Best gift was us finally having enough money to get my wife's eyes fixed. She had been legally blind from cataracts for a good while. Now she sees absolutely perfect.
OK I'll bite. I got nothing, asked for nothing, but still got basically the best thing ever. My wife has been estranged from her family ever since Covid hit. They wouldn't even talk to her over her stance not to get the shot. So they reached out to her and that's where she's been all day. She texted me that she's having such a blessed time that she promises to "be mine all day" on New Year's lol so how can a guy refuse that. I've had her to myself the last three christmases and I know how important this is to her. God is good and I can't wait for her report tomorrow morning. She's a breakfast champion (good cook) so I'll get the lowdown tomorrow around noon.
Meanwhile me I'm over at my buddy's house, he's home-building an airplane and we've been drinking beer and "doping" the fabric. We dry it under box fans and then reapply. Lots of time to drink and chill
Oh, schwing, nice, frog! What homebuilt are you working on? Friend of mine built a Zenith STOL but I haven't seen it completed or flying, just in the shop.
Catsfive, the STOL would be perfect for the farm but nothing so great. It's a Szaraz SDS that has actually been built before by my friend's grandfather. He was a Vietnam vet who flew recon and loved just hanging out in the air for hours. After he passed it passed to my buddy who cleared out the shop and dug it out. The fabric was mostly (? lots of patches, parts like rudders and ailerons need touching up) gone due to mice and the usual barn rot but everything else we were able to refurb. The engine was already removed long ago by granddad intended for rebuild so he just shipped it out and it's on its way back beginning around Feb we think. I'm a welder and the Daphne is actually made of welded steel tubing which survived pretty good. I'm basically drinking beers and doping with a brush, but my buddy located this old retired restoration expert from a club and the plywood spars that didn't pass inspection I think they're getting redone from this new type of synthetic plywood. It'll be cool to see this thing in the air again. Merry Christmas!
Hey!!! Merry Christmas to you too!!! I was just telling Mary about all my recent doings. Been helping people with alternative cancer cures which takes tons of my time. Hit a deer and totaled my Expedition now own a used F-150 just the process of Insurance and finding a replacement vehicle what a hassle!! But I’m happy. Well, sorta…been fighting depression mainly due to being so far from my children but am active in my Church so I’ve made a lot of friends there. I do stay busy. I hope you’re well Leah and I really PRAY 2024 is survivable!!!
I dwelt on the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and had the opportunity to talk about this precious gift with those I have been in contact with.
I received the gift of peace and contentment. And a box of sees candy which I haven’t had in years. I also was able to spend the day with my mother. She made a ham dinner with cloves and marmalade on the ham - just like my dad used to make. With sweet potatoes, corn, and stuffing. I am grateful for all of the many blessings I have received this year.
The Mrs and I were not blessed with children. We got to spend Christmas with family and watch two grand nieces enjoy the day. The wife and I got to give the girls a gift that was the favorite from her childhood an easy bake oven. The grand nieces made one of the deserts. Seeing this and the pleasure my wife had from it filled my heart. We sang 'Happy Birthday" to Jesus. These girls are being raised right.
SO FUNNY my sister and I were talking about how much we loved the Easy Bake Oven!! and how her niece (her husband's side) lost her mind when she got one from her Aunt (my sister). They stand the test of time for sure.
I received an amazing painting from one of my teen daughters (one of our adopted kiddos)--she copied an old pic of us from her foster care days. The medium is makeup! She's crazy talented.
Spent early Christmas with my sister and her family. Gave them a “family” gift of a donation to Seconhand Hounds Rescue as they all have rescue dogs and love them like children……some had to be put down through the years. None of them could finish reading the beautiful thank you letter from the Rescue. Tears all over the place. Made me so happy when they all applauded!
Christmas Day was at my home with my little family. We all miss my husband and youngest grandson who both died within the last two years but we celebrated the Lord’s day knowing they were with us in spirit. THAT was the best gift of all.
Got a "Biden the quicker fucker upper shirt" My daughter gave it to me. The best gifts I gave were customized shirts to my kids (one loves chickens "I speak fowl language" on it w a pic of a chicken. And a dungeons and dragons shirt w a pic of a 20 sided dice and a dragon flying out of a book). Feeling super grateful, and I can't wait to hear what the rest of u frogs got, and Merry Christmas to all of u. This site has brought me closer to all of you and for that I am super grateful too.
Gave my niece's family some killer fireworks for New Year's camping in the desert with their church group. They have 5 children and Senior Pastor is a huge kid at heart and is gonna love it! Hubby's BFF gave us a gift cert to fancy market that we used to buy fancy steaks for my 83 year old shut in parents. 'Tis better to give than receive!! Merry Christmas and God Bless Frens!
They make 2K dashcams that record constantly. You don't need super high quality, just enough for evidence in an accident. Cops don't investigate anymore.
Which version? If it's below a GoPro 8 it'll send a crazy amount of HQ data. If you intend to use the GoPro to be recording constantly be sure to get an SDXC built specifically for constant writes.
My Mom made prime rib and she did a perfect job of it. I made the mashed potatoes with garlic and two sticks of organic butter (grew the potatoes myself, these were part of our garden potato haul). Cooked a pound of cut up Jones cherrywood smoked bacon to go with the mashed potatoes along with sour cream, grated cheese, and scallions. I also made brussel sprouts quartered and braised in bacon grease with Montreal seasoning on them. And mushrooms in butter to go with the prime rib. There were six of us there--my husband, brother, mother, my brother's girlfriend, and a friend of my Mom's who has no family around this Christmas. She's based and like family to us. All six are awake and we spent dinner talking about the people we know who are also awake, silver, what's going to happen to the dollar, and what we're expecting to see happen in 2024.
It was lovely. May God in Heaven and his son, Jesus, bless you all today and every day, frens. Merry Christmas! :)
I gave more than I rec'd, but this year I did ask my boys for money - since losing my husband in July 22, I really want to get my hair dyed- its been the same since I was 17 (41 years ago lol) and I want a change to help move forward with life after so many changes. I am very thankful that they gave it to me 🥰 I also got to spend a lot of time with my grandbabies - thats always a gift.
Bless you frog, it was brave of you to find the courage to ask that. I hope your boys stepped up. Go get pretty and look yourself in the mirror and give yourself a smile. You deserve it.
Gave GameStop gift cards. They will thank me when the economy collapses due SHFs going bankrupt, banks going bankrupt, wall street going bankrupt, financial chaos etc. It's the best gift I could give.
I got exactly what I asked for. A blanket and fuzzy socks, while my uncle ( only living relative) gave each of his 2 kids $500 a piece. I thanked him and gave him a kiss in the cheek. Because that blanket and those socks will be with me longer than that money will his kids! Love means more than money! Other than that... I spent Christmas alone as I have little to no family. Worked Christmas eve. Blessed.
Every year, I make homemade bird suet out of meat fats that I save all year, and high quality seeds that I buy with my bonuses. Also, I purchass high quality corn and peanuts and feed for the deer and squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks, woodchuck, crows, etc... My husband and I spend the Christmas days feeding the wildlife around our little oasis in the woods and watching them come in to graze and relax. We love this tradition!
I have the most important gift of all: my salvation, that k to the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Second to that, i have the good health of my family. Just that alone I have all that I could ask for, yes the Lord blesses me with more. I give God all the glory, honor and praise! Every good gift comes from Him
My boyfriend always buys me practical gifts that he sees I need around my house. First year was a shovel. One of those long shovels that push like a plow. I was thrilled, because it made my job easier.
Next Christmas he bought me a stihl gas blower. Again, I was thrilled. Blow off my driveway and sidewalk after every mow.
Following year was a stihl weed whacker.
This year, I decided to buy him practical. He has these old Cornell dishes at his house. So I bought him some beautiful stoneware French country dishes for his house. 8 piece set with mugs, bowls, and salad plates.
He stared at me when he opened them. I said “aren’t they beautiful?!” He shrugged his shoulders. I said “you always buy me things that are practical and what I can use and enjoy. So I decided to practice being practical when I buy for you. He didn’t say a word. 😁
This year was rubber flooring for my downstairs gym. It’s wonderful, and I can do jumping jacks and have a little bounce! But I can’t lay my weights on the flooring because it will indent the rubber.
My sister and her boyfriend came by for a little bit but had to go because he wasn't feeling well. Then I was supposed to have dinner with my dad but he also was not feeling well. So I've just been sitting alone listening to Theory of a Deadman.
Gave my newborn niece a nice gold eagle instead of a worthless fiat savings bond for her future. And got a brand new chainsaw! (Husqvarna 562) ill be sawing firewood like a boss now!
Hell yeah, the Huskies hold up really well. Not sure if you live somewhere cold but get some cut-proof saw pants. Hands get cold out side bringing in firewood. Nice work.
My youngest daughter, who has been getting into reading the Bible, got tickets for she, I and her 14 year old son to the Museum of the Bible. But the truly best part about that gift was she said she wanted her son to know more about it.
It’s a new Museum in DC. “ Through interactive exhibits and cutting-edge technology, we bring guests an immersive, personal experience with the impact, narrative, and history of the Bible. ”
More time to spend with my dad, he's 92. I asked him what he wanted me to cook, he requested Tuscan soup, garlic bread, and coconut cream pie. It was so good and we enjoyed the day.
I’ve been alienated from my daughter since she was little and have had no choice but to spend the last decade apart from her, depressed to no end, but still holding on to hope, praying that God would bring her home to me someday. Fast forward to now - she graduates this year and was able to spend Christmas with me for the first time since she was little! It’s a long story on how it came to be; years of physical and emotional abuse from her mother, culminating in a Protection From Abuse hearing thanks to my daughter’s bravery.. but here she is now, smiling, still as sweet and
sensitive of a person as I have prayed for so many long years that she would continue to be, telling me she loves and missed me and never wants to be apart from me again. Said today was the best Christmas she’s ever had. This old war veteran may have shed a tear today. What an amazing time of healing. An absolute miracle and the greatest blessing the Father could have given me for Christmas (besides sending his only son!).
Best gift was us finally having enough money to get my wife's eyes fixed. She had been legally blind from cataracts for a good while. Now she sees absolutely perfect.
The gift of sight! How miraculous! 🙏🙌💕
Oh seriously that's phenomenal. God bless you, that's great!
Been there. What a blessing!
Oh how wonderful! Sight restored, a wonderful gift. ❤️🙏🏻🎄
OK I'll bite. I got nothing, asked for nothing, but still got basically the best thing ever. My wife has been estranged from her family ever since Covid hit. They wouldn't even talk to her over her stance not to get the shot. So they reached out to her and that's where she's been all day. She texted me that she's having such a blessed time that she promises to "be mine all day" on New Year's lol so how can a guy refuse that. I've had her to myself the last three christmases and I know how important this is to her. God is good and I can't wait for her report tomorrow morning. She's a breakfast champion (good cook) so I'll get the lowdown tomorrow around noon.
Meanwhile me I'm over at my buddy's house, he's home-building an airplane and we've been drinking beer and "doping" the fabric. We dry it under box fans and then reapply. Lots of time to drink and chill
Merry Christmas, frogs!
This sounds the best so far. What a great gift! Sounds like you have a keeper.
This is phenomenal!
Oh, schwing, nice, frog! What homebuilt are you working on? Friend of mine built a Zenith STOL but I haven't seen it completed or flying, just in the shop.
Catsfive, the STOL would be perfect for the farm but nothing so great. It's a Szaraz SDS that has actually been built before by my friend's grandfather. He was a Vietnam vet who flew recon and loved just hanging out in the air for hours. After he passed it passed to my buddy who cleared out the shop and dug it out. The fabric was mostly (? lots of patches, parts like rudders and ailerons need touching up) gone due to mice and the usual barn rot but everything else we were able to refurb. The engine was already removed long ago by granddad intended for rebuild so he just shipped it out and it's on its way back beginning around Feb we think. I'm a welder and the Daphne is actually made of welded steel tubing which survived pretty good. I'm basically drinking beers and doping with a brush, but my buddy located this old retired restoration expert from a club and the plywood spars that didn't pass inspection I think they're getting redone from this new type of synthetic plywood. It'll be cool to see this thing in the air again. Merry Christmas!
Sounds like you got everything, my good sir!
Dope and fabric, truly a retro A&P project. Nice!! 😎🙌🏼
Merry Christmas dear fren!!🙏💕
Hey!!! Merry Christmas to you too!!! I was just telling Mary about all my recent doings. Been helping people with alternative cancer cures which takes tons of my time. Hit a deer and totaled my Expedition now own a used F-150 just the process of Insurance and finding a replacement vehicle what a hassle!! But I’m happy. Well, sorta…been fighting depression mainly due to being so far from my children but am active in my Church so I’ve made a lot of friends there. I do stay busy. I hope you’re well Leah and I really PRAY 2024 is survivable!!! Love, Pete
I dwelt on the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and had the opportunity to talk about this precious gift with those I have been in contact with.
Username checks out
i mean its also just literally the whole purpose of the holiday
I received the gift of peace and contentment. And a box of sees candy which I haven’t had in years. I also was able to spend the day with my mother. She made a ham dinner with cloves and marmalade on the ham - just like my dad used to make. With sweet potatoes, corn, and stuffing. I am grateful for all of the many blessings I have received this year.
Oh yeah, I know you like Vietnamese food just like RTT!
Merry Christmas RTT - wherever you are!
Decent taffy
Amen. Hometown comfort blessings.
The Mrs and I were not blessed with children. We got to spend Christmas with family and watch two grand nieces enjoy the day. The wife and I got to give the girls a gift that was the favorite from her childhood an easy bake oven. The grand nieces made one of the deserts. Seeing this and the pleasure my wife had from it filled my heart. We sang 'Happy Birthday" to Jesus. These girls are being raised right.
SO FUNNY my sister and I were talking about how much we loved the Easy Bake Oven!! and how her niece (her husband's side) lost her mind when she got one from her Aunt (my sister). They stand the test of time for sure.
In the New Kingdom you will have children :) how awesome is that?
You could also have a black mamba as a pet. Eyes on the prize fren :)
I received an amazing painting from one of my teen daughters (one of our adopted kiddos)--she copied an old pic of us from her foster care days. The medium is makeup! She's crazy talented.
Look up PanPastels...
Get her the fullset, if she can do art with makeup she can do even better art with panpastels
Got ammo. Gave silver.
I didn't get a single present this year, and I'm glad. I've spent my time looking after my wife and thinking about Jesus.
I love you my brother. Thank you for showing us what true love & commitment are all about.
May god bless you both with health & joy.
Thanks, and gratefully received since we both have the flu ;)
Seriously take care friend. That is miserable.
W00t! A copy of this thread got stickied over at PDW! Go check out what kind of Christmas our PDW pede friends had!
Spent early Christmas with my sister and her family. Gave them a “family” gift of a donation to Seconhand Hounds Rescue as they all have rescue dogs and love them like children……some had to be put down through the years. None of them could finish reading the beautiful thank you letter from the Rescue. Tears all over the place. Made me so happy when they all applauded!
Christmas Day was at my home with my little family. We all miss my husband and youngest grandson who both died within the last two years but we celebrated the Lord’s day knowing they were with us in spirit. THAT was the best gift of all.
Amen! They are with you!
I've been playing with a Thomas the Tank Engine train set all day with my kids. It's been a toot! No brakes!
Merry MAGA Christmas to everyone!
Got a "Biden the quicker fucker upper shirt" My daughter gave it to me. The best gifts I gave were customized shirts to my kids (one loves chickens "I speak fowl language" on it w a pic of a chicken. And a dungeons and dragons shirt w a pic of a 20 sided dice and a dragon flying out of a book). Feeling super grateful, and I can't wait to hear what the rest of u frogs got, and Merry Christmas to all of u. This site has brought me closer to all of you and for that I am super grateful too.
That's great, good job, patriot. Nothing like the homemade touch!
Gave my niece's family some killer fireworks for New Year's camping in the desert with their church group. They have 5 children and Senior Pastor is a huge kid at heart and is gonna love it! Hubby's BFF gave us a gift cert to fancy market that we used to buy fancy steaks for my 83 year old shut in parents. 'Tis better to give than receive!! Merry Christmas and God Bless Frens!
Gotta tenderize those steaks for the parents! Right there with you, my dad is 84
Great job, patriot. I'm glad you had a great day.
I got a Go Pro from my wife---she said I need to see how bad a driver I am! :-{
They make 2K dashcams that record constantly. You don't need super high quality, just enough for evidence in an accident. Cops don't investigate anymore.
Which version? If it's below a GoPro 8 it'll send a crazy amount of HQ data. If you intend to use the GoPro to be recording constantly be sure to get an SDXC built specifically for constant writes.
It is an off brand---looks like a Go Pro with all the attachments. It works really well. It shows how dangerous I am! Kek
My Mom made prime rib and she did a perfect job of it. I made the mashed potatoes with garlic and two sticks of organic butter (grew the potatoes myself, these were part of our garden potato haul). Cooked a pound of cut up Jones cherrywood smoked bacon to go with the mashed potatoes along with sour cream, grated cheese, and scallions. I also made brussel sprouts quartered and braised in bacon grease with Montreal seasoning on them. And mushrooms in butter to go with the prime rib. There were six of us there--my husband, brother, mother, my brother's girlfriend, and a friend of my Mom's who has no family around this Christmas. She's based and like family to us. All six are awake and we spent dinner talking about the people we know who are also awake, silver, what's going to happen to the dollar, and what we're expecting to see happen in 2024.
It was lovely. May God in Heaven and his son, Jesus, bless you all today and every day, frens. Merry Christmas! :)
I gave more than I rec'd, but this year I did ask my boys for money - since losing my husband in July 22, I really want to get my hair dyed- its been the same since I was 17 (41 years ago lol) and I want a change to help move forward with life after so many changes. I am very thankful that they gave it to me 🥰 I also got to spend a lot of time with my grandbabies - thats always a gift.
Bless you frog, it was brave of you to find the courage to ask that. I hope your boys stepped up. Go get pretty and look yourself in the mirror and give yourself a smile. You deserve it.
Thank you Catsfive 🥰, and yes, my boys stepped up 😊
If you were in Texas I would come over and do your haircolor fren. not box dye either, the real deal.
Whatever salon you go to make sure they use a good bond repair treatment like Olaplex or k18
Thank you ax! I'll check with the hairdresser I use to make sure!
Gave GameStop gift cards. They will thank me when the economy collapses due SHFs going bankrupt, banks going bankrupt, wall street going bankrupt, financial chaos etc. It's the best gift I could give.
Power to the players ;)
.....I got a new toaster
You lucky barsteward!
kek stealth invisible flair, i love it
haha thanks. So many great replies I ended up giving it to everyone
My cats and dogs got far more than what I received and I couldn't be happier...
I got exactly what I asked for. A blanket and fuzzy socks, while my uncle ( only living relative) gave each of his 2 kids $500 a piece. I thanked him and gave him a kiss in the cheek. Because that blanket and those socks will be with me longer than that money will his kids! Love means more than money! Other than that... I spent Christmas alone as I have little to no family. Worked Christmas eve. Blessed.
Got my wife a wrap for her wedding ring.. I actually got my mom's blessing to put her mom's diamond into a clasp to give to my wife many years ago ! 🙏
But the best gift I ever received is eternal life.
I got a gourd tunnel for my garden next year and I couldn’t be more excited- I was like a kid getting my desired gift 😆
Every year, I make homemade bird suet out of meat fats that I save all year, and high quality seeds that I buy with my bonuses. Also, I purchass high quality corn and peanuts and feed for the deer and squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks, woodchuck, crows, etc... My husband and I spend the Christmas days feeding the wildlife around our little oasis in the woods and watching them come in to graze and relax. We love this tradition!
Sounds beautiful.
I have the most important gift of all: my salvation, that k to the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Second to that, i have the good health of my family. Just that alone I have all that I could ask for, yes the Lord blesses me with more. I give God all the glory, honor and praise! Every good gift comes from Him
My boyfriend always buys me practical gifts that he sees I need around my house. First year was a shovel. One of those long shovels that push like a plow. I was thrilled, because it made my job easier.
Next Christmas he bought me a stihl gas blower. Again, I was thrilled. Blow off my driveway and sidewalk after every mow.
Following year was a stihl weed whacker.
This year, I decided to buy him practical. He has these old Cornell dishes at his house. So I bought him some beautiful stoneware French country dishes for his house. 8 piece set with mugs, bowls, and salad plates. He stared at me when he opened them. I said “aren’t they beautiful?!” He shrugged his shoulders. I said “you always buy me things that are practical and what I can use and enjoy. So I decided to practice being practical when I buy for you. He didn’t say a word. 😁
This year was rubber flooring for my downstairs gym. It’s wonderful, and I can do jumping jacks and have a little bounce! But I can’t lay my weights on the flooring because it will indent the rubber.
HA :)
My sister and her boyfriend came by for a little bit but had to go because he wasn't feeling well. Then I was supposed to have dinner with my dad but he also was not feeling well. So I've just been sitting alone listening to Theory of a Deadman.
Gave my newborn niece a nice gold eagle instead of a worthless fiat savings bond for her future. And got a brand new chainsaw! (Husqvarna 562) ill be sawing firewood like a boss now!
Hell yeah, the Huskies hold up really well. Not sure if you live somewhere cold but get some cut-proof saw pants. Hands get cold out side bringing in firewood. Nice work.
My youngest daughter, who has been getting into reading the Bible, got tickets for she, I and her 14 year old son to the Museum of the Bible. But the truly best part about that gift was she said she wanted her son to know more about it.
Museum of the Bible?? What is this
It’s a new Museum in DC. “ Through interactive exhibits and cutting-edge technology, we bring guests an immersive, personal experience with the impact, narrative, and history of the Bible. ”
More time to spend with my dad, he's 92. I asked him what he wanted me to cook, he requested Tuscan soup, garlic bread, and coconut cream pie. It was so good and we enjoyed the day.
It's good your dad still is interested in food. Mine is 84 and you have to trick him to eat.
Vienna Beef Hot Dogs...I'm truly blessed!
I’ve been alienated from my daughter since she was little and have had no choice but to spend the last decade apart from her, depressed to no end, but still holding on to hope, praying that God would bring her home to me someday. Fast forward to now - she graduates this year and was able to spend Christmas with me for the first time since she was little! It’s a long story on how it came to be; years of physical and emotional abuse from her mother, culminating in a Protection From Abuse hearing thanks to my daughter’s bravery.. but here she is now, smiling, still as sweet and sensitive of a person as I have prayed for so many long years that she would continue to be, telling me she loves and missed me and never wants to be apart from me again. Said today was the best Christmas she’s ever had. This old war veteran may have shed a tear today. What an amazing time of healing. An absolute miracle and the greatest blessing the Father could have given me for Christmas (besides sending his only son!).
Wowww, congrats frog, that's wonderful. Congratulations! I'm having a drink in your honour. That's great.
Hey thanks buddy!