A White Hat playing a Black Hat pretending to be a White Hat! I wouldn't put it past Q to play this game that deep. Moves and counter moves! The man is spitting fire ball of Truth, something few Deep State agents can do with such in such an earnest manner.
Yeah He spits fire and obviously overpowers the RINOs. I don't see how Vivek is a bad guy in this. He's only bolstering Trump and making himself an excellent VP nominee. He's never going to poll high enough to threaten Trump, but he will eviscerate the RINOs on the debate stage and ensure Trump has no issues with the RNC since they sure as heck won't be going for Vivek.
The other day my BIL called and asked if his wife was planning a surprise birthday party for him. Do you know what I did? I lied, and told him I had no knowledge of such. Do you not realize this plan wasn't just concocted a few years ago? We don't have to "predict" who is who right now. I am just grateful that somebody is getting real air time that is telling people about things like 9/11. Is anyone else doing that?
He's not saying shit about 9/11 he's blaming the Saudis not the CIA and Trump cleaned up Saudi Arabia already.
As soon as Trump did that and the Saudi Arabian purge happened they became evil overnight in the MSM and the Khasoggi thing happened. During the Bush years SA was a darling of the MSM because they were in bed with the cabal. As soon as Trump cleans up SA or as Q said "removed one side of the pyramid" they became public enemy #1 and Vivek's comments are only helping that.
Mossad and the CIA are responsible for 9/11 not Saudi Arabia, WE demolished the trade centers not SA. Vivek will never draw attention to that.
All the never Trumpers are turning out for Vivek and he is redpilling a lot of them. He will never be the nominee I HOPE because we know his past. I don't know if he is being forced by White Hats or if he is trying to ride Trump's coat tails!
Whatever he may truly be, he is throwing huge shit pies in the faces of the establishment, on the world stage. And doing it with enthusiasm. Let's keep him around, for now. Perhaps the WHs made him an offer he can't refuse.
Around the :17 second mark he does a "heh". It's reminiscent of black preachers. He's been watching them to learn how to pump up a crowd. Listen to the crowd.
Guy’s a obummer Trojan horse
Perhaps he is a White Hat triple agent!
A White Hat playing a Black Hat pretending to be a White Hat! I wouldn't put it past Q to play this game that deep. Moves and counter moves! The man is spitting fire ball of Truth, something few Deep State agents can do with such in such an earnest manner.
Yeah He spits fire and obviously overpowers the RINOs. I don't see how Vivek is a bad guy in this. He's only bolstering Trump and making himself an excellent VP nominee. He's never going to poll high enough to threaten Trump, but he will eviscerate the RINOs on the debate stage and ensure Trump has no issues with the RNC since they sure as heck won't be going for Vivek.
He lifts Obama campaign quotes and said in his book that it was a "dark day for democracy" when Trump refused to concede and questioned the election.
He's a rat. He's like a gold digger flirting with you and you're falling for it. He wants what Trump has, our support. But he's a cheap salesman
Logic and scrutiny have gone straight out of the window with vivek on this board for some reason
Same thing the rino's said about Trump, and the normies repeated.
He wants to get the US back into the TPP.
He shits on Trump in his book.
He uses Obama quotes word for word.
He's utterly unconvincing when he speaks using obvious political tone and cadence.
He got rich off pharma
He has never voted in a presidential election by his own admission
He's a pencil necked plant and it's fucking obvious man
The other day my BIL called and asked if his wife was planning a surprise birthday party for him. Do you know what I did? I lied, and told him I had no knowledge of such. Do you not realize this plan wasn't just concocted a few years ago? We don't have to "predict" who is who right now. I am just grateful that somebody is getting real air time that is telling people about things like 9/11. Is anyone else doing that?
He's not saying shit about 9/11 he's blaming the Saudis not the CIA and Trump cleaned up Saudi Arabia already.
As soon as Trump did that and the Saudi Arabian purge happened they became evil overnight in the MSM and the Khasoggi thing happened. During the Bush years SA was a darling of the MSM because they were in bed with the cabal. As soon as Trump cleans up SA or as Q said "removed one side of the pyramid" they became public enemy #1 and Vivek's comments are only helping that.
Mossad and the CIA are responsible for 9/11 not Saudi Arabia, WE demolished the trade centers not SA. Vivek will never draw attention to that.
Like all other RINOs, put out what people want to hear to get elected then once in change the tune. If you look up Obama and Vivek side by side he plagerized and spews the same message as Obama. Support: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rmXYTmFy/vivek-obama-barrack-ramasway/
Go your theory times two more switchbacks and we’re at 5D chess, I believe.
Bingo....said with eyes crossed.
Trojan horse theory only works if he's elected.
0.0% chance of that happening.
Enjoy the redpills from wherever they come.
At least Vivek isn't afraid of breakfast.
Chris Crispy is not afraid of breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert all day long.
And all the snacks too🤣
"Ramaswampy will always be Ramaswampy" -- Yoda
I’m skeptical of Vivek, but Trump hasn’t squashed him verbally… yet. He is a gray hat for sure.
Well said.
Stop giving this dude attention, swamp creature is gonna swamp
Only saying what many of us feel if we are unfortunate enough to hear anything Van jJones says.
Elon made it okay, Vivek is copying it for the likes. Dude is a manchurian candidate just like Obama.
Great sound bite. Not a great background. I’ll pass.
I definitely won’t vote for him but I’m beginning to think he is playing a part waking up and red pilling people.
Watch this video and understand who Vivek really is:
Exposing a Multibillion Dollar FRAUD | Ft. Vivek Ramaswamy for President.
All the never Trumpers are turning out for Vivek and he is redpilling a lot of them. He will never be the nominee I HOPE because we know his past. I don't know if he is being forced by White Hats or if he is trying to ride Trump's coat tails!
I agree, but he is still a wef faggot
Both Reagan and Trump started out as Democrats. People can change for the better.
Whatever he may truly be, he is throwing huge shit pies in the faces of the establishment, on the world stage. And doing it with enthusiasm. Let's keep him around, for now. Perhaps the WHs made him an offer he can't refuse.
Around the :17 second mark he does a "heh". It's reminiscent of black preachers. He's been watching them to learn how to pump up a crowd. Listen to the crowd.
Oh he’s so cool because he says everything you want to hear but his past says he is a sleeper.
Keep posting all this stuff trying to make him look popular.
I would say that was a crass move. It’s the same type of thing everything complains about Trump, his language or belittling of someone else.
While Trump usually is highlighting something for people to dig into, Ramaswampy is being groomed what to say and when to say it.
Anyone running against Trump, at this point, isn't acting in the American people's best interests
Looks good for a human puppet.
He just lost me.
Classless fake.
How has that classy Puritan high road working out? Even Trump knows you have to drop a tactical f-bomb on these people time to time.