You will own Nothing: Sony deletes people's purchased downloaded shows right from their PS5s! | YongYea
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This is why I have never bought one single digital movie, tv show, or song. It started with amazon deleting Orwell’s 1984 from people’s kindle readers.
You and me both. I always thought those poor souls that think they bought the movie or song and own it. I will never allow a 3rd party to have a kill switch on something I bought.
hdencode /
support the artists (music) directly by buying direct but not on itunes, if you can't take it with you, its not yours
Well I still have my copy so not sure if that is true.
Me, either!!
I hear ya and I do the same.
If buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing.
This is frame worthy.
Looks like theft to me.
<reads fine print>
Looks like legalized theft to me.
Yep it is legalized theft. It needs to stop. These big tech companies need to be brought down a few pegs. So if I buy a movie they can delete it anytime. That is theft. Pure and simple.
I don't care what their fine print says if the fine print is illegal then it is illegal and they should be sued.
Big tech probably owes the US public trillions due to their theft.
My prediction is that physical media makes a huge comeback.
Yep it should and it will if the elites stay out of the way. But they'll figure out a way to make it impossible. How they go about it I don't know, but I'm just that cynical these days.
This is just opening the door for Gamestop and its NFT Marketplace to show up with their solution
Power to the Players
The more things change, the more they stay the same. They've been doing shit like this for decades.
You want to know what Sony's really like? Look up Star Wars Galaxies / SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) / john smedley, and how they destroyed the existing game in 2005 with the CURB / NGE updates.
just one of many articles
This right here is some reasons "Piracy" exists.
I see it as conservation efforts for future generations.
Michael Jackson said Sony is evil.
They deleted Jess Ventura's Conspiracy Theory from people's DVR and never broadcast the show again.
It's available via torrent.
I know. The point is, the digital revolution is nothing more than a grab for power over us and that deletion from DVR's is just one example. In theme with OP
So Sony's going to refund those customers for the removed titles, right?
No, at least not as of this time, and I don't expect that to change.
The whiny, far lesser voice of Kiryu seemed to be blaming Sony. Sony did not own the content, Discovery did. It would be out of Sony's hands.
It's also why digital distribution focus is absolutely trash, because even if you buy it through a storefront it can be removed retroactively.
Sony has been woke, and that can't be ignored, but this is demonstrably on Discovery and they should not skate.
lol Yeah I get someone wanting to post the news but Yong is a soy drinking Redditor with TDS.
and what he did to the english dub of Kiryu was shameful, luckily I will never play it dubbed anyway.
stock market is virtual, silver paper is virtual, gold paper is virtual, movies in the cloud are virtual, music in the cloud is virtual... sure it is on a hard drive somewhere and inside a data center(s) but these companies signed the green new deal, and this is required to lower demand on power and such.
for the greater good of the darkness that is now seen as the light we need to erase what we need to.
all the paid shills on youtube and medias will justify it as they are required to as being for the greater good of the light. it will help with climate change for sure.
Stocks need to become NFTs. No more synthetic shorting trickery.
non-fungible token (nft)
it is a thing of marketing. for me i am always late to many things. those are one of them. i would still use cash if others would. I am not a leader nor am i a sheep. independently i would eventually go that route, but i have a hard time with virtual even though i have lived in telecom for decades.
if i saw a digital wallet next to another digital wallet i would look at both as a device that is the same.
if i saw a chest full of gold or silver and another chest full of copper, i would see value outside of the chest.
the hang up people have with physical gold/silver is they believe they are entitled to get full value of the gold/silver, but just as if one sells their stock, home, car, boat, or any other asset they will pay a percentage of the asset to sell it off.
if i was to sell a digital wallet or buy a digital wallet i can definitely see there could be value, but it is virtual. i can see it is capable of being fake just as silver and gold can also be fake. fake can also be hacked.
Who needs video games when we have a real life battle against the new world order? Thanks for reminding everyone, Sony.
I play video games on Xbox. Frankly I'm sick and tired of the better than thous saying grown men shouldn't play video games. I'm 50 and they can go F themselves.
What about golf, poker, spending money on going to NFL games ect? All grown men.
So sick and tired of how twisted society has become.
Per fight the NWO, not much we can do is speak out against it and frankly most people don't listen anyway.
Enjoy your games. There's no judgement by me. All I meant was that the ultimate game is the constant censorship, propaganda, and totalitarian bullshit being constantly thrown at us by government and corporate globohomos.
Did you watch the video?
It's not about games. It's about Discovery Channel shows purchased online via Sony Entertainment. Sony lost its contract with Discovery so users who purchased videos won't be able to access them anymore.
I think my kids and their friends should come groveling back to me. {They won't}
I told them years ago that paying solely to stream music or movies is throwing money out the window because when that company goes down the drain,or when publishing rights are switching hands , your library and playlists will disappear forever. You may even have to purchase them again for the right to listen or watch your own library.
Physical media all the way. {Or utilize the tech we have to just take whatever you want}
it's funny because today my PSN account was permanently banned with no explanation.
Well don’t buy nothing from them and make them file for bankruptcy. Do not buy from these evil people.