The Founding Fathers had more of a clue than we might think, take Thomas Jefferson for example:
A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.
Forbes has an excellent article on why the states should not have a Personal Income tax, but it makes even more sense for the Federal government, since state governments are closer to the people and can be influenced for good more easily than the distant Federal Government. The same arguments that apply to a state sales tax on non-essentials apply even more so at the Federal level.
The current Personal Income Tax System also creates winners, losers and cheaters:
As well as allowing for statists and Democrats (but I repeat myself!) to pull their power cards with audits on those who disagree with their policies. (Remember Lois Learner?):
Ron Paul was considered a radical for supporting an end to the Personal Income Tax- However, isn't the growth of government and the elimination of our rights reason enough to end it?
Taxation is theft. Income taxation is slavery.
Income tax and property tax are pure theft. Need a large figure to push the #national tax boycot. Then we will see the government go crazy and be forced to bend to our will. It's the only way. Cutting off the money is the only way. They think they can do whatever they want and that they can rob us with impunity. It must stop. Americans must draw the line.
Hmmm ..where could we find this large figure
It goes against the 10 commandments. Thou shall not steal. To impose income tax on a human being is to forcefully steal it from them.
Agreed, which was the point of the Jefferson quote,
Also, Ron Paul had this sign on his desk in Congress:
Don't Steal! The Government Hates Competition!
Which you can find at Cafe Press and make your own, T-Shirt Or Other..
How bout it never being properly ratified to begin with?
Taxation is just a massive transfer of wealth from 99% (the workers/Ants) to the 1% (The Elites/Grasshoppers) … Taxation is a violation of our Civil Liberties - It’s a violation of the Bill of Rights …. All taxes must be repealed - only fund legitimate Govt institutions -
Audit every Fed bureau; arrest the thieves … implement a consumption tax and tariffs on all imports… Make America Great Again!
Yes, one would think so. Yet, within this realm of justification we see utilitarian arguments.
For comparisson, see:
[..]The principle of legality is very important here since taxes can be considered a violation of property rights.[..]
So, what is the utilitarian argument? Under the threat of violence, based on the idea: by the grace of God, money is needed. As long as it is contained within a law = contract and that law has been agreed upon by the Sovereign and the representatives of the subjects, then all is well.
Point is that these taxes were limited in nature due to the agricultural nature of society back then. A rise of 1% was a direct and existential threat. Produce had to be divided between seed for the next year, feeding a population, regeneration of the population, defense and improvement of society. Public works were difficult to envision due to the nature of the economical system.
With the advent of fiat currency, this changed. Now the Sovereign could create a medium of exchange, demand to be paid taxes in that medium, which creates an artificial demand, and thus value, and slowly but surely, the sovereign could take by other means a larger portion of the wealth created by the production of the subjects.
There is a moral argument here: that of a social nature. Not willing to pay taxes is seemingly indicative of anti-social behavior.
Note here also, that protection is paid for.
Except, what this article fails to mention, is that the Dutch revolt was enhanced not by the issue of taxes per sé, but the general notion that ancient rights and privileges were violated by the Sovereign.
In other words, in international law, or even the rights of man, there is a point were taxes demanded become an existential threat. But however one looks at it, protection rackets always assume, that protection is something to be given by a third party: in this case the sovereign.
Freedom pre-supposes a state of autarkism, both on the personal level and on the community level, so from the ground up. Working together is key. But who are working together? And on what basis? It is based on the free exchange of goods and services, where each free man is responsible for security.
During the 17th century, the Dutch noted that there was a difference between a period with and without a high born lord on the international level. Why? Because those high born simply would not want to deal with commoners. The only thing that would force them to do so was: power.
This is exemplified in 1672, when King Charles II of England, King Louis XIV of France and the Bishop of Münster in secret agreed to invade the Dutch Republic to rob it blind. They needed money in the first place, to pay of their debts, and extinguish their debts, due to their lavish lifestyles. Basically, for not living within their means. Of course, they failed, but is was by the skin of their the Dutch teeth.
Subsequent years have shown that there are advantages to having the high born in place to represent the state, as it can prevent war on the one hand, but also there is a risk. To be drawn into war due to international agreements. This then created a league of neutral countries, heavily weaponized.
In the end analysis, taxes are basically a protection racket, disguised as an agreement between the one with the guns and the one without/less powerful. It is a pay-off based on an economical decision.
The problem is, that representatives cannot convey a right which they do not have. That is why representatives are chosen without legal limits. The only thing that would potentially limit a representative is a framework that limits their rights to make a law.
Yet, here again, we see utilitarian and even illogical and emotional arguments being leveled to broach the subject and transgress against the limits the Constitution says cannot be done.
The only way they can is through the levy of taxes.
The question is whether a representative should be able to bind his principals to a law which has not been agreed upon prior to that law, and that undermines the absolute right to property.
According to the Constitution, such things should be possible IF they conform to certain rules.
So, what may have been, in the past, words to describe limits that were workable, when changing the system of economical exchange, these words may become meaningless.
A standing army is dangerous to freedom. More dangerous is debt and the to debt connected usury.
Another thing to consider is that taxing the produce of labor and business requires a shift in thinking. When a town renders a service by organizing a market, and in order to conduct business on that market, a price is being exacted from the participants i.e. the sellers, that is one thing. It is dependent upon the choice of the individual, going into contract at that particular time and place.
In stead, now, we see that in order to be a laborer or even a seller, the market place has been extended beyond a confined small place in time and space. Now that market is abstract, 24/7/365 within the confines of a territorial idea spanning vast regions. From just a couple of meters to thousands of miles.
This means, there no longer is a choice, and hence, no longer freedom. And it not only encompasses the vendors, but also the buyers.
Currently, there is less and less considered tax-free. It creeps into everything. And not satisfied with what is already there, the evil elites want to go further. Taxing the very fact you exist.
In the "Oera-Linda bok", an amusing story is rendered about a man approaching the honorable mother for help because his house was destroyed. It turned out he had build that house by himself, next to a river, in so called hamrik-land, that is overflow land. And he did not build his house on a noll or terp. When asked why that was, the man responded he did not want to solicit the help of others because then he would be obliged to help as well. He was considered avaricious. And consequently, left to his own devices.
this story teaches that there is always a subtle relationship between individual freedom/autarkism and strength in numbers. The book itself reads like a story on how freedom was lost. Comparing it to today, the same ingredients can be found. But it also recounts ho it can be regained and re-instituted. Each and everyone of us is responsible for himself and towards his community to keep freedom around and not let it slip. (note that it puts on the stage the children of Frya ( free) the children of Finda ( loving the law, instituting many micromanaging laws, but breaking them just the same) and Lydas (no law at all, untrustworthy degenerate people). IT could be questioned whether these were actual people, or just a generic label for people living in a certain manner, an allegory?
As long as the forces of slavery are exerting a stronger force than those of freedom, slavery-laws remain enforced. Once it becomes not enforceable, that law is strikken from the books. To enforce slavery has become very advantageous and cheap. Once that turns around, and it becomes disadvantageous and expensive, the process of liberation sets in.
Hence, life and freedom are not separate but connected in such a way, that they are one and the same. It is incumbent on us to feel that on an existential level.
The Dutch "Act of Abjuration" of 1581 says: "to protect our natural freedom" is done with "heart and soul".
I think there is a plan to eliminate the federal income tax with Trump’s return. I think two of the pieces of the solution are an across the board tariff on all imports and a large cut in the federal government. Less people, less programs, and the near end of grants. Plus the military gets more for its dollar. The military pays contractors way too much in overhead and a large portion of the R&D money is spent foolishly.
The Boston Tea Party was caused by a slight tax on tea------something most people couldn't afford anyway----what would they say about the taxes we pay??? REVELUTION?
There should never have been that to start with. You work for the money and should keep every dime why should you pay the government to work.
Property taxes too you buy your house put your entire life into buying it but its never paid off because of taxes.
Eliminate taxes period. They claim taxes are for purposes but the purpose of taxes is for the corrupt.
personal income is optional. once you "opt-in" they have you. the key to never having to "pay in", is to never start.
To late now. Where were your words of wisdom when I was young and naive? Lol.
If they trick you into thinking that you lawfully have to pay, then they are frauds. Fraud vitiates all contracts. I expect these things to change radically when Trump becomes president again.
Tbe democrat Jefferson said. Ot to tax labor.
But it's the Republican fiscal conservatives that do this schitt.
if the government can print money, why do they need to tax us for it?
The federal reserve prints money
Well after the Fed is shut down, who is gonna do it then?
The treasury
How else are they going to pay for welfare and foreign aid?
News Flashes for Americans
Americans have never had "Federal Income" and therefore owe no Federal Income Taxes.
And further more:
Americans aren't U.S. Citizens nor are they "citizens of the United States". The only time that Americans act as "Citizens" is when they act as "State Citizens" in order to conduct international business for their State of the Union.
Americans live in nation-states and take their nationality from their State of the Union. They are Texans, Wisconsinites, New Yorkers, and so on.
Americans are Parties to the Constitutions, they don't stand under them. Our Federal Employees and their State-of-State franchise employees are the ones that stand under and are obligated to perform under the Constitutions.
Americans stand under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.
Americans live in physically defined States of the Union. They do not inhabit incorporated "states-of-states" that exist only on paper.
Americans have never owed mortgages.
Americans have never owed property taxes.
Americans are owed a National Credit equal to the U.S. National Debt, plus any and all interest they have been charged in error on the U.S. National Debt.
Americans live in a country, not a nation.
Americans are part of a nation defined as the population of their State of the Union.
Americans are owed respect of all their Constitutional Guarantees from all their public employees and foreign contractors.
Americans are not subject to unlawful arrest or bills of attainder.
Americans are not subject to censorship.
Americans have freedom of conscience, belief, and religion.
Americans are owed protection of their "persons" in every jurisdiction -- Lawful Persons on the land, Legal Persons on the sea, LEGAL PERSONS in the jurisdiction of the air -- any and all "persons" in any jurisdiction, anywhere.
Americans have complete co-contemporaneous general jurisdiction over everything that takes place in this country, on the land, on the sea, and in the air.
American courts stand over all foreign courts of special and limited jurisdiction, meaning courts of Maritime Commerce and Admiralty and the Administrative tribunals of individual corporations.
American courts can judge not only the facts of a case, but judge the law under which a case is tried, and if our juries find that a piece of legislation is vague, unfair, or otherwise inappropriate, we can nullify the law that a case is brought under.
Americans are owed an absolutely huge amount of money and restitution for all the mortgages, taxes, fees, tariffs, and interest that they have been charged, but never owed.
Americans are owed an equally massive amount as restitution for illegal confiscation of their assets and physical property, silver, gold, land, labor, and interest in businesses seized under false presumptions.
Americans are owed good faith service from every public employee, elected and appointed and hired to perform, whether those employees are hired under the auspices of a foreign for-profit corporation in the business of providing government services or not.
Americans are not subjects of the British Monarch nor the Pope.
Americans are not subject to any Public Policies, mandates, or acts of legislation promoted by any commercial or municipal corporation for its officers and employees.
Americans may be subject to only about eight percent of all Federal Code, which must be published in the Congressional Record to have any effect.
Americans are only subject to properly published Federal Code if and when those
Americans engage in federally regulated activities or voluntarily enter verifiably ceded Federal facilities and enclaves.
Americans have their own Capitol established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and their own Congress which is known as The Continental Congress.
Americans established a special foreign district, known as the District of Columbia, and a foreign Federal Capitol in the District of Columbia, the City of Washington, DC, to expedite the operations of their Federal Subcontractors.
Americans call the contiguous national soil jurisdiction owed to all their member States by the common name: The United States, when referring to this country.
Americans call the contiguous land and sea jurisdiction owed to all their member States by the common name: The United States of America, when operating in international jurisdiction.
Americans have never incorporated The United States nor The United States of America.
Americans do not own the foreign incorporated entities that have been infringing on their Good Names, copyrights and trademarks and otherwise operating as the United States, Incorporated, or the United States of America, Incorporated, or the US Corp, Incorporated, or the U.S. Corp, Incorporated, or the USA, Incorporated, or any other version of incorporated entity seeking to represent and impersonate our country and our lawful government, so as to steal our identity and gain access to our credit and assets.
Americans realize that they have been grossly defrauded, misrepresented, misled, and left without disclosure by their Federal Employees for more than 150 years.
Americans realize that these same Federal Employees have also been misled by the foreign Principals responsible for their operations.
Americans don't have and don't use political parties to screen candidates for their Public Offices.
Americans don't vote in private corporate shareholder elections sponsored by the US, Inc., USA, Inc., or any other foreign corporation.
Americans don't voluntarily register their babies, their cars, their trucks, or anything else of value for the benefit of any foreign government or corporation; all such coerced and undisclosed registrations stand void for fraud.
Americans are not subject to marriage licensing, driver licensing, or professional licensing of any kind.
Americans are indemnified, not insured.
Americans can conduct any business they choose to conduct by issuing a Disclaimer and setting their terms of service; the only exceptions are interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco and firearms as strictly defined.
Americans operating as unincorporated businesses are not subject to regulation under the interstate commerce clause of any Federal Constitution.
Americans entering the District of Columbia are aware that they are entering a foreign domain subject to Federal Law and Territorial Code.
Americans entering the Municipality of Washington, DC, are aware that they are entering a self-declared independent international city-state operating under its own Municipal Code.
Americans are aware that the Law of the Land applies unilaterally in all locations not specifically and consciously ceded by the States for Federal use.
Americans are aware that their American Government was largely dormant and mostly vacated from 1860 to 1998, and that during this time the Federal Subcontractors ran rampant and roughshod over Americans and American property rights.
Americans are aware that the Federal Subcontractors reorganized as incorporated entities, US, Inc., USA, Inc., etc., and pulled numerous fraud schemes in Breach of Trust against their American Employers, racking up huge debts, and then committing bankruptcy fraud to offload these debts onto the American Public.
Americans are aware that the Federal Reserve loans money to the Federal Subcontractors and is not a part of the American Government nor the Federal Government.
Americans are aware that all the so-called Federal Agencies are hired subcontractors of their own Federal Subcontractors, such that Federal Agencies do not necessarily recognize the fact that the Americans are ultimately their employers.
Americans realize that this leads to Federal Agencies being loyal to the Federal Subcontractors instead of being loyal to the American States and People, even though these same Americans pay for their services as well as the services of their Employers.
Americans are fed up with the usurpation, obfuscation, impersonation, doubledealing, breach of trust, fraud, and violation of service contracts that these incorporated Federal Service providers have promoted.
Americans have awakened and are assembling their State Governments and bringing them into full Session for the first time in many decades.
By Anna Von Reitz
To be penalized on working (making an income) in itself is illogical of a government that wants its citizens to be productive.
None of you here (except the fbi agents) are employees, you don’t have an employer and you don’t work for a business or trade.
USC 26, read their definitions.
IMO ---- the biggest reason is the cost penalty for international trade.
It rigs the system in favor of the importing globalists ---- to the demise of the US middle class.
All of that + there is no law
The people who work at the IRS are truly stupid. Either that or we are being targeted for harassment.
We filed by mail for 2022. They lost our return all though my husband had a return receipt that it was delivered to them before the deadline. Somehow they still had cashed our check for the taxes we owed in spite of losing our return.
All of this got triggered by an initial letter. They said I didn’t pay any taxes nor file on the monies I earned separately for working my county polls. I’m retired and it was my only income for the year except for social security. My husband had to call them back to tell them we filed jointly. That’s when they told him they had no record of our joint return.
My hubby had to resend it all by mail with the exception of another check. Fax wasn’t good enough. But he told them he was post dating the return bc he didn’t want to pay any penalties as he had already filed before the deadline. He sent them a copy of the return receipt with our tax return.
So after they got our return they sent back another letter stating we owed them more tax money. My husband went through the return and said he couldn’t find where he went wrong. He even had to call the people at Turbo tax to see if they could find where he went wrong. They couldn’t see any error in it either. They went through each line together of his return. Then he called the IRS and asked them where the problem occurred. Neither he nor TurboTax people could find an error. So they finally sent him a copy of their data they had copied into a computer. Apparently one of their employees failed to carry over a qualified dividend into a separate column. So they had taxed us at the higher rate instead of a rate of 15% for those dividends That was their error and why they said we owed them more money. So whoever copied the data into their report failed to carry over those numbers. Their mistake but we are responsible to spend all our time trying to rectify their error!
The onus always lies on the taxpayer!
My husband called them back on the phone again with them to confirm the problem he discovered. They told him he needed to write up a description of the problem he found and remit all the info to them once again by mail for them to review
In the meantime we get another letter from the IRS on Friday telling us they were aware we were agreeing to pay what we owed. That was not at all what my husband agreed to! When he tried to call them after he got their letter it was almost closing and no one got back to him. Now he has to wait until tomorrow to call back.
His response to me each time is that Hunter paid no taxes on the millions of dollars he made yet we who don’t even have enough deductions to file but a single page get picked on for a measly few hundred dollars. All their mistake!
I bet many people would have just paid the extra money to them without even checking to see where they went wrong.
As much as income and property taxes are evil (i.e. they support power, greed, slavery, etc), an even greater evil is government unions. They don't represent "we the people", and of course they are going to promote and push for higher taxes, new taxes, more taxes - all the things they benefit from.
It should be eliminated because it's unconstitutional.
Agreed- unless one thinks the 16th Amendment was legit applied to all, which I considered a possible but flawed argument.