West Wing Construction: A New White House Bunker? - In 2010, tall fences went up outside the West Wing of the White House and a massive construction project was underway. Officially, the construction project was described as a much-needed infrastructure systems replacement. The massive scope of the project, described as a "sprawling, multistory structure whose underground assembly required truckloads of heavy-duty concrete and steel beams", led to many questions and conspiracy theories. Was this a new presidential command center housing its own massive communications data center? One official stated off the record "It is security-related construction."
There was some speculation that this temporary building housed a data center with communications equipment. The building was removed at some point during the West Wing construction project perhaps with its equipment relocated below ground.
Temporary Relocation of the Oval Office Postponed
Much of the West Wing of the White House, including the Oval Office, was going to be relocated to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door to allow for the installation of the wiring, elevators, and secret entrances to the new command center below them. Due to public curiosity and concerns over cost, the relocation plan was postponed until the next administration, which has unexpectedly worked out perfectly since incoming President-Elect Trump probably won't be spending much time in there anyways.
It is imperative that the President be able to safely evacuate to the command bunker below without having to leave the Oval Office. The existing trap door under the President's desk leading down to the Secret Service "Horsepower" command post in the basement of the West Wing will be modified to allow presidential passage directly to the new underground command bunker.
A second Oval Office will be built in the south end of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The Secret Service is working closely with the construction crews providing top secret security specifications for the windows, walls, and access points for the President's new workplace.
An assessment last year estimates that there are about 10,000 large-scale underground military facilities around the world that are intended to serve as subterranean cities, an Army source, who is not cleared to talk to the press, told Military.com.
The Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group -- an outfit often tasked with looking ahead to identify future threats -- told U.S. military leaders that special operations forces will not be able to deal with the subterranean problem alone and that large numbers of conventional forces must be trained and equipped to fight underground, the source said.
Stollen is the German word for tunnel, dumb, mine.
It is also the word for a Christmas Fruit Cake. But every time Trump mentions STOLLEN elections, I don't think of fruit cakes, which nevertheless are delicious, especially those from Dresden Germany!
A stollen is more of a sweet yeast bread with just a small amount of fruit. Sometimes they are filled with a marzipan center. Then they are dusted with powdered sugar.
Not as interesting as mine shaft comms, but much more delicious.
Wife just made four…she already ate one alone😂Can’t stand them myself. Sorta like Johnny Carson…they just get mailed from person to person during the holidays.
The stuff shipped overseas for US consumption is dry and stale with too many preservatives. Properly made Stollen is delicious!
Maybe your wife's baking is bad? Lol j/k, it's probably prime quality and you just don't like Stollen. I've ran into this before. I suggest:
Get a fresh loaf from your wife (or a local German bakery). Cut a couple of slices and warm them in the toaster oven for a minute or two. Serve with butter (or rum-butter!).
Ideally, pair it with an ice cold Paulaner Dunkel.
It makes for a delicious pre-noon snack for you and your pals after a cold morning spent fighting wolves and bears (or fishing, mowing the lawn, etc). With the dunkel its definitely a manly & non-girly way to enjoy those sweet treats while avoiding the Hans und Franz jokes from that 'one friend' in your group. You know, the guy who's always trying WAY too hard to prove how much more masculine he is than everyone else... But you all know better. 🤣👍
And if you don't like Stollen after that, that's fine. 😁
Do you really want to save the planet and reverse global warming? Start producing more fruit cakes.
Those things are so nutrient dense and high in calories, you could air drop a few thousands kilos of them into a starving country and not have to ship anymore humanitarian food aid for another 12-18 months. Think of the fuel savings!
And when Obama left the White House instead of leaving town he bought a house near by. Something tells me he has a tunnel system to the Whitehouse so he can go back and forth like a sneaky faggot. Oh…. And when Trump says fruitcake. He’s def talking about Obama. lol.
Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick's "personal banker"
What business was Global Crossing involved in?
Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.
What if the backdoor access was INTO the US Intel Community, not into Europe and Asia ?
God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too.
Think about it for a moment “ could you imagine if you weren’t TAX to death by the city, state, the Federal GOVERNMENTS “ the money that COULD of been in your pocket what you could of done with it instead of the GOVERNMENT PISSING all away.
Obama enlarged this tunnel system underneath the White House - Why?
(Chapter 2, page 19)
Interesting... but where does the word "stollen" come into it?
Stollen is the German word for tunnel, dumb, mine.
It is also the word for a Christmas Fruit Cake. But every time Trump mentions STOLLEN elections, I don't think of fruit cakes, which nevertheless are delicious, especially those from Dresden Germany!
Ah, I learn something new every day, thanks.
You are welcome - and me too!
Wow I've never met anyone who actually liked fruit cake
The same fruit cake has been circulating since 1883 :)
Wow, I didn't realize former senior Department of Energy official Sam Brinton had been around that long!
Obama has not be alive since 1883. Fact check: FALSE
Facts. It's probably made with 100% preservatives.
A stollen is more of a sweet yeast bread with just a small amount of fruit. Sometimes they are filled with a marzipan center. Then they are dusted with powdered sugar.
Not as interesting as mine shaft comms, but much more delicious.
So Obama? I hear his nickname for big Mike is “Marzipan”
Wife just made four…she already ate one alone😂Can’t stand them myself. Sorta like Johnny Carson…they just get mailed from person to person during the holidays.
The stuff shipped overseas for US consumption is dry and stale with too many preservatives. Properly made Stollen is delicious!
Maybe your wife's baking is bad? Lol j/k, it's probably prime quality and you just don't like Stollen. I've ran into this before. I suggest:
Get a fresh loaf from your wife (or a local German bakery). Cut a couple of slices and warm them in the toaster oven for a minute or two. Serve with butter (or rum-butter!).
Ideally, pair it with an ice cold Paulaner Dunkel.
It makes for a delicious pre-noon snack for you and your pals after a cold morning spent fighting wolves and bears (or fishing, mowing the lawn, etc). With the dunkel its definitely a manly & non-girly way to enjoy those sweet treats while avoiding the Hans und Franz jokes from that 'one friend' in your group. You know, the guy who's always trying WAY too hard to prove how much more masculine he is than everyone else... But you all know better. 🤣👍
And if you don't like Stollen after that, that's fine. 😁
So the tunnel is in the shape of a fruitcake…. Got it.
It's typically a horizontal passage to something like an underground mine.
terrific dig fren. all i saw was fruit cake too, i'm willing to bet they dropped the added meaning recently.
The Stollen thing (tunnels) is known to your German frens. We are deep diggers ;-)
Well it was an attempt at humor really.
You guys almost look like you could be twins!
Do you really want to save the planet and reverse global warming? Start producing more fruit cakes.
Those things are so nutrient dense and high in calories, you could air drop a few thousands kilos of them into a starving country and not have to ship anymore humanitarian food aid for another 12-18 months. Think of the fuel savings!
kek! I agree about the fruit cake, but I've had Stollen, and it's not as yucky.
And when Obama left the White House instead of leaving town he bought a house near by. Something tells me he has a tunnel system to the Whitehouse so he can go back and forth like a sneaky faggot. Oh…. And when Trump says fruitcake. He’s def talking about Obama. lol.
Don't call me a dumbmine
There it is. You beat me to it, lol
Stolle Substantiv, feminin (Kochen) fruit cake n seltener: stollenAE n (eaten at Christmas) ·fruit loaf n
*** Stollen Substantiv, maskulin ***tunnel n
cleat n
stud n
***seltener: gallery n ·
· fruit loaf n (Kochen) · mining gallery n · fruit cake n (Kochen) *** Stollen Substantiv, Plural studs pl
***seltener: tunnels pl · cleats pl · adits pl · drifts pl · ***mining galleries pl
Awesome post ee!! 👏
Global Crossing, The guy who's house blew up last week that was in charge of Global Crossing's Cyber Security? Hmm....
I believe you are on target fren...
Whuuuut?! Anyone know if he’s still alive?
Global Crossing
Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?
Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick's "personal banker"
What business was Global Crossing involved in?
Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.
What if the backdoor access was INTO the US Intel Community, not into Europe and Asia ?
We need to go over all of the 'stollen' Truths. See if something can be squeezed out of them?
How many do we have until now? How many 'stollen'?
I’m going to look when I get home from work. Im looking forward to it
Excellent dig!
ThQ, fren.
So the election was stolen in a stollen underneath the white house which Obumma built, as well as second oval office?
...yep, base of operations using Global Crossings
God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too.
Think about it for a moment “ could you imagine if you weren’t TAX to death by the city, state, the Federal GOVERNMENTS “ the money that COULD of been in your pocket what you could of done with it instead of the GOVERNMENT PISSING all away.
Anyone seen the videos on has tunnels. Imagine what these guys built. They must be massive and high tech. Who do they hire to operate them?
I have heard that the executive office building is full of super computers.