I see what’s happening. We’re under a European banking system. The New World needs a new economic standard. America was never truly free because we kept falling under the central banks of Europe.
Fiat is debt slavery not only for our Republic but for the people within the Republic. If we are to free ourselves everything needs to be reset to zero, including personal debt. I am sure these scenarios have been gamed out countless times by the Patriot WHs.
Also 13848 will likely bankrupt many of those that hold our current debt. Who do you pay if your debtors assets are being redistributed? I dont believe the Patriot WHs will be choosing winners and losers among We the People. The implementation of 13848 will necessitate that all debt be zeroed out.
The artwork is pro. Definitely pro.
Jubilee might mean the cancelation of the National Debt, but could also mean the same for personal debt owed to the Globalist Bankers...
It's supposed to mean debt cancellation for the people
It is now a race between my CCdebt reduction plan, bank failures and now, a Jubilee... 😎
Going to cautiously acquire some more of dat.
Does this affect debt to all those who own homes/property?
Don't count on it.
Yeah, I think not, but hope so. I rent these days, so I only incur unsecured debt. 0% APR credit that I pay off before interest kicks in.
I guess we should run up some debt?
I’d love to stick it to these pricks!
Let's goooooo!
I see what’s happening. We’re under a European banking system. The New World needs a new economic standard. America was never truly free because we kept falling under the central banks of Europe.
The thought process of those in debt vs those with no debt ...
Completely different range of emotions.
But, those w/o debt may get a huge tax relief from what was the IRS...
Is this a Jubilee Year?
I think that's what Melissa Redpill has been saying
Look at that right logo.
Am I reading this right?
"The ESA Department of the Treasury?"
The Year Of Jubilee in the Antique Covenant (Older Testament, if you prefer) was a time when all debts were forgiven, and occurred every fifty years.
Hopium on a stick!
Fiat is debt slavery not only for our Republic but for the people within the Republic. If we are to free ourselves everything needs to be reset to zero, including personal debt. I am sure these scenarios have been gamed out countless times by the Patriot WHs.
Also 13848 will likely bankrupt many of those that hold our current debt. Who do you pay if your debtors assets are being redistributed? I dont believe the Patriot WHs will be choosing winners and losers among We the People. The implementation of 13848 will necessitate that all debt be zeroed out.
Interesting to say the least.
Any guesses on who actually puts this up? I’d love to know.
Dangle the carrot of a jubilee (old testament) celebration in front of the masses.
People willingly go further into debt slavery in anticipation.
Separation of church and state reminder goes out rendering jubilee fantasy null and void.
Debts need to be paid.
Rothschild-types win.
You did it to yourself.
Isn't usury just so cool?? Down with the money changers!!! 😒
I got $5 on it being some guy named Jeff.
The Government was UPON HIS shoulders...when will you see who HE is?
I’m so ready!!!
I like the jubilee idea!
Bo Polny is good to listen to.
The United States is on Top of the World Covered in A Golden Light From The USA Department the Treasury 1776...💥
Is the black hole over Germany?
Not sure but read that Central Bank money comes out of Berlin and I thought it was Switzerland...
The jurisdiction of the Germany Swiss border is very interchangeable when it comes to function.
Ah...very interesting...thank you!
when was this put up ? I looked at the debt clock website all week, never caught this one.
Twitter. They moved the posts to Twitter.