I’m where A Anon is at. I’ve seen too much, researched too much and lived too much to not see there is a plan, and it’s God’s plan. What a time to be alive. WWG1WGA
Why isn't it a military / human plan? We are all created in God's image. Why not give credit to the military and humans? I struggle every time someone gives credit to only "It's God" all the time. If it truly was God's plan, I would expect there would be no casualties. God gave us free will right? With how messy this is getting I honestly do not think it's God in charge, but humans with the help of God guiding them.
As far as I know, God has never had an intervention where there wasn't loss of life. The reason I place all the credit in God's hands, is because I truly believe every person fighting for our freedom all over the world was chosen by God.
Chosen by God, but the human did good and was also imperfect. But we should give all credit to God? This seems so fundamentally stupid. To think God requires all credit and that he will be offended if we don't give it to him is stupid since he gave us free will, and I assure you God has no ego.
And I have to admit man, I have some serious power. I am about to have my fourth child and we live a pretty amazing life. I know who my enemy is, I am well prepared, and I am raising those children right. I give credit to God for giving me these things. What I was before I came back to him, I embarrassed to speak about. There are reason people believe what they believe, but it doesn't need to be shit on because you think differently.
Fren, people being honored is part of God's plan. I'm hoping we here all here "well done good and faithful servant." Also, praise God for the good work He's working in you! Blessings!
I promise you those that are doing the will of God and know it will not be offended if you give credit to God. Cause the love they receive God far outweighs any credit man could throw their way
There will be times when God says "well done, good and faithful servant." There are verses that also ascribe all glory to God. You're both not wrong and one position doesn't demand the other is rejected.
There should be a the highest honor we can ascribe to the ones who created and carried out The Plan. In giving that respect we should also thanks God even as Q and Q+ have respected God's involvement in saving humanity.
You are only here because God willed it, again my belief. Why not give all credit to the only entity I believe who gave me the opportunity to be in the position I am in.
I just don't care about the credit, I don't care if anyone praises my good deeds. I believe I choose to do good, and that shouldn't be rewarded rather expected.
Wow I love your responses here fren. This user is beginning to wrestle with God's sovereignty verse our free will. And the relationship with the to. Excellent handling of it though fren. God bless you. Much love
So you presume to know the mind of God? I certainly don't know what or how God thinks and in my opinion no one does or ever has. We can only see from a human perspective, not through the eyes of the Creator. I only know what Scripture tells me and it tells me over the course of 40 years God wiped out multiple thousands of Israelites for angering/disobeying Him.
wiped out multiple thousands of Israelites for angering/disobeying Him.
So much for "free will".
Where was he during the Gengis Khan invasion of Asia and Europe? WW2? The cabal wrecking the world? Communists killing millions and getting away with it? Many of the victims were believers. They're just as dead as the non believers.
So then the monsters of the 20th and 21st century weren't all that bad, right? (Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc) All the people they killed that believed, are now all in heaven anyway...so technically they're saints for sacrificing themselves with sin but sending millions of people to heaven in a short period of time
I never said anyone wanted credit. If you honestly think if people want credit you question their faith in God, you should not be talking. Humans are imperfect. You can't judge their faith. Only God cant judge it. You turn off people to God via your ego talking.
What a touchy response, I told you what I believe. U think something differently cool man, stop being so touchy. We don't need people acting like the people who are destroying this country because they disagree with another person's beliefs.
Why do I say God’s plan? Because without Him, we wouldn’t be here right now. Satan would still be fooling the whole world. Yes, men put the plan together. Those same men also pray every day for God’s guidance through the plan. That’s why. If it was merely a mortal operation, we would’ve been damaged severely by now. We were given the gift of seeing the plan early. We get impatient but, at least for me and mine, God has carried us through this time and given us discernment and protection throughout. If it doesn’t get messy, not enough are going to wake up.
This I am starting to think is the case. If everything we’ve been told is a lie then some major revelations are about to be revealed that will blow our minds
It’s not the disagreeing at all. It’s the downvote without any explanation why. I love debate. I know you’ve been here a long time, as have I. I had someone dm me several times a couple-three weeks ago. Whoever it was said some foul things, like telling me to kill myself to make my kids happy, etc. I am guessing I’ll get a new message from this person soon. Who knows? Either way, I don’t care. I have better things to do than worry about someone disagreeing with me. I think you took this personally but it wasn’t directed at you, unless you’re the person who is telling me to off myself.
Like the Federal Reserve isn’t a government institution, JFK’s assassins were the CIA, the Post Office is a private company, going off The Gold Standard and our money was just paper, etc. So many things.
As the Brookings Institution reported, the USPS is run like a private business, but it isn't owned like one. Its status as an independent entity in the executive branch of the federal government was created by the 1970 Postal Reorganization Act. Before that it had been the Post Office Department, established in 1792, and was later changed to a Cabinet department in 1872. The first U.S. Postmaster General, appointed in 1775, was Benjamin Franklin, because, of course it was. The guy did everything at the beginning of the United States, besides darn everybody's socks.
The legislation was a direct outcome of the U.S. postal strike of 1970. Prior to the act, postal workers were not permitted by law to engage in collective bargaining. In the act, the four major postal unions (National Association of Letter Carriers, American Postal Workers Union, National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association) won full collective bargaining rights: the right to negotiate on wages, benefits and working conditions, although they still were not allowed the right to strike.[3]
So they attacked the President with agitated unions through an official department.
Sounds like it was done as an emergency cancer surgery.
Same here. I completely gave up any hope of a "Plan" after 2021 inauguration. Even then, I just kept seeing more and more things that keeps happening that cannot be all explained consistently by any other theories except we are in the middle of a military Operation (I think of the Plan more as an operation now) where the enemy needs to feel safe enough and motivated enough to commit atrocious crimes in our face and take us all to the precipice, but in reality all this happening with guardrails in place by the WHs.
Railroading the enemy with guardrails to stop real destruction - leading to awakening.
Right? Even the Twitter/TikTok thing... it's all part of Trump freeing ALL of social media. It's so obvious, now. DWAC = Digital World Acquisition Corporation
It's been tough for me because I've read the information we were provided, so I'm not surprised about any of this happening. I try to use conversations with people IRL as a measuring stick.
A lot of folks know something's going on because it was never so in our faces as it is right now.
It's not that I trust that some group has a plan and is carrying it through.
I just desperately hope that is the case.
Otherwise we have no one truely fighting for the common people.
I knew something was up after 9/11. I felt it through every fibre of my being. There was something more going on and I'll do everything in my power to figure it out. That's when I became a researcher and I haven't stopped.
Unfortunately, it appears we were cursed to live in interesting times. We were born into a war against our own kind. Ultimate mindfuck to figure that one out.
Unfortunately, it appears we were cursed to live in interesting times.
Personally I consider myself to be blessed to be living in these times. Eight years might sound a long time for many people, esp. young ones. I have lived many decades and I hope I have many decades ahead of me. These 8 years will feel like a lightening flash - a unique experience that no one before us and no one after us (and many of us) would never get to experience.
I would not give it up, no matter how many heartbreaking moments we have had, no matter how frustrating this has been. Never gonna exchange it for anything else.
Those who are born in future, into the free world, will always look at us with that envy of those who missed all the fun, so better get our stories right and dazzle them.
This a thousand times over. I try to explain the same to those around me. So much has changed, so much positive change I never thought Id see happen. I Watched the world burn for a long time, thought we were done for, prepped hard under bama.. Then All this and so much more...
:) Great stuff right here. So excited for what's to come. Lots of work left to do. However the best is yet to come. Appreciate all you do here brother. It's truly a blessing to be here with you. Love you.
🙏Together through Christ we have endless potential 🙏
Together through Christ we still have child trafficking and endless wars and innocent people dying. What happened to free will? Only applies when good things happen?
LOL Did you just condemn a brilliant anon to hell? How very Christian of you.
Anyway you have lied at some stage, and are therefore going to hell according to the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
And if you comeback with something about "repenting" then I will ask you if Hillary Clinton can also repent and be saved.
EDIT: u/Popcorntastesgood why delete your comment saying queue_anon is going to hell essentially for disagreeing with you here?
You cant defend your ridiculous comment showing your sanctimonious true colors, so you just delete it like a coward?
That's hiding your light under a bushel or something.
Where was he during the Gengis Khan invasion of Asia and Europe? WW2? The cabal wrecking the world? Communists killing millions and getting away with it? Many of the victims were believers. They're just as dead as the non believers.
The freedom works both ways. Freedom to choose doesn't mean people will not have an inclination to pursue evil and that God is obligated to step into every situation we think He should step into and shut something down. How many times in the history of the world may He have though? Perhaps the Cubin Missle Crisis? Ot Trump's first election win? You want to be angry God's probably going to let you. Perhaps He sent me to ask you to keep an open mind about God's involvement in this world. I hope you're day goes well fren.
To be fair then fren, all the bad actions we could just blame on the humans who were involved. If by faith someone wants to say one event is God failing people why not see it the other way too? The hard part to identify is why and when and who's responsible? If we want to think God's not involved with helping the Q team and Q+ and only give respect to them for countering the evils of other human beings we shouldn't blame God for those evils we should only blame the human actors.
Humans have been known to do some pretty bad tings. Some people have done some good things too though. I've concluded God is and is working in an available helping way with those who respect Him. He is not obligated to act but does want the good for humanity and will work in our lives if we humbly request it. I can't and won't claim to know the details of every atrocity and what was going on in every heart and mind through history. Perhaps God did shut situation down and we won't know how because of our limitations? It's going to come down to a matter of faith placement in God's explanations of who He is and how He conducts Himself or faith in whatever other explanation a person can trust. I think I have a reasonable understanding of and relationship with God. I think my life is good and I desire to live it. It think this enough to encourage people to know Him as I know Him. We can be frens either way.
So because there is evil there can't be a God or somehow Jesus isnt good. I'm confused what you R saying.
I would love to discuss this for you and help you see the beauty and love of Jesus Christ. Cause the current understanding of him that you hold is preventing you from seeing something truly special that will change your very outlook on this world and our current way
I point to what fellow fren queue-anon had to say:
Together through Christ we still have child trafficking and endless wars and innocent people dying. What happened to free will? Only applies when good things happen?
The free will blade cuts both ways.
Just as someone can choose good, free will allows them to also choose evil. God didn't promise us a utopia here on earth. Following God's Word and Will gets us to utopia after here.
I did not mention Jesus anywhere. If you want to know, I believe he was one of if not the most humble and greatest persons to ever exist. Same category as Trump and the Founding Fathers.
Some may say he's not even human - that part is still up for debate. Human, demi-God, alien, etc. What's not up for debate is that he's real, and he sacrificed himself for the betterment of mankind.
My problem is with God - supposedly he is all seeing and all knowing and CAN step in at any point in time. What's been established here is, he's not supposed to interfere with free will, and that's why he doesn't step in most of the time. But we attribute positive and good things to God stepping in and not the person doing good out of their free will. However, when bad things happen (and there's millions of them), he doesn't step in "because free will".
Another fellow fren said "but God has in the past punished and killed loads of people who disobeyed."
That's all conflicting, is it not?
And if God kills people for...following free will, disobeying authority, is cruel, is it not? Is it not against free will, and what we are all about as a country as well? We are against authoritarianism from anyone.
The "Q" movement taught us to question everything - including Q, God, everything. Ask questions, connects the dots, etc. Use critical thinking. Don't pull a cabal MSM "critical thinking is good except for vaccines and science" - "critical thinking is good for everything except God"
Absolutely you can 100% question God. I have nothing but respect for those that truly seek the truth. It was not my intention to say you can't question God..was more just seeing if you were genuinely looking for answers or more just using God as a crutch for your own pain and sorrow. It sounds like you are genuinely seeks so I appreciate you sharing your heart fren.
God is the creator of life. He gave us free will but also gives us direction from within of how to serve him, or we can choose to walk our own way. Man chose to walk there own way. The price for that is death. All men choose to walk there own way so technically God doesn't have to give anyone life. However he is also full of grace and allows us many opportunities to turn back to him. He knows our true hearts though and knows if we will.
God is the ultimate authority and author of life. When we disobey authority on earth it is not the same as disobey God. Cause God is a loving and just God that desires mercy and love but also is the issuer of justice and vengeance.
I just wanna say these questions you are asking are beautiful and I hope you will continue to wrestle with them. The psalms are great for moments like this because many of them are lamenting word, basically words of doubting God or just being angry with him. Keep wrestling with this in prayer though fren. I love you and hope the best for you and know that if you continue down this path with a humble seeking heart, that our God will find you and show you something truly beautiful. God bless
I hate the “I’m a realist” as that implies we know more than we do. When it comes to half full or half empty it’s not about what we “know”. It’s about what we choose to focus on. The person who sees the glass as half full isn’t in denial of the negative that exists. They simply to choose to find the positive. And also to choose hope for the best over fear of the worst
We are at war!!! We’ve been at war for 3, 5, 7 years. It's information that has been used to blind the public that as it’s revealed is covered up either through spin or murder or threats. We’ve known this & we are used to it. I wonder how the heck the normies continue to NOT see when they’re literally required to accept excuses that are illogical.
I have seen hundreds of key indicators that show the Patriots are in control and following a plan. Plus some key intel sources. The challenge is seeing how things fit into the plan and what is not part of the plan. Luckily for me, this is quite close to what I used to do. I ask myself how I would do it.
After seeing O'Keefe's undercover with the "DOD Rainbow" today, I am convinced that "those at the top" are the minority, by a large margin. That said, I do believe the True Patriots will kick in and become visible and kinetic at some point, to assist us with the necessary lifting for bringing this Operation to a satisfactory conclusion for returning OUR COUNTRY back to US, WE THE PEOPLE. It makes sense for why and what they (Patriots, including DJT) are (and aren't) doing and that they simply wouldn't just DO IT FOR US. WE NEEDED The Great Awakening (A swift kick in the ass!), as we have allowed them to lull us to sleep over the past few decades, with such trivial distractions. They (and we) DON'T EVER WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN! Thanks and God Bless to all involved in saving humanity and the freedoms bestowed upon us by OUR MAKER! WWG1WGA!
No, this is not what "trust the plan" means. The plan is to wake up the people and let the people retake control of their own government. Trust the plan means have faith in the goodness of people and their desire to live free and in peace.
I’m where A Anon is at. I’ve seen too much, researched too much and lived too much to not see there is a plan, and it’s God’s plan. What a time to be alive. WWG1WGA
Why isn't it a military / human plan? We are all created in God's image. Why not give credit to the military and humans? I struggle every time someone gives credit to only "It's God" all the time. If it truly was God's plan, I would expect there would be no casualties. God gave us free will right? With how messy this is getting I honestly do not think it's God in charge, but humans with the help of God guiding them.
As far as I know, God has never had an intervention where there wasn't loss of life. The reason I place all the credit in God's hands, is because I truly believe every person fighting for our freedom all over the world was chosen by God.
Chosen by God, but the human did good and was also imperfect. But we should give all credit to God? This seems so fundamentally stupid. To think God requires all credit and that he will be offended if we don't give it to him is stupid since he gave us free will, and I assure you God has no ego.
Yes, all credit should be given to God. Again its what I believe. Why are you so snappy?
Because you are disempowering humans which are creations of God
I am not disempowrring anything or anyone, I know my power. I derive my power from God, why not give credit where credit is properly due.
And I have to admit man, I have some serious power. I am about to have my fourth child and we live a pretty amazing life. I know who my enemy is, I am well prepared, and I am raising those children right. I give credit to God for giving me these things. What I was before I came back to him, I embarrassed to speak about. There are reason people believe what they believe, but it doesn't need to be shit on because you think differently.
Fren, people being honored is part of God's plan. I'm hoping we here all here "well done good and faithful servant." Also, praise God for the good work He's working in you! Blessings!
I promise you those that are doing the will of God and know it will not be offended if you give credit to God. Cause the love they receive God far outweighs any credit man could throw their way
There will be times when God says "well done, good and faithful servant." There are verses that also ascribe all glory to God. You're both not wrong and one position doesn't demand the other is rejected.
There should be a the highest honor we can ascribe to the ones who created and carried out The Plan. In giving that respect we should also thanks God even as Q and Q+ have respected God's involvement in saving humanity.
You are only here because God willed it, again my belief. Why not give all credit to the only entity I believe who gave me the opportunity to be in the position I am in.
Why not give yourself credit? Do you think God would be upset about that when he knows you believe he is the creator of you?
I just don't care about the credit, I don't care if anyone praises my good deeds. I believe I choose to do good, and that shouldn't be rewarded rather expected.
Wow I love your responses here fren. This user is beginning to wrestle with God's sovereignty verse our free will. And the relationship with the to. Excellent handling of it though fren. God bless you. Much love
To God be all the glory, the praise, honor, and glory.
So you presume to know the mind of God? I certainly don't know what or how God thinks and in my opinion no one does or ever has. We can only see from a human perspective, not through the eyes of the Creator. I only know what Scripture tells me and it tells me over the course of 40 years God wiped out multiple thousands of Israelites for angering/disobeying Him.
So much for "free will".
Where was he during the Gengis Khan invasion of Asia and Europe? WW2? The cabal wrecking the world? Communists killing millions and getting away with it? Many of the victims were believers. They're just as dead as the non believers.
Sounds like he's just as cruel as Satan
Where was he when his son was nailed to the cross? God was reconciling the world through his son . There was always a plan, God already won
Except the believers are living eternal life with God, while the non-believers are not.
Every single person who has ever lived has died. And we will all die too. But for those who believe, we shall live forever in the house of the Lord.
So then the monsters of the 20th and 21st century weren't all that bad, right? (Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc) All the people they killed that believed, are now all in heaven anyway...so technically they're saints for sacrificing themselves with sin but sending millions of people to heaven in a short period of time
And if people want credit, I question their faith in God.
I never said anyone wanted credit. If you honestly think if people want credit you question their faith in God, you should not be talking. Humans are imperfect. You can't judge their faith. Only God cant judge it. You turn off people to God via your ego talking.
What a touchy response, I told you what I believe. U think something differently cool man, stop being so touchy. We don't need people acting like the people who are destroying this country because they disagree with another person's beliefs.
You just said you question anyone with an ego their faith in God.
And I do brother, I will never trust a person who thinks they deserve credit above God. It's just what I believe man.
The majority of Q people have an ego. They don't auto think "I give God all credit for this"
Ephesians 3:20-21
Mathew 19:26
Ephesians 4:2...and one being "humble" is a very good thing and should never be forgotton as so
Why do I say God’s plan? Because without Him, we wouldn’t be here right now. Satan would still be fooling the whole world. Yes, men put the plan together. Those same men also pray every day for God’s guidance through the plan. That’s why. If it was merely a mortal operation, we would’ve been damaged severely by now. We were given the gift of seeing the plan early. We get impatient but, at least for me and mine, God has carried us through this time and given us discernment and protection throughout. If it doesn’t get messy, not enough are going to wake up.
When you understand you understand..praying God will reveal himself to you in a mighty way fren
Lol good luck with that fren. Hope you have a great rest of your night.
Ah I see now. You are beginning to wrestle with the Gods sovernty vs free will debate. It's a very interesting thing to wrestle with. :)
Perhaps the plan is bigger than life and death here on Earth.
This I am starting to think is the case. If everything we’ve been told is a lie then some major revelations are about to be revealed that will blow our minds
Yep, been researching this plan since I was a child and didn't even know it thanks to Grandma getting me into church and deep into scripture.
Praise God! My dad told me all kinds of stuff that has been proven true. I just wish he was here to see it.
Who downvoted this?
Looks like my troll is back.
Not you!
It’s not the disagreeing at all. It’s the downvote without any explanation why. I love debate. I know you’ve been here a long time, as have I. I had someone dm me several times a couple-three weeks ago. Whoever it was said some foul things, like telling me to kill myself to make my kids happy, etc. I am guessing I’ll get a new message from this person soon. Who knows? Either way, I don’t care. I have better things to do than worry about someone disagreeing with me. I think you took this personally but it wasn’t directed at you, unless you’re the person who is telling me to off myself.
Holy.shit I read the wrong name lmfao. Sorry that was so confusing for me too hahaha
Omgoodness...how horrible! Must be shills..
A representative of the enemy. Nothing new and it didn't hurt a bit. They hide and jab...all a waste of their precious little time.
Name checks out.
What sorts of things do you mean?
Like the Federal Reserve isn’t a government institution, JFK’s assassins were the CIA, the Post Office is a private company, going off The Gold Standard and our money was just paper, etc. So many things.
Wait, I know the rest of that, but the post office is private? Isn’t it constitutional?
It’s defined as an independent agency of the Executive Branch of the federal government so you are right.
Well that’s interesting.
More interesting:
So they attacked the President with agitated unions through an official department.
Sounds like it was done as an emergency cancer surgery.
No - it is not a government agency.
Same here. I completely gave up any hope of a "Plan" after 2021 inauguration. Even then, I just kept seeing more and more things that keeps happening that cannot be all explained consistently by any other theories except we are in the middle of a military Operation (I think of the Plan more as an operation now) where the enemy needs to feel safe enough and motivated enough to commit atrocious crimes in our face and take us all to the precipice, but in reality all this happening with guardrails in place by the WHs.
Railroading the enemy with guardrails to stop real destruction - leading to awakening.
Right? Even the Twitter/TikTok thing... it's all part of Trump freeing ALL of social media. It's so obvious, now. DWAC = Digital World Acquisition Corporation
Hell yes. Elon buying TS is a ruse. Think mirror.
It's been tough for me because I've read the information we were provided, so I'm not surprised about any of this happening. I try to use conversations with people IRL as a measuring stick.
A lot of folks know something's going on because it was never so in our faces as it is right now.
It's not that I trust that some group has a plan and is carrying it through.
I just desperately hope that is the case.
Otherwise we have no one truely fighting for the common people.
I knew something was up after 9/11. I felt it through every fibre of my being. There was something more going on and I'll do everything in my power to figure it out. That's when I became a researcher and I haven't stopped.
Unfortunately, it appears we were cursed to live in interesting times. We were born into a war against our own kind. Ultimate mindfuck to figure that one out.
I just hope I'm alive to see the end of this.
Personally I consider myself to be blessed to be living in these times. Eight years might sound a long time for many people, esp. young ones. I have lived many decades and I hope I have many decades ahead of me. These 8 years will feel like a lightening flash - a unique experience that no one before us and no one after us (and many of us) would never get to experience.
I would not give it up, no matter how many heartbreaking moments we have had, no matter how frustrating this has been. Never gonna exchange it for anything else.
Those who are born in future, into the free world, will always look at us with that envy of those who missed all the fun, so better get our stories right and dazzle them.
Behold a White Horse>>> https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/thumb/1d8651a76f53381cfb078c745a615cbd64e1ed40ae05e834b958d6ed96aeab27.png
:) Great stuff right here. So excited for what's to come. Lots of work left to do. However the best is yet to come. Appreciate all you do here brother. It's truly a blessing to be here with you. Love you.
🙏Together through Christ we have endless potential 🙏
Together through Christ we still have child trafficking and endless wars and innocent people dying. What happened to free will? Only applies when good things happen?
LOL Did you just condemn a brilliant anon to hell? How very Christian of you.
Anyway you have lied at some stage, and are therefore going to hell according to the Book of Revelation.
And if you comeback with something about "repenting" then I will ask you if Hillary Clinton can also repent and be saved.
EDIT: u/Popcorntastesgood why delete your comment saying queue_anon is going to hell essentially for disagreeing with you here?
You cant defend your ridiculous comment showing your sanctimonious true colors, so you just delete it like a coward?
That's hiding your light under a bushel or something.
I'm confused what you are even imply?
Yeah...so much for "free will".
Where was he during the Gengis Khan invasion of Asia and Europe? WW2? The cabal wrecking the world? Communists killing millions and getting away with it? Many of the victims were believers. They're just as dead as the non believers.
Sounds like he's just as cruel as Satan
The freedom works both ways. Freedom to choose doesn't mean people will not have an inclination to pursue evil and that God is obligated to step into every situation we think He should step into and shut something down. How many times in the history of the world may He have though? Perhaps the Cubin Missle Crisis? Ot Trump's first election win? You want to be angry God's probably going to let you. Perhaps He sent me to ask you to keep an open mind about God's involvement in this world. I hope you're day goes well fren.
Solid level headed love filled response right here fren. Well done. Keep shining that light..love you
I thought that was the "Q" team, white hats, and the men and women in uniform using elbow grease to get it done.
To be fair then fren, all the bad actions we could just blame on the humans who were involved. If by faith someone wants to say one event is God failing people why not see it the other way too? The hard part to identify is why and when and who's responsible? If we want to think God's not involved with helping the Q team and Q+ and only give respect to them for countering the evils of other human beings we shouldn't blame God for those evils we should only blame the human actors.
Humans have been known to do some pretty bad tings. Some people have done some good things too though. I've concluded God is and is working in an available helping way with those who respect Him. He is not obligated to act but does want the good for humanity and will work in our lives if we humbly request it. I can't and won't claim to know the details of every atrocity and what was going on in every heart and mind through history. Perhaps God did shut situation down and we won't know how because of our limitations? It's going to come down to a matter of faith placement in God's explanations of who He is and how He conducts Himself or faith in whatever other explanation a person can trust. I think I have a reasonable understanding of and relationship with God. I think my life is good and I desire to live it. It think this enough to encourage people to know Him as I know Him. We can be frens either way.
So because there is evil there can't be a God or somehow Jesus isnt good. I'm confused what you R saying.
I would love to discuss this for you and help you see the beauty and love of Jesus Christ. Cause the current understanding of him that you hold is preventing you from seeing something truly special that will change your very outlook on this world and our current way
I point to what fellow fren queue-anon had to say:
The free will blade cuts both ways. Just as someone can choose good, free will allows them to also choose evil. God didn't promise us a utopia here on earth. Following God's Word and Will gets us to utopia after here.
So are you saying because of that Christ isn't good?
Who is Jesus Christ to you first off?
Appreciate the response fren and we can explore this together. Much love
I did not mention Jesus anywhere. If you want to know, I believe he was one of if not the most humble and greatest persons to ever exist. Same category as Trump and the Founding Fathers.
Some may say he's not even human - that part is still up for debate. Human, demi-God, alien, etc. What's not up for debate is that he's real, and he sacrificed himself for the betterment of mankind.
My problem is with God - supposedly he is all seeing and all knowing and CAN step in at any point in time. What's been established here is, he's not supposed to interfere with free will, and that's why he doesn't step in most of the time. But we attribute positive and good things to God stepping in and not the person doing good out of their free will. However, when bad things happen (and there's millions of them), he doesn't step in "because free will".
Another fellow fren said "but God has in the past punished and killed loads of people who disobeyed."
That's all conflicting, is it not?
And if God kills people for...following free will, disobeying authority, is cruel, is it not? Is it not against free will, and what we are all about as a country as well? We are against authoritarianism from anyone.
The "Q" movement taught us to question everything - including Q, God, everything. Ask questions, connects the dots, etc. Use critical thinking. Don't pull a cabal MSM "critical thinking is good except for vaccines and science" - "critical thinking is good for everything except God"
Absolutely you can 100% question God. I have nothing but respect for those that truly seek the truth. It was not my intention to say you can't question God..was more just seeing if you were genuinely looking for answers or more just using God as a crutch for your own pain and sorrow. It sounds like you are genuinely seeks so I appreciate you sharing your heart fren.
God is the creator of life. He gave us free will but also gives us direction from within of how to serve him, or we can choose to walk our own way. Man chose to walk there own way. The price for that is death. All men choose to walk there own way so technically God doesn't have to give anyone life. However he is also full of grace and allows us many opportunities to turn back to him. He knows our true hearts though and knows if we will.
God is the ultimate authority and author of life. When we disobey authority on earth it is not the same as disobey God. Cause God is a loving and just God that desires mercy and love but also is the issuer of justice and vengeance.
I just wanna say these questions you are asking are beautiful and I hope you will continue to wrestle with them. The psalms are great for moments like this because many of them are lamenting word, basically words of doubting God or just being angry with him. Keep wrestling with this in prayer though fren. I love you and hope the best for you and know that if you continue down this path with a humble seeking heart, that our God will find you and show you something truly beautiful. God bless
Appreciate this man.
I seen too many "things". As far as i can tell,im on the good side of things.
I hate the “I’m a realist” as that implies we know more than we do. When it comes to half full or half empty it’s not about what we “know”. It’s about what we choose to focus on. The person who sees the glass as half full isn’t in denial of the negative that exists. They simply to choose to find the positive. And also to choose hope for the best over fear of the worst
We are at war!!! We’ve been at war for 3, 5, 7 years. It's information that has been used to blind the public that as it’s revealed is covered up either through spin or murder or threats. We’ve known this & we are used to it. I wonder how the heck the normies continue to NOT see when they’re literally required to accept excuses that are illogical.
I have seen hundreds of key indicators that show the Patriots are in control and following a plan. Plus some key intel sources. The challenge is seeing how things fit into the plan and what is not part of the plan. Luckily for me, this is quite close to what I used to do. I ask myself how I would do it.
After seeing O'Keefe's undercover with the "DOD Rainbow" today, I am convinced that "those at the top" are the minority, by a large margin. That said, I do believe the True Patriots will kick in and become visible and kinetic at some point, to assist us with the necessary lifting for bringing this Operation to a satisfactory conclusion for returning OUR COUNTRY back to US, WE THE PEOPLE. It makes sense for why and what they (Patriots, including DJT) are (and aren't) doing and that they simply wouldn't just DO IT FOR US. WE NEEDED The Great Awakening (A swift kick in the ass!), as we have allowed them to lull us to sleep over the past few decades, with such trivial distractions. They (and we) DON'T EVER WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN! Thanks and God Bless to all involved in saving humanity and the freedoms bestowed upon us by OUR MAKER! WWG1WGA!
No, this is not what "trust the plan" means. The plan is to wake up the people and let the people retake control of their own government. Trust the plan means have faith in the goodness of people and their desire to live free and in peace.
2 more years and then we will get them. Two more losing election cycles and then these genius Q team cowards will come through.