I had a strange dream last night and I thought I'd share:
I was in a living room with a bearded burly guy. I seemed to know him in the dream but upon waking, I realized I don't. He handed me a beer with no label. Stupid as it sounds, he asked me, "If you could go back in time and kill Hitler...would you?"
I answered, "I guess. But, I'm pretty old and in terrible physical condition. I doubt I could. It might be a better question for someone younger and could speak German."
He laughed and said, "Isn't about killing Hitler. But why would you kill him?"
"Because he was evil."
"Correct answer. Let's move on. You follow Q to some extent, right?"
"Some. I have read the posts and keep waiting like everyone else."
"Exactly. Most people are 'watching the movie' so to speak. Waiting for the happy ending. So you are the audience, right?"
"I guess."
"You have heard Musk say that we are living in a computer simulation being played out far in the future? That none of this is real, right?"
"What is a played computer simulation?"
"A video game."
"Sometimes multiple players and sometimes 2 players, right?"
"Let's say 2 players named GOOD & EVIL."
"So is this a God and Satan thing?"
"I don't know. You ever play a video game where you encounter a wizard in a cave? Or some checkpost left to give you needed info?"
"I know the concept from games my son's have played."
"I'm kinda like that. An AI with limited info."
"So, you aren't real."
"Are you?"
Dreams are funny. I didn't answer, but I got his point.
He went on..."Back to killing Hitler because he was evil...try to answer this - what would EVIL do if they could change the past? Let's not talk of time, it isn't real either - WHAT WOULD EVIL DO TO CHANGE THE GAME?" He actually screamed that in my face."
"I guess eliminate characters that were good and who mattered to a positive ending of the game?"
"So, if EVIL did that, would you agree that many methods would be used?"
"You are going to wake up soon. I want you to remember this last bit: The World Trade Center, abortion, disease, war, accidents, school shootings and many more including the trans movement change key points in the game as some important ideas never happen."
I woke up and decided to share...
Evil won WWII.
When I was coming of age I found a quote about ww2 "the allies won the battle, but fascism won the war."
It didn't make sense to me at the time but it stuck with me and I FULLY understand that quote now.
I wouldn't kill Hitler, I would Kill Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and Marx....
I would find a method to change Hitlers life into a successful Art Painter....
I would find a way to get something like 90%+ Pure Grain Alcohol into Winston Churchills hands in his Early years....
I'd find a way to stop Lincoln BEFORE he ran for President....
I'd Assassinate ALL of the Rothchild Family Members, absolutely ALL of them....
I would Warn the Romanov Family of the oncoming Bolshevic/Menshevic attack by a Year so they could properly Prepare for it....
There's a LOT that Could Be Done....
But it would change the entire Game soo much that we would not be here, at this point, right now, and the Necessary Awakening of the World Populace would be postponed for too long....
We would Not have Trump, MAGA, Massive numbers of Patriots, and might never get to that point, so, logically it would all be a gargantuan waste of time to go back to DO any of that....
We are exactly where we need to be, in the When....
I hope this makes sense to readers....
Bluntly, every thing that has happened, had to happen
Necessity is the mother of invention, without the need, many things we now require, wouldn’t exist
It's weird, Emperor of Russia was Nicholas II once described/addressed himself as "owner of Russia." They weren't an improvement really
And yet, much, Much, Much better than Communism....
God's plan.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18)
Make good sense to me.
Your dream sounds like a fairly good dream, like maybe your self-consciousness knows something more, but I have to put this out there. The question is this, was Hitler truly evil? If you say yes, keep digging. If you say no, keep digging. If you answer this question with another question, keep digging. The truth is there and it honestly would put 99% in the hospital because they would not be able to handle it. I will share this though, there is not one historical document that supports the biggest atrocity he is accused of however there is a ton of evidence that proves that WW2 was a complete lie and the propaganda machine was an easy push. Even my grandfather who fought that war believed the same thing as one of his generals believed, we were fighting the wrong side. If you don't know who said that, then you have to take this from Q. The Q post are there to cause an awakening to the truth. Don't settle for being told, research everything, trust nothing till you have dug into it. There is a reason why Trump was referred to by the left as being like Hitler and there is a reason why people currently refer to todays events as being like Weimar Germany. Hitler today is portrayed as an evil dictator that wanted to eliminate one group of people. It is a lie, I would suggest reading a few books that Henry Ford wrote. Maybe look into the findings of David Irving. Then dig around and watch a few of Hitler's speeches because they are pretty powerful. The same people who controlled so much then still control so much now and these are the true vermin we need to eliminate. History is always written by the victors, don't always trust the narrative.
99% would be hospitalized if they were told they weren't real - just fill-in for a video game. If not Hitler, some one else would have been "installed". Look at Assad the doctor and Zelenskyy the actor/comedian. Hitler was an art student. Finally, feeble Joe. Anyone can be a puppet.
Actually, although I come here 4-5 times a week, I don't think about it. I thought it strange I even had the dream. I can't think of anyone who even looks like the burley guy. No, I didn't drink the beer, either.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the 99% and there are only a few things I can think of.
1: something along the lines of Soylent green being real and everyone has technically been a cannibal
2: earth actually is hell/purgatory. If you look objectively there are moments of peace and beauty but honestly even if you have the best life possible there is tons of pain and sorrow and brutality and sadness.
3: religion as a whole is wrong. The majority of the world is religious but what if the truth is that all religions are sort of correct but no single religion is correct? so technically almost everyone in the worlds core beliefs including atheists are incorrect.
4: this kind of ties into 2 and 3: what if we literally are trapped in a prison planet where we die and reincarnate and repeat? And currently know one knows how to end the cycle? Not even Q.
I know this board will say “Q is Christian.” however what they fail to think about is if this actually was the case then Q wouldn’t publicly disclose the truth of religion or the world because it would damage the fabric of society.
Whatever it is has to be so shocking that it is less digestible than frazzledrip. Or another more positive option is that people on this board who are awake and open minded to almost any level of evil are the 1% and the 99% is everyone else who will never be able to fully accept or comprehend the evil.
MJ12 (https://files.catbox.moe/ja65mf.pdf) thinks its the reincarnation thing and you have to detox, meditate, use 3, 6 and 9 as well as CBD with some THC to connect with your greater consciousness, then you can transcend this realm.
Can I get some more context on this PDF?I've read the first 20 pages and it reads a lot like Q. Skeptical but curious about the context. This was a Twitter account and this PDF was a collection of questions and answers?
I got the same link from Lone Wulf here on GAW about a month ago, but I agree with your assessment. It looks like Q & A, sometimes just the A. Not Nobel prize level writers, but it's interesting enough for me to keep looking at it.
I wonder if the 1% key people know what is true and make the best of it? If everything is a computer simulation but you can bribe with power and money to the 1% and it feels real - what do they care?
I’ve wondered this exact thing. Some of the things you’ve mentioned have been some of the subjects I’ve heard before browsing /pol I’m gonna keep my faith in Christ to see me through whatever the outcome may be.
That was a lucid dream, and they are a bit different. I believe that truly was information being given to you. I wonder if it means that the cabal has no shortage of bad actors because they just keep bringing them in from the future to sabotage us. But at the same time, their evil is waking up the normies.
AND they'd probably get put on Remdesivir, so, we have to move cautiously!
"I can't think of anyone who even looks like the burley guy."
Maybe you do know this person but your mind sees this person differently than your eyes. I too analyze my dreams, think of his voice, his posture, how he carried himself, sometimes in my dreams I see those around me differently. It is almost like a child can perceive a regular person as a monster with fangs and claws because that person might have hurt them whereas we may just see a regular guy. The mind is funny that way. God bless and carry on fren.
He was a bit shorter than me. Maybe 5'9" cause we stood at the door when he let me in his home. He must have expected me as he had two beers and handed me one. I didn't drink any. He motioned to a couch where I sat down. Talk began immediately. I don't remember the voice only what he told me. I do remember him saying he was AI and like a checkpoint in the game. It was quick despite the amount of info. Maybe he sent it into my head since anything happens in dreams. I only shared here because of the oddness of the point of deliberately offing potential good people and his one mention of Q.
I referred to Jesus as 'my dream friend' for 2 years before I accepted who he truly was. He's quite tolerant that way :)
I will, because I always will, but I don't need to to elaborate sufficient for this discussion.
Hitler was just a front man. He didn't really do anything but be a front man. He was a Cabal agent, and as such he did a lot of very evil things.
Just because it is unlikely that "six million Jews were killed in gas chambers" doesn't mean there weren't a ton of other atrocities committed by him and other Nazis. One of the things the "holocaust" narrative does is hide the other evil shit. Because the evidence for it is weak, it also helps create a controlled opposition narrative where Hitler is some sort of hero, which itself helps to further hide the real actions of the Nazis and their real purpose. Both sides controlled by the same lie...
Yes it was. WWII was controlled, 100% on both sides by the exact same entity sitting at the top, pulling the strings of everyone. Like a game of chess, being played by one person.
One of the primary purposes of WWII (and WWI for that matter) was to push the Jews into Palestine to create the State of Israel to fulfil prophecy. Hitler was working for the Jews (or rather, a few very rich people who called themselves Jews). Hitler was nothing but the frontman for that endeavor. The rhetoric that he pushed about "the Jews" was mostly true, which is why it is easy to make people think:
The problem with that idea is that it wasn't "the Jews" that were doing those things that the Nazi propaganda machine was pushing, it was a few very rich people who called themselves Jews. It is an association fallacy. An intentional one, designed specifically to create an environment which would make any Jew living in Europe feel the need to leave. It is thus with this impetus, and economic and immigration policies put into place all across the world that helped facilitate a mass Jewish exodus from Europe to Palestine. Indeed, this endeavor pushed 3 million Jews into Palestine, something they had been trying to do for almost a hundred years prior to WWII. Hitler and the Nazis ensured the creation of the State of Israel in a thousand ways.
Oh, and btw, Hitler was a Jew (a quarter Jew). So were many of his generals and scientists and army, etc. There were top level Jewish Nazis all the way through the war. Some of these half Jews/quarter Jews remained Nazis all the way up until they moved to America under Operation Paperclip. Hell, some of them were even tried at the Nuremberg trials.
It may be a lie. It is impossible to know his real motivations for anything. He did what he was told to do by his handlers. But he absolutely pushed a ton of rhetoric to that effect. I suggest he didn't really want that to happen. Indeed, what he really wanted to happen was exactly what did happen (the creation of the State of Israel) but the rhetoric to that effect is everywhere in the primary sources.
I have. He, like the Nazi rhetoric, makes the exact same association fallacy. He blames "the Jews" when in fact it was a very, very small subset of them that were running the show. The rest of the Jews were victims of the few that sat at the top of that ethnic group. Just like American's are victims of their own "1%" (I suggest it is actually far less than 1%, but the number has meaning to most, so it is sufficient).
I agree. You should also read Mein Kampf, as well as other works by Goebbels and other top Nazis. There is a lot of good evidence to be found in there. They all make that same association fallacy in their rhetoric however, blaming the larger group for the ministrations of a handful of the most rich and powerful.
Yup. A small handful of people, not all of whom are of that specific ethnicity. They hide behind the larger group however, which encourages people to see the wrong enemy.
Meh, sorta. History is written by the publishers. The publishers just so happen to be the exact same people as "the victors," but the people that write history are automatically the victors, because they control both sides of each and every war for at least the past 250 years.
This post needs more than 5 updoots.
“Association Fallacy” needs to be understood. Good term for it.
I have read Eric Metaxas’s Bonhoeffer twice, which I think gives a really good perspective of what life under Hitler was like. Bonhoeffer and those with him were convinced that Hitler was pure evil. I tend to believe them.
Acts 2:17 “‘in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams”
If this is a computer simulation?"
"A video game." Who wrote the code & created this simulation & for what purpose? John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
I believe God created the universe but I also believe it is a digital system.
I don’t think life is a simulation. What a bad ideology. Let me explain:
If you believe that you are living in a simulation, life doesn’t matter and has no purpose, much like a video game. Literally no game does life or death truly matter. Having a loved one die, that’s real. You don’t get to load your last save point. You don’t get to come back in like CoD.
Man is appointed to die once before standing in front of God on judgment day, then to live with God, or to die an eternal death.
Meaning that this life has meaning and value as well as your life after this life. The reason this post getting traction is dumb to me, is because we promulgate the idea that Q people believe life is ultimately meaningless, and we are just living in a Matrix simulation. That Matrix simulation isn’t real, it’s merely an example of perceived reality. People are “plugged in” not plugged in. People “wake up” not wake up. People are “asleep” not asleep.
It's an iron-man save game. One life, no saves.
Not saying there are save points. Just digital vs analog. Double slit experiment and most of quantum mechanics leans toward a digital probabilities based universe.
Because God is logical and designed the universal principles upon himself. Logics boils down to 1’s and 0’s.
Cripes... Which mod stickied this?? I want to thank them. This is great.
I've had several dreams (including one recently when I was really down with the flu, oh man, that was something awful) where you meet someone and you know—you've met them before. I had a dream where I suddenly woke up in this rather nice room, there were cabinets and cupboards, and I didn't know where I was, so I started opening all the doors and looking in all the cabinets. So this reptile-skinned, blue-skinned woman angrily bangs on the door and there's someone there who's in charge who won't let her in but she's yelling, "What's he doing awake? He's making noise! We need him to STOP!"
Great dream, OP, thanks for sharing
Interesting dream. Silent majority is making noise.
Respectfully, I disagree. Conceptually, this is very dangerous on this board. It proposes at a base level that reality is not real, and that life as we know it is truly meaningless. In reality, people are “unplugged” not unplugged. People are “asleep” not asleep. People are “awake” not awake. These are key differences and shouldn’t be understated. It violates the precepts of the scriptures, at best, it’s unfounded nonsense, at worst, a tactic used by the devil to drive a wedge between us. I don’t mean the OP is of the devil. I just mean that we must test every spirit against the Scriptures to see if they hold true. This violates that. It also violates the basic principle of life, the founding of our country, and the forward direction of our movement. If reality isn’t real, why do we do anything of value? That’s a sincere question, not being a smart @$$.
Hebrews 9:27-28
[27] And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, [28] so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
Just because it might not be 'real' doesn't necessarily follow it can't have meaning.
I've had emotional experiences and memories gained from playing games. Not as intense as my waking life, but they're there.
I believe we are here to learn and to take that learning into the next realm. As a concept, simulation theory adheres quite closely to the concept of an after life.
Yet the simulation idea devalues life. Maybe not for you specifically, but with all ideologies, you must take them to their logical ends. Then you can see if they are good or not. My problem with the simulation idea is this, Watch anyone play a game, there isn’t a high value placed on life… even if iron man-ing fit. Because you can always start over after having learned things you don’t know the first time.
Don’t get me wrong. I love gaming and agree totally with your sentiment of real emotions felt from gaming, being drawn in to the story etc. but there’s always that distinction in which the human heart is trying to blur. It’s up to the head and soul to maintain distinction from the real and not real.
I've had dreams/visions that seemed more real than this crazy shit-show. Every day the devs come up with some new thing that's so ludicrous it has to be fake.
I don't think life is game, but I don't think it's the realist thing in existence either.
Simulation theory makes so much sense these days....
👀 Waaaay too linear and cogent to be “just a dream,” imo.
“You are going to wake up soon. I want you to remember this last bit…”
Curious as to your thots and overall understanding of the dream.
I'm 66 years old with breathing problems and pain. I'll go about my day as usual in my recliner. I thought it weird as although I follow Q and this page - I'm not overly into it. I hope for a happy ending but people die everyday that will never see the "end of the movie". Surely I'll be one of them. Also, I never EVER thought about EVIL getting rid of good people or their offspring before they could make a contribution to "society". When I woke, I thought of Terminator and John Conner. But I guess on a major scale. Who could the school shooting kids become? Who was in the towers on 9/11? Just to much to think about...so I posted it here.
Very interesting.
Evil would and did try to change the game (for the future). From the beginning of time, satan has tried to hurt God (by subverting His humans/creation), usurp His authority/throne and stop Jesus from being born.
Adam and Eve’s temptation and fall from grace. Evil angels polluting the human/animal/plant gene pool. Pharaoh killing the children. Putting Jesus on the cross…to name just a few.
And yet, satan is still trying. Smh. Satan knows he’s never going to win. He just wants to take as many as he can to hell with him…cuz that breaks God’s heart.
The ultimate redpill is that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is real. This is a digital simulation and reality is on the other side of the veil.
But I’d really love to see God kick some evil angel ass here on earth. .02
I’d say satan is looking for the loophole in God’s unchanging fate that was set when he fell. I think of that Loki tv show with the timelines and trying to shape the future, this is what satan is trying to do.
Although all that was left in my mind when I woke, the dream seemed a quick minute or so.
Damn! That’s an interesting dream. I like the flipping the question we always hear “Would you kill hitler” on its head. We’ve been trained to think in the negative- remove evil but what would you add to alter the past to effect the future in a positive way AND how does that translate into what we can do today. Also what would evil add & that’s what we can stop today.
It's a mind virus. Everyone's World is their own, often player characters cross paths.
It's up to you to keep the mind virus away. Ideas, can never be killed. Carry Jesus in your heart and obey the Lord. You will be fine.
Awesome retelling. I would try to seek out that person again before you fall asleep for a while and see if you can gain any further insight.
I knew the person in the dream only. Seemed like we were friends. He said he was AI and I haven't ever tinkered with that. Someone commented on if I could relate his voice to someone I knew but I don't remember hearing it despite him telling me things. I related himself to being like a checkpoint in a video game. He said the same of Q.
Well at least it was a beer in the dream, and not Kool-Aid. :-)
I have heard testimonies of people who have had experiences with ultra-advanced AI's... I wonder if that is what you experienced?
It is quite an interesting thought to think that events like 9/11 were designed to take out certain people and prevent certain ideas/connections/tech/etc from occurring in the future. Makes a ton of sense actually.
War........me too
In a dream I murderedsomeone
Running was hard
I went back to the scene of the crime and someone recognized my shirt, and I was caught.
I awoke feeling guilty I'd ruined my life...........
It took a moment to realize I didn't do the crime.
I interpreted it as don't murder people with my actions or words........be a life giver.
The garment gives you away, what do you wear, life or death, truth or error
I belive you gave an incorrect answer. If Hitler was not their in the 20s ans 30s the soviet style commies would have taken over germany....and all of Europe.
And allied with Russia no one would have been able to take it back. We maybe could have done it if we were willing to take many millions of casualties. But I doubt we would have.
Lots of people don't know that most people in Germany were socalist, they had a choice between a German national socalist or soviet style class war.
Lots call many NPC’s (none player characters) remember God knows how many hairs are on all His children’s hair and how many have been lost over the years too. We are all important.
Today decides tomorrow unless you are a reporter who rewrites history and gets it accepted by the allegiance of fake news. USA really needs to fix this asap.
Evil hides in the shadows and will offer up someone to take its fall for another round of deception. This world will always have evil. That is not being a doubter. It is realistic.
The question is if there is no Hitler — there would still be a Hitler.
Supply and demand is the same in many aspects of humanity. Trade agreements in dark places. Evil will barter to quell the sheep for a time.
Those who always see will always see. Not very many who see can do though.
I would not kill Hitler prematurely, because no one can be convicted of crimes they haven’t committed. Even if you had “special insight” from the future. That is like advocating for red flag laws. Hard pass. Instead. I’d desire to make it harder for Germany to fall into the trap of getting a Hitler. Also as we probably all agree here, he was a pawn (though I’m sure he didn’t thinks so of himself). If not him, there would be someone else. Man is naturally evil. There’s a plethora of evil around. This is why our founding fathers wrote of men were angels, there would be no need for government, if men were ruled by angels, etc. but men are ruled by men, we must put every road block in front of the path of power for those in power because they are inherently evil.
I wonder what would have happened if someone went back in time and told Hitler not to invade Russia in the middle of winter?
Meds, NOW!
If you ask me that seems so much more than a dream. But I am not one to remember my dreams and certainly not in that kind of detail
I also don't remember dreams in detail or dream very much at all. The part of elimination of good people has never occurred to me EVER.
I expected an MLK reference. kek Dream on!
Mods made me post stuff like this in general daily chat, is there some kind of rule why this gets stickied, and I was told to not post content like this outside daily discussion? Not sure I understand the mod rules here.
I too have had many relevant posts moved for no reason. Sorry they have done that to you...and me.
So these things happening in the news are all ways to "eliminate" good things from the conversation. Imagine what happens when we take over the news. Welcome to the great awakening.
WTF mods. Both are wrong. Stop letting us look like crazies.