I was anti zionism way back in the late 90s. Can tie it to Lewinsky, slick willy, a clean break securing the realm, pnac, 9 11.
Followed guys like Ryan Dawson, Mike rivero. Didn't matter left or right, criticize Israhell get call an anti semite.
Finally it's all being exposed. The apartheid, the genocide, the Talmud.
I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime.
"They've been using money laundering for generations to steal from the citizens of over two dozen countries they control.
This is why they absolutely COULD NOT HAVE Donald Trump looking in to what was going on in Ukraine. It was of paramount importance to keep that Israel/Ukraine door closed.
90% of 'Jews' in Israel are Khazarian. Palestinians are ethnically Jewish, but have been deceived and manipulated to be Muslim.
What if the prophet Muhammad was Khazarian?
What if Khazarians are stealing the ancestry of ethnic Jews by pretending to be Jews and convincing ethnic Jews to abandon their ancestry by usurping Judaism through the Talmud causing ethnic Jews to desire to kill off & deny their ancestral claim to Israel?
Elohim is not a specific name, but a term that means “dieties” or “gods”.
As far as modern practicing Jews?
Possibly, in practice, dependent on what’s actually being done in any specific congregation, but the Shema indicates that at least by spoken word they don’t.
The LGBTQ Methodist church could also be called “elohim worshippers” in the way you seem to be using it. They sure ain’t worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Elohim is but a descriptive name for the part of the one true supreme God’s personality that relates to justice. Hashem is another descriptive name for that same God that relates to His mercy.
Edit: The context of the specific biblical text is key to understand as to why X name is used. The multiple names are NOT multiple gods.
Correct, though “elohim” can refer to other gods (Exodus 12:12, e.g.), seraphim, etc. It effectively means “diety”. Some translations use “Elohim” and “Elohim”, which does tend to refer to God, in much the same way different translators will use “lord”, “Lord”, and “LORD”.
I don’t know for a fact if either of us is 100% correct, but pretty sure we’re both closer than that first guy. ;-)
Not the same as God the Prime Creator energy force that manifested as Christ Jesus. Now during the Ascension more humans are cultivating their Christ consciousness within physical form.
The false God/ dark lord perverted everything in order to keep humans from ever achieving their full potential as creator beings. Sowing confusion and doubt with lies, deceptions and censorship. I'd love to read the Vatican vault materials!
If you deny Yahweh, you either deny Jesus and Christianity, or you deny the Bible.
Better have some really good evidence for that, and Clif High’s ramblings, interesting as they are, are not that evidence.
If by recent, you mean “Deuteronomy”, then yes, it was recent. They/we did, and do, occasionally/often fall into worship of other gods, and they/we were/are punished when they/we did/do.
(That’s dual synchronistic pronouns illustrating multiple contexts, and not “muh pronouns”, if it’s not obvious.)
1 John 2:23 "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.”
Every person needs to believe in Jesus Christ. Jew or Gentile. And every person who has believed in Jesus Christ has eternal life and is a member of God's own household.
MUSLIM is not a race. Or did you buy into the common MSM narrative.
Confusing this subject makes your statement totally risible. A sort of BIGGUS DICKUS.
MUSLIM is a party affiliation. MUSLIM is an ISLAM member.
There are members of ISLAM belonging several races. They are all MUSLIM. And the female version is MUSLIMA.
To be candid: in Dutch the sounds of both mu slim and is lam does not bode well for the label itself.
They khazarian angle is last maybe 8 years. I never heard of it prior. David icke went the reptilian route. It was too exteme 20 years ago. Now we understand. Many deep dives were done that linked current Israelis to Ashkenazi origins, now know to be khazars. I remember argueing about the inaccuracies of the holoCO$t back then, and getting shut down.
Now we can get into elohim, anunnaki, Babylon, and bloodlines.
I'm not qualified to interpret Hebrew etc. But have friends who can.
Elohim is plural, just like goyim, seraphim etc.
YHWH could easily be anunnaki, and enki or enlil based on interpretation.
And to believe that doesn't make Christ irrelevant.
What most may believe to be "god" I don't believe is God the creator of all, source, or most high.
Ok, I’ll keep an open mind now. Still no hard evidence except for Khazarian (sp?) stories etc. Yet Q did say you save Israel for last. Is that because you take the king as the last move? Fits.
And because all the other disgusting evil revelations coming will indicate what a primary source Israel is. Like a giant zit with an abscess underneath. It ain't pretty. And The Vatican sitting on top of worldwide secrecy and control.
Israel has the equivalent of a city underneath it full of the digital secrets of the whole world. No wonder the most corrupt on Earth don't want the truth to come out.
Isn't it bizarre how Israel, Nazis and The Vatican will all tie together with every single other secret including where the true control is coming from. We are getting closer to dismantling the top tier.
What most people don’t realize is regardless of how Israel became a Nation, God said He would bring the people back to the land in the end times not because they are good or righteous but He said He would do it for HIS Holy Names sake proving He was God and fulfilling all those prophecy’s in the Bible. Israel and Jerusalem are the key to end time prophecies. The way the world is going all surrounds Israel. The entire world will soon come against Israel and it will not be good for those that take up arms against them. Don’t get me wrong, Israel is rotten and corrupt having corrupted most every government on the planet with their blackmail schemes. We all know it but God will use them to prove He is the one that protects His Holy city Jerusalem. Now all you that hate Israel can pile on. Keke
Well, when God protects Israel by miraculos means again as He did in 1948 when the combined armies of 100 million Muslims came against them and were fought to a standstill by a ragtag army of Jews, we will see if the Bible is correct or you are.
Sorry but what you speak of is amillenism where they teach the church replaced Israel which is heresy. This was started with Origen, adopted by Constantine and later by the Roman Catholic church. Saying God breaks His promise to Israel makes Him a liar. The covenant made with Abraham was unconditional and this covenant was passed to Issac and Jacob. The last 20 + chapters of Isiah tell of the establishment of Israel as a nation in the end times. Zachariah 12 tells of Israel no longer being 2 sticks--nations-- but one nation. From Revelation 4 to the end of the book is all Jewish in the language. Romans 9-11 makes it clear God is not through with Israel. Not every Jew in Israel is not of Edom!
The church is spiritual Israel according to the Bible. I just say what the Bible says and I believe the Bible. You can believe whatever you like, it is not worth arguing over.
They're actually EXACTLY who I (and others) think they are.
But maybe not what those indoctrinated 'christians' in the US think they are.
Waking up is good. Better late than never.
Lizard people, I can't wait till that shoe drops, people's minds are gonna melt.
It’s gonna be like that Survivor gif with the two girls opening their mouths in shock and the guy in the back grins widely. We’re the guy in the back.
Lmao. Great visual.
I was anti zionism way back in the late 90s. Can tie it to Lewinsky, slick willy, a clean break securing the realm, pnac, 9 11. Followed guys like Ryan Dawson, Mike rivero. Didn't matter left or right, criticize Israhell get call an anti semite. Finally it's all being exposed. The apartheid, the genocide, the Talmud. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime.
The Great Awakening.
"They've been using money laundering for generations to steal from the citizens of over two dozen countries they control.
This is why they absolutely COULD NOT HAVE Donald Trump looking in to what was going on in Ukraine. It was of paramount importance to keep that Israel/Ukraine door closed.
But its going to open anyway.
They can't stop it.
Do you know why?
Because nothing can stop what is happening."
500 years and counting, looks like.
The separation is gonna be some kind of show. The righteous ones are gonna be a little surprised.
It’s amazing they don’t see it, but then remember how easily we were duped by the Bushes.
To their credit, this scheme is much harder to grasp. It’s not bitter so much as “really, really big - and a suppository.”
I like "Because nothing can stop what is happening." We are a little beyond what we expected to be coming.
Here's your upvote!
Khazarian Mafia.
90% of 'Jews' in Israel are Khazarian. Palestinians are ethnically Jewish, but have been deceived and manipulated to be Muslim.
What if the prophet Muhammad was Khazarian?
What if Khazarians are stealing the ancestry of ethnic Jews by pretending to be Jews and convincing ethnic Jews to abandon their ancestry by usurping Judaism through the Talmud causing ethnic Jews to desire to kill off & deny their ancestral claim to Israel?
Practicing jews are elohem worshipers
Elohim is not a specific name, but a term that means “dieties” or “gods”.
As far as modern practicing Jews? Possibly, in practice, dependent on what’s actually being done in any specific congregation, but the Shema indicates that at least by spoken word they don’t.
The LGBTQ Methodist church could also be called “elohim worshippers” in the way you seem to be using it. They sure ain’t worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Elohim is but a descriptive name for the part of the one true supreme God’s personality that relates to justice. Hashem is another descriptive name for that same God that relates to His mercy.
Edit: The context of the specific biblical text is key to understand as to why X name is used. The multiple names are NOT multiple gods.
Correct, though “elohim” can refer to other gods (Exodus 12:12, e.g.), seraphim, etc. It effectively means “diety”. Some translations use “Elohim” and “Elohim”, which does tend to refer to God, in much the same way different translators will use “lord”, “Lord”, and “LORD”.
I don’t know for a fact if either of us is 100% correct, but pretty sure we’re both closer than that first guy. ;-)
El as in above. Elevator. Elevate.
Plural spirits/gods above us.
Not the same as God the Prime Creator energy force that manifested as Christ Jesus. Now during the Ascension more humans are cultivating their Christ consciousness within physical form.
Elevate is from Latin elevare. el is from Hebrew meaning “diety (singular)”.
Crossed your translation wires, there.
Thanks for the clarification 👍
The false God/ dark lord perverted everything in order to keep humans from ever achieving their full potential as creator beings. Sowing confusion and doubt with lies, deceptions and censorship. I'd love to read the Vatican vault materials!
So that’s why Twitter changed its name to X? sarc/
They have always been worshippers of multiple gods. Traditionally they saw "yahweh" as the principle god, but not the only one they worshipped.
The idea that jews have only one god is a recent development in the overall scheme of things.
The el were brutal...it's Stockholm syndrome
If you deny Yahweh, you either deny Jesus and Christianity, or you deny the Bible.
Better have some really good evidence for that, and Clif High’s ramblings, interesting as they are, are not that evidence.
If by recent, you mean “Deuteronomy”, then yes, it was recent. They/we did, and do, occasionally/often fall into worship of other gods, and they/we were/are punished when they/we did/do.
(That’s dual synchronistic pronouns illustrating multiple contexts, and not “muh pronouns”, if it’s not obvious.)
1 John 2:23 "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.”
Every person needs to believe in Jesus Christ. Jew or Gentile. And every person who has believed in Jesus Christ has eternal life and is a member of God's own household.
MUSLIM is not a race. Or did you buy into the common MSM narrative. Confusing this subject makes your statement totally risible. A sort of BIGGUS DICKUS.
MUSLIM is a party affiliation. MUSLIM is an ISLAM member. There are members of ISLAM belonging several races. They are all MUSLIM. And the female version is MUSLIMA.
To be candid: in Dutch the sounds of both mu slim and is lam does not bode well for the label itself.
Please, rephrase your statement.
Godzilla had a stroke and died trying to read this lol
Also I agree ;)
They khazarian angle is last maybe 8 years. I never heard of it prior. David icke went the reptilian route. It was too exteme 20 years ago. Now we understand. Many deep dives were done that linked current Israelis to Ashkenazi origins, now know to be khazars. I remember argueing about the inaccuracies of the holoCO$t back then, and getting shut down. Now we can get into elohim, anunnaki, Babylon, and bloodlines.
I'm not qualified to interpret Hebrew etc. But have friends who can. Elohim is plural, just like goyim, seraphim etc. YHWH could easily be anunnaki, and enki or enlil based on interpretation. And to believe that doesn't make Christ irrelevant. What most may believe to be "god" I don't believe is God the creator of all, source, or most high.
Which means 90% are GOYIM. Edom is in modern Jewry.
Revelation 2:9 comes to mind.
Synagogue of Satan
Ok, I’ll keep an open mind now. Still no hard evidence except for Khazarian (sp?) stories etc. Yet Q did say you save Israel for last. Is that because you take the king as the last move? Fits.
And because all the other disgusting evil revelations coming will indicate what a primary source Israel is. Like a giant zit with an abscess underneath. It ain't pretty. And The Vatican sitting on top of worldwide secrecy and control.
Israel has the equivalent of a city underneath it full of the digital secrets of the whole world. No wonder the most corrupt on Earth don't want the truth to come out.
Isn't it bizarre how Israel, Nazis and The Vatican will all tie together with every single other secret including where the true control is coming from. We are getting closer to dismantling the top tier.
Ancient Chinese considered them the "name stealers"
Who owns and operates the Authentic NAZI brand will be very revealing and hard for many to accept.
As Q said: SUBGROUP.
Satanist sociopathic pedophiles…. Yeah we know
Some of us see through the propaganda.
And Ashkenaz are GOYIM
What most people don’t realize is regardless of how Israel became a Nation, God said He would bring the people back to the land in the end times not because they are good or righteous but He said He would do it for HIS Holy Names sake proving He was God and fulfilling all those prophecy’s in the Bible. Israel and Jerusalem are the key to end time prophecies. The way the world is going all surrounds Israel. The entire world will soon come against Israel and it will not be good for those that take up arms against them. Don’t get me wrong, Israel is rotten and corrupt having corrupted most every government on the planet with their blackmail schemes. We all know it but God will use them to prove He is the one that protects His Holy city Jerusalem. Now all you that hate Israel can pile on. Keke
The modern nation-state of "Israel" is not the Israel of the Bible. It is a man-made creation of Lucifer worshipping psychopaths.
Well, when God protects Israel by miraculos means again as He did in 1948 when the combined armies of 100 million Muslims came against them and were fought to a standstill by a ragtag army of Jews, we will see if the Bible is correct or you are.
Where exactly does it say the enemy of God would hold the land in the end time?
Sorry but what you speak of is amillenism where they teach the church replaced Israel which is heresy. This was started with Origen, adopted by Constantine and later by the Roman Catholic church. Saying God breaks His promise to Israel makes Him a liar. The covenant made with Abraham was unconditional and this covenant was passed to Issac and Jacob. The last 20 + chapters of Isiah tell of the establishment of Israel as a nation in the end times. Zachariah 12 tells of Israel no longer being 2 sticks--nations-- but one nation. From Revelation 4 to the end of the book is all Jewish in the language. Romans 9-11 makes it clear God is not through with Israel. Not every Jew in Israel is not of Edom!
The church is spiritual Israel according to the Bible. I just say what the Bible says and I believe the Bible. You can believe whatever you like, it is not worth arguing over.
We shall see. Brian has not had a very good batting average as of late.
Ready for full disclosure. Nothing less will do.