Yes I agree it looks like them, and for a while I believed it to be them, but something came out probably popped up here, which called into question.
I believe they identified who it “really” was unless it was just some bs deboonk and they lied their asses off.
The audio that purports to be Podesta I genuinely believe to be him, and obviously he is 100% guilty and implicated in crimes against humanity for Comet Pizza ALONE..
The audio where he’s yelling at a kid to call him father or something and singing weird rhymes and shit. I believe maybe there was video footage which showed colored lights which matched up to comet pizza.
There are some pics of Valerie Jarrett and JP in body paint … 'Smocking' in street jargon, supposedly.
Trump Tweets (2)
2018-12-10 12:46:11 (UTC+1)
"Democrats can't find a Smocking gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey's testimony. No Smocking gun...No Collusion." @FoxNews That's because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,...
2018-08-01 17:23:13 (UTC+1)
"We already have a Smocking gun about a campaign getting dirt on their opponent, it was Hillary Clinton. How is it OK for Hillary Clinton to proactively seek dirt from the Russians but the Trump campaign met at the Russians request and that is bad?" Marc Thiessen, Washington Post
It's Senior, not Secret, Intelligence Service. It's the IC's version of SES, Senior Executive Service - the bureaucratic permanent deep state above the GS employees and below appointed positions.
Internet search on smocking returned this definition:
Smocking is a type of embroidery. A delightful way of adding decorative stitches to a garment and, at the same time, creating some elasticity and fullness.
No, I missed the auto correct that changed smocking to smoking. So, not irony after all. Thanks for pointing out my spell -checkers error so I could correct.
I hate it when spell check decides I meant to say something else 🙄 I don't always catch those changes either, because I knew I typed it correctly so didn't double-check 🤣
This seems most relevant of all the posts with a "c" in the killbox, but what does "coats before declass" mean?
May 06, 2020 11:40:16 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 167396 No. 9060298
There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related].
Think [BOOM] drops this week and next [2019, 2020][+1].
[C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now].
Wasn’t smocking at one point used by him, and the best we could come up with was like a deviant sex type thing with body paint?
For example the alleged (I happen to believe it’s not Skippy and the lady) photo of Podesta in nude body paint at Comet Pizza?
Got a time stamps for tweet?
Purportedly Podesta and Valerie Jarrett in the photo. Smocking.
Please dont ask us to dig up the picture either /s.
Agree 👍 it's gross 🤢
And the Colbert video
Good point. That video is horrible, and I genuinely believe it to be him.
Yes I agree it looks like them, and for a while I believed it to be them, but something came out probably popped up here, which called into question.
I believe they identified who it “really” was unless it was just some bs deboonk and they lied their asses off.
The audio that purports to be Podesta I genuinely believe to be him, and obviously he is 100% guilty and implicated in crimes against humanity for Comet Pizza ALONE..
Are you referring to the one of him beating the child in the shower? Worldcorpo?
The audio where he’s yelling at a kid to call him father or something and singing weird rhymes and shit. I believe maybe there was video footage which showed colored lights which matched up to comet pizza.
John “You think you’re hot shit” Podesta
Yep. That's the same video.
smocking - Urban Dictionary
smocking · Smocking is body painting for sexual gratification. While the majority of body painting is done for artistic reasons, smockers belong to the subgroup ...
Podesta, Colbert, and underaged children
Colbert - 'Somebody That He Used To Know'?
I used to love that song and now I can't bear to hear it, deleted it from my spotify list.
I never thought it was a real word. Stand down. Nothing to see here. LOL
There are some pics of Valerie Jarrett and JP in body paint … 'Smocking' in street jargon, supposedly.
Trump Tweets (2)
2018-12-10 12:46:11 (UTC+1)
"Democrats can't find a Smocking gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey's testimony. No Smocking gun...No Collusion." @FoxNews That's because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,...
2018-08-01 17:23:13 (UTC+1)
"We already have a Smocking gun about a campaign getting dirt on their opponent, it was Hillary Clinton. How is it OK for Hillary Clinton to proactively seek dirt from the Russians but the Trump campaign met at the Russians request and that is bad?" Marc Thiessen, Washington Post
Smocking and frazzled rip & cankles comes to mind
Try putting in k for the letter that should be there: Only one result and seems appropriate given the news lately.
For those who haven't examined it, it says "US risk this week" in the brackets.
Using the single letters and [th]; they spell [th][i][s] [W][e][e][k]. [this Week]
I may have missed something, I'm out of time, got to get to work. Check it out
Yes, [risk] is also in the kill brackets.
Words/letters in [ ]
US... risk... th...i... s... w... e... e... k... GOD AND COUNTRY
Altogether -
US risk this week GOD AND COUNTRY
It's Senior, not Secret, Intelligence Service. It's the IC's version of SES, Senior Executive Service - the bureaucratic permanent deep state above the GS employees and below appointed positions.
I’m just letting you know what it is.
Only job where you can be wrong 75% of the time and still keep your job.
Weather is the 2nd most accurate news we get.
Lol!! they lie often!
16 “[c]” results in drops:
Coats before declas?
Smocking does refer to a coat or jacket. Maybe coats is the decode?
I think Trump just sticks misspellings around to drive the globos crazy trying to figure them out.
Good point. Trump plays such a deep game it is hard to figure out what's coming. Which is a good thing.
Haha maybe. This one is too obvious though.
Here's this Trump TS post, since I didn't see it in comments, so you can see the time stamp -
On qagg for those without TS -
Sorry I should have linked in comments my bad...
No worries, just thought I would add it because I thought I read in one of the comments about the timestamp on post.
Q drop 4845:
[C] = classified [State]
We are seeing the trial over [c]lassified documents right now.
Internet search on smocking returned this definition:
You misspelled smocking as 'smoking'
The irony! :)
No, I missed the auto correct that changed smocking to smoking. So, not irony after all. Thanks for pointing out my spell -checkers error so I could correct.
I hate it when spell check decides I meant to say something else 🙄 I don't always catch those changes either, because I knew I typed it correctly so didn't double-check 🤣
What about [C]
[C] = classified [State]
This seems most relevant of all the posts with a "c" in the killbox, but what does "coats before declass" mean?
4133 May 06, 2020 11:40:16 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 167396 No. 9060298 There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related]. Think [BOOM] drops this week and next [2019, 2020][+1]. [C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now]. Q
"paint" appears in the drop 27 times, but 'painter' appears just once: