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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Why did part of the plan involved lawfare against Trump?
When you attack someone people know is innocent, and who they believe in, you indirectly attack the people who believe in said person. (Part of precipice)
Legal precedent being set in some cases
Show semi-sane democrat voters and pro-trumpers the justice system is rigged
Show how easy the system can be rigged. Maybe at a later date they will show these people were threatened or bribed to perform the lawfare.
Condition the minds of the masses that past presidents can be charged for crimes.
Dont forget the more crucial reason - to suss out all the players within the legal system that have been compromised.
Anyone notice this? When I get a notification I reply on the notification side not where the original comment is. I usually upvote. I’ve noticed when I open context or in gen chat later the reply doesn’t have an upvote in the thread. I just wonder how many people are thinking they upvoting in a reply and nothing happens.
Viral idea alert - I tried to no avail of producing a deep fake of “Obama in Muslim Garb pointing an AK-47 at US military service member, in the style of ISIS hostage video”….
Presumably to some wonky hits…. Albeit some of them struck a deep dark chord in my depths…. Also “Obama as the anti-Christ” will shake you to the core…
I think we learn every day about more ways they control. Guess he’s really protected until he’s of no use. He’s evil for sure. I can’t figure out the anti Christ and I don’t think we are supposed to know until he/she is revealed. Could be a woman there’s as many evil women as men, maybe more. We have a direct line to being a B when necessary. Some just over use it. I’ve watched several documentaries on the anti christ. Some mediocre and probably just someone’s wild imagination. One stands out the most. I don’t have the source it was years ago. They were going by old documents I guess church or priest documents. Every era thought they were living in end times and thought they had figured out the anti Christ identity. Correct me if I’m wrong. Doesn’t the anti christ come after the rapture and believer’s in Christ won’t be here?
No clue, imo he is LIKE the anti christ as in he knowingly is pushing and bringing about the anti Christian agenda. Maybe not THE anti christ, but if there WERE an anti christ he sure wouldn’t be able to come about without the likes of Obama and handlers above him.
“Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character.” —Pastor Rick Warren
Great wisdom thanks for sharing.
Fani but pronounced Fawni! Mmm
ummmm, those Never Back Down Sneakers? The gold ones? They have red soles. Now I don't know what to think.
I haven’t seen them. I know a few black ladies older than me that loved gold shoes. Do did my grandma. Southern country women gotta have a little bit of flashy🤣
As long as they are not made of the skins of children, they are ok.
I'm not giving up the color red to those globalhomo clowns.
Agreed! Same with the rainbow. God’s promise and I’ll never see what they want see on their rainbow flag and clothing. I draw the line and don’t buy rainbow clothing or decor. I won’t have it and they see it and think they won me over. Also just because the satan worshipers claim the goat and an owl I won’t let them take God’s creatures from me. Honestly I don’t care for mean goats but love their milk in my soap. I love owls even though they are a little creepy they are so smart. Bottom line what they use as symbols won’t change it’s by God and of God.
Well said fren.
Great advice from Keanu Reves https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2u2TEDOB0y/
There are 7 billion people in the world. If one of those people is rude to you, they’re doing you a favor…. They’re showing you that they’re not worth your time, and to move on. 👏👏👏
I hear he’s a decent guy. I’ve seen lots of videos on social media over the years talking about what he does for the under dog people down on there luck. I don’t know if it’s true. He doesn’t flaunt what he does for people. Of course I don’t know if any of this is true. I do think he doesn’t get into the Hollywood scene.
I have heard that too. 😁
It's the one year anniversary of jimmy being in hospice...have to thaw him out soon or freezer burn
Totally unrelated to politics: I love my family, but sometimes they spike the stress levels.
Amen to that! I used to call my dad, mom & brother The Orange County Choppers with out the bikes. Years earlier I called my grandparents The Bunkers with the The Jefferson’s. It’s not like we don’t love each other. But it used to be hard being around my parents for many reasons. Now dad’s older and a little less grumpy. My mom’s in the nursing home. My grandparents were always snapping smart remarks to each other but loved each other. Our neighbor was a black lady that’s my dad’s age. She moved in to the house I grew up in when dad sold it. We became very good friends. She was always at their house, went on trips with them and I consider her a second mom. Explaining because I don’t mean it in a racist way. If you watched All in the family you know Edith Bunker and Louise Jefferson were friends.
That’s what families are for 🥴🤪
To drive you crazy 😜❓
Recently u/ThisIsHowItStarts asked how people came up with their username, and "I was reluctant to post because of how nerdy my story was. Anyway, growing up in the 70's and 80's, I was a big fan of Jean Shepherd, a writer and storyteller best known for the film, "A Christmas Story," which he also narrated. In the late 90's, shortly before he died, I was emailing back and forth someone who was running his fan website, and at the end of his correspondence, he wrote, "Excelsior, You Fathead!" It suggested some inside joke perhaps either from one of his stories, or perhaps his radio show or PBS series.
To this day, I have no idea what the reference is from, but it cracked me up and stuck with me. Something about it I always found funny. When someone points out a great discrepancy, from the sublime to the ridiculous, and the contrast is outrageous, it would make me laugh.
Excelsior. Latin for ever upward. Poem by Longfellow. Catch phrase for Stan Lee. And a name I really liked, and thought, if I ever posted on social media, that's what I'd use. Wish I had a better story.
That’s a great story no need to be embarrassed we all have something in our past that brings us joy. I love the name. Thanks for sharing.
This is a fantastic story. Each person is different and unique. I like your username.
However; I don’t think I was the one that I asked about the user names. It was somebody else, I want to say rooftoptendie, but she was long gone by then.
Well done 👏👏👏👏
🤷🏻♀️ Yep I’m the curious cat.
So this is something that you requested right?
I made a post a few weeks ago. It was fun getting the answers. You replied. Wasn’t looking for credit or anything.
It’s all good. Credit where credit is due. 👏👏
Oh I love that. Neat how it stuck with you. My username is boring. Real name is Suzanne, and all my life I’ve been called SuzyeQ. When Q surfaced I just capitalized the Q at the end. Even my little grand boy calls me Suzye.
I love this. I immediately think of the song Susie Q by Creedance Clear Water Rival “CCR”. I thought your name was Susie or a variation or possibly someone from your life.
No I’ve always been SuzyeQ. It was funny when I was waiting on my 1st grand boy to arrive and my daughter asked what I wanted to be called. I said I don’t care, whatever he wants to call me. She thought about it and said she wanted him to call me Suzye. At first I thought it was odd, but I love it. Heck he could’ve called me old bat and I would love it. ❤️😂
I love this! I’m gram, had that picked out a long time. I’ve been gram since my grand dog came here. I watched Days of Our lives forever back when it was good. Mrs Horton was gram to her grandkids. She was such a sweet gentle “character” and made homemade donuts. I didn’t want to be grandma because I could never meet those standards of my own. I called my dad’s mom Muh. He & brother called her Mother and guess Muh was all I could say. Called his dad Nunya pronounced noon ya fast together. My muh called him Henry Jr and I guess that’s what I thought it sounded like. My husband picked Paw Paw & she’s starting to say baw baw. Just told him yesterday he might have a new name. He said, she can call me whatever she wants😍😀 Those grandkids are amazing and life changing aren’t they.
I loved Days back then. I loved Alice and Tom Horton. I haven’t watched it in years. Started getting way out there. Having grand babies is such a joy because you get to enjoy them, and let the parents do all the hard work. Raising your own kids is a lot of work. You are the provider, disciplinarian, cook, cleaner. It’s a lot of work and the allotted time is limited, but when they are the grandchildren you just get to spoil and love them.
Absolutely on the grand kids being different than your own. Hubby and I speak us this often. We are in a unique situation. They live next door and I keep her two days a week. So, I’m disciplinarian while being fun grandma. She looks at me and sticks her tongue out. I guess because I make crazy faces at her. She’s getting into the defiant stage. You will say no don’t do that and she stares at you and does it. Her mom and I are popping her hand occasionally. I popped her hand the other day and she grabbed mine and pushed it back. She’s funny, does something she knows is wrong and then says No No No. If she throws something down like her passy I make her get it. I’m not playing that game. Other than that she’s an angel. She’s gotta figure things out. Her mom was never like that. I think she’s got my temperment (stubborn rebel) if so we will rangle her in. Her other grandma keeps her two days. So she’s in good hands and not daycare. So, absolutely I gotta take care of myself and get healthy. My dad just got an exercise bike so I’ll be peddling, he’s next door. Take care 🐸
Yeah my daughter lives 2 miles down the road from me. So I’m very available. I keep the little 10 month old every Monday and work from her house. My ex husband keeps him on Wednesdays and the Mother in law has him the other three days. She doesn’t work so that helps. I have to report to my office twice a week at least. The 3 year old goes to church preschool and stays all day. His dad takes him on his way to work. When he turned two, it was like a different child popped inside him. He got defiant and learned the word NO very well. It was almost comical watching my daughter deal with that because she is very stern. She teaches 4th grade. She is very good with her kids and the parents all ask for her but she is definitely not a push over. She asked me how long it would last , and I said u til about 8, then it comes back at 12. Should’ve seen the look on her face. He was just like her at that age 😂 and you know what they say about paybacks. It was just the two of us after her dad and I divorced when she was 8. We are very close and she comes to me about everything. I always tried not to spoil her because of her sisters death when they were 3.5 yrs old. They were identical twins and once her dad and I divorced, I never remarried. Once was enough for me. I have no interest in dealing with another man and his ways. I have good friends and love them to death but God is all I need. I stay busy with my job, a small business that me and one of my brothers have, my aging mother, church and of course the grands and neices and nephews. I’m the fun aunt. 🤗 I love my life and I’m grateful everyday for the blessings I have.
"Blessed be he who has saved a child's heart from despair."
-- George Bernanos (1888 - 1948)
Something I'm starting to believe is true:
If someone flaunts his riches and supercars, always puts his watch in the photo, and says he did it through "sales" but never gets specific about what he's selling?
He's selling humans. Trafficking.
Remember when import export business was the new in thing? I think it was the 70s when foreign furniture, rugs and decor was a big deal. Then along comes Peir One. I have to wonder what else they were importing and exporting.
Behind almost every sudden rise to riches there is either drugs or human trafficking.
And it's always Muslims for some reason. Living in Dubai, Morocco, or whatever.
Usually Andrew Tate disciples, and I KNOW he's involved in that.
Speaking of, when I quoted that "money can't buy happiness" line yesterday, these are two actual Tate responses to that assertion.
"I have a Bugatti. Fuck off."
"What color is YOUR Bugatti?...Well, fuck off then."
Seems to have forgotten that verse about what moth and rust destroy, and what thieves break in and steal...
I don’t remember what I was watching. Could have even been a crime TV series or documentary, not sure. I believe what they show are about real life events. They said that kids that are some kidnapped kids end up in the middle east. I think they take the hard to control kids. I’ll have to research. Might have been Seal Team TV series. I just watched that over the past year. I didn’t realize how much they do. I Need to be listening to the real Seals!
Pride comes before the Fall, even for him.
I dont believe Andrew Tate has anything to do with human trafficking. Have you seen the last speech he made just before he was arrested?
He might be cocky and make 'mean tweets', but he is completely 100% correct here:
I wouldnt hang out with him. But I find it extremely hard to believe a guy like Tate would need to resort to that.
Remember Julian Assange was also falsely accused of that. Also by several different women.
False accusations against enemies of the deepstate more likely. There are so many other precedents for this if you have been paying attention.
Sorry - but I had to do it. This is every reply to anybody who thinks that Andrew Tate is a good person.
Here’s the breakdown of the video
0:10:36 The Official Charges
0:20:15 Is the Accusation About Tiktok Videos?
0:29:37 The Loverboy Method Explained
0:40:47 Why Didn't This Come Out Long Ago?
0:43:37 Messages From an Escaping Victim
0:54:04 Evidence for Threats of Violence
0:59:14 Andrew Tate Self-Snitching (Clear Proof of Lies)
01:09:35 What Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Says
01:14:11 Witness Statements
01:19:49 EVIDENCE: Message Transcripts
01:24:25 Jeffrey Epstein vs Andrew Tate
01:32:13 Crimes Committed in 2022 - Detailed
01:40:55 When Women Deceive Men
01:43:01 Cardi B vs Andrew Tate
01:49:07 Was Tucker Carlson Neutral
02:14:57 More Lies by Andrew Tate
02:22:37 Grooming a 15-year-old & More Self-Snitching
02:34:41 EVIDENCE: Message Transcripts Continued
02:53:19 Weakling David Wood Leaves
02:54:14 Romanian Law on Human Trafficking
02:57:12 Clear Proof Andrew is Lying
02:59:50 More Transcripts
03:04:08 Read the Indictment For Yourself
03:06:30 Super Chats
03:13:15 The Hypocrisy of Many Conservative
03:18:30 Left vs Right and "the Matrix"
Andrew Tate is a con artist
Andrew Tate talks about how he enjoys scamming men and women out of their money, and brags about it.
Well I get that he is human with flaws.
He is doing a lot to counter the DS plans of turning entire generations of men into weak minded cucks.
But ok...someone made a 3.5 hour video about his toxic maleness. That doesnt seem obsessive and driven by personal grudges at all. (Eye roll emoji goes here)
So what is the one best clip out of that 3 hour video I should watch?
Everything is literally broken down for you. Choose one. Anyone!
Also, it should matter if the person is doing it is as a grudge or not - facts are facts. You either want to view the facts, and accept them as truth, or go on with your delusion. It’s clearly a choice that you need to make. I can’t make it for you. I can’t talk you into believing Andrew Tate is garbage. All I can do is provide the information, and you have to make your own assessment.
The fact that he was dating his girlfriend when she was 15, and said they’ve been together six years and she was now 21 - that’s all I need to know. He was literally trafficking a 15-year-old girl. Making her all these promises, and then he used her for only fans. If that’s not human trafficking, I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how much more proof you need.
I know it’s hard to let go of celebrities, and accept that they’re scum of the Earth. But seriously… Andrew Tate is a garbage human being. He’s made money off the backs and literally genitals of unsuspecting women who actually thought he loved them. 🤷♀️
Ok Ill bite. Zero proof he was dating a 15yr old. People get dates wrong when talking sometimes.
The talking head commenter even says it "might be 16yrs old" which is the age of consent in most states. I dont agree with it, but here is the actual state laws regarding this 16yr thing.
Lamp of the body, window to the soul, they both work!
Don't Lose Your Belief. Strengthen It With Undeniable, Powerful Truth. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 5:12-16, "The Apostles Heal Many".
The Song: https://youtu.be/k3S1wfXmYPw
Have a blessed day.
1: 29 a.m. Documenting.
Anyone play card games (real not PC)? I grew up playing cards with my grandmother and family. I think I was in third grade when I advanced from crazy 8 to rummie. I love but haven’t played much in my adult years. After a small kitchen remodel, removing the bar and adding a table, hubby and I have started playing when he’s off. It’s great quality time together. I’m getting like my grandmother when I can’t sleep I play solitaire at the table. It’s so different than playing on my phone. It’s time consuming because you don’t have the speed of digital games. Hopefully I don’t start playing gin rummy with myself like she did🤣
Sounds like a fun grandma. Might be an option later to play with friends. My parents used to get together with friends to play cards. I believe old ways like this would great if they made a comeback. We have become secluded individuals. My husband isn’t available much at home. He’s here but goes to bed between 6-7 because he gets up at 2:30 to go to work. Cards or other games are good time for us together. He’s teaching me to play poker. I told him I wanted to learn but it’s boring. Might be better with more people. We play games and cards with my daughter and son in law when time allows.
Definitely better with more people. Youll figure it out.
Smart bridge club grandmas would be more awake to the awakening then most realize I reckon.
A deck of cards can lead to many wonderful games, together or solo.
Another house explosion in Virginia. Lots of videos on X https://x.com/shadowofezra/status/1758710212771344622
*Anyone heard any details about this? One fire fighter dead, several injured. I read some might be trapped, can’t confirm. I just made a post with several links.
Thanks, I didn’t see this last night. Woke up couldn’t sleep and found it on YouTube. There wasn’t much info at that point. Very tragic for the firefighter that was killed.
Whisper words of wisdom,
Let 'em ree ....
"You don't have enough popcorn"
Romans 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
This is such a good sound scripture. As they grow closer to God, read his Word daily, and attend church and different Bible studies, I just get closer to God. It’s such a simple idea and it works.
Anyone else out there doing intermittent fasting? What has been your experience?
I’m on carnivore and after about two weeks I was able to fast. I’ve always felt the need to eat every three hours. It’s very strange going so many hours and not being hungry. I’ve been sick recently and not being strict one reason I’m not hungry and some things don’t taste good because of the sinus infection. I’ve noticed eating back to old ways and closer together I’m hungry more often. I always thought fasting was a hoax. I’ve watched several videos and it’s most definitely not a hoax. I don’t think it matters what you are eating. We have to do what works for us. It’s working because the body was designed to go long periods without food. We are living in a time of an abundance of food at our fingertips. We have been brainwashed we need to eat every three hours, several small meals a day. I would get nausea if I didn’t eat close together. Now I think it was blood sugar and the body craving sugar. Sugar is in just about everything that’s prossed by man. It’s almost impossible to get deli meat, bacon and sausage with out sugar. So many people put sugar in vegetables. I know my in laws do. I’ve heard sugar is four times more addictive than cocaine.
It’s amazing isn’t it? I feel like the food industry has kept this hidden from people. Now when I over eat it’s such an uncomfortable feeling.
Yes they have kept so much from us. Pushing certain foods for health health when those foods and oils are the cause. Pushing fiber to prevent colon cancer and its more than likely causing it. (Sorry I don’t have the source. It’s something I watched pertaining to carnivore diet and a video about how your poop schedule changes. They went into the reasons fiber is bad. I thought I was pretty educated on food ingredients. I had never read bacon, bologna and sausage ingredients. Sugar and dextrose in every processed meat including hot dogs. I saw a few weeks ago hamburger at Aldi has natural flavors. It’s scary what’s in our foods. Most of it is banned in Europe.
Have you ever looked at the Doritos they get in Europe versus the Doritos we get here in America? Ours is so full of toxic crap. Who controls this? Why can’t we get cleaner food here? I think a lot of this relates to our politicians being controlled with Campaign financing by big business. Until we break that cycle of corruption, the politicians will never be on the side of the people.
I haven’t compared the ingredients in food here vs in Europe. I’ve seen several videos on instagram listing the ingredients of many popular junk foods. Same with McDonald’s usa vs Europe. Many years ago I read in Europe they ban an ingredient in coke that makes kids very hyper. The ingredient is still in coke here.
Big food companies, big pharma and government are all connected. If the food is healthy we don’t go to the doctor when things aren’t right. Doctor says you have high bp or low bp, diabetes, high cholesterol, gerd, etc. Dr gives prescriptions for everything instead if offering advice on how to fix with changes in diet, supplements and herbs. Medicine fixes and after too long on the medication your body rejects it and doesn’t work anymore. Then you probably get a disease from food and medicine. Doctor wants to change medicine. It’s an endless cycle. Look up who owns the food companies, media and big pharma. It all leads back to Black Rock and Vanguard. One of those owns the other. Most mega food companies owns the healthy food companies. Independent people get a good company off the ground with hard work. They get popular and big companies buy them out. Always read labels on your regular food items. They will change ingredients for the worst.
So true my friend.
I lost 100 pounds in a year fasting. Every night I would eat as much as I wanted whatever I wanted from 8pm to 10 pm I had energy drinks as an appetite suppressant. It turns out I was losing tons of hair for lack of protein. It would be good to take daily vitamins and stuff. Oh I'm depressed and stressed ALSO so that could have caused some weightloss as well. Good luck, fren
Congrats on your weight loss. I’m beginning that journey once again in my life. Loosing weight is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done for myself.
Kick some ass brother!
Trying! I need to kick my own ass & stomach right on off🤣 I’m a sister but don’t take any offense to brother. Honestly carnivore is the easiest eating and weight loss I’ve ever done. Going to the grocery store you skip 90% of the store. Still craving some things but it will pass.
Well done! Self control is key!
That is a lot of weight so congrats on that. Gin Steven has some great books that helped me a lot.
Yeah, I have been doing this for more than a year now. Started after my wife did for half a year and I saw how much it was helping her, so I started myself.
Initially it was hard not eating after 5 pm, and waiting until 9 am before my tea. But within two months I had lost 15 kilos. This was quite surprising since I did not expect weight loss, was just expecting to become healthy. I reached the lowest weight (70kg) in almost 20 years, by just doing IF for 2 under months. I would say that was a pleasant side effect.
The main health problem I had was gout. Had been suffering for almost 6 years on and off, and no amount of cutting all the food the doctor told me to cut (all meat, many veggies etc) had ever helped at all. Uric acid levels were high no matter what. Just before IF, I started drinking lime + baking soda (pH regulation) in the night and it started helping with my gout, but I would still get attacks, but less frequently.
Once I started IF I havent had a gout attack. The uric acid level for the first time dropped and the doctor was "baffled". (Of course, according to him it cannot be the pH regulation or IF)
Since then I feel much more energetic in general, no acid reflux, feeling of heaviness etc. Wife suffers from far less inflammation, general body pain, headaches etc as well.
In addition to IF, I try to cut off most processed sugar and keep carbs to moderate amounts. I did do longer IF (fast between 3pm and 9am) for a while and it definitely helps with further weight loss, but I also started feeling weak sometimes, so I am sticking with fasting between 5pm to 9am and it works like a charm.
I did indulge during holidays, travel, birthdays etc, but once I start back on IF body goes back to being healthy very quickly. Another surprising side effect is that I have pretty much lost the cravings for sugar now. (This is really surprising since I have always been a sweet tooth who used to eat sweets daily). And, I have developed taste for dark chocolate (like 70% with no sugars added).
I cannot recommend IF enough to anyone who cares to listen. Its the easiest way to lose weight and become healthy while not going on a crazy diet.
I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about six months now and in that time I’ve lost 10 pounds and the inflammation is significantly lower in my body. I’ve also noticed that my acid reflux is gone.
I have days where I plan on having longer eating windows because of social events but for the most part, I eat from 3 PM to 8 PM and fast the rest of the time.
I’m now at my goal weight so do eat whatever I want during my open window and have treats and carbs within reason.
Its powerful stuff!
When the body isn't occupied with the intensive business of digesting, it can get to important things like healing! Simple, beautiful.
Posted this on my Truth Social, and I want to know if there is any room for improvement on the statement:
What the criminals and Demonic Rats do not understand that just because you rendered your corrupt attacks from the court by men in black robes does not make your corruption and attacks fair or just or righteous. It just turn the whole court system into another corrupt blighted institution that needs to be purged, and turns the victims into martyrs.
Patriots, and plenty of Americans, are not fools. We see through the sheep's clothing that these wolves parade themselves in. This latest attack will make Trump into a celebrated legend while the corrupt courts, along with the corrupt city, will find themselves damned.
People of NYC, you may chose to stay as the scorn of this nation, or redeem yourselves by rebelling against the corruption that grips your city. Your choice.
Although there are plenty of migrants eager to enter your city, and if you make the wrong decision, we might just help them along...
Sounds good to me.