Wait … are you actually equating the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths, trafficked children sold for sex, millions jabbed with poison … to a child burning its hand on a stove? All right … Im just gonna leave that right there.
yes. learning lessons the hard way. or, the only way humans ever actually learn anything. and, like the child burning their hand on the stove, still the lesser amount of pain. that might be hard to accept, but it is the horrifying truth. the pain that we have avoided by doing it this way is far greater.
no. this would be the easy way. the hard way is the child burning more than a little of their hand. the hard way makes the holodomor look like a walk in the park. the hard way kills hundreds of millions and has billions truly suffering. "where are the arrests?" doesn't fix the underlying problem of the stupid that let this happen in the first place. it doesn't fix the dimwads who will be suckered in AGAIN. all the support needs to be cut for these assholes and that involves a LOT of people learning that there is no "feel good" path out. the problem isn't the system you are pointing at. the problem is the system underlying that one. back up and take a look at the big picture the way Q told us to. it's an ugly picture. the level of blackmail that creates what we see is amazing. the number of people who see that evil system as the only way to function and do business is amazing. the idea that we can root them out, and actually get ALL of them without this turning into societal pain is a non-starter. a quick reading of the old testament is a good taste of what assholes humans actually are and just what level of pain it takes to teach them to be better. all those prophets got ignored until the suck got deep enough because God let them put their hand on the fukking stove.
If you don't simultaneously hold the idea that Trump is president but also encouraging the country to be the worst it's ever been by putting really despicable human beings in power but at the same time he's the good guy because encouraging human sex trafficking is really the only way to wake people up so therefore he's the best president but the bad things aren't his doing instead it's Joe Biden and the deep state who are allowed to remain in power only by the grace of the almighty Trump.
There are three types of men in the world. One type learns from books. One type learns from observations. And one type just has to urinate on the electric fence himself. --- Will Rogers
WikiLeaks email to John Podesta dated 02/09/2016 from "elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com" stating "Didn't know wet works meant a pool party at the vineyard". 4 days later Scalia was pronounced dead. Justice John Roberts was evidenced to be discussing Scalia's replacement before he died, the TARMAC meeting between Clinton and Lynch is allegedly tied in somehow, which got reporter Christopher Sign killed for breaking the story. It's a good rabbit hole, but I don't have many notes on it readily available and my memory is failing me. Any additional links and context would be appreciated.
Thank you fren! I used to be obsessed with trying to figure all this stuff out, back when I thought I could actually red-pill the people around me in my personal life. It's been a roller coaster ride, and the plot keeps getting thicker and harder for me to even keep up with.
@Atlas117 bad news, the fact that you have a cellphone and more than likely your phone has various apps on it, between the cellphone manufacturer, your cell provider and whatever App Store you utilize... “they” already have your cellphone number... this step helps prove you aren’t a bot.
I get it, and I agree for the most part about your privacy but as the movie 2000 Mules proved... anyone can purchase data to mine all that info all the way down to your date of birth in some cases. Is this right, is this how it should be? No, but it’s their world and as long as you pay that monthly cell phone bill “they” own all of your cellular data and all the info about who the end user is. Believe it or not, it’s all laid out in the fine print you didn’t read when you hit “agree” to the “Terms of Service” when you purchased your cell phone.
I dont have a cellphone. I havent since i was 21, im 35 now.
If i were to own a cellphone i would buy a second hand unit and use a pay as you go sim, although im not sure if u can still use them unregistered nowadays but i bet you could find an old, already registered PAYG sim in some old discarded phone somewhere.
I dont have twitter, truth or any other social media account online other than a facebook i created while i was at school which i use exclusively to contact family and close friends in th rare instance ii cant get hold of them in RL and of course this account on TGA, Specifically for the reason you mentioned TERMS OF SERVICE contracts.
I do not agree. No contract.
I shop mostly in RL stores and i pay with cash, if i cant afford something i save up until i can, I put nothing on credit, I rarely shop online and if i do, i pay a friend cash and buy it on their account with their card.
I do have a debit card but i hardly ever use it. I have a bank account but its used only for receiving wages, paying bills and then i remove the cash almost immediately.
I also do many other things but i dont feel like writing an essay right now.
Yes im hard to get hold of, yes its a ball ache and my friends call me paranoid, but thats just the way i like it.
Im serious about my privacy. Im prepared to make sacrifices.
I think if more people were like me then the digital prison systems would be practically impossible to implement, the tech giants wouldnt have morphed into the hydras they have become but most people just cant resist the convenient carrot that is offered, all by design.
Both Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia are/were high profile practicing Catholics (both attended Mass daily, I believe) and Vigano served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, based in Washington, DC, from 2011 to 2016. I would assume they both knew him well.
Some are good and some not so good. Thomas and Alito and Scalia are/were the highest caliber and solid thru and thru. Kavanaugh... jury is still out (haha), Roberts, Sotomayor and Amy Coney Barrett? Not so much!!!
The rage. Judge Thomas is an avenger. So many people know not only that Scalia was murdered but why and who set it up.
Many people believe, including people here at GAW, that Justice Thomas swore in Trump at noon on 1/20/21.
Hope someday we'll know for certain.🙏
Trump is allowing the invasion on the border?
sometimes dad has to let the kids put their hand on the stove.
Wait … are you actually equating the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths, trafficked children sold for sex, millions jabbed with poison … to a child burning its hand on a stove? All right … Im just gonna leave that right there.
I actually would try to convince my kid not to put his hand on the the stove. So far so good and I can't see him benefiting from doing it.
Everyone will be brought to their own personal precipice.
yes. learning lessons the hard way. or, the only way humans ever actually learn anything. and, like the child burning their hand on the stove, still the lesser amount of pain. that might be hard to accept, but it is the horrifying truth. the pain that we have avoided by doing it this way is far greater.
Allowing the sexploitation of children so we can “learn lessons the hard way” …. Yeah, OK. Thats fuking demented and dumb as fuk.
no. this would be the easy way. the hard way is the child burning more than a little of their hand. the hard way makes the holodomor look like a walk in the park. the hard way kills hundreds of millions and has billions truly suffering. "where are the arrests?" doesn't fix the underlying problem of the stupid that let this happen in the first place. it doesn't fix the dimwads who will be suckered in AGAIN. all the support needs to be cut for these assholes and that involves a LOT of people learning that there is no "feel good" path out. the problem isn't the system you are pointing at. the problem is the system underlying that one. back up and take a look at the big picture the way Q told us to. it's an ugly picture. the level of blackmail that creates what we see is amazing. the number of people who see that evil system as the only way to function and do business is amazing. the idea that we can root them out, and actually get ALL of them without this turning into societal pain is a non-starter. a quick reading of the old testament is a good taste of what assholes humans actually are and just what level of pain it takes to teach them to be better. all those prophets got ignored until the suck got deep enough because God let them put their hand on the fukking stove.
Why the down vote? That is about as legit a question to the premise as I can imagine. Yet, someone downvoted.
If you don't simultaneously hold the idea that Trump is president but also encouraging the country to be the worst it's ever been by putting really despicable human beings in power but at the same time he's the good guy because encouraging human sex trafficking is really the only way to wake people up so therefore he's the best president but the bad things aren't his doing instead it's Joe Biden and the deep state who are allowed to remain in power only by the grace of the almighty Trump.
There are three types of men in the world. One type learns from books. One type learns from observations. And one type just has to urinate on the electric fence himself. --- Will Rogers
Can you shed some light on that since I didn't know he was murdered so would like to know why and who set it up.
WikiLeaks email to John Podesta dated 02/09/2016 from "elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com" stating "Didn't know wet works meant a pool party at the vineyard". 4 days later Scalia was pronounced dead. Justice John Roberts was evidenced to be discussing Scalia's replacement before he died, the TARMAC meeting between Clinton and Lynch is allegedly tied in somehow, which got reporter Christopher Sign killed for breaking the story. It's a good rabbit hole, but I don't have many notes on it readily available and my memory is failing me. Any additional links and context would be appreciated.
Remember what Assange said, that 98% of Washington DC, is corrupt.
He was at some retreat for secret societies if I remember correctly. He was also found with pillow over his face.
Correct. Most people sleep with their face on top of the pillow. For some reason, Justice Scalia slept with a pillow over his face.
His entire family was hush, hush about it all. There was no autopsy. I believe the official statement was natural causes.
That's what I recall at least.
Eh, my husband sleeps with a pillow over his face. It’s not unheard of. Uncommon, certainly, but not unheard of.
Well, I think most understood my message for what it was meant to be.
Excellent synopsis! Well done fren! 👏 u/Proud17Peasant
Thank you fren! I used to be obsessed with trying to figure all this stuff out, back when I thought I could actually red-pill the people around me in my personal life. It's been a roller coaster ride, and the plot keeps getting thicker and harder for me to even keep up with.
Supposedly the tarmac meeting was about Lynch becoming the next SC justice.
Check this comment post out by Thomas...
Link to Truth Social
nothing there. taken down from Truth Social?
Did you click on the links above?
Yeah, I keep getting Resource not found.
Same. I wont sign up to anything that asks me for a cellphone number.
@Atlas117 bad news, the fact that you have a cellphone and more than likely your phone has various apps on it, between the cellphone manufacturer, your cell provider and whatever App Store you utilize... “they” already have your cellphone number... this step helps prove you aren’t a bot.
I get it, and I agree for the most part about your privacy but as the movie 2000 Mules proved... anyone can purchase data to mine all that info all the way down to your date of birth in some cases. Is this right, is this how it should be? No, but it’s their world and as long as you pay that monthly cell phone bill “they” own all of your cellular data and all the info about who the end user is. Believe it or not, it’s all laid out in the fine print you didn’t read when you hit “agree” to the “Terms of Service” when you purchased your cell phone.
I dont have a cellphone. I havent since i was 21, im 35 now. If i were to own a cellphone i would buy a second hand unit and use a pay as you go sim, although im not sure if u can still use them unregistered nowadays but i bet you could find an old, already registered PAYG sim in some old discarded phone somewhere.
I dont have twitter, truth or any other social media account online other than a facebook i created while i was at school which i use exclusively to contact family and close friends in th rare instance ii cant get hold of them in RL and of course this account on TGA, Specifically for the reason you mentioned TERMS OF SERVICE contracts.
I do not agree. No contract.
I shop mostly in RL stores and i pay with cash, if i cant afford something i save up until i can, I put nothing on credit, I rarely shop online and if i do, i pay a friend cash and buy it on their account with their card. I do have a debit card but i hardly ever use it. I have a bank account but its used only for receiving wages, paying bills and then i remove the cash almost immediately. I also do many other things but i dont feel like writing an essay right now.
Yes im hard to get hold of, yes its a ball ache and my friends call me paranoid, but thats just the way i like it.
Im serious about my privacy. Im prepared to make sacrifices. I think if more people were like me then the digital prison systems would be practically impossible to implement, the tech giants wouldnt have morphed into the hydras they have become but most people just cant resist the convenient carrot that is offered, all by design.
🤔 I can go to the links...sorry
No problem maybe local. I'm not on truth but can usually get to it.
I had no problem with the links.
Links work for me
Same. Also why tf would someone downvote this?
Joys1Daughter gets downvoted often. Shame. As do I. Maybe whomever it is doesn’t like females, or feminine names.
Upvoted for you both to counter the idiot - from a fellow female fren 🥰
Total Information Awareness belongs to we the people first.
Both Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia are/were high profile practicing Catholics (both attended Mass daily, I believe) and Vigano served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, based in Washington, DC, from 2011 to 2016. I would assume they both knew him well.
Why so many catholics on supreme Court?
Some are good and some not so good. Thomas and Alito and Scalia are/were the highest caliber and solid thru and thru. Kavanaugh... jury is still out (haha), Roberts, Sotomayor and Amy Coney Barrett? Not so much!!!
I am assuming the friend is Scalia?
Yes, BB and I think the second call was to RBG...
Wow thats the first time I am hearing this. Wonder why?
First time for me as well...