A once wonderful place. Sad. I'm from Chicago originally. NW suburbs and Sauganash hood. Spent alot of time in River N. Loved it back in the day. I'm 10+ years removed from it all now tho. Terrible what its become
The fraud has destroyed it. Not the Ds. Look no further than cook county for the shenanigans. Absent the cheating, Chitown (cook county) is 90% conservative, like fulton county (GA), maricopa (AZ) etc.
My wife and children were followed by a creepy character for a block. Saw tons of trannies, men wearing women's shoes. There are many lost souls in this world. Sad, Chicago did not look like this last time I was there.
Well, sometime, as it will be shown in the 2020 presidential election, voting really doesn't matter. How long have certain state and local elections been determined before the voters even went to the polls? I live in Maryland and I can say not many people I speak with voted for this governor, Wes (Less) Moore, but he is our governor none the less. So I don't know if our elections were fixed (believe me I didn't talk to enough people to say he shouldn't be governor, but plenty to know he should have been concerned he was going to lose) but as I have said before we are in the belly of the Deep State, so maybe our elections are on the up and up, but maybe not. I do think the Sauerbrey (sp) v Glendening seemed to be fixed at that time.
I think it’s white liberal women who are the dumbest voters. They act like they have a license to wield their opinions. This is coming from a white conservative woman.
Agreed. I think I’m triggered by the black liberal woman because they vote like 90% D where white women are substantially lower % of the gender for democrat. But yeah, all lib women are the absolute worst.
That's awesome. Wait till the majority of black folks wake up to the scam to keep them poor and stupid. It'll be glorious. This is just the beginning folks!
So kudos for this woman for not saying what I thought she was going to say. Because I've seen other black voices in Chicago whose chief complaint seems to have been that programs that they feel should have been helping their people (other blacks) were being given to the illegals instead. This woman used the magic word; taxpayers. And God bless her for saying it.
And I feel bad, because this is actually a case where the black and brown communities are going to be the ones that are going to be hit the hardest by this.
Awake is only half the battle. You need to be awake and also understand the solution. For example, plenty of people see crime is a problem, but are wrong about the underlying reasons and the solutions. Democrats think the solution is social spending, anti-gun laws, social workers and community mediators instead of Police. Republicans believe the solution is more Police and locking dangerous offenders up.
Trump has always been a soul brother. He's that smart wild white boy in class the teachers hated. Trump sent a Wilson Pickett message to America.
Real brothers would never vote for a shlump like Biden.
I was in Chicago for st. patrick's day.
Holy fucking shit what a clusterfuck. Stay out of that city if you value your life.
I am here in River North. I didn't go out.
A once wonderful place. Sad. I'm from Chicago originally. NW suburbs and Sauganash hood. Spent alot of time in River N. Loved it back in the day. I'm 10+ years removed from it all now tho. Terrible what its become
Yeah..the D's have destoryed it!
The fraud has destroyed it. Not the Ds. Look no further than cook county for the shenanigans. Absent the cheating, Chitown (cook county) is 90% conservative, like fulton county (GA), maricopa (AZ) etc.
Best to you Phantom!
It is the fraud that has installed the D's so your argument is invalid.
Very true!
St Patricks day on the NW side still awesome. Nothing like downtown.
My wife and children were followed by a creepy character for a block. Saw tons of trannies, men wearing women's shoes. There are many lost souls in this world. Sad, Chicago did not look like this last time I was there.
Voting has consequences.
Yeah, and now we can actually show it to the people who voted.
"You cant tell them, you have to show them"
Well said.
Some people take longer than others to wake up.
“Voting has consequences”: so does voter fraud (but not for those committing the fraud).
Well, sometime, as it will be shown in the 2020 presidential election, voting really doesn't matter. How long have certain state and local elections been determined before the voters even went to the polls? I live in Maryland and I can say not many people I speak with voted for this governor, Wes (Less) Moore, but he is our governor none the less. So I don't know if our elections were fixed (believe me I didn't talk to enough people to say he shouldn't be governor, but plenty to know he should have been concerned he was going to lose) but as I have said before we are in the belly of the Deep State, so maybe our elections are on the up and up, but maybe not. I do think the Sauerbrey (sp) v Glendening seemed to be fixed at that time.
I want to hear the rest of the clip when I assume they sway her to Trump!
I agree.
Sounds like the guy voted for Trump.
doesn't matter if he voted for Trump, it is still a hard truth for her to swallow.
I agree!
I don't think they had to sway her at all, she sounds like she's already ready to vote for Trump this year, lol.
She ready to vote Trump Right Now.
Black liberal women are the absolute dumbest voters.
You can shorten that to just "liberal women". They are the cause of almost everything that is wrong with our country.
"Males" that have been trained since birth to behave like liberal women are just as bad.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I think it’s white liberal women who are the dumbest voters. They act like they have a license to wield their opinions. This is coming from a white conservative woman.
Seconded by a white conservative woman
Amen, sister!
Thirded by same
All of you are also biologists, apparently
Yep. Agree. Liberal WHITE women are fucking detestable.
Agreed. I think I’m triggered by the black liberal woman because they vote like 90% D where white women are substantially lower % of the gender for democrat. But yeah, all lib women are the absolute worst.
If your screen name is your locality, I can really see where you’re coming from.
It’s not even a race thing, it’s just the statistic and their ignorant ideology. I LOVE black conservatives.
Me too!
True. And they were the burn loot murder champions.
Yeah.. they won't ever learn until it hits them in the face!
They will only say "It would have been worse if I hadn't taken the vax".
That's awesome. Wait till the majority of black folks wake up to the scam to keep them poor and stupid. It'll be glorious. This is just the beginning folks!
Well said!!!
Gonna be an interesting eight months!! Haha
Love it
They didn't ask her the only question that truly shows if her awakening matters: Who are you voting for this time?
Because if it's the Democrat, her awakening to this is meaningless.
She may have voted for Biden in 2020 but she’ll be voting for Trump in 2024.
Interesting documentary I watched last night
So kudos for this woman for not saying what I thought she was going to say. Because I've seen other black voices in Chicago whose chief complaint seems to have been that programs that they feel should have been helping their people (other blacks) were being given to the illegals instead. This woman used the magic word; taxpayers. And God bless her for saying it.
And I feel bad, because this is actually a case where the black and brown communities are going to be the ones that are going to be hit the hardest by this.
The Great Awakening will continue to get bigger in my view.
Awake is only half the battle. You need to be awake and also understand the solution. For example, plenty of people see crime is a problem, but are wrong about the underlying reasons and the solutions. Democrats think the solution is social spending, anti-gun laws, social workers and community mediators instead of Police. Republicans believe the solution is more Police and locking dangerous offenders up.
Trump has always been a soul brother. He's that smart wild white boy in class the teachers hated. Trump sent a Wilson Pickett message to America. Real brothers would never vote for a shlump like Biden.
lol. So true!
I'm sorry but I can't.
Chicago is dead to me.
There was a town like Chicago in Abraham's time called Sodom and if I remember correctly their day of reckening was pretty severe!