Some time last year, my mother asked me if I thought the end times were near. I told her "I certainly hope so. It's the only thing that can explain what's happening in this country and all over the world."
I'd like to think I'm ready. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I believe everything I've ever read in the Bible, and I believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins.
I agree. I still can't wait to see how people process it when Trump brings the economy to something we've never seen before and life becomes amazing and that's all. Jesus will return in spirit but if you're looking for his descent on a cloud, I'd Bank on his return being more like a thief in the night. And there's much to unpack there.
Then you believe in the return of Christ, the dead in christ rising and putting on new bodies and the alive being caught up with him in the air and changed in our bodies. Called the hope, we are supposed to look forward to it.
A well-written article. Thanks for sharing. Indeed we should pay attention.
Most everyone on GAW has had some level of separation from worldly attachments just by separating from the pushed narrative, and that's technically a repentance, a "turning away" from the world. But many, here or elsewhere, mock the facts that are presented here so simply.
A multiple of 7, 14 partakes of its importance and, being double that number, implies a double measure of spiritual perfection. Two with which it is combined (2 x 7) may, however, bring its own significance into its meaning, as it does in Matthew 1, where the genealogy of Jesus Christ is divided up and given in sets of 14 (2 x 7) generations, two being associated with incarnation.
Passover lamb killed on 14th day of the first month (for deliverance of the people)
Acts 27:33 Paul on ship in the storm - boat lost but people delivered on the 14th day.
Compare Hosea ch 14 to the rest of the book. (its the last chapter)
14 Levites sanctified to cleanse the temple. 2 Chr. 29:12-15
Jesus the King and Redeemer (link)
Gen 14:14 - Abraham’s 318 man trained army goes out to release, deliver Lot
14th time Abram mentioned (Gen 12:10) goes to Egypt to deliver himself from the famine.
14th time Abraham mentioned (Gen 18:13) “Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"
14th time Israel mentioned (Gen 45:28) Jacob-Israel understood God had delivered Joseph.
14th time Joshua mentioned (Num 27:22) Moses laid hands on him, commissioned him. Released Joshua into his calling, released Moses from his.
14th time Jesus mentioned in Luke (4:35) he delivered a man from a demon.
Takes 14 generations to create a pure bloodline in animal husbandry
3 x 14 generations to Christ. He was the 42nd. 3 for Trinity each being perfected in Him.
To write fourteen in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: yod-daleth. These signify the hand (outworking) of the door. It pictures a release or deliverance from the prison with the opening of the door. - See more.
I'm not disputing this claim, just pointing out that the letter has changed over 4,000 years, and that the specific character shown in the article is from about 1,000 BC.
All this bible stuff relating to the eclipse is psyop 101. They will use our spirituality, our faith and our love of God against us as a weapon.
And none of that is within mens control anyway. Id prefer to focus on that which men can control and not allow evils minions to mess with my head in this way.
I seriously question the patriot credentials of anyone participating in this psyop.
Might the death cult use the eclipse as cover for an op? Sure, I actually think they will but we may not even understand the goals of an op if we even recognize it as such. Or it could also be something overt like a communications disruption.
But all the content like this is surely nothing more than messing with our heads and setting us up for something that is less spiritual in nature to make it look as if it is.
I am not going to be too dogmatic about my thoughts on the subject of this being the end times or not, because maybe it is...God's timing has so far been the complete opposite of what I thought about anything. However, I will be dogmatic about this...those who are looking at the Book of Revelation, the 24th chapter of Matthew and part of Daniel's Prophecy's to somehow marry up with today's headlines and then speculate that you know what's going to happen in the future with regard to God's plans for His return and the future of Israel and the end of the World, you are the epitome of gullible and have spent too much time sitting in a pew listening to 501c3 seeker friendly church pastors and not enough time alone with God and His word.
The main error I see Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians make today with regard to the reading of the above referenced Scriptures is simply they are ignoring the "Time Stamps" given in the actual text's themselves! Read Matthew 24! Read it all the way through! Read the entire chapter...not just the verses the Pastor reads from his pulpit in support of his "guesses" as to what Jesus is talking about! It's obvious from the context that Jesus is talking about the Temple in Jerusalem because that's what His disciples asked Him about. In His answer to His disciples about the timing of the Temples destruction, Jesus said certain events would transpire leading up to its destruction and He lists those first. Jesus is clearly not talking about events that would happen some 2,000 years hence as most lying Evangelical Pastors would have you believe!
I can be dogmatic on this point because of verse 34 of that chapter! In that verse Jesus time stamps all the events when He says..."Verily I say unto you, This generation SHALL NOT PASS, till ALL these things be FULFILLED." Jesus is telling his disciples that all that He discussed in Chapter 24 would be the lead up to the destruction of Jerusalem (and the Temple) and that it would all happen before their generation had passed!
Of course many people have tried to weasel their way out of this verse by coming up with a whole host of crazy ideas and translational trickery, but the fact remains, without any preconceived, dispensational, Scofield goblygook (sp), the verse says what it says! Just a side note, I find it ironic that most Christian Pastors and End Times Prognosticating Authors like Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye either don't mention this verse in their prophetically FALSE books or they treat it the exact same way the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) treat John 1:1. With this verse in John, the JW's have found all manner of trickery to weasel their way around the fact that John is clearly telling us that JESUS IS GOD! The JW's hatchet this verse the same way that MOST Evangelical Pastors hatchet verse 34 of Matthew 24!
The same is true of the ENTIRE Book of Revelation. The entire book is about nothing more than the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. Period! End of story! John tells us it's already happened in the first few verses! Read them yourself! He says, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants (the severely persecuted 1st Century Church) things which MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS...and then in verse 3, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND." Does this sound like John is telling them information that they will need to give them strength during their persecution if it's going to happen 2,000 years hence? Does someone use the verbiage "Shortly come to pass or Time is at hand" when what he is talking about is going to happen in 2,000 plus years? NO!
If you are a believer in Jesus and His Gospel Message and want dig into some spiritual meat and do a fascinating study, I challenge you to do what today's modern 501c3 fake churches will NEVER tell you to an extra Biblical study of exactly what transpired when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. It will definitely be an eye opener and will answer MANY questions you may have about God's plan for the future and His Church today! I suggest reading what Josephus had to say and one of the best books I have ever read on the subject is called The Judgement and Destruction of Jerusalem by Rev. Wm. Patton and George Holford.
The main truth you will discover when doing an extra Biblical study about the destruction of Jerusalem is that everything Jesus said would happen in Matthew 24 and the Book of actually happened! Every detail! God is amazing and He is definitely in control! So sorry this is so long!
That it is, and I will be glad when the whole damned thing is over. It's just a stupid eclipse. People are already gearing up - on the way home from Lowe's today, my wife and I saw some dude selling eclipse glasses out of the back of his truck, and people were stopping to buy them [not sure of the cost]. They're actually letting the school where I work at out three hours early so parents can "prepare." Prepare for what? We're only going to be at 80% here in east Tennessee anyway. When the 2017 one occurred, I was working in a school in Denver and it was the same thing, people were practically freaking out. That just goes to show that people will do anything to make a big deal out of something so insignificant.
Eclipses are a natural, physical phenomenon that remind us of how brilliantly and intricately made by God that our natural world is. Because they are predictable, there is no supernatural event going on. However, things can align in strange ways, and God directs all. In addition, what people THINK about an eclipse does matter, because this is a battle for our minds. The pagans worship the natural world, and therefore an eclipse is a demonic ceremony for them. We Christians know that God is in charge, and we pay attention without worshipping the eclipse, but worship God.
I'm sure Moses was part of the Exodus, but the stories were oral traditions and not written down for hundreds of years afterward. The first two chapters of Genesis are from two different creation stories, blended together.
There is also growing doubt the Exodus was as significant as it is told. There no stories about it outside the Bible. And the Egyptians wrote down EVERYTHING!
Could it be that this is the way our solar system works? I guess i think nothing of this event other that a standard solar event that just doesnt happen as often. Its probably happened thousands of times over the life of our system. Kinda like the left believes in climate change, its just people getting all worked up over nothing. Just my 1 cent take.
Yeah, they tend to make a big deal over a Venus or Mercury transit as if the entire universe was going to stop in its tracks just to experience it. Geez.
Because the eclipse you see is the shadow the moon casts on the earth. The shadow moves the opposite direction of the light source.
Take a flashlight, hold your hand out in front of it so that it casts a shadow on the wall. Move the flashlight to the right, and observe how the shadow moves left.
I'd like to drop a prior comment from another thread:
Eclipses can be tracked years in advance
Solar eclipses can be predicted years, or even decades, in advance today. The predictions are based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, which can be calculated using mathematical formulas. The accuracy of these predictions improves as we gather more data and refine our understanding of celestial mechanics.
Total solar eclipses can be predicted as far back as astronomers have data and accurate historical records. The first accurate prediction of a solar eclipse was made by astronomer Thales of Miletus in 585 BC.
Point: the cabal are trying to get their agendas done before the return of Christ. They also know about the 1,000 years = a day, ~6,000 years since Adam & Eve, 6 days work 7th day rest, signs in the heavens = God comms, etc. Agenda 2030 why? They tried to have it done by 2021 but Trump fucked it up bad. They never thought she would lose. Now they're scrambling. Or have they "changed times and seasons"? nah, I doubt it, despite gregorian calendar etc the Jews are still tracking the lunar years, though who knows if that's accurate either. It is year 5784 according to that system.
Interestingly enough the 2016 election fell on year 5777. God laughed in KEK.
It would not surprise me at all if they're viewing the 2017 and upcoming 2024 total solar eclipses creating a cross / Tav over America as God comms, which is bad news for them & their satanic agendas. It seems they've failed to beat the clock; we were supposed to be going on like year 6 of COVID lockdowns, martial law, total economic collapse, etc to be ushered into global centralized satanic governance.
The "Eye of Providence".
Pepe poked it out! Whole corrupt temple coming crashing down on [their] heads!
Did you find most of the fearmongering to come from the "new age" media, Christian end-timers, or handshakes here? I can't tell from this thread who is spreading from what belief.
I'm so tired of it. The "end times Christians" and new age media have sort of linked together. Clickbait heavy-hitters!
There was a lyric from a metal band that I wish I could remember exactly but it went something like "people fighting wars based on lies told long ago"
When the full truth about this issue of the 3rd temple, Israel, Central Banks, Islam, the antichrist, Catholicism, the "NWO", seminaries, "new Bible translations", manuscripts, "the rapture", the Reformation, the counter-Reformation, the founding of America, the illuminati, Jesuits, freemasons, Daniel & Revelation, Matthew 24 etc comes out it will all make so much sense. I just pray it happens soon. I don't claim to know everything but I have learned enough to know there's been a major deception playing on Christians for several generations now.
Pretty good read, I was waiting for the wheels to come off by going on that passing through 7 different towns called Ninevah nonsense, but it never did.
If people put as much energy into solving the problem of animal cruelty as they do this stupid eclipse, we wouldn't have any of our furry friends suffering.
Some time last year, my mother asked me if I thought the end times were near. I told her "I certainly hope so. It's the only thing that can explain what's happening in this country and all over the world."
I'd like to think I'm ready. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I believe everything I've ever read in the Bible, and I believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins.
I am a Christian but I don't think this is it, tbh. I don't think we're near the end times.
I agree. Although it may be that it is the end of the times we know.
I believe you nailed it. It is the end times, because an age is ending, along with so much we are familiar with.
But it is NOT the end of time or the end of the ages or the Great Wrapup scene or whatever you want to call it lol.
I agree. I still can't wait to see how people process it when Trump brings the economy to something we've never seen before and life becomes amazing and that's all. Jesus will return in spirit but if you're looking for his descent on a cloud, I'd Bank on his return being more like a thief in the night. And there's much to unpack there.
I think somebody is faking it desperately clinching for power
The only way to the FATHER is thru the SON and i dont think were there yet,i believe lots of things have to happen first.
Then you believe in the return of Christ, the dead in christ rising and putting on new bodies and the alive being caught up with him in the air and changed in our bodies. Called the hope, we are supposed to look forward to it.
A well-written article. Thanks for sharing. Indeed we should pay attention.
Most everyone on GAW has had some level of separation from worldly attachments just by separating from the pushed narrative, and that's technically a repentance, a "turning away" from the world. But many, here or elsewhere, mock the facts that are presented here so simply.
Matt. 16:3 ...You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
Speaking of “two weeks”, what “holiday” is two weeks after the eclipse?
Passover. And 40 days after the eclipse is Pentecost, I believe, on the Julian calendar.
Some additional notes for 14….. 😉
That’s awesome, thanks!!
Come Lord Jesus!
Terror for some, hope for others.
Hmmm, I've seen the Hebrew letter aleph written several different ways:
Late Hebrew (400 BC)
Middle period (1,000 BC, which seems to comport with the article you posted)
This shows the evolution of the letter aleph over 4,000 years of history:
I'm not disputing this claim, just pointing out that the letter has changed over 4,000 years, and that the specific character shown in the article is from about 1,000 BC.
You're not disputing the claim, you're confirming it! Thank you for the corroborating evidence.
Eclipse History.
During the 1901 to 2000 time period, there were 228 solar eclipses across the globe
And how many of those eclipses occurred within seven years, three times over the same country, depicting Hebrew aleph and tav characters?
All this bible stuff relating to the eclipse is psyop 101. They will use our spirituality, our faith and our love of God against us as a weapon.
And none of that is within mens control anyway. Id prefer to focus on that which men can control and not allow evils minions to mess with my head in this way.
I seriously question the patriot credentials of anyone participating in this psyop.
Might the death cult use the eclipse as cover for an op? Sure, I actually think they will but we may not even understand the goals of an op if we even recognize it as such. Or it could also be something overt like a communications disruption.
But all the content like this is surely nothing more than messing with our heads and setting us up for something that is less spiritual in nature to make it look as if it is.
I am not going to be too dogmatic about my thoughts on the subject of this being the end times or not, because maybe it is...God's timing has so far been the complete opposite of what I thought about anything. However, I will be dogmatic about this...those who are looking at the Book of Revelation, the 24th chapter of Matthew and part of Daniel's Prophecy's to somehow marry up with today's headlines and then speculate that you know what's going to happen in the future with regard to God's plans for His return and the future of Israel and the end of the World, you are the epitome of gullible and have spent too much time sitting in a pew listening to 501c3 seeker friendly church pastors and not enough time alone with God and His word.
The main error I see Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians make today with regard to the reading of the above referenced Scriptures is simply they are ignoring the "Time Stamps" given in the actual text's themselves! Read Matthew 24! Read it all the way through! Read the entire chapter...not just the verses the Pastor reads from his pulpit in support of his "guesses" as to what Jesus is talking about! It's obvious from the context that Jesus is talking about the Temple in Jerusalem because that's what His disciples asked Him about. In His answer to His disciples about the timing of the Temples destruction, Jesus said certain events would transpire leading up to its destruction and He lists those first. Jesus is clearly not talking about events that would happen some 2,000 years hence as most lying Evangelical Pastors would have you believe!
I can be dogmatic on this point because of verse 34 of that chapter! In that verse Jesus time stamps all the events when He says..."Verily I say unto you, This generation SHALL NOT PASS, till ALL these things be FULFILLED." Jesus is telling his disciples that all that He discussed in Chapter 24 would be the lead up to the destruction of Jerusalem (and the Temple) and that it would all happen before their generation had passed!
Of course many people have tried to weasel their way out of this verse by coming up with a whole host of crazy ideas and translational trickery, but the fact remains, without any preconceived, dispensational, Scofield goblygook (sp), the verse says what it says! Just a side note, I find it ironic that most Christian Pastors and End Times Prognosticating Authors like Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye either don't mention this verse in their prophetically FALSE books or they treat it the exact same way the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) treat John 1:1. With this verse in John, the JW's have found all manner of trickery to weasel their way around the fact that John is clearly telling us that JESUS IS GOD! The JW's hatchet this verse the same way that MOST Evangelical Pastors hatchet verse 34 of Matthew 24!
The same is true of the ENTIRE Book of Revelation. The entire book is about nothing more than the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. Period! End of story! John tells us it's already happened in the first few verses! Read them yourself! He says, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants (the severely persecuted 1st Century Church) things which MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS...and then in verse 3, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND." Does this sound like John is telling them information that they will need to give them strength during their persecution if it's going to happen 2,000 years hence? Does someone use the verbiage "Shortly come to pass or Time is at hand" when what he is talking about is going to happen in 2,000 plus years? NO!
If you are a believer in Jesus and His Gospel Message and want dig into some spiritual meat and do a fascinating study, I challenge you to do what today's modern 501c3 fake churches will NEVER tell you to an extra Biblical study of exactly what transpired when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. It will definitely be an eye opener and will answer MANY questions you may have about God's plan for the future and His Church today! I suggest reading what Josephus had to say and one of the best books I have ever read on the subject is called The Judgement and Destruction of Jerusalem by Rev. Wm. Patton and George Holford.
The main truth you will discover when doing an extra Biblical study about the destruction of Jerusalem is that everything Jesus said would happen in Matthew 24 and the Book of actually happened! Every detail! God is amazing and He is definitely in control! So sorry this is so long!
That it is, and I will be glad when the whole damned thing is over. It's just a stupid eclipse. People are already gearing up - on the way home from Lowe's today, my wife and I saw some dude selling eclipse glasses out of the back of his truck, and people were stopping to buy them [not sure of the cost]. They're actually letting the school where I work at out three hours early so parents can "prepare." Prepare for what? We're only going to be at 80% here in east Tennessee anyway. When the 2017 one occurred, I was working in a school in Denver and it was the same thing, people were practically freaking out. That just goes to show that people will do anything to make a big deal out of something so insignificant.
Eclipses are a natural, physical phenomenon that remind us of how brilliantly and intricately made by God that our natural world is. Because they are predictable, there is no supernatural event going on. However, things can align in strange ways, and God directs all. In addition, what people THINK about an eclipse does matter, because this is a battle for our minds. The pagans worship the natural world, and therefore an eclipse is a demonic ceremony for them. We Christians know that God is in charge, and we pay attention without worshipping the eclipse, but worship God.
Red heifer ritual sacrifice.
The first books of the Bible were not written in Hebrew. It had not yet developed. Most likely written down by Moses in Egyptian hieroglyphic cursive.
The first books were written hundreds of years after Moses.
No. Moses wrote them. Which explains why they have so many Egyptian loan words.
Some scholars attempt to place Moses long after the Exodus, but this makes little sense.
I'm sure Moses was part of the Exodus, but the stories were oral traditions and not written down for hundreds of years afterward. The first two chapters of Genesis are from two different creation stories, blended together.
There is also growing doubt the Exodus was as significant as it is told. There no stories about it outside the Bible. And the Egyptians wrote down EVERYTHING!
Could it be that this is the way our solar system works? I guess i think nothing of this event other that a standard solar event that just doesnt happen as often. Its probably happened thousands of times over the life of our system. Kinda like the left believes in climate change, its just people getting all worked up over nothing. Just my 1 cent take.
Yeah, they tend to make a big deal over a Venus or Mercury transit as if the entire universe was going to stop in its tracks just to experience it. Geez.
Awww. Too big to take in. But thank you.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Why is the path of this eclipse from southwest to northeast?
Because the eclipse is caused by the moon passing the sun, doesn’t have to do with the path of the sun….its the path of the moon.
Because the eclipse you see is the shadow the moon casts on the earth. The shadow moves the opposite direction of the light source.
Take a flashlight, hold your hand out in front of it so that it casts a shadow on the wall. Move the flashlight to the right, and observe how the shadow moves left.
Gotcha. I'm a dummy sometimes 🙃
You're not a dummy. At least you asked the question.
Because three objects are involved?
Michael Snyder knows his stuff and has made compelling arguments on many things over the years. This is another solid one.
That's a great place to position the National Guard all across our great nation to thwart any deep State shenanigans.
I wonder what will happen at the intersections of the lines
Any news? I haven't heard anything.
I didn't hear anything but my expectations weren't high exactly either
I'd like to drop a prior comment from another thread:
Eclipses can be tracked years in advance
Point: the cabal are trying to get their agendas done before the return of Christ. They also know about the 1,000 years = a day, ~6,000 years since Adam & Eve, 6 days work 7th day rest, signs in the heavens = God comms, etc. Agenda 2030 why? They tried to have it done by 2021 but Trump fucked it up bad. They never thought she would lose. Now they're scrambling. Or have they "changed times and seasons"? nah, I doubt it, despite gregorian calendar etc the Jews are still tracking the lunar years, though who knows if that's accurate either. It is year 5784 according to that system.
Interestingly enough the 2016 election fell on year 5777. God laughed in KEK.
It would not surprise me at all if they're viewing the 2017 and upcoming 2024 total solar eclipses creating a cross / Tav over America as God comms, which is bad news for them & their satanic agendas. It seems they've failed to beat the clock; we were supposed to be going on like year 6 of COVID lockdowns, martial law, total economic collapse, etc to be ushered into global centralized satanic governance.
The "Eye of Providence".
Pepe poked it out! Whole corrupt temple coming crashing down on [their] heads!
no doubt
all the "alt-media" channels who don't closely follow Q seem to always be on the clickbait fearmongering bandwagon.
Did you find most of the fearmongering to come from the "new age" media, Christian end-timers, or handshakes here? I can't tell from this thread who is spreading from what belief.
I'm so tired of it. The "end times Christians" and new age media have sort of linked together. Clickbait heavy-hitters!
There was a lyric from a metal band that I wish I could remember exactly but it went something like "people fighting wars based on lies told long ago"
When the full truth about this issue of the 3rd temple, Israel, Central Banks, Islam, the antichrist, Catholicism, the "NWO", seminaries, "new Bible translations", manuscripts, "the rapture", the Reformation, the counter-Reformation, the founding of America, the illuminati, Jesuits, freemasons, Daniel & Revelation, Matthew 24 etc comes out it will all make so much sense. I just pray it happens soon. I don't claim to know everything but I have learned enough to know there's been a major deception playing on Christians for several generations now.
I just got chills, They're multiplying.
Its End of Times for the Cabal
Pretty good read, I was waiting for the wheels to come off by going on that passing through 7 different towns called Ninevah nonsense, but it never did.
If people put as much energy into solving the problem of animal cruelty as they do this stupid eclipse, we wouldn't have any of our furry friends suffering.