If a group of Christians got together and did that it is my firm belief the cops would be beating them down and order them to disperse. Someone in New York, make this happen.....
Unfortunately some people donโt care how many Muslims there are. And to be honest, thereโs definitely bigger fish to fry. Atheism and agnostic beliefs are spreading rampant through the country. I believe itโs the Godless non-believers that are biggest threat to this country.
What you're advocating for is fundamentally against our founding principles. First amendment, freedom of religion is the freedom to practice any religion of your choosing or lack thereof.
What youโre advocating for is fundamentally against Q. The first thing that is acknowledged is that this is spiritual, biblical and centered on the teachings of and relationship with God.
I've noticed that many, many people who swear up and down that they're strict Constitutionalists turn around and wipe their ass with the Constitution whenever it says something they don't like. Like freedom for religion, for example.
Iโve posted this occasionally as discussions come up. Seems to be quite accurate. Some US cities are getting into the critical zone...beware!
What to Expect: The Effect Of Muslim Population Growth on a Society
by Shoebat Foundation on July 2, 2011 in General
by Michael Haltman, Homeland Security Examiner
June 23, 2010
โฆoriginal articleโฆ
โฆclick here for a related video from our media libraryโฆ
Muslim Population
What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total?
In the book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond, he explores the topic of the impact that an increasing Muslim population has on that society. The lists below illustrate the Muslim population status of countries around the world, and exactly what changes to the societies can be expected according to Hammond.
The book as well as the author are controversial, but the topic is definitely something that needs to be explored and understood. From the book:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States โ Muslim 0.6%
Australia โ Muslim 1.5%
Canada โ Muslim 1.9%
China โ Muslim 1.8%
Italy โ Muslim 1.5%
Norway โ Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
This is happening in:
Denmark โ Muslim 2%
Germany โ Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom โ Muslim 2.7%
Spain โ Muslim 4%
Thailand โ Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves โ along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France โ Muslim 8%
Philippines โ 5%
Sweden โ Muslim 5%
Switzerland โ Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands โ Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago โ Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana โ Muslim 10%
India โ Muslim 13.4%
Israel โ Muslim 16%
Kenya โ Muslim 10%
Russia โ Muslim 15%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia โ Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia โ Muslim 40%
Chad โ Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon โ Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania โ Muslim 70%
Malaysia โ Muslim 60.4%
Qatar โ Muslim 77.5%
Sudan โ Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some state-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh โ Muslim 83%
Egypt โ Muslim 90%
Gaza โ Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia โ Muslim 86.1%
Iran โ Muslim 98%
Iraq โ Muslim 97%
Jordan โ Muslim 92%
Morocco โ Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan โ Muslim 97%
Palestine โ Muslim 99%
Syria โ Muslim 90%
Tajikistan โ Muslim 90%
Turkey โ Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates โ Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of โDar-es-Salaamโ โ the Islamic House of Peace. Here thereโs supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan โ Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia โ Muslim 100%
Somalia โ Muslim 100%
Yemen โ Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
Islamโs Mahdi is the rider on the white horse in the Bible. He loses bigly. What youโve described (beyond a certain point) is not possible since the end goal is the accomplishment of a global caliphate.
Most Christian Postmillennialists will agree because their end-times theology predicts the successful work of the church causing things to get better and better until Christ is ushered in upon His 2nd coming.
Dispensationalists would disagree in that what ushers in the 2nd coming is that things have gotten so much worse, it is necessary. Nevertheless, I do not see the success of a caliphate being practical or realistic (especially since a biblical revival occursโcontrasting the Qurโanโopposing Islam altogether).
At the end of the day, Islam is wrong and Christianity is right. Allah is the devil, he is anti-Christ and the Mahdi matches the description of the antichrist from Rev. 12 or 13 onward, which, by the way, came long before the Surah and Hadith (sp.?), the Qurโan.
Their success in Europe, while terrible for humanity, is not likely to happen in the U.S. and other most unlikely places. Thatโs just my 2 cents.
This is their way to colonize a place they reside in. I remember seeing EU videos of masses of moslems praying in capitol cities over the last 20+ years...
It's not just a black box. It's a black box with a big, silver pussy they all have to touch. They pray facing a big, silver pussy with their butts in the air five times a day.
It's supposed to be a meteorite or something. According to the legend, Mohammad smashed all of the idols (because idols are bad) yet he kept the biggest idol of them all, the stupid silver pussy thing. That's what they pray to.
I've never been there. I'm pretty sure they don't allow non-Muslim tourists to get close to that thing. I do have a friend who lives in KSA. He says good things have begun in that country ever since Trump first visited there, but now they are dealing with libtards there. He became Christian after his devotion to Islam made him study it to the point where he realized that it's all a bunch of crap. Since then, he's been a smart person surrounded by morons. He would tell me that Saudi people know the world is round, but because Islam claims it's flat, they had to keep that silent. Nowadays though, there is more freedom since the king stripped the Religious Police of all power. They can no longer arrest, detain, torture, and disappear people anymore like they once did. Now he can smoke during the calls to prayer and just flip them off without fear, or eat food during they day during Ramadan in front of their stupid faces.
Islam is an insult to humanity. I see sometimes people on here defending Islam like it's somehow "based" because they don't put up with faggy crap. It's because they hate everyone, and they hate us. Brainwashed since birth to hate us. If you find a kind, caring Muslim, it's despite their religion, not thanks to it.
Matthew 6:5 - โAnd when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
Ugh libtards probably filming to show their tolerance to gain social credit. It will unfortunately require attacks to wake up the brainwashed. Terrifying!
Father, before you wipe that cancer from its host - I pray that all of the good people forced to live in that location through whatever means are able to find peace. As for the ones who make it a place without peace? You are judge and jury. they will stand before you in the end. Amen.
Always end your prayers 'in Jesus' Name', if you want God to hear them. Please repeat your prayer, and it WILL be heard. "Whatever you ask in my name, this I WILL do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I WILL do it" John 14:13-14
The Colorado sanctuary city of Denver is asking its residents to house ILLEGALS as shelters have become overcrowded with the influx of foreign invaders.
You got out early. I was living in border town of Portland Oregon until 2021 since 80. All my family still there. I still have to fly back for wedding and thing, but no, I won't go back.
man, a guy i knew from my neighborhood in elementary school days moved from denver to portland and he was a heroin death statistic in a year
rip brandon. fuck the invisible war being waged against us.
actually, i have a song for/about him if you got a few minutes and wanna check it out. music is music so cant promise you'll like it but hey who knows. either way it keeps his memory alive.
Rip out that microphone now! Where are the violent ms gangs when you need them? Someone turn on Taylor Swift on one of those giant screens they have there!!!!!
Wasn't the USA founded on Religious freedom???? Like atleast these people are praying to something larger than themselves. Rather than muh science reeeee climate change....tansreEEeeEeeeeeeee Female dicksO_OO_O_O_OOO_O_O.
So yea I'd rather personally see people being devout, than being degens.
"AKSHULLY, Devout muslims are heckin based, my guy. Sure they and their ancestors have been marrying first cousins for the past 1300 years or so, and they think marrying a 6 year old is okay, and they wipe their asses with their hand then splash water all over their face with the same hand, and sure they might do some acid attacks here and there and have a strange fondness for beheading christians But at least they devoutly believe in something, my guy. At least they're devout amiright?
Shut up. They are degenerates and they do not belong here.
Multiculturalism doesnt work. When the 1st Amendment was written it only applied to federal offices. States were still free to institute religious tests for public office until the travesty that was the 14th Amendment. I would wager that had our forefathers anticipated the 14th the 1st would have been written differently.
Western democracy only works people brought up to respect and believe in western values. Western values are anathema to Muslims. (I should note I speak Arabic and have read the Qu'ran as well as studied a bit of Islamic jurisprudence)
John Adams, a Federalist, said "Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other," and that a statesman "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."
He and the other Federalists were arguing that, while the states were free to institute religious tests for state office, no group should ever be able to bar people elected from the states from holding federal office.
Basically, if the travesty of the 14th amendment hadn't occurred, Utah would have been free to require all state officials to be practitioners of Mormonism in good standing with their temple. Rhode Island could do the same for Catholics, Southern states could ban anyone who wasnt a member of a church in the Souther Baptists Conference, etc. In this example the 1st Amendment was to prevent the majority of protestant states from barring politicians from Utah or Rhode Island from holding federal office. This was particularly important for the Senate since senators were elected by state legislatures before the 17th amendment, which was another travesty.
The 1st amendment was never meant to open wide the flood gates for satanists, atheists, muslims, and Hindus to hold federal office, mostly because our forefathers could never have foreseen that we would allow and encourage mass immigration by people who's beliefs are so inimical to our nation and way of life.
The morals held by these devout Muslims are directly contrary to those held by our founders and the majority of Americans. Those muslims are also fanatically devout. Behead you devout. Toss gays off buildings devout. Die happy knowing they killed just one unbeliever devout. Their morals are incompatible with democratic societies.
In 1776 every American identified as some type of Christian with the exception of maybe 2000 Jews. There was no understanding of religion in the colonies except as Christian. What you are trying to do here is the same thing abortionists and trans people do to argue that since those are never mentioned in the Bible that they can't be wrong.
Oh please. The vast majority of Muslims pick and choose which parts of the Quran they believe/follow/even know about, just like Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe/follow/even know about.
It's ridiculous to think that all Muslims are so devout or believe all the same things.
It would be like saying all Christians are Amish and think that we should stone adulterers to death. And if you want to talk about some cousin fuckers, whoo boy! Ever been to a Baptist revival in Mississippi?
And all Christians must believe it's ok to sleep with your daughters and get them pregnant, right? I mean, if it was good enough for Lot and his daughters, it's good enough for me!
And who doesn't take advice on how to properly beat their slaves from the Bible? I know I do!
Fucking people and their persecution complexes annoy the shit out of me. Especially when they're hypocrites about being "patriots" while shitting on the US Constitution whenever it pleases them.
Look up data on consanguinious marriage. There might be a few in Alabama here and there but more than 1/3 of muslim marriages around the world are consanguinious and have likely been as far back as the 700s.
There are sections of the Bible that are prescriptive and some that are descriptive. The story of Lot and his daughters is descriptive. Its history, an acknowledgment of what occurred rather than a prescription of what we should all do.
I said they were cousin fuckers. I didn't say they were marrying them after they fucked them. The little whores! I think there are some passages in the Bible about how we're supposed to deal with women who have sex before marriage. I need to go look that up, I think.
I am defending the constitution.....that means white, black, brown, yellow, doesnt matter the race. We all have the constitutional right to persue Religious freedom. I dont give a shit about anything else. If WE as white american men start taking away their rights because we are scared. Whats to stop the liberals to do that to the Jesus people?
I assume you would be claiming "religious freedom" then right? When it's YOUR rights being trampled?
constitution.....that means white, black, brown, yellow, doesnt matter the race.
This transcends a racial issue.
We all have the constitutional right to persue Religious freedom.
Not at the cost of the core foundational beliefs that they are incompatible with.
If WE as white american men start taking away their rights because we are scared.
There are white Muslims.
Whats to stop the liberals to do that to the Jesus people?
They are already trying to do that.
I assume you would be claiming "religious freedom" then right? When it's YOUR rights being trampled?
I did not invade another country and assert my religion over others, as they have been attempting to do here, as they have done in other countries as well.
I did not invade another country and assert my religion over others, as they have been attempting to do here, as they have done in other countries as well.
But your ancestors sure as shit did, didn't they? And I bet you uphold them as great people, who brought Christianity to the western hemisphere.
Hey, it worked out for them, right? Kind of hard to criticize Muslims for doing the same thing. Well, it's hard to criticize them if you're not a hypocrite, that is. Hypocrites have no problem damning other people for doing the same thing they do.
So? Do you think it was a mistake for your ancestors to come over here, and spread Christianity around the world?
How often do you denounce them for doing that?
The only difference between your ancestors doing it hundreds of years ago, and Muslims doing it today (other than that whole genocide of the natives here) is that it personally affects you.
It's not as though people hundreds of years ago were ok with it, just because it didn't happen now.
In the grand scheme of life, and the history of the world, there is no difference between what your ancestors did back then and what Muslims are doing now. (Again, except that whole genocide thing. )
Self centered hypocrites think that things only matter if it affects them.
The natives had no borders, no government, no country. They claimed they owned all of the land and had no way of defending it.
They committed just as many crimes against humanity as the people who conquered them, but they were given honor and still are today.
We did not genocide natives. Notice how they're still alive, with their own regions to rule as they see fit? All the benefits they get?
Christian genocide, on the other hand, is a real thing, it is happening today, and they have no intent to stop. It is not simply war for lands to them, as it was between "the white man" and natives, to them it is a divine mandate from their lower case g god.
I am not gonna do the quote shit....how was the USA founded> It maybe wasnt in the recent past that the Jesus crowd came here and genicided all the brown people, and "baptised" the token few. But that shit fuckin happened here.
The war for America between the British and the "natives", who may not even have been totally native to begin with, was brutal on both sides, and BOTH SIDES committed some pretty bad atrocities.
They scalped men, pillaged their homes and raped their women.
They had no central government or unifying agreement, no outlined or defended borders, they warred with each other constantly, and we won the war like every other country has been won in history.
What did we do? We gave them reparations for our side of the atrocities, we gave them land to police as they wished, we give them financial resources and we give them half of the sentences of every other citizen of this country when they commit a crime.
Islam does not do such half measures. They do not "play nice". They have a word specifically for their holy wars for a reason.
I agree both sides committed atrocities. And I never said natives were peaceful either. BUT THEY were the original occupiers of this region. Then the lands got taken over. By not just "whites" dude. Spaniards came here and did the same shit. Spaniards...also having a "white" Jesus. Wasn't just the Brits.
A country is defined by its borders. With no government, constant strife between tribes and no borders, they were not a country.
They were people living in an admittedly beautiful time where they did not have to pay taxes on land or get permission to live on land, cut down trees to build their homes, etc.
But neither side were the "good guys" or the "bad guys". Both sides were just various shades of gray, and one side lost. But rather than being totally genocided, they were graced with honor.
The Spaniards, the British, they were all different degrees of problems.
But every country has been won through bloodshed, sweat and tears.
I refuse to be conquered and put on my knees in front of a Sharia Law court.
There is some truth to that, but it's also not the whole truth. Islam was spreading in some cases violently, and back during the Crusades which happened in direct response to Islamic encroachment, I don't believe the CIA was there.
But yes, of course the CIA needs to be removed. But it is also the CIA who is a party to bringing in all of these people incompatible with American values, and shaming people for not being okay with it.
That's why I said that they can return to their countries which is where they should have stayed.
Had enough yet America?
sane rational people have had enough for way too long already
but theres a zombie hoarde out there that would say your comment is u being racist and offensive lol
Probably but I could give two shits at this pount
Yes. Me three.
If a group of Christians got together and did that it is my firm belief the cops would be beating them down and order them to disperse. Someone in New York, make this happen.....
It's been planned a while is what I am seeing. Portland did not become a shit town over night. I mentioned Portland because I saw its demise.
Christians have public rallies all the time.
Here's one that took place at Central Park.
Here's one that took place in Times Square last year.
No cops beating them down or ordering them to disperse...
That's great!! ๐ Let's do it again!!
Not afraid of catching a beat down by the cops now?
Unfortunately some people donโt care how many Muslims there are. And to be honest, thereโs definitely bigger fish to fry. Atheism and agnostic beliefs are spreading rampant through the country. I believe itโs the Godless non-believers that are biggest threat to this country.
You're certifiably retarded if you really believe this.
Of course lmfao
Mohammadans WILL kill you for their god (Satan) like a rabid dog.
Atheists are not militant like that.
What you're advocating for is fundamentally against our founding principles. First amendment, freedom of religion is the freedom to practice any religion of your choosing or lack thereof.
What youโre advocating for is fundamentally against Q. The first thing that is acknowledged is that this is spiritual, biblical and centered on the teachings of and relationship with God.
I've noticed that many, many people who swear up and down that they're strict Constitutionalists turn around and wipe their ass with the Constitution whenever it says something they don't like. Like freedom for religion, for example.
At least it's only once. Try that 5x a day every single day.
So beyond enough.
Where this is all going!
Iโve posted this occasionally as discussions come up. Seems to be quite accurate. Some US cities are getting into the critical zone...beware!
Aside What to Expect: The Effect Of Muslim Population Growth on a Society
by Shoebat Foundation on July 2, 2011 in General by Michael Haltman, Homeland Security Examiner June 23, 2010 โฆoriginal articleโฆ โฆclick here for a related video from our media libraryโฆ
Muslim Population What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total? In the book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond, he explores the topic of the impact that an increasing Muslim population has on that society. The lists below illustrate the Muslim population status of countries around the world, and exactly what changes to the societies can be expected according to Hammond. The book as well as the author are controversial, but the topic is definitely something that needs to be explored and understood. From the book: As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States โ Muslim 0.6%
Australia โ Muslim 1.5%
Canada โ Muslim 1.9%
China โ Muslim 1.8%
Italy โ Muslim 1.5%
Norway โ Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Denmark โ Muslim 2%
Germany โ Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom โ Muslim 2.7%
Spain โ Muslim 4%
Thailand โ Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves โ along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France โ Muslim 8%
Philippines โ 5%
Sweden โ Muslim 5%
Switzerland โ Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands โ Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago โ Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana โ Muslim 10%
India โ Muslim 13.4%
Israel โ Muslim 16%
Kenya โ Muslim 10%
Russia โ Muslim 15%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia โ Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia โ Muslim 40%
Chad โ Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon โ Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania โ Muslim 70%
Malaysia โ Muslim 60.4%
Qatar โ Muslim 77.5%
Sudan โ Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some state-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh โ Muslim 83%
Egypt โ Muslim 90%
Gaza โ Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia โ Muslim 86.1%
Iran โ Muslim 98%
Iraq โ Muslim 97%
Jordan โ Muslim 92%
Morocco โ Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan โ Muslim 97%
Palestine โ Muslim 99%
Syria โ Muslim 90%
Tajikistan โ Muslim 90%
Turkey โ Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates โ Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of โDar-es-Salaamโ โ the Islamic House of Peace. Here thereโs supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan โ Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia โ Muslim 100%
Somalia โ Muslim 100%
Yemen โ Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
Great details and I appreciate this. Now we know.
Here is another on Time Squares. It's now confirm for me.
Islamโs Mahdi is the rider on the white horse in the Bible. He loses bigly. What youโve described (beyond a certain point) is not possible since the end goal is the accomplishment of a global caliphate.
Most Christian Postmillennialists will agree because their end-times theology predicts the successful work of the church causing things to get better and better until Christ is ushered in upon His 2nd coming.
Dispensationalists would disagree in that what ushers in the 2nd coming is that things have gotten so much worse, it is necessary. Nevertheless, I do not see the success of a caliphate being practical or realistic (especially since a biblical revival occursโcontrasting the Qurโanโopposing Islam altogether).
At the end of the day, Islam is wrong and Christianity is right. Allah is the devil, he is anti-Christ and the Mahdi matches the description of the antichrist from Rev. 12 or 13 onward, which, by the way, came long before the Surah and Hadith (sp.?), the Qurโan.
Their success in Europe, while terrible for humanity, is not likely to happen in the U.S. and other most unlikely places. Thatโs just my 2 cents.
You will notice they have 'taken over' a liberal/communist city, where the citizens have been Disarmed.
Sharia Law next for NY.
Good, something has to 'wake' the sheep.
Especially with the traffic jam. Howls.
This is their way to colonize a place they reside in. I remember seeing EU videos of masses of moslems praying in capitol cities over the last 20+ years...
Yes. I have seen that pattern also.
Hell is hungry for Halal
Especially for anyone worshipping a black box.
It's not just a black box. It's a black box with a big, silver pussy they all have to touch. They pray facing a big, silver pussy with their butts in the air five times a day.
Oh, you talking about the ring around the box. Oh LOL. I understand.
It's supposed to be a meteorite or something. According to the legend, Mohammad smashed all of the idols (because idols are bad) yet he kept the biggest idol of them all, the stupid silver pussy thing. That's what they pray to.
This is the image I usually see. I didn't know there's a hole there. LOL.
Hey thanks. I have never been there before.
I've never been there. I'm pretty sure they don't allow non-Muslim tourists to get close to that thing. I do have a friend who lives in KSA. He says good things have begun in that country ever since Trump first visited there, but now they are dealing with libtards there. He became Christian after his devotion to Islam made him study it to the point where he realized that it's all a bunch of crap. Since then, he's been a smart person surrounded by morons. He would tell me that Saudi people know the world is round, but because Islam claims it's flat, they had to keep that silent. Nowadays though, there is more freedom since the king stripped the Religious Police of all power. They can no longer arrest, detain, torture, and disappear people anymore like they once did. Now he can smoke during the calls to prayer and just flip them off without fear, or eat food during they day during Ramadan in front of their stupid faces.
Islam is an insult to humanity. I see sometimes people on here defending Islam like it's somehow "based" because they don't put up with faggy crap. It's because they hate everyone, and they hate us. Brainwashed since birth to hate us. If you find a kind, caring Muslim, it's despite their religion, not thanks to it.
Thanks for the info. I do know some Muslims. They are not nice people (those that I have met in Portland).
Well said!
imagine the outrage if it were a church sunday but at times square instead of a church for one day
Yes. talk about the book of Revelation.
That's what happens when you become too tolerant and let another religion take over yours and your country.
Stop being tolerant and protect Christianity.
King Sobieski of Poland who rid Vienna of the moslem horde September 11th 1683 is spinning in his grave... ๐ข
Charles Martel too. We need the christianity of the crusaders back. Not this weak Christ cuckery that is running rampant in the west.
We were taught to so here we are.
Matthew 6:5 - โAnd when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
That's why we do it at homes or at churches.
Ugh libtards probably filming to show their tolerance to gain social credit. It will unfortunately require attacks to wake up the brainwashed. Terrifying!
I heard that from one of the podcasters. They don't wake up until their world shattered.
just break NY off like they said cali was going to do and set it out to sea or let it sink or whatever just yeah theyre a lost cause
infact yeah while you're at it break cali off too
Pray that God will split them off and we can all live in peace.
In that case i will add an important part
Father, before you wipe that cancer from its host - I pray that all of the good people forced to live in that location through whatever means are able to find peace. As for the ones who make it a place without peace? You are judge and jury. they will stand before you in the end. Amen.
Always end your prayers 'in Jesus' Name', if you want God to hear them. Please repeat your prayer, and it WILL be heard. "Whatever you ask in my name, this I WILL do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I WILL do it" John 14:13-14
Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
I still have friends who lived both in CA and NY. The one in NY is trying hard to get out now.
Hey man i was born n raised in Colorado from 89 to when i moved in 2011....
You couldnt pay me to move back to Denver right now lol but there's still good people stuck in that shitpile
Did you see this?
The Colorado sanctuary city of Denver is asking its residents to house ILLEGALS as shelters have become overcrowded with the influx of foreign invaders.
yup someone posted it here i believe or something similar enough and i pretty much said the same thing i told you
i loved growing up in colorado but that colorado doesnt exist anymore
We almost moved there after we left Portland. We have relatives in Pueblo and friends in Grand Junction. Glad God led us elsewhere.
All you need do is take a trip NE, West,and SW to see the real Colorado and maybe climb a 14er to get a true perspective of what Colorado is.
You got out early. I was living in border town of Portland Oregon until 2021 since 80. All my family still there. I still have to fly back for wedding and thing, but no, I won't go back.
portland oof.
man, a guy i knew from my neighborhood in elementary school days moved from denver to portland and he was a heroin death statistic in a year
rip brandon. fuck the invisible war being waged against us.
actually, i have a song for/about him if you got a few minutes and wanna check it out. music is music so cant promise you'll like it but hey who knows. either way it keeps his memory alive.
Yes. I saw the slow decline.
Just think of the Aztecs when they saw some Spanish monk having a mass for the Conquistadors on their holy grounds.
Yeah. Good pic
A parasite has a host.
Damn right.
LOL. Good name.
New York City, has become California East, what a shame.
Yes. It is a real shame.
If I have my geography right they are not facing Mecca, this is not prayer.
Not facing east? Interesting. Any idea what they are doing?
Its a domination ritual.
Aah, I understand.
Rip out that microphone now! Where are the violent ms gangs when you need them? Someone turn on Taylor Swift on one of those giant screens they have there!!!!!
The MS gang didn't get paid so no work.
Wasn't the USA founded on Religious freedom???? Like atleast these people are praying to something larger than themselves. Rather than muh science reeeee climate change....tansreEEeeEeeeeeeee Female dicksO_OO_O_O_OOO_O_O.
So yea I'd rather personally see people being devout, than being degens.
"AKSHULLY, Devout muslims are heckin based, my guy. Sure they and their ancestors have been marrying first cousins for the past 1300 years or so, and they think marrying a 6 year old is okay, and they wipe their asses with their hand then splash water all over their face with the same hand, and sure they might do some acid attacks here and there and have a strange fondness for beheading christians But at least they devoutly believe in something, my guy. At least they're devout amiright?
Shut up. They are degenerates and they do not belong here.
Yeah, fuck their First Amendment rights and the US Constitution!!!
Real Patriots are against that Bullshit.
Oh, wait.....
Something seems wrong with this attitude...๐ค
It's only when White God is getting shit on by media, that "real constitutionalists" give a shit.
Multiculturalism doesnt work. When the 1st Amendment was written it only applied to federal offices. States were still free to institute religious tests for public office until the travesty that was the 14th Amendment. I would wager that had our forefathers anticipated the 14th the 1st would have been written differently.
Western democracy only works people brought up to respect and believe in western values. Western values are anathema to Muslims. (I should note I speak Arabic and have read the Qu'ran as well as studied a bit of Islamic jurisprudence)
John Adams, a Federalist, said "Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other," and that a statesman "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."
He and the other Federalists were arguing that, while the states were free to institute religious tests for state office, no group should ever be able to bar people elected from the states from holding federal office.
Basically, if the travesty of the 14th amendment hadn't occurred, Utah would have been free to require all state officials to be practitioners of Mormonism in good standing with their temple. Rhode Island could do the same for Catholics, Southern states could ban anyone who wasnt a member of a church in the Souther Baptists Conference, etc. In this example the 1st Amendment was to prevent the majority of protestant states from barring politicians from Utah or Rhode Island from holding federal office. This was particularly important for the Senate since senators were elected by state legislatures before the 17th amendment, which was another travesty.
The 1st amendment was never meant to open wide the flood gates for satanists, atheists, muslims, and Hindus to hold federal office, mostly because our forefathers could never have foreseen that we would allow and encourage mass immigration by people who's beliefs are so inimical to our nation and way of life.
The morals held by these devout Muslims are directly contrary to those held by our founders and the majority of Americans. Those muslims are also fanatically devout. Behead you devout. Toss gays off buildings devout. Die happy knowing they killed just one unbeliever devout. Their morals are incompatible with democratic societies.
Going to point out that John Adam's quote says "religious", not Christian.
If you can find me some quotes where someone specified that only Christians should be here, then you might have an argument.
In 1776 every American identified as some type of Christian with the exception of maybe 2000 Jews. There was no understanding of religion in the colonies except as Christian. What you are trying to do here is the same thing abortionists and trans people do to argue that since those are never mentioned in the Bible that they can't be wrong.
Really? Where are you getting that information?
"White God"
Hoo boy is that outing yourself.
lol outting myself? if you check my post history I stated I am of native american decent, and hispanic. But most of all...I am a US citizen.
Yes, by calling it "White God" you are doing precisely that.
You clearly have a bone to pick with whites and "White God".
Their religious freedoms directly involve infringing on others, and is incompatible with Christianity.
It is a stated intent to "purge the infidels", which explicitly includes Christianity.
We don't allow them to marry children despite their "religious freedoms", and ultimately they are free to practice Islam...in their own countries.
The Crusades were caused by the same issues we are seeing today, and demonstrably we forgot history enough to be repeating it.
It is safer for all involved to cut the BS and part ways with most Islamists.
Whites and Christianity are under attack and have been for quite a while.
Remember that while defending them, you are forfeiting your own rights later.
Oh please. The vast majority of Muslims pick and choose which parts of the Quran they believe/follow/even know about, just like Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe/follow/even know about.
It's ridiculous to think that all Muslims are so devout or believe all the same things.
It would be like saying all Christians are Amish and think that we should stone adulterers to death. And if you want to talk about some cousin fuckers, whoo boy! Ever been to a Baptist revival in Mississippi?
And all Christians must believe it's ok to sleep with your daughters and get them pregnant, right? I mean, if it was good enough for Lot and his daughters, it's good enough for me!
And who doesn't take advice on how to properly beat their slaves from the Bible? I know I do!
Fucking people and their persecution complexes annoy the shit out of me. Especially when they're hypocrites about being "patriots" while shitting on the US Constitution whenever it pleases them.
Oh no, a handshake just used #NotAllMuslims.
Oh no, a hypocrite tried to deflect from the conversation with #handshakesdontcount.
Yeah, I'm sure you've never pulled a "not all Christians" argument.
Well, no. It's not being hypocritical, handshakes don't count, especially when they are jumping into a topic and being inflammatory.
That's kind of why handshakes exist.
Uh huh. And if I didn't have a handshake, you would respect my opinion, right? ๐๐๐
Should I go jump on one of my non-handshake accounts and test that theory?
If you didn't have a handshake and had good standing, I would at least be inclined to believe you were arguing in any semblance of good faith.
Go ahead! I'd love to see what account you bring out though.
Look up data on consanguinious marriage. There might be a few in Alabama here and there but more than 1/3 of muslim marriages around the world are consanguinious and have likely been as far back as the 700s.
There are sections of the Bible that are prescriptive and some that are descriptive. The story of Lot and his daughters is descriptive. Its history, an acknowledgment of what occurred rather than a prescription of what we should all do.
I said they were cousin fuckers. I didn't say they were marrying them after they fucked them. The little whores! I think there are some passages in the Bible about how we're supposed to deal with women who have sex before marriage. I need to go look that up, I think.
I am defending the constitution.....that means white, black, brown, yellow, doesnt matter the race. We all have the constitutional right to persue Religious freedom. I dont give a shit about anything else. If WE as white american men start taking away their rights because we are scared. Whats to stop the liberals to do that to the Jesus people?
I assume you would be claiming "religious freedom" then right? When it's YOUR rights being trampled?
This transcends a racial issue.
Not at the cost of the core foundational beliefs that they are incompatible with.
There are white Muslims.
They are already trying to do that.
I did not invade another country and assert my religion over others, as they have been attempting to do here, as they have done in other countries as well.
But your ancestors sure as shit did, didn't they? And I bet you uphold them as great people, who brought Christianity to the western hemisphere.
Hey, it worked out for them, right? Kind of hard to criticize Muslims for doing the same thing. Well, it's hard to criticize them if you're not a hypocrite, that is. Hypocrites have no problem damning other people for doing the same thing they do.
Retardism. Literal retardism.
My ancestors did, yes.
Islam is doing that TODAY.
If you don't understand the difference then you are brain damaged.
So? Do you think it was a mistake for your ancestors to come over here, and spread Christianity around the world?
How often do you denounce them for doing that?
The only difference between your ancestors doing it hundreds of years ago, and Muslims doing it today (other than that whole genocide of the natives here) is that it personally affects you.
It's not as though people hundreds of years ago were ok with it, just because it didn't happen now.
In the grand scheme of life, and the history of the world, there is no difference between what your ancestors did back then and what Muslims are doing now. (Again, except that whole genocide thing. )
Self centered hypocrites think that things only matter if it affects them.
For the last time, dumbass leftists in the back:
The natives had no borders, no government, no country. They claimed they owned all of the land and had no way of defending it.
They committed just as many crimes against humanity as the people who conquered them, but they were given honor and still are today.
We did not genocide natives. Notice how they're still alive, with their own regions to rule as they see fit? All the benefits they get?
Christian genocide, on the other hand, is a real thing, it is happening today, and they have no intent to stop. It is not simply war for lands to them, as it was between "the white man" and natives, to them it is a divine mandate from their lower case g god.
I am not gonna do the quote shit....how was the USA founded> It maybe wasnt in the recent past that the Jesus crowd came here and genicided all the brown people, and "baptised" the token few. But that shit fuckin happened here.
Okay, definitely outing yourself.
The war for America between the British and the "natives", who may not even have been totally native to begin with, was brutal on both sides, and BOTH SIDES committed some pretty bad atrocities.
They scalped men, pillaged their homes and raped their women.
They had no central government or unifying agreement, no outlined or defended borders, they warred with each other constantly, and we won the war like every other country has been won in history.
What did we do? We gave them reparations for our side of the atrocities, we gave them land to police as they wished, we give them financial resources and we give them half of the sentences of every other citizen of this country when they commit a crime.
Islam does not do such half measures. They do not "play nice". They have a word specifically for their holy wars for a reason.
I agree both sides committed atrocities. And I never said natives were peaceful either. BUT THEY were the original occupiers of this region. Then the lands got taken over. By not just "whites" dude. Spaniards came here and did the same shit. Spaniards...also having a "white" Jesus. Wasn't just the Brits.
Spaniards are white.
A country is defined by its borders. With no government, constant strife between tribes and no borders, they were not a country.
They were people living in an admittedly beautiful time where they did not have to pay taxes on land or get permission to live on land, cut down trees to build their homes, etc.
But neither side were the "good guys" or the "bad guys". Both sides were just various shades of gray, and one side lost. But rather than being totally genocided, they were graced with honor.
The Spaniards, the British, they were all different degrees of problems.
But every country has been won through bloodshed, sweat and tears.
I refuse to be conquered and put on my knees in front of a Sharia Law court.
It wasn't like that until...as Dr Ron Paul put it, the CIA radicalized the Muslim world. Intentionally.
Muslim world was already becoming modernized, until the 50s and 60s when the CIA started their operations
There is some truth to that, but it's also not the whole truth. Islam was spreading in some cases violently, and back during the Crusades which happened in direct response to Islamic encroachment, I don't believe the CIA was there.
But yes, of course the CIA needs to be removed. But it is also the CIA who is a party to bringing in all of these people incompatible with American values, and shaming people for not being okay with it.
That's why I said that they can return to their countries which is where they should have stayed.