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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Saw a car with a Ukraine sticker for the first time in many months and was wondering just how many normies are left who give a damn about Ukraine. Hell I've not even heard many talk about Israel, when that false flag massacre happened in October not a peep from coworkers and such. The only thing I consistently hear now is bitching about the illegals showing up in their neighborhoods.
I am pretty sure this guys is just lazy and given a chance he will scrape it off.
The car was blue and even had gold wheels and trim, he was all-in.
Austin Swift went to Notre Dame. Was there in 2015. Amy Coney Barrett came from Notre Dame, Trumps pick. Yes, ik ik, I'm digging I can't put a planogram thing together. Ps. Austin Swift, is Taylor Swifts brother! Idk uet..yet... just had to spit it put here. I find ot odd. Just digging.
Never heard of Austin Swift, thanks for putting this info. I remember hearing a while ago that Notre Dame is one of CIA recruiting grounds. There sure are some interesting alumni from there!
As for ACB, her adopted kids are a huge red flag for me. There is probably gonna be a SCOTUS cleanup post-precipice.
Oh, so, digging further into lol a mess. ACB has 2 adopted children from Haiti! I see...
Yep. Thats how it works.
Yes my fren.
Your welcome. I'm continuing on my dig in TS, and saw this about her brother. And was like, ACB, damn! Idk lol. I wish I had more than a phone to put it all together ya know. There's some good info. Ty fren.
Putting some air under the old girl's wings. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae56ea
425 military planes up
My home is ruined, just got back to Colorado to see it's still a sinking ship infested with toxic ideology. Win of the day was taking my dog to his favorite dog park growing up. Meet a very nice Hispanic lady from Mexico who translates for a living, we decide to walk a lap and she's telling me about her son in the Navy, I'm chatting about being a local by birth and my travels... improving my Spanish. I casually ask her opinion about the "migrant" problem in Denver. She tells me about her relative's 22 year struggle for citizenship and her own efforts to immigrate legally.
I asked her why she is adamantly against this "surge" and she reiterated her struggles to become American. Stated, "It's not fair my family has worked so hard to be here and they just get welcomed in". I asked her about her immigration and pointed out that she came here for a better life bringing her children with but everyone with a "free pass" are all military aged males. I damn near saw the light bulb above her head illuminate.
About this time a dog weighing 100lbs plows into her, I half catch her fall and deflect. Her chin is slightly bloody and I am looking around for the owner after making sure she's okay... She assured me she'll be okay. While walking her up the hill the uncontrolled dog returned and I stepped in front of her. Dumb dog jumps up towards me and I kicked it in the throat (steel toed Ariat FYI).
Dumb bitch shows up finally to pretend she can control her dog and glares at me like I did something wrong. I ask her right before she's about to go off on me if she's going to pay medical expenses for my new friend to go to Urgent Care.... practically did a burnout fleeing in her Subaru, so much for her COEXIST sticker on it.
Every dumb liberal witnessing cleared out of the park shortly after. Literally a dozen dogs and owners left immediately. I've never single handedly cleared out a busy dog park until today 😂. I hope my new friend is okay, at least she has a story now.
I greatly dislike people who cannot control their pets. Especially people with large dogs. They’re reprehensible. 🤬
My dog is 120lbs and I can whistle for him to come from across a crowded dog park. Doesn't jump, my tiny nieces parade around with food in hand that he won't snatch. I have a gentle giant but if your dog jumps at me I will kick it. Feel free to teach my dog boundaries as well, I'm the guy who'll thank you after you smack him for doing something wrong. I wish it were the same privilege with some people's children.
I agree with you 100%. I’m a pet sitter for a living, and all the problems that any dog has go out the door the minute the owner leaves. It’s always the owner.
There’s only one dog that I have not been able to manage as well as others, and that’s a standard poodle. But that breed is more difficult if they’re not trained from the beginning. Other than that, every other dog that I’ve ever pet sit for, I’ve been able to train to be a good listener, and to behave when the owner is not around.
I was even able to train a dog that would charge people when they would walk down a specific hall, not to do that anymore. They literally contacted my boss to tell her how happy they were. 🤷♀️
Sounds like you have a great dog and your dog has a great owner. Enjoy.
I've always had good dogs also because of the amount of time I put in. My dog is always with me. The entire back seat of my truck has his bed and toys etc. If he can't be on a jobsite I just go throw a ball for him at lunch. It's pretty difficult to aquire bad behavior when I'm constantly there to immediately correct it.
I'm sure you see it all the time, they spend hardly any time training their dog and then wonder why other people's dogs listen to them.
Which park? I used to live in denver.
Green Mountain, next to dinosaur ridge, red rocks and bandamere... jefco, if you lived in Denver you'll know. Soltera is what they call the development next to it... is that enough information for you?
AT&T outage across America.
Tony Evans' church celebrates black history month? Uhh, I think you chose the wrong politician as the face of your celebration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulnzVkfkQRo
Spoiler alert: Ketanji Brown Jackson
That’s not a church it’s a political party
Nothing surprises me. These so called preachers are as bad as the elected government. One big happy evil family!
Has anyone else had trouble loading catbox links the past few days? Every link I've tried since Monday evening ends up being broken.
What was that ivermectin for again, like 12mg tablet, once every 3 days for a 4 times regimen to get rid of parasites if any? I forgot.. someone asked me.
I came down with a stomach bug about a week ago, I started taking my ivermectin every day, and I’ve been taking it for about a week. No more stomach problems. I don’t feel like I want to vomit and I’m not having stomach pain anymore. My prescriptions for 12 mg capsules. I weigh 180.
ISO: Prepping books that cover alternative antibiotics, sanitizing water and anything related to being sick during a blackout, health related things you need to stock on. Also same topic but for a toddler in case of getting sick and can’t get antibiotics. We are set on food and land we can hunt if required.
Bread cook books, sour dough
I swear by Colloidal Silver, also Golden Seal, Turmeric, and aactivated charcoal for infections, charcoal will save you from food poisoning, infected teeth abcesses in mouth or gums. Don't listen to the warnings about silver turning you blue, you have to consume a lot of it daily to do that. Toddlers would only need antibiotics if they are exposed to other kids with infections, so I imagine if the shtf, you would remain isolated and safe. I had a few cases of MRE's, but I have a neighbor and friend who is off the grid and very base, and he came up on hard times so I gave them to him. I have lots of Mountain House dehydrated foods, Iodine tablets for water purification,also have a pound bag of frankinscense, another antibiotic. Bulk gauze and bandages, silver ointment, saline. Raising rabbits is good for protein, they are maybe the cheapest, you only have to feed the does pellets, the babies can be raised on mothers milk and hay and grass, then bop them and skin em and eat them. You cannot survive totally on rabbits though because they have no fat. Get a pig, render the fat from pigs, chickens, beef and save it.
Where do you get everything. Are you using tinctures or dried herbs. I have a good amount of herbs but not enough to treat people. I need books and don’t know what to by. My library and book stores don’t have good books. I have lots of rabbits at my house. They are always around our houses eating grass. I had a 1/4 cow but less now. On the list for more in March, they don’t process in the winter. Intend on getting pork from same people. I started carnivore 12/27/23 so we are using it fast. I’m always buying meat at the store. We have at creek less than a mile behind the house and can drive down if needed. That’s why I was asking about sanitizing. Probably need to get rain barrels if we don’t have any around. We usually don’t throw out stuff like that.
Pets are hilarious! Especially dogs and cats. I’m down to just one dog and that’s my daughter’s. From day one I’ve kept him when she worked or out of town so he’s mine also. He’s a dachshund and they are prone to serious back injuries and paralysis. We try to encourage him not to jump. I got an automatic recliner last year. When he’s sitting with me he gets up flaps ears and gives me a look. I know that means lower the foot rest. He rides it down like an old person on lift going up the stairs🤣 The funniest thing is if he doesn’t want to get up when I do. He will sit on the bottom refusing to budge. I have to push him off once at the floor. Pets are great for your mood but sometimes they can test your last nerves.
I’m so happy you have a nice friend to hang out with. Wiener dogs are great.
Thanks I still miss having a cat and would like one again at the right time. I took in a mama and kitten about two years ago and he was terrified plus trying to bite the kitten. A cat rescue took them and that was very hard on me for months. My first dachshund would have loved the cats but she came into a house with cats. He’s my little buddy. Very sweet but jealous! It’s been a big adjustment for him with the baby. When I have them both the chair full! Dachshund’s trip me out with their looks at you. I could talk forever about their forever puppy stage and stubbornness.
Dogs are so smart, they figure us out pretty quick.
Oh yes! I think cats are smarter but they can be mean and sneaky so they get a bad rap. I never was around dogs until twenty odd years ago except for outside dogs. I love the eyes they give. Ours grunts if you disturb his sleep🤣
Cats are okay but if they were any bigger they'd try to eat us.
Gas station heroin? Had not heard of this before
My husband has to be in the road today and out of town for a bit. Are we concerned this outage will turn into a full panic, or is this just a blip?
He needs to go on the trip for work, but we are both a little worried if the SHTF while he’s gone.
I’m not an expert but outages happen kinda frequently. If you don’t use the service you most likely don’t hear about it. I don’t know details of this outage. Look into getting handheld radios and or CB. We have several CBs. I created that monster! For over a year I told my husband we needed outside communication when 💩 hit fan. Now he has an entire shelf full of different types. It’s loud as all get out. But he enjoys it and I like listening to people all over the world. I know if we need to find out news in the event of blackout we are covered. There’s also HAM radio which requires a license. He’s not interested in that because you have to take test to get and keep your license. He has just gotten in handheld GMRS radio (people correct me if I said that wrong) it connects to local repeaters. In the case of emergency you could be at home and say you needed to get in touch with someone across the state and they would relay messages until it reached the person. He’s made friends with local guys into this radio. The nosy person in me listens to them talk about local people🤣
Praying everything will be alright with his travels.
Good to know. Thank you for the info!!!
Appreciate it. ❤️
Sure fren.
AT&T down for anyone else? I thought it was just my phone, but https://downdetector.com.
its down for everyone everywhere
I’m in Eastern NC hour east of Raleigh. My daughter’s is down.
Here’s the best thing I watched all week, but I am partial to musicals. I need to see the whole movie now!
👉🏻 https://youtu.be/TyqWjVm7jqo
u/Tweety51A & u/Mary911 : enjoy!🤗🥳💐
That was very uplifting and upbeat
Thank you so much for sharing...I love Hungarian Dance No.5...played a scaled down version in my youth...AND you gave me a good movie to watch that I have never heard of. I don't watch TV or movies but I can certainly make an exception.
I actually saw a Rogers and Hammerstein musical, Cinderella, at the college near Christina's house last night...a modern version of the classic story. Of course I remember seeing the Disney cartoon as a kid that cost a quarter...I was mesmerized...but that was before we knew how evil Disney was...still a very powerful love story and I am a sucker for love stories... I am headed home shortly...Christina has some court appearances in March and I believe May if you would remember to pray...love you all...read Hold the Line every day to keep up and I am very grateful you are getting your heat repaired...you are always in my thoughts and prayers...😊...thank you for thinking of me...
Don’t worry Tweetie, when Christina’s ordeal is finally over, I guess I will be so used to praying for her I won’t stop at once.🙏🏻🤗💐
Thank you...you are good people...
I’m discouraged. My brother, who is really walking with the Lord, told me today I shouldn’t put so much time and energy into conspriracy theories. He and his wife choose to not learn any truth. I was offended, to be honest. I played it off but I felt like we’re going to age 50 freaking years before some people, including those on the side of good, wake the f*** up. I’m tired. Thank God, my kids are all awake but they rely on me to keep up with the details. They all work, lately a lot, and I feel like they need me to do it. Heavens above, they need me to keep up. It gives them hope that this isn’t all bullshit. I’m staying the course but just needed to pour my heart out for a minute. Sorry for going on and on. Love you all!
Don’t worry about the family. Just don’t share with them anymore. There’s no reason to put yourself in their line of fire and be denigrated, because they’re asleep. Keep up the good work. Also, it’s good that your kids understand because that makes a big difference. Mine is fast asleep.
I feel for you. My brother is awake, but my wife is fast asleep; intentionally oblivious. She buries her head into cooking shows, "stupie movies" (romantic comedies), books, etc.
Intentionally oblivious. Exactly.
I've got friends who are like your brother and his wife. They think it's all political and divisive to get caught up in "conspiracy theories." I stopped being direct with them a few months after they got themselves jabbed because "it's the right thing to do." She is still unwavering in her faith in the science. He's had a personal and serious reproduction problem that's made him a little more curious but only when his wife is not around. This is another heartache really. They completely rejected my earnest and reasonable warnings and request that they put off the jab for 6 months because she had absolute faith in the medical propaganda. All I've done to reach them since then is patiently wait until I can have an opportunity to speak. When that time comes I try hard to only share what I can source quickly. I think he's starting to stir. I primarily focus on citizenship responsibilities with him. I think learning the hard way shook him up.
Bittersweet learning. You’re right. I do the same thing. Yesterday, it was showing him the fb drop about being spied on 24/7/365. He said he doesn’t do anything wrong so he doesn’t care. He just doesn’t understand that “something wrong” is what the government deems it to be. I just felt like his head is made of meat.
My wife and I thought we had a pretty close relationship with these friends. He joked about it when I warned him that side effects were being suppressed. He seems to be doubting his confidence lately though. I will miss either of them if a suddenly happens but you know you can't help those who don't want help you can pray and be available. He even had another jabbed close friend of his have a minor stroke while driving, who managed to pull over and call 911, but that was just a coincidence. I can be slow on the uptake too sometimes I know... but it's heartbreaking in more ways than one I guess.
Not all are called to be warriors, we are called to live our truth in Christ, for some this is works, for some this is faith, for some it is service, for some it is healing. If you were called to serve in one area, just do that. I don't think we are meant to recruit anyone other than to bring the Gospel to them. I believe for Christians who live their faith and pray daily, God knows what we are capable of and gives us opportunities to use our gifts and strengths accordingly. Not everyone is a soldier, not everyone is good with sick people or able to treat messy illness with love and grace, not everyone has a mechanical mind to build a house, but they may know how to feed a family of 12 with few ingredients and make it taste delicious. How wonderful it must be to have a family that is full of Faith.
Even the most faithful Christian’s can be blind. I don’t know him so don’t know exactly how he thinks. I can agree with this to some degree. Having faith in God to take care of everything in your life and world means letting go. Just like a kid waiting on parent to pick them up. If that parent always comes through the kid won’t question, will they forget? I believe most people here are mostly the same type of person. We may trust the lord to protect us, provide and take out evil but we want to know all the details! Investigating and learning what’s going on in your world doesn’t mean you don’t have faith. I don’t think God wants us walking around with blinders on. Also how can you fight the evil if you aren’t aware of it? There’s so many bad influences today and especially if you have children you need to be aware to protect them. I absolutely hate I know the truth about satanic worship and child trafficking. It’s messed with my head. Yet, on the other hand I’m glad I know because I have a one year old granddaughter and I know to protect her at all costs. Lastly, when a person is set in their ways and refuses to see every aspect of something they will stubbornly stay in denial out of self defense. It’s a mentality I don’t understand even though most of our family and friends are like this. Bottom line do what works for you. I’ve stopped trying to reach family and friends. They think I’m crazy. If something bad happens to them I won’t say I told you so but you kinda loose respect.
You just said what I said to him. I asked him how we defeat evil if we don’t know what it is? And, again, you are on the money. They think I’m crazy. Thank God, my kids have listened to everything. That’s what matters. They watch their kids CLOSE. Currently, I’m praying that the part of my family who just left for El Paso, is safe. My grandson was invited to a national football game for 7th and 8th graders. I am so proud! I am also scared to death that some illegal is going to rob them or worse. I put my trust FULLY in God to protect them. We went over “hunter safety’ before they left. They are more ready than when they left, if you know what I mean. We all prayed together over the phone. Where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there with them/us.
I can relate. The question that goes through my head is - how would your brother feel if you told him he and his wife shouldn't put so much precious time and energy into bread and circuses? Of course, you are too diplomatic to voice this type of a question.
That’s exactly what they do. That and government free stuff. This is what brought up the Facebook q drop. They got a “free” tablet with independent internet from the government. I told them both, if it’s free, YOU are the product. Oh, we only use it when the gkids are here, is what I was told. I’m trying to tell him about all of us being on a watchlist for buying bibles and we’re being listened in on. He said he doesn’t do anything wrong so he’s not worried. He doesn’t value privacy or any of that. I wish they would look forward more than a day to see what’s happening to our country. This is the thing I worry most about concerning the Great Awakening. How many Christians are burying their heads in the sand like my brother? I told them both they are holding the world up while we’re waiting for them to come around. If we don’t force the hand of evil, we won’t defeat it. I know that God already won. It’s so frustrating to watch some of this movie!
Right? I am so proud of him. He was a homeless drug addict five years ago. He’s been clean now for almost that long. His son flipped his truck on the freeway in Idaho and passed away, as did his girlfriend. My nephew was 21. That devastated my brother. It devastated all of us, me especially. I felt like Pontius Pilate. I washed my hands of the situation previous to this. I didn’t want to deal with the lying and all the pain he would cause all of us. Looking back, I should’ve had more spine and fortitude. I’m an ex addict myself and I didn’t want to go back to that. Still, I should’ve been more attentive. It woke him up and I thank God that He pulled my brother out of the pit. What a price to pay. I still watch him struggle with it. I’ve been asking God to not take any of my kids or grandkids since I got pregnant with the first one. He has delivered me. It’s hard to be awake, but absolutely necessary if we are going to beat evil.
What is the best Tax software in your opinion?
We've used a tax preparer the last several years and last year she fudged up pretty bad and wouldn't admit it was totally her fault that our daughter didn't get her refunds. She put someone else's bank account information on her tax returns, so her refunds went to someone else's bank. She swore she put the right info and not someone else's, I proved her wrong, she never apologized or helped to correct her mistake, told us we had to correct it with the irs and state ourselves. Do you know how hard it is to get an employee from the state to actually get something done right? She called twice and they still sent it to the other person's account and she still hasn't gotten it straightened out yet, along with a check the state sent out to everyone, that also went to someone else. This woman had the nerve to send us her normal "tax time" letter. Uh, no thank you, we will do our own taxes by ourselves again like we use to.
My husband used to buy H&R Block pc program. He’s done our taxes at least 15-20 years. They no longer have anything physical for purchase. A few years he used the free app & did it on phone. I guess this year he used free option on the website because he used the PC.
What free option and on what website?
We use to use H&R Block program also before we started using that tax person, and was thinking to use that program again but wasn’t sure if they were the best or easiest program to use now or not.
I’m not sure. I can ask him later today. We have not had any issues. We don’t have deductions and don’t know if that makes it simpler.
Thank you!
Angry Emotions Cloud Man's Judgment, It Seems. Still God Prevails. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 7:54-60, "The Stoning of Stephen". Verse 60 Says, "Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep."
The Song: https://youtu.be/35iDoog9cmo
Have a blessed day.
Thanks for sharing. I’m trying to get back into regular reading and bible study (from home).
1 Kings 18:38&39
Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God.”
I know Trump will be fine, but oh boy does the whole NYC BS piss me off like no other. What pisses off even more is that we have an opportunity to nip it all at the bud by electing Lee Zeldin into the Governor's office back in 2022, but not only NYC ruined that chance, but I felt that all of the people who just ran away to Florida left us without the necessary numbers to beat the Demonic Rats. At times, instead of a lion, I felt like our symbol should be a chicken, cause we seem to run away a lot.
I know people are going to run away, but this tyranny will spread more and more unless we send warriors back into the fight. Wars are not won by running away into lazy comfort, it is won by sending brave men and women into enemy territory and defeating them there.
No more running.
Running away to leave ruins behind causes the enemy's plans to succeed. It's difficult to push back though when most normies are sleeping and you're alone. Perhaps an organized influx of patriots is the answer?
sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle to win the war
Tactical retreats. Families shouldn't have to stay in a forsaken libshit hole for the "sake of the state", we've got 50 of em. We Americans didn't chicken run from Britain, and nobody would say we didn't stay to fight. Too much broad generalization here. I understand the sentiment though.