Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!
🚔 Crimes of RINOs & Democrats
In late December 2020, President Trump made a call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to look at some of the items that were uncovered by his auditor.
There was plenty of evidence for a competent auditor or any man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump, then lied about its contents later when they leaked it to the far-left Washington Post.
yup, it was the perfect call
I see what you did there! 🤣
Amen, I remember when President Trump mentioned this. FISA works both ways.
they keep trying to cover it all up but slow but sure its coming out...when the dam breaks it will be biblical
The truth will out
Amen, and we will keep those beautiful prayers going.
May the rattenburger rot in hell!
I remember listening to a podcast in late November 2020. I heard the podcaster say that they knew someone who worked for the elections dept. or for Raffensperger (can't remember which) and they found blatant mistakes/fraud in the GA elections and brought it to Brian Kemp, GA governor. He brushed them away and said he'd look into it, but not to worry too much about it.
He then did nothing with the information.
That's when I knew they (and the rest of the RINOs) were in on it.
It truly gives me the chills how so many are going along with this theft of the elections. Just imagine the kind of intimidation, threats or corruption that is happening daily in our government.
Kemp's daughter's boyfriend being blown to smithereens in his SUV was, to me, ABSOLUTE proof of the degree of corruption, control wielded over these people and the extent to which TPTB would go to ensure that the election was not questioned.
Those who are not willingly bribed/bought are blackmailed and/or threatened into doing their masters' bidding.
Exactly, blown up staffer for sitting Senator and boyfriend to Governor should be movie making material. Instead completely memoryholed.
When you murder my child's romantic interest, only the most craven coward hides under a rock.
To me, this is a declaration of war. You had better kill me first, because one of us is going down. You have set the rules of engagement, family is fair game.
easy for you to say - these people own all of DC and are everywhere in your office. you cant fight them alone and Kemp knows this.
It depends on your life view. I have no intention of walking away. I refuse to live under this condition, and I'm taking as many with them on my way out as I can. Some have no problem groveling and begging. Nope. Kill me. But, I'll take as many of their family and friends as I can.
Sooner or later, their family and friends are going to begin to question "how many old men are there, that are choosing to be hunters, knowing they are going to get killed, but don't mind taking lives before they go?
I'm 63, the kids are raised and married, I have 12 grandkids, and I'm in good health. I'd rather go early, dying to make a better life for my grandkids; than letting things slide and die of old age. That's my call.
what part of they will kill your family and friends before they come for you dont you understand? You're more likely to be able to take such a based position if you had no dependents or loved ones to leverage. Having 12 grandkids would make you compromised AF and do their bidding on a whim.
Something about playing with fire...
And let’s not forget that once Gov. Kemp’s daughter’s boyfriend’s blatant murder (NOT an accident) turned into a homicide investigation (I think by Highway Patrol if I remember correctly), the guy leading the homicide investigation was suicided too!
yh thats why i dont hold it against Kemp too much. He lost a family member when he authorised a recount. He tried to do the right thing and they literally took someone out close enough to him to send a message. I dont necessarily blame him - these people are evil and probably all facing similar pressure and threats.
Evil is behind ALL of the corruption. It's not just political it's global.
Thank you for sharing this information. I suspect he is worried now. To late now.
Trump gave him his chance in that phone call to do the right thing.
He sounded disappointed that Raffensperger chose not to.
Exactly, he had a chance and blew it.
Evil never misses a chance to be Evil.
Weak men are only Evil part of the time.
Strong men try to be good most of the time , but all fall short.
Amen as it was always designed to be. It destroys everything around it and in the end destroys itself.
I’m sure he’ll be held accountable in a couple weeks or something like that 🤷♀️
Stories like this are very discouraging. There’s been mountains of election fraud cases all across America. And not one person of any significance, been held accountable. In the last three years all I’ve seen is maybe three stories of some nobody who got caught cheating. It says if they’re trying to give the impression that they care about cheating but they really don’t. Knowing that these individuals are going to prison for harvesting a few ballots, or doing some low level cheating, is reprehensible compared to the level of cheating, going on nationally and globally. Although anybody who’s cheating should be held accountable.
Amen, I see it the same way. Bad news for the DS as God will charge them as he has no double jeopardy rule. They violated mans laws and the law of God. Justice is coming.
Who cares where she was when recording? She lied about everything when it came to her job, a Federal election, and lied about a sitting President.
This €unt should be rotting in a prison cell with no sunlight.
Amen, I totally agree. Then later they will face Gods justice. There is no double jeopardy rule in play.
In her trash folder!! Kek! They are soo stupid. Hilary forgot to tell her about bleach bit
Apparently she didn't even empty the trash folder. The file was found during an 'open records search' according to the article.
They need to contact No Such Agency. They have it.
This case against Trump, et. al. is crumbling like a cookie in a tornado. I thought this was going to be the reveal the fraud avenue, but now I think it will be the True the Vote case.
And I bet that Trump had a transcript of the call all along, but held that card.
It is likely that ALL of Trump's calls are recorded by him.
Amen, President Trump stated they recorded it all. What part of that did they miss in their desperation ?
Then they will face God and there is no double jeopardy rule in play.
That's an interesting theory. Perhaps a transcript of that call was one of the items the FIB was looking for when they raided Trumps home?
We have it all. They don’t know where we have it though. The raid was planned before Trump even left office. That is why the archivist didn’t do his job at the White House for the pack up.
I sure hope so, he is a worthless piece of shit....and his governor is not much better.
Time for arrests and real trials for them.
For the life of me I can’t believe our spineless state representatives have been given all this information and much more and are doing nothing! Revelation 21:8 says the first ones thrown into the lake of fire are the cowards….
There will be accountability coming. Then they face God and no double jeopardy rule in play.
No. He's part of the globalist machine.
Amen, either you are part of the solution or part of the problem.
Raffensperger just comes off as a buffoon to me.
That is being exposed now.
Reminds me of walking through a horse corral. Everywhere you step is horse shit.
Amen, except with horse chit it is beneficial for the garden, their toxic chit is a biohazzard.
There's a flaw in the logic here.
If the call was illegally recorded under Florida law, that does not mean the case against Trump falls apart.
It just means the person who recorded the call can also face legal jeopardy.
I am no lawyer but I think it would only affect the case if it was law enforcement who did an illegal recording.
The WH records all calls and they even have lawyers listening in.
This person could be charged for illegally recording, but what was recorded could not be used at trial. It goes further with then promoting a false manuscript.
I don't think is true.
I don't think this bold part is true either.
Reading the article she is talking about the idea of "the fruit of the poisonous tree.". But that applies to law enforcement. Law enforcement can't illegally wiretap you or violate the 4th amendment. But law enforcement did not acquire this evidence illegally.
We are aware FISA works both ways.
This evidence can be used against the State of Ga, as it was obtained illegally by the State of Ga. in order to create a fraufulent transcript to frame their intended victim. This can not be used against the victim. As this was part of the coverup on election fraud.
Bro they framed a sitting President as a Russian spy and fuck all happened (publicly at least).
What's a little bit of spying and illegal activity compared to outrageous treason and seditious conspiracy??
It's like going after Hunter B for a gun charge after all the illegal shit he's done!
It goes into covering up election fraud. They are closing in. Enjoy the show.
Silly goose, there is no last straw. They could commit murder on tape at this point and might get probation maybe more than likely a book deal and a promotion
They are closing in now. Enjoy the show.