INCREDIBLE - They are now openly talking about the "new world order" at the World Economic Forum meeting.
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🧠 These people are stupid!
Maybe these 'geniuses' should realize that their entire agenda seems to be crumbling. Everything they had planned is falling apart.
What they don't understand is that the real New World Order means "without THEM".
Amen! if they knew the Bible, they would know that when they do try and take the whole world for themselves is when Jesus comes back and crushes them. it is a lose, lose for 'them'.
What if that is their plan?
The plan was to crumble everything and force the Cbdc or no food gambit. .
WEII SAID bravo 🎉
If I was playing poker with these two, I call BULLSHIT on their cards they are holding and I’d TRUMP them with my cards.
True. Hopefully they are gone for good to their world of fire.
It makes you wonder... why are they so confident and smug about it? What do they know that we don't? It is the Cabal, after all... and they won't die easily.
It is possible that NCSWIC may only pertain to the United States. Has that ever been discussed?
I always thought that the Plan was going to include the shutting down of this NWO crap, but their openness seems to suggest that a) either it's all part of the movie script, or b) it's indicative of something sinister that gives them confidence.
I am sticking with option a).
But, again, the Cabal will not go down easily.
It's a global event. WWG1WGA means that the whole world will benefit from the Cabal being executed. I used to think that the Deep State was just in the US. Then Q showed me that it's a big swamp.
Trump once said "The swamp is a bit deeper than we thought." I didn't know how to take it at the time but I believe he was talking about how people like me thought of the swamp.
It’s a worldwide organization that infiltrates all systems.
Add prosections and executio s to Proverbs 6:31 and I’d say we’ll come out pretty good in the end
The movie script calls for them to out themselves to the denying sheeple.
Why else would a group that has operated silently in the dark be opening up their plans for the sheeple to see?
In my opinion it can only be because they are being forced into this reveal. It is the same with what Biden and his administration is doing to the US. The whole world can see their plan for the masses on a scale the normies could never fathom before. It is hard to stay in denial when they are pushing it right into your face. There will still be 4 to 6 percent woefully stupid or to egotistical to wake up.
Very true. Well said.
The cabal is also very compartmentalized and public figures are on the lower rungs. They may not have the full picture and may think their little NWO plans are still on schedule.
They must unveil at the last moment when they think the people are powerless to do anything.
I can explain this to a small degree. FreeMasonry at the 33 degree rank to those who’ve proven themselves worthy of the ‘Royal Arts’ receive hidden occult knowledge. Their sacred books paint a very different picture than the Bible. In their book, Lucifer is the one who made the sacrifice for humanity by being kicked out of heaven. In their book, they win not Christ.
Someone is lying.
Welp, the Euphrates did just dry up; Revelation 9:14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”
We have free will. There will be other options aside from Cbdc slavery. We got to this point by being given incorrect information and we made the choices that benefited the cabal. They aren’t all powerful. All they can do is lie and deceive. This is why Potus told the UN we must reject the false narrative of globalism.
Just a crazy thought -- a single neutron bomb set off over Davos this week would bring on a wonderful new world order.
It is crazy. Everybody knows you’d need two neutron bombs just to be safe.
Take it easy.
Round them up, send them all to Gitmo, ask questions later.
tbh we've been through several new world orders and the only reason that term is so loaded is due to it being a globohomo buzzword like Build Back Better. The concept itself is not nefarious, in fact we are bringing a new world order: one where the world isn't ran by a 6,000 yr old death cult. A proper new world and a proper new order. The GAW
If we were not triggering on the phrase "New World Order," we could get some useful info from this clip. World orders are constantly in transition. There are the continuous cycles such as The Fourth Turning, and then, periodically, there are bigger rollover points where civilizations fall as others rise. We seem to be at one of those now, and there's a big fight over who comes out of this with control of the steering wheel. He actually states that pretty succinctly. Rather than having an allergic reaction to the term NWO, maybe we should ask how we would like the world to be in the new order and what steps we need to take to achieve that.
How arrogant can you be to think you are so much better and smarter than others.
The words the use make me puke.
Wow!! That’s insane!
Maybe the white hats have them by the balls and are compelling them to de-cloak like this. Just like they do with Biden.
Death to the Great Reset! Hail the Great Awakening!
Death to the New World Order! Hail the Brave New World!
Who are these two assclowns?
I remember hearing about this stuff many years ago when I was young. I thought boy people are crazy to believe this stuff.
Then here we are.
Tell that clown responsible for the Clinton Russian Dossier that America First is the New Order.
It's old and disorder
Is that Jake Sullivan? Pretty generic answer. He can't talk about it right now, I guess? Complicated business pretending to just go with the flow.