Pascal Najadi...
Burst on the Scene in late 2023, reportedly "son of WEF co-founder", "former Swiss Airforce Commander" and "investment Banker", Najadi has been saying a lot of things about certain people and making some big pronouncements and "disclosures".
Let's take a look at him from the angle of his own actions.
From his truth social account, he links to various stories quoting or publishing himself.
For example:
But who wrote' the article Under who's name is it published)?
No name, no variable information or data. Curious.
Who is the Hindustan Herald? Part of the Mavilach Group, apparently. (Bottom of page)
Who are the Mavilach Group?
Mavilach Group (
Let’s see. Who are they? Let's check out the About Us page.
Hmmm…. OK.
See All divisions >> >>
Uh? Ok.
Mavilach Press (Explore) >> >>
Mavilach Experience (Explore) >>
Mavilach Connect (Explore) >>
Mavilach Media (Explore) >>
Mavilach Engage (Explore) >>
In other words, nothing. All image, no substance. Every link on About us Leads to the same Service page, which leads back to the About Us page.
Keep this in mind.
But surely Najadi is legit. He's published in lots of different places. Like the New Jersey Times, as Najadi tells us:
New Jersey Times, a generic interest and news publication that suddenly promotes the most important, Breaking News!!! Disclosure by Najadi!!
Note: Popular “this week”: (Najadi article, Dec 11 aka 3 months old, but popular “This week”)
Author? “Little Mavilach”.
Profile? No data, no verifiable information. And… Mavilach Group.
Contact? Manage your subscription?
The best way to manage your New York Times subscription is online, by visiting
Did Mavilach simply copy then forget to edit the NYT template?
What’s the bet that Mavilach runs a service that lets people pay him money to publish their thing in a seemingly legitimate publication?
Marketing Sales digital media
note: same articles on Hinidustan Herald and New Jersey Times
On his Rumble ABOUT page, Najadi links “The Prenuer Magazine”
An online magazine dealing with generic interest topics etc, all of a sudden posts the SAME article from Najadi but under someone else’s name….
Who are they?
No information, really. Except “We’re dedicated to providing you with…. “ and “I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you” but not even a name. Also, no address, no information whatsoever.
Let’s domain search:
Registrant: Swagger Deevs
Mailing Address: Uttar Pradesh, India.
Hmmm…. Who/what is Swagger deevs?
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires more than just a strategy — it demands a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. This is where SWAGGER DEEVS steps in, a pioneering digital marketing agency founded by Divyam Agarwal
So, a digital marketing company. Do you think perhaps they post articles for money on their general interests and news publications website?
Do you think its possible that Najadi and Johnson have decided to pay marketing companies operating pseudo-news and general interest websites to generate the impression that they are legit and going viral? Is it possible? What other explanation could there be for these websites to publish that content and for Najadi to promote them via his Truth Social and Rumble Accounts? Do you really think that Q, DJT and the White Hats are going to ‘disclose’ all the top secret operations information in this manner? Really?
Let’s go on.
The Real Prenuer article:
Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss Air Force commander and investment banker, began with his disclosures, which include verified proof gathered from official United States Government and Military websites.
So, the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot) etc, etc, are all Najadi’s disclosures? Hmmmm…
The well-known American Military Veteran Derek Johnson, who is also a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn and other prominent US Military Commanders, has established an unhackable Disclosure enabling the public the world over to check and verify that Donald J. Trump is not only the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, These are the unmistakable components of Disclosure that will provide you with the clarity you deserve.
How many anons can verify or provide tangible evidence that Johnson is "well-known" & “a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn & other prominent US Military Commanders”? Trusted by who?
Who else is promoting Najadi’s narrative?
AMG (Feb 5, 2024)
Essentially a copy/paste of Najadi’s ‘statement of disclosure’
Who ‘wrote’ this?
Blurb, zero concrete or verifiable details. Avatar from ( AMG is another clickbait fake site.
“Med beds” “QFS” All the executions!!!
Apparently its all been done folks! Hey, nothing like news that is real and raw (<ahem> Real Raw News!!!!)
UPDATE 30.12.2023
All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country
Najadi also promoted this:
Apparently, “Jon s. Wilson” on was happy to republish Najadi’s article in his own name…
Who is he?
Jon S. Wilson is an American Author working with more than 100+ News Organizations
15 followers, but he works with 100+ news orgs. Wow.
Najadi promotes his own article at Los Angeles Business on his Truth Social account
The article is now deleted but… archived:
So, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishes BREAKING Najadi disclosures!
Author: Morgan Skyler. Who is he?
Morgan Snyder is a highly respected senior correspondent for Los Angeles Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in the field of journalism, Morgan is known for his insightful reporting blah blah….
So, no verifiable details or information. But his avatar?
See also Allen Keen on Amazon (; Sam Fitz on facebook (
Tineye reveals its a stock photo:
So what sort of magazine uses fake accounts to post generic interest news, and then a BREAKING! Big story like Pascal Najadi?
And why did Pascal Najadi link to it? Doesn’t HE know that it’s a bogus website? But, he’s the one who is disclosing all the top secret information, right?!?
Thanks to Najadi, we find another ‘article’ about him.
An online general interests and news publication (focused on music, entertainment, etc) suddenly posts BAM!!! Big Disclosure by ally of Commander In Chief Donald Trump!!!!
Who are they?
Vents Magazine is the premier online publication for music news, entertainment, movies....
But no address, not contact details, no verifiable information.
Who ‘wrote’ the article (always using the same photos that Najadi posts on his Truth Social account)?
Author: TEDFUEL.
No information, not a blurb, not even an avatar!
Najadi is even a member of General Flynn’s Locals!!! Yes! If that isn’t clear evidence that he is legitimate and is buddies with Gen Flynn, what is?
Huff mag also published Najadi’s big article:
Huffmag, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishing BREAKING news that is top secret!!!!! The ONE Opinion article they have and it’s THIS one. How about that?
Author: Jeff Curry
Mr Curry: Previous stories all fashion, models, artists, general affairs and BAM! Big Military Operation disclosure!!!
istockphoto. They didn’t even bother to rename the file…. Huffmag. No address, not even an “About” tab. Oh, but
© 2024 Huffmag. Advertising Agency .
Hmmmm…. See a pattern here?
Najadi also linked to what is clearly a bogus fake news website, touting it as evidence that his stories are all true and now going global, because the news organization is a massive, mainstream news organization, namely
I personally checked this. Looks like now Najadi has removed the Truth Social post, but here is the link that he provided, archived:
Author: David Stevens.
So, previous articles are Arts, Talents, models, then BAM! Big Disclosure of Global Top Secret Operations!
Avatar: Stock photo. (courtesty of Tineyecom)
So, how is it that supposedly Super Intel knowing ‘Former Swiss Airforce Officer’ now ‘working with Space Force’ (Semper Supra, don’t you know?) is posting links to his information, articles, and photos on what are obviously fake and/or paid-for media online publications?
The one is particularly interesting, as it is obviously an out and out fake website. (It was taken down sometime last month, possibly prompted by the actual folks found out about it when one of our own anons (u/winn) contacted them to let them know that their fake news was being faked by another fake, fake news website.)
But all the other sites are dodgy as heck. And yet, Najadi unabashedly uses them, or promotes them. How is that possible?
Some pedes will say “yes, its all a disclosure operation by the White Hats and Najadi is 100% legitimate (despite taking all the credit for the work of anons over the past 7 years) and these places are being used to disclose the real truth”. The same argument came out when Real Raw News operation started up. How did that one turn out?
The other explanation is that these websites were paid by Najadi (and his backers) to publish the content and make it appear something that it isn’t. To give it power and generate apparent legitimacy.
Look how many posts there have been at GAW on Najadi and his big disclosures!
Najadi has gotten himself invited onto a lot of Alt-media influencers, and has been retweeted and promoted by quite a few who I would consider legitimate anons and researchers. But have any of them really investigated into Najadi? Or do they simply take him at face value? Or are they happy themselves to promote clickable stuff?
What do you think, anon?
Here is a video Najadi posted on his Rumbel account, 3 months ago.
Apparently Derek Johnson is not only US Military veteran (the only one to have a hit billboard song in 2020! Which is obviously a really big deal (sarc)) , but he is also a “friend of US Wartime President and CIC Donald Trump”
Najadi uses a picture of Johnson standing next to Trump as the thumbnail for the video, obviously giving the impression that somehow a photo of Johnson with Trump shows he is a great friend of Trump and his ally, too!
The articles all use the same pictures. Big on Noise...
Grandiose claims, cut and paste content from OTHER anons passed off as his own? Or Super important secret disclosure operation by Q team using Najadi and Derek Johnson?
Think about it.
Applying the same lessons you showed us earlier in your post about BS detecting. Wow. Thank you again!
Yep. As Derek Johnson got stickied, I felt compelled to dig. All of a sudden, my whole day is gone! But I think the results show the value of the approach....
You are doing Gods work, sir
So, were you holding back or was that the entirety of your dissection (sarcasm)? Seriously, you destroyed them many times over. I wish there was some way (without censoring posts) to avoid seeing all these fake characters and "news sites". Clickbait can be an enormous waste of time, and detract from subtle, high-value posts.
In my sincere opinion, there is only one solution: building up one's sense of discernment by investigating, researching with a critical thinking mindset, and poking beneath the surface. No other viable solution.
Anons have the opportunity to pioneer this work, as a lot of the broader public are still walking in the Matrix or matrix-like thinking. A lot have "woken up", but it's not enough. More and more people have to build a culture of poking through the garbage to see the truth.
I was holding back. Hit the character limits for posts, which is 15000 (including spaces). I skipped some of the profile data, and a bunch of other related info regarding Najadi and Johnson. But it was enough for a post!!!!
PS. Thanks for your feedback, fren.
Great dig. I appreciate these efforts. Very helpful
you definitely get a cookie
TIL we are the dark side KEK
Disclaimer: I only do it for the cookies...
You know that gut feelng you get when you first encounter someone?
Listen to it.
Derek Johnson always smelled like a fraud to me. He is to much of a yahoo to have access to all the information he claimed to know.
What has always bothered me about him is that he's always getting on everyone's case, so to speak. He lectures everyone often & a lot. At this point you might say that "I get it!" Whatever the "it" is. It seems he protests too much!
Ham: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen Gerty: The lady protests too much, methinks.
Yes, I placed Najadi, Johnson, and Herold in the same category as Halper-Hayes, along with several others.
MagicEyes brought the Law of War manual and Devolution to our attention using the Q drops. Herold simply repeated what MagicEyes posted but removed the references to Q drops.
Have you read Herold's Devolution Series? Up to Part 24? It's rock solid research, and very little of it overlaps with Magic Eyes research, as far as I can see.
While I would certainly place Najadi and Johnson close to the likes of Halper Hayes, Herold is another matter altogether. The work he and others are doing over at Badlands Media is astonishing. You should check it out.
What distinguishes Herold from those and other influencers, is that he is heavy on research, uses all open source intel, acknowledges and admits when he is speculating and distinguishes it from facts, etc. He shares his opinions, but acknowledges them as opinions.
FWIW, Herold was NOT a Q person, so he approached the situation around Trump purely from an open source intel approach, looking into DJT's Presidential orders, facts around the administration, related law, etc.
I have a very critical eye when it comes to scammers and wanna-be grifty types, and for me, Herold is about as legit as they come. (Matt 7:16 "You will know them by their fruiits....")
Happy to have a different opinion here. Just writing what I think personally.
PS. I believe it was Thomas Wictor who first brought up the concept and possibility of devolution.
There are less than 500 people on planet earth with the last name "Najadi" and nearly all of them are Iranian. Kek.
Fabulous work mate, well done.
Amazing dig - we can take nothing at face value!
The entire world is a stage, and everyone in it is a clown honk honk
Breaking News! Wow, Najadi is not Najadi anymore. He is Anastasios apparently! Wonder why :)
That aside, this is a good post, and I would like to provide some feedback for future narrative busting efforts. It would be nice to have a 3 wing approach.
First wing would be associations with other influencers / websites / business partners etc. (This post mostly falls under the first wing).
The second wing would be the past - what were they doing before they started aligning with their movement, have they addressed their past transparently, red flags like WEF mentorship etc.
The third wing would be the content they push out. What. second hand content they amplify. What original content do they put forward. And what clues can we gather for this as to what their real disinfo agenda is. Can you find independant confirmation of anything special that they claim.
Also, it does not need to be biased for or against. The more neutrally you present the information, the easier it is for people to accept and assimilate the information.
Eventually I plan to make a mega post with links to all the influencers you dig up on, like a reference page that can be on the sidebar perhaps, where a new Anon can simply look at it to find research on the influencers they are following.
Thanks for the feedback. Definitely worth contemplating. And some good points, particularly about neutrality. Of course, here with GAW pedes, I don't mind injecting a bit of personal perspective via sarcasm or what not, but I think I agree that the more neutrality the better (for acceptance and assimilation).
About mega posts, sounds like a great idea. I've presented a significant volume of content particularly related to NewsPunch as a sort of framework for discussing disinfo/clickbait attacks, etc, in general. But that content is spread over a variety of random (not written with any intention for serial connection) posts. Somehow, I feel that at some point, it would be good to compile that into a series format that looks at the various aspects in a comprehensive and sensible order.
Ideally before DJT finishes his 2nd (3rd) term........ :p
Interesting - your post brought Milei (Argentina) to mind while reading.
How much are you saying is fake? The Law of War Manual isn't fake, and there is good evidence for Continuity of Government (servicemen's reactions to Biden, re-authorization of EO 13818). Are you saying that Johnson, et al, are just trying to amplify their popularity and garner attention by using trickery with references? Are you saying they should be referencing and giving credit to Karl's Magic Eyes digs, and Patel Patriot? Just want some clarity, not denigrating all your impressive work.
Thanks for the question!!!
I am saying that (well, drawing the conclusion) that Najadi is a grifty scumbag, and that Johnson is likewise, a self-aggrandizing poser who is claiming credit for the hard work of others.
I think that Magic Eyes LOW work is amazing from a research point of view, but I'm not convinced that all of the conclusions he reaches or that others emphasize are correct.
I think Patel Patriots work on devolution and continuity of government is brilliant, and that he pioneered the way a lot (while it looks like he took some cues from Wictor to start with). I definitely hold the conviction that CoG has taken place in some form or other, but that we don't really know a lot (as needs to be the case).
Sir Isaac Newton wrote: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" acknowledging the work of those who came before him and laid the foundation. As anons, we are all engaged on some level in a collective work to expand awareness and understanding, revealing more and more truth by investigating and sharing. This is the way, obviously.
But some people see the Awakening as a wonderful opportunity for self-benefit, whether in terms of money, fame or influence. They exploit the work and the rest of us who invest our efforts for the own selfish gain.
I put Johnson et all in that group.
In other words, I'm saying Najadi and Johnson are fake, even if some of the content they point to isn't.
Thank you for explaining. I agree that people should cite their sources, like we do on GAW (sauce, please!). If they do, then good for them for spreading the news further. I also agree that we tend to go overboard with making tenuous connections and basing conclusions on them. It's like the days when people were applying Gematria everywhere when it wasn't delivering results.
I don't think its that simple.
Firstly, the controlled opposition often use truth crumbs to direct and divert people into new matrixes. Meds beds, QFS, JFK jnr, targeted patriots getting labeled as DS, etc.
The other thing is, for example, is "devolution theory" news? No, its a theory. If Johnson's efforts to lift himself up and take credit for the work of others inadvertently helps other people wake up, that's a plus. But if he is doing this deceptively and manipulatively, then it's a minus, because this is not just about knowing things. It's about transformation of awareness, and deception, manipulation and lies are always going to have a negative drag on people becoming more aware.
ChatGPT: The Law of War Manual is a document that outlines the legal principles and rules governing armed conflict, also known as international humanitarian law (IHL) or the law of armed conflict. It serves as a guide for military forces, policymakers, legal advisors, and others involved in the planning and conduct of military operations.
The content of a Law of War Manual typically covers a wide range of topics, including:
Principles of IHL: Fundamental principles such as distinction (between combatants and civilians), proportionality (balancing military necessity and humanitarian considerations), and necessity (limiting the use of force to what is militarily necessary).
Protection of Civilians: Rules and obligations regarding the protection of civilians, including rules on targeting, detention, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.
Treatment of Combatants: Rights and obligations of combatants, including rules on capture, detention, interrogation, and treatment of prisoners of war.
Means and Methods of Warfare: Regulations concerning the use of weapons, tactics, and strategies during armed conflict, including prohibitions on weapons of mass destruction, indiscriminate attacks, and certain methods of warfare.
Occupation and Peacekeeping: Legal framework governing the occupation of territory and the conduct of peacekeeping operations, including rules on administration, governance, and the protection of human rights.
Enforcement and Accountability: Mechanisms for enforcing compliance with IHL, including legal accountability for violations of the laws of war, prosecution of war crimes, and the role of international and national courts and tribunals.
The specific content and format of a Law of War Manual may vary depending on the country or organization that produces it. These manuals are often updated to reflect developments in international law, changes in military doctrine, and lessons learned from recent conflicts. They play a crucial role in promoting compliance with IHL and minimizing the humanitarian impact of armed conflict.
The history of the Law of War Manual traces back to the development and codification of international humanitarian law (IHL), also known as the law of armed conflict. Here's an overview of its evolution:
Early Codification Efforts: The roots of modern IHL can be found in various ancient and medieval codes of conduct, religious doctrines, and customary practices governing the conduct of warfare. These included principles of chivalry, religious injunctions, and customary norms aimed at mitigating the effects of armed conflict.
Geneva Conventions: The modern framework of IHL began to take shape with the adoption of the first Geneva Convention in 1864, which established protections for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Subsequent Geneva Conventions, adopted in 1906, 1929, and 1949, expanded protections for wounded and sick combatants, prisoners of war, and civilians during armed conflict.
Hague Conventions: The Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 focused on regulating the conduct of hostilities, including rules on the means and methods of warfare, protection of civilians, and treatment of prisoners of war. These conventions laid the foundation for modern rules of IHL regarding the conduct of armed conflict.
Post-World War II Developments: The atrocities committed during World War II underscored the need for comprehensive and universally applicable rules governing the conduct of armed conflict. In response, the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 were adopted, along with additional protocols addressing specific issues such as protection of victims of international and non-international armed conflicts.
Customary International Law: In addition to treaty-based instruments, customary international law, which consists of widely accepted state practices and legal principles, plays a crucial role in shaping the rules of IHL. Customary norms are reflected in state practice, judicial decisions, and the writings of legal experts.
National Law of War Manuals: Many countries have developed their own Law of War Manuals to provide guidance to military forces, legal advisors, and policymakers on the interpretation and application of IHL in the context of military operations. These manuals draw on international treaties, customary law, and national legislation to articulate the rules governing the conduct of armed conflict.
Overall, the Law of War Manual reflects the ongoing evolution of international humanitarian law and serves as a practical guide for ensuring compliance with legal obligations during times of armed conflict.
What do you suppose 13818 does?
There's been a lot of misunderstanding about that
What if it is something else altogether? I don’t know if any of these people are anons, or have legitimate backgrounds, or backgrounds that are purposefully obfuscated. They are bringing information to normies. It’s not super secret information, but they are bringing it up for the normies. None of that 💩 is easy to read let alone comprehend. Not our fault either, the basturds have been poisoning our food, water, air & medical care for decades! There could be value in the message even though the person who is the messenger is suspect.
So on a side note, my sister, who thinks at times I comeuppance with these crazy conspiracy theories off this site, was shown this post and realized that some of what I had been telling her has been deeply researched. She also has been leaning center right as opposed to center left lately. Keep up the good work and thanks for the dig and receipts.
I appreciate all the work you put into this.
From now on, it'll be easier on your schedule to just say "anything you read that confirms that every single one of your beliefs is unequivocally true, is utter bullshit" /
Wow! BRAVO ZULU!!! That's some serious digging. Great work. BTW, do you have name for this massive BS mining operation? 🤔🤔😃😃😃🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Keep up the great effort!!!
So wait, im a little busy and i think i get the jist of it but, can you post a tdlr of exactly what your thinking here? You did a lot to prove a point, what exactly is that point tho? Then when i have time ill dive.
TL;DR: Pascal Najadi emerged in late 2023, claiming to be the son of a WEF co-founder and a former Swiss Air Force commander turned investment banker. He's been making significant pronouncements and disclosures, often linking to articles featuring himself on platforms like Truth Social and Rumble. However, investigations into these articles reveal dubious origins and associations with entities like Mavilach Group and Swagger Deevs, suggesting they may have been paid for. Despite being promoted by Najadi and some alt-media influencers, questions remain about the legitimacy of his claims and the sources he uses.
Can I get you to do the TLDR next time? :D
So extrapolating this a little bit doesnt sound good right? Are these disclosures we are counting on? Is he just grifting?
El Grifto.
Das Griften.
(Response in 3 langauges: Spanish, Italian, and German. For ease of assimilation. :)
Ps. If you want to get a better (much better) handle on what he is alluding to (embellished with bogus nonsense, imo), check out
And start from there. It will really help. PS. Do NOT count on any disclosures. The only disclosures we need are the disclosures about all the evil and crimes that the DS actors and groups have been perpetrating.
That's been being disclosed over the last 2-3 years. The Q operation is not about disclosing Potus' steps. It's about setting up the cultural and narrative foundation for the disclosure of the criminality of the DS. (IMO)
SIR!! Thankyou for your digging. When I first heard Pascal Najadi talk I was hell suspicious of what he was saying. My Q went full potato! I been trying to prove my theory and you have opened that to me now! Thank you. I will take anything he says moving forward with a pinch of salt. He talks up he is from 5D. You can't swear, Smoke cigarettes, or advocate DEATH like he does! That's not a 5D human at all! His calls for arrests go unactioned as well. I too connected the dots back to Mavilach in India. That;s where I started drawing blanks! You solved what I already knew but couldn't prove. Now I can!! GOD Bless.