CPP seems like a lot of effort if you don’t believe in something. Especially when you’re unknown online prior.
Jack is a CIA snake. He blocked me on X (then twitter) for calling him a war monger when he called for us to bomb Russia over a what was later to be found ukraine accidentally? bombing it's own citizens.
Posobiec is a ("former" lol) spook and a professional gatekeeper.
Posobitch has a long distinguished history of posting questionable things out of ignorance or (in many cases) what seemed to be deliberate lies or misleading statements.
Reasons that anytime someone links to something he said, I side-eye the fuck out of it. Dont trust him.
he also had inside q knowledge from his source " microchip " lol
I didn't know he said this. But I definitely have been suspicious of him for a couple of years, and I can't remember what it was specifically. But when you put this many conspiracies in a list and say they are hoaxes....
Everything is a hoax until it is not. We had that saying in the 90s . Shit all you Hillary scarred shilling worked apparently so we will no longer need you to be fkn brainwashed. Not. The more you know.
Give this a boost feel free to drop a comment. What an asshat
Almost all of these Twitter personalities are Israel assets.
I don't even know who tf this guy is