I think it’s just the opposite effect from the closed primaries. The democrats that switched to vote against Trump in 2016 and 2020 are returning home. I think the democrats switching to Republicans is real. PA democrats are a lot more conservative than the democrat party, especially how it is now.
My Democrat uncle was raging on about the border and all the illegals being bussed and flown into our state during Christmas. He brought it up himself even.
Independents also have to change to vote for Trump. Which a lot of them should do, since they aren't all low I.Q. individuals. Probably a third to half of them should be above average I.Q. (100).
Of those, many will have deprogrammed from MSM propaganda and can see why Trump is so far in the lead.
But your point is correct that Ds will switch to vote against Trump and then switch back to D for the general. I live in a closed primary state too.
Bingo, same here in NH. Biden is effectively unopposed in the dem primary so there’s no reason for them to vote in their own primary but plenty of motivation to vote for Haley as antiTrump move.
Scenario: 70% of the voting public is on Team Red or are polling Red in PA before the 2024 election. Exit polls/early count show Trump up 75% on election day. Mail in ballots are counted over the course of the following two weeks. The final results are 53% Blue, 45% Red, and 2% some other party.
That is similar to what happened in 2020, though iirc the original discrepancy in the first 40% or so of the vote was closer to 60% Team Red for PA.
That event, and the subsequent investigation into the mathematically impossible blocks of numbers, which were on the order of 600,000 Blue v. 3,000 Red in the worst case, woke up a lot of people in 2020 (myself included). What would happen if it occurs again the second time around? There will almost certainly be a lot more people watching/on guard this time. Will that be where the SHTF?
You can't tell people the truth, you must show them. People need to see it in action. PA was the worst offender last time (in the sense that it was the most obvious by the numbers). How bad does it need to be for 95% to not be able to deny the fuckery?
A common belief is that people are so brainwashed, that nothing will let them see it. However, Q explicitly stated that around 95% would wake up. What needs to happen to get us to that number? Would something this bad, coupled with some analysis by a few Team Blue mathematicians do it?
Reports like the one linked in the OP prime the public for a certain outcome. If the MSM continues to point in that direction, and expectations are sufficiently different from outcome it will cause a great deal of cognitive dissonance (just like last time, but for more people). Cognitive dissonance must be resolved. The brainwashed will look to "the experts" for that resolution. In 2020 the experts said "these are not the droids your looking for." What if in 2024 the numbers are so far off that doesn't work? What if there are a few experts (on team Blue) that disagree and say, "These are the right droids!"
Something is going to happen to wake people up. It will likely be quite a few somethings simultaneously or in quick succession. Everything in the media is priming us towards such a cascade. I think it is entirely possible 2024 is going to be a repeat of 2020, but with just enough of a twist that almost everyone wakes up.
It isn't events that cause belief, it is how those events are sold. With just a little packaging change, what happened in 2020 could be the End Game in 2024. Same fruitcake, but with a nuclear warning label on the package this time?
I was traveling for my job back in 2012. All the local papers and TV were reporting how registration, party flipping, early ballots were all heavily trending for Republicans. Mittens won that election. They stole it.
Well PA has witnessed extreme lockdowns while their governor marched with BLM and countless other injustices and perhaps the majority of them are damned sick of it, not to mention the fact that the new governor can't import illegals fast enough either.
Perhaps this is why it became so important for the media to act like EVERYONE hates Trump so when he "loses" they're too ashamed to put up a fuss saying they voted for him.
This is a dem tactic. My dem bro in law did this when trump first ran. He thought it was glorious . They do it to vote against him and confuse the polls.
PA anon here and I don't believe this. At all. Repubs were absolutely trounced in PA last month. And so what if the voters change registration - the machines change the votes.
I find it hard to believe that any registered republican is switching to democrat party. No way.
This is not what you think.
PA is a closed primary. Independents can't vote.
They change to vote against Trump.
What if plan z is to make all the fake votes for Trump, so they can claim (yet again) that Trump stole the election?
Never in this corrupt state with Commie Shapiro at the helm.
Although he is being very quiet.
I believe they are not running Big Mike but running Commie Shapiro.
Stay away from the blackpills. You say this despite all evidence that the death cult is on the run and that MAGA is ascendant.
I live here and know the corruption it is off the charts.
It is fueled by a strong union hold.
I will gladly tell you I told you so when Commie Shapiro shows you.
Can they switch to independent?
PA is a closed primary. Independents can't vote.
They change to vote against Trump.
I think it’s just the opposite effect from the closed primaries. The democrats that switched to vote against Trump in 2016 and 2020 are returning home. I think the democrats switching to Republicans is real. PA democrats are a lot more conservative than the democrat party, especially how it is now.
My Democrat uncle was raging on about the border and all the illegals being bussed and flown into our state during Christmas. He brought it up himself even.
Independents also have to change to vote for Trump. Which a lot of them should do, since they aren't all low I.Q. individuals. Probably a third to half of them should be above average I.Q. (100).
Of those, many will have deprogrammed from MSM propaganda and can see why Trump is so far in the lead.
But your point is correct that Ds will switch to vote against Trump and then switch back to D for the general. I live in a closed primary state too.
In days past, half would be over the average I.Q. of 100. Sadly we're not in Kansas anymore, so now maybe only a third are above.
Thank you fren
That I would believe. I no longer "identify" as a republican.
Are they "transitioning" to Democrat? :)
I agree. Once your eyes are open there is no going back.
The dead register as D
My EXACT thought....
I live here this is not what you think.
PA is a closed primary. They will do this so they can vote against Trump. Then they change back to DEMONrat. They do this all the time.
This is not encouraging by any means.
Bingo, same here in NH. Biden is effectively unopposed in the dem primary so there’s no reason for them to vote in their own primary but plenty of motivation to vote for Haley as antiTrump move.
I switched in 2016 after voting for Don the first time. I was a livelong dem when he came down that escalator. I was hooked. Pede ever since
The problem here in PA isn't the voters. It's the Deep State-controlled urban political machine that manipulates the elections.
Scenario: 70% of the voting public is on Team Red or are polling Red in PA before the 2024 election. Exit polls/early count show Trump up 75% on election day. Mail in ballots are counted over the course of the following two weeks. The final results are 53% Blue, 45% Red, and 2% some other party.
That is similar to what happened in 2020, though iirc the original discrepancy in the first 40% or so of the vote was closer to 60% Team Red for PA.
That event, and the subsequent investigation into the mathematically impossible blocks of numbers, which were on the order of 600,000 Blue v. 3,000 Red in the worst case, woke up a lot of people in 2020 (myself included). What would happen if it occurs again the second time around? There will almost certainly be a lot more people watching/on guard this time. Will that be where the SHTF?
You can't tell people the truth, you must show them. People need to see it in action. PA was the worst offender last time (in the sense that it was the most obvious by the numbers). How bad does it need to be for 95% to not be able to deny the fuckery?
A common belief is that people are so brainwashed, that nothing will let them see it. However, Q explicitly stated that around 95% would wake up. What needs to happen to get us to that number? Would something this bad, coupled with some analysis by a few Team Blue mathematicians do it?
Reports like the one linked in the OP prime the public for a certain outcome. If the MSM continues to point in that direction, and expectations are sufficiently different from outcome it will cause a great deal of cognitive dissonance (just like last time, but for more people). Cognitive dissonance must be resolved. The brainwashed will look to "the experts" for that resolution. In 2020 the experts said "these are not the droids your looking for." What if in 2024 the numbers are so far off that doesn't work? What if there are a few experts (on team Blue) that disagree and say, "These are the right droids!"
Something is going to happen to wake people up. It will likely be quite a few somethings simultaneously or in quick succession. Everything in the media is priming us towards such a cascade. I think it is entirely possible 2024 is going to be a repeat of 2020, but with just enough of a twist that almost everyone wakes up.
It isn't events that cause belief, it is how those events are sold. With just a little packaging change, what happened in 2020 could be the End Game in 2024. Same fruitcake, but with a nuclear warning label on the package this time?
We shall see.
This isn't encouraging see my comment below.
They do this crap every election cycle because PA is a closed primary.
It is like Rish Limbaugh used to call Operation Chaos.
I bet somebody still votes Democrat using their old party affiliation
Just remember, it is who/what that counts the votes and pays for them.
I was traveling for my job back in 2012. All the local papers and TV were reporting how registration, party flipping, early ballots were all heavily trending for Republicans. Mittens won that election. They stole it.
Mittens willingly lost just like a jobber in pro wrestling
Well PA has witnessed extreme lockdowns while their governor marched with BLM and countless other injustices and perhaps the majority of them are damned sick of it, not to mention the fact that the new governor can't import illegals fast enough either.
Perhaps this is why it became so important for the media to act like EVERYONE hates Trump so when he "loses" they're too ashamed to put up a fuss saying they voted for him.
It's so they can vote for Nikki and assist the Fake News talking point that Nikki can beat DJT. Wrong
considering Trump won PA by a million votes id say its more than a little problem for Dems
This is a dem tactic. My dem bro in law did this when trump first ran. He thought it was glorious . They do it to vote against him and confuse the polls.
PA anon here and I don't believe this. At all. Repubs were absolutely trounced in PA last month. And so what if the voters change registration - the machines change the votes.