It gives you the right to buy 100 shares in the future at a set price. DFV has 20 doller strike price allowing him to buy 12 million shares at that price. Price is now over 30. You can also take the difference in money if you don't want to buy shares. You can also make money on the increase, my calls for 32.50 are up 60% today, even though we have not reached that price.
I'm still too dumb to mess around with options, but I am inadvertently learning a bit about then just from poking around on SuperStonk.. If you think the price is going to hit X, but don't have the cash to buy 100 shares how much does that cost you and how much would you get for selling(?) the option? If, say, you had a 20 dollar strike and it was at 30 dollars day of.
Use this calculator, and pay attention to the date, they farther out the date is more expensive and they lose value quickly as you approach the expiration date. They they are worth zero, if they are not in the money.
so are you just taking random times from random X posts and linking them up with the number of a Q drop and saying somehow that its a connection? Am I missing something?
Bro, I know who he is and what went down with GME. I just don't understand why anyone thinks his twitter post is connected with a Q drop just because of the time it's posted. You Can literally do that with any of his or anyone else's post and link it with a number of a Q drop.
There are markers all over the GME stuff. Keep your eyes open. If there are markers, it isn’t totally outlandish that some of the timestamp items might be in play.
Oh okay, I will blindly believe that Q is in charge of Roaring Kitty and that every good thing that happens in the world is because of Q and is linked to a particular Q post. 👍
Cool, fair enough. Thank you queue-anon. Do we have a way of knowing who can be considered worthy of a Q delta? This one was new to me. I'll just get back to trusting the plan. And I'm not trying to be difficult, it's a cool post! I just don't get how this is a Q proof. But there are a lot of things that are hard to understand when it comes to the whole Q process.
There's several Q proofs of GME being part of the plan. So we look to the people who are making moves. Keith Gill and Ryan Cohen are. Hedge funds are panicking. This image is not me saying "hey this is a Q proof". It's me noting a data point.
Here’s a situation where shares were “cancelled” during Chapter 11, just like BBBY…
From ChatGPT: "Hertz's original
shares, traded under the ticker HTZ, were
eventually cancelled as part of the
restructuring plan. However, new shares
were issued under the ticker HTZZ. which
later reverted to HTZ once the company
emerged from bankruptcy."
But there are tens of thousands of GME apes that only own GME. It’s not going to be OK if what you described actually happens. They’re going to feel betrayed.
Superstonk modes are to blame as they banned us for trying to tell them. We have a poster in these gme threads who missed out on bobby cause of superstonk mods. Right now their is next to no difference between the bobby boards and superstonk, as we are allowed to talk about both since they are clearly connected,their are some legendary gme apes invested in bobby.
u/pbman2 u/fucknewsom u/What-Me-Worry u/AmateurExpert u/Kayleighsbikeseat u/CheekyHawk u/valuefuckingdeep u/EveryKneeWillBow u/TaQo u/RealityIsBroken u/FF0000
Here's hoping. I have my two little call options to join in the fun next week. 🤣
I just just picked up 4 more.
What is a call option for a retard like me. I just buy and hold
It gives you the right to buy 100 shares in the future at a set price. DFV has 20 doller strike price allowing him to buy 12 million shares at that price. Price is now over 30. You can also take the difference in money if you don't want to buy shares. You can also make money on the increase, my calls for 32.50 are up 60% today, even though we have not reached that price.
I'm still too dumb to mess around with options, but I am inadvertently learning a bit about then just from poking around on SuperStonk.. If you think the price is going to hit X, but don't have the cash to buy 100 shares how much does that cost you and how much would you get for selling(?) the option? If, say, you had a 20 dollar strike and it was at 30 dollars day of.
Use this calculator, and pay attention to the date, they farther out the date is more expensive and they lose value quickly as you approach the expiration date. They they are worth zero, if they are not in the money.
I've seen good DD that the market maker for options is wolverine not e trade.
I'm hoping e trade isn't naked as they are my broker.
Oh shit, I wonder if the Elon Musk Parody account is controlled by Elon?
That’s the fourth Teddy post I’ve seen from him over the past several days.
Kek I blocked him from following me, a few weeks ago, or one of the others....
Forgot to tag you. MB
Thanks for the tag. Pultie posted on X that the RC lawsuit is settled. I'm guessing this is why the annual meeting was postponed.
Which annual meeting? The GME meeting scheduled for Thursday has been postponed?
No I'm incorrect, I thought it was scheduled for today and moved back.
Thanks for the tag Queue-anon.
Supposedly Roaring Kitty lives pretty close to me here in New England (EST). Do ALL twitter posts always display Pacific Coast Time?
Np, all twitter posts show the time zone you are in.
Ahhh. Thank you. Does this mean you are in Mountain Time?
Also, Musk recently mentioned Uranus recently. Which Ryan Cohen has mentioned in the past.
Hi Fren lol
Hey! Haha, I like yours better with the 21 connection!
I like yours with the RK pepe!
We shall combine them! 😁
Kek, someone used your image!
LOL, that's cool
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Seeing my munitions out in the digital battlefield :)
That along with BRICS ramping up, could be a whole lot of shaking going on soon. Or in two weeks! Kek
You know, just coincidentally, the German "ss" looks like a B - ß
So, if we were German, 1231 would be MOAß or MOASS kek. LFG!!!
so are you just taking random times from random X posts and linking them up with the number of a Q drop and saying somehow that its a connection? Am I missing something?
Roaring Kitty is not some random X account. Search this site for "Gamestop" or "Ryan Cohen" or "Roaring Kitty"
Bro, I know who he is and what went down with GME. I just don't understand why anyone thinks his twitter post is connected with a Q drop just because of the time it's posted. You Can literally do that with any of his or anyone else's post and link it with a number of a Q drop.
There are markers all over the GME stuff. Keep your eyes open. If there are markers, it isn’t totally outlandish that some of the timestamp items might be in play.
'Learn our COMMS.' Sounds like you missed some of those drops. Try to keep up.....
Who else can post things and make them official Q deltas?
Oh okay, I will blindly believe that Q is in charge of Roaring Kitty and that every good thing that happens in the world is because of Q and is linked to a particular Q post. 👍
So Roaring Kitty can do Q deltas?
Yes, he's part of the plan. Do you really think this movement to destroy hedge funds was organic?
no, I believe all of it is part of the plan. I just thought Q deltas came only from Q. Who else can post things and make them official Q deltas?
Trump does timestamp -> Q posts
Scavino does. Musk has, Sen. Grassley. I can't remember them all. But those doing it are generally considered part of the plan.
Cool, fair enough. Thank you queue-anon. Do we have a way of knowing who can be considered worthy of a Q delta? This one was new to me. I'll just get back to trusting the plan. And I'm not trying to be difficult, it's a cool post! I just don't get how this is a Q proof. But there are a lot of things that are hard to understand when it comes to the whole Q process.
There's several Q proofs of GME being part of the plan. So we look to the people who are making moves. Keith Gill and Ryan Cohen are. Hedge funds are panicking. This image is not me saying "hey this is a Q proof". It's me noting a data point.
💡Gotcha! And thank you. The whole GME thing is a rabbit hole I just haven’t sunk my teeth into. Possibly a huge mistake, me thinks! Lol 🙏🏻
Buckle up 🍌🦍💎🤲🚀🌛🪐🌌💥
I've seen a lot of people clowning RoaringKitty for his live stream.Even comparing him to George Soros! lmao
a couple examples:
His stream, while it took a minute to sink in, much like some of trump’s speeches, was a thing of beauty.
I love that 2nd video guy's laugh. These people are not like us.
Reminds me of a song.
Almost to much for me. I had a huge shitload of bobby shares.
I think it'll be a wombo combo with an acquisition (or carve out) of bobby along with RK calls
Same here, a ton of shares.
Here’s a situation where shares were “cancelled” during Chapter 11, just like BBBY…
From ChatGPT: "Hertz's original shares, traded under the ticker HTZ, were eventually cancelled as part of the restructuring plan. However, new shares were issued under the ticker HTZZ. which later reverted to HTZ once the company emerged from bankruptcy."
For the last 2 years I've been on the bobby board more than supperstonk. Hope we get cash and 7 for 1 gme shares,
Again, that’s going to piss off a lot of GME apes, especially the OGs that spent hundreds on a single share.
Someone could have spent 70 cents on 7 towel shares and they’ll be given a GME share that most spent wayyy more on. That won’t go over well at all.
That's okay their are a shiload of OG apes that own both. Many of the best DD writers were on the bobby forum.
But there are tens of thousands of GME apes that only own GME. It’s not going to be OK if what you described actually happens. They’re going to feel betrayed.
DFV said ape no fight ape recently for a reason.
Superstonk modes are to blame as they banned us for trying to tell them. We have a poster in these gme threads who missed out on bobby cause of superstonk mods. Right now their is next to no difference between the bobby boards and superstonk, as we are allowed to talk about both since they are clearly connected,their are some legendary gme apes invested in bobby.
Yeah I just put that in there for fun