Before I was awake to the Cabal, I remember thinking that Muslims were on a global crusade to take over, and that their strategy was to infiltrate, populate, and then overwhelm the voting system. At some point, all of the "peaceful" Muslims would come out in support of the radical Islamic agenda. We are knaive to think that Islam is a peaceful religion.
It makes me wonder... is the Cabal using Islam, or is Islam its own threat?
Albert Pike, 33° Freemason and Satanist, said that a 3rd world war would be the means to eliminate Jew and Arab by creating a conflict that would destroy both. The result would be to then target Christians as the last major religion and convert them to worship the "true" (false) light of Lucifer or kill them.
Since I was a kid, I always sorta had this hunch that Mohammed was the false prophet mentioned in Revelation of the Bible. I usually just kept that to myself, though. That said, yes, I concur. Please don't forget that, though a minority, there are other religions in those areas of the world for it is the birthplace of many religions including & especially, Christianity.
From what I’ve gathered on Islam, he sold it to them in such a way that they think it is citing scripture from the Bible, both old and New Testament, yet they are not allowed to actually read the Bible to test the citations, which are twisted and out of context as hell. Really, a lot of the Christian church does the same thing - see the Methodists.
There do seem to be some things that some Muslims get right and have a proper sense of.
Have seen a lot of them seeming to come into the light lately. Hopefully that in itself isn’t infiltration.
Imo a thing to require of them as part of any claimed conversion is to discard their Islamic name.
The sons of Ishmael would be as fierce as the Catholic militant if they were on our side, but definitely have to be extremely cautious about inviting them in…
One thing is for sure, we are going to find out who is right and wrong about what at some point…
Yeah I thought they had the same beliefs about the old testament & all & I so I assumed that they had the same understanding of Isaac & Ishmael. I was talking to one of them about that but um, something is very different in what they believe there because the guy just got very angry....
So do liberals when you try to tell them what the truth is.
You have to get them to tell themselves, which is much harder.
I never understood it until someone here managed to say something that put me into a congitive dissonance state, which isn't normal for me. ONE cognitive dissonance was very uncomfortable and had me almost dizzy.
Can you imagine how much discomfort some people are walking around with?
Honest question, people often claim "there's MILLIONS of anons around the world", yet this video has been on the Q board(s) for 6 years yet there is only 143k views?
I would say anon's are not the same thing as 'awake'. Anon's ( us ) get up and devote time to the GA, every day.
We don't need the entire world to be anon's, just a majority of the world to be awake. I think the number of 'awake' is well into the hundreds of millions.
Totally agree. After the 2020 Steal, there were people that got going, and people that stayed in their comfy coma no matter how much cold water you poured on them. It appears we were meant for this time in history. Not grandstanding, not boasting- just here in this place and time for this job, and then some.
Remember the scene in the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" where Aslan shows the young girl how to wake the frozen inhabitants of the good kingdom? Time to get waking. Time to use "groupthink" against the cabal.
Think of the farmers who have not fired a single shot to bring worldwide awareness to the agenda and those behind it. The Cabal's 24/7 propaganda campaign is having zero effect on momentum of public consciousness.
I know people who were normies just 5 years ago bringing up the Kalergi Plan and the Holodomor. Comparing 15 minute cities to the Matrix and talking about 'predictive programming.'
It's akin to the chain reaction effect. Starts with very few people, they each convince two more, they each convince two more. Those initial ones take more time as they have to dig more, but now we do appear to have so many examples it doesn't take as long going from one group to another.
I'm still astounded by the known bad actors that still pretend as if there's nothing going on and the 2020 election was legitimate. Totally ignoring the phrase "whoever sings first gets the best deal".
A lot of us found Q late. The lockdown BS allowed for much more time to surf the web. I was lead to Q by a comment in a youtube vid.
By the time I found Q , I was so far behind everyone else , I was grateful for the extra time to catch up. Some links were broken (banned) , and the sheer volume of info and breadcrumbs makes for some long study sessions .
I am thankful I was led to this site to finally view these vids that I skimmed over earlier.
This is a long movie with a lot of popcorn being enjoyed.
This guy, US Admiral (RET) James Lyons, seems pretty old, but his brain seems to be working fine, and it doesn't look like he is reading anything. From 2015. Biden is a slug and needs to be out-Trump needs to be in.
This. I had no idea of this Q post, and this gives me hope. Islam is not compatible with any free society or any religion. Their mandate is to control the world and kill non believers.
Before I was awake to the Cabal, I remember thinking that Muslims were on a global crusade to take over, and that their strategy was to infiltrate, populate, and then overwhelm the voting system. At some point, all of the "peaceful" Muslims would come out in support of the radical Islamic agenda. We are knaive to think that Islam is a peaceful religion.
It makes me wonder... is the Cabal using Islam, or is Islam its own threat?
Both can be true at the same time.
Imo, Islam is an attack dog of the vampires. But I think the vampires think they have total control over Islam, and I don't think that's accurate.
The vampires often over-play their hand.
The cabal is using islam. The cabal is Jewish, and Islam is the easiest to control, so the goal is to convert everyone.
The elites you hate and the Jews you defend will reveal the truth that they're one in the same.
Albert Pike, 33° Freemason and Satanist, said that a 3rd world war would be the means to eliminate Jew and Arab by creating a conflict that would destroy both. The result would be to then target Christians as the last major religion and convert them to worship the "true" (false) light of Lucifer or kill them.
Come on man they infiltrated all religions I know it's hard to swallow.
Dumbest post of the day. Go back to KKK school democrat. Islam takeover?
I suppose AIPAC, the most powerful lobby in the US, is Islamic?
Since I was a kid, I always sorta had this hunch that Mohammed was the false prophet mentioned in Revelation of the Bible. I usually just kept that to myself, though. That said, yes, I concur. Please don't forget that, though a minority, there are other religions in those areas of the world for it is the birthplace of many religions including & especially, Christianity.
From what I’ve gathered on Islam, he sold it to them in such a way that they think it is citing scripture from the Bible, both old and New Testament, yet they are not allowed to actually read the Bible to test the citations, which are twisted and out of context as hell. Really, a lot of the Christian church does the same thing - see the Methodists.
There do seem to be some things that some Muslims get right and have a proper sense of.
Have seen a lot of them seeming to come into the light lately. Hopefully that in itself isn’t infiltration.
Imo a thing to require of them as part of any claimed conversion is to discard their Islamic name.
The sons of Ishmael would be as fierce as the Catholic militant if they were on our side, but definitely have to be extremely cautious about inviting them in…
One thing is for sure, we are going to find out who is right and wrong about what at some point…
Yeah I thought they had the same beliefs about the old testament & all & I so I assumed that they had the same understanding of Isaac & Ishmael. I was talking to one of them about that but um, something is very different in what they believe there because the guy just got very angry....
So do liberals when you try to tell them what the truth is.
You have to get them to tell themselves, which is much harder.
I never understood it until someone here managed to say something that put me into a congitive dissonance state, which isn't normal for me. ONE cognitive dissonance was very uncomfortable and had me almost dizzy.
Can you imagine how much discomfort some people are walking around with?
It’s the reason why people carry around so much anxiety.
It’s VERY disorienting.
I’m grateful to God I was finally able to experience it.
Epic video!!! 143k views🔥
Honest question, people often claim "there's MILLIONS of anons around the world", yet this video has been on the Q board(s) for 6 years yet there is only 143k views?
I would say anon's are not the same thing as 'awake'. Anon's ( us ) get up and devote time to the GA, every day.
We don't need the entire world to be anon's, just a majority of the world to be awake. I think the number of 'awake' is well into the hundreds of millions.
Totally agree. After the 2020 Steal, there were people that got going, and people that stayed in their comfy coma no matter how much cold water you poured on them. It appears we were meant for this time in history. Not grandstanding, not boasting- just here in this place and time for this job, and then some.
Remember the scene in the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" where Aslan shows the young girl how to wake the frozen inhabitants of the good kingdom? Time to get waking. Time to use "groupthink" against the cabal.
Think of the farmers who have not fired a single shot to bring worldwide awareness to the agenda and those behind it. The Cabal's 24/7 propaganda campaign is having zero effect on momentum of public consciousness.
I know people who were normies just 5 years ago bringing up the Kalergi Plan and the Holodomor. Comparing 15 minute cities to the Matrix and talking about 'predictive programming.'
Yeah, it's happening.
It's akin to the chain reaction effect. Starts with very few people, they each convince two more, they each convince two more. Those initial ones take more time as they have to dig more, but now we do appear to have so many examples it doesn't take as long going from one group to another. I'm still astounded by the known bad actors that still pretend as if there's nothing going on and the 2020 election was legitimate. Totally ignoring the phrase "whoever sings first gets the best deal".
Today is the first time I’ve watched it. Not all of us have read every Q post.
A lot of us found Q late. The lockdown BS allowed for much more time to surf the web. I was lead to Q by a comment in a youtube vid.
By the time I found Q , I was so far behind everyone else , I was grateful for the extra time to catch up. Some links were broken (banned) , and the sheer volume of info and breadcrumbs makes for some long study sessions .
I am thankful I was led to this site to finally view these vids that I skimmed over earlier.
This is a long movie with a lot of popcorn being enjoyed.
Bingo. I found Q during lockdown. It took me a month to go back and catch up. Had life been 'normal', no idea if I would have had the time.
Very true. I'm in the same boat.
Youtube blocked every video that Q linked to for most of those 6 years.
Youtube quietly unblocked the videos around the time Musk released the Twitterfiles.
Agree 100% on last statement on Obama.
This guy, US Admiral (RET) James Lyons, seems pretty old, but his brain seems to be working fine, and it doesn't look like he is reading anything. From 2015. Biden is a slug and needs to be out-Trump needs to be in.
He spent 3.5 hours to speak for 3 and a half minutes. What he said on the record was very powerful.
Thanks for the info.
Wow, great video and somewhat “proof” of their plan.
I didn't watch the vid when posted in 2018 on the chan. Just watched it. I do remember it from 2015 on Robert Spencer's site!
We have more than we know...
This fine gentleman mentioned this other gentleman:
I wonder what heritage, what that name 🤔
And it appears the CIA is helping them.
This. I had no idea of this Q post, and this gives me hope. Islam is not compatible with any free society or any religion. Their mandate is to control the world and kill non believers.
That link isn’t working. Guess it was removed.
Found it when I pasted the link into Goog
Thanks I’ll try that.