Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
The illegal alien crisis is TREASONOUS and so I'll be using the appropriare flair on all my posts regarding illegal aliens from now on and encourage you all to consider it too!
Ugh! Would not smash! 😤
There’s not a single original thought in that person’s mind. She only speaks what she’s been brainwashed to speak. This is the state of America right now. How sad is that? Literally… Nobody’s home 🤷♀️
Mmmkay... yeah see, the thing is, you're ugly...so even if you burned off that fat starving, nobody's going to touch you.
"Yeah man, I don't think I could get into that..."
Exactly what I was thinking...there ain't enough tape in the world to smooth out that mess...
Some lardass with stretch marks 😂
Todays my birthday 🎂 I just want to say I ❤️ you all and I check greatawakening.win first before even looking at the weather every day
Happy Birthday pede!
Happy birthday fren. Hope you had a blessed day. How may I pray for you today?
Happy Birthday 🎊🎉🎂
Happy Birthday, fellow gemini, have a blessed day!
I sent this to many people to remind them that sitting back and doing nothing is not enough.
Derived from: https://thundergodblog.com/2014/09/05/american-fascism-the-case-of-civil-action-76-h-667/
Remember Solzhenitsyn’s words in the ‘Gulag Archipelago’:
Resistance should have began right there but it did not begin. You aren’t gagged, you really can and you really ought to cry out that arrests are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such outcries had been heard all over the city would arrests have no longer have been so easy.
They, the tyrants, can’t work in the public eye. Those people who were so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched. The anarchists, financed by multinational interests, looted and pillaged their country.
If you think that all that is necessary is to pay your house notes, to pay your TV notes, to go vote when there is an election, and to stand back during the rest of the year and watch as your country and way of life are replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration camp, you — not the conspirators — are guilty because you, by silent acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression.
And when you have to steal food to eat because our production is for foreign use because the Dept. of Commerce, through Executive Order 11490 and its predecessors, is responsible for international distribution of our commodities, don’t sit in the culvert hiding and eating and wondering what happened: You made it all possible.
When your family is split up and spread across the United States to do slave labor and you never see your loved ones again, it will be your fault: You did nothing to prevent it. Once we lose our freedom we are never going to regain it. That is why we must stand together to prevent the loss of our freedom as citizens of the United States.
To all the Fathers out their who are there for their children and shaped them into awesome adults, I hope you have a good father's to celebrate what a wonderful gift God gave you in children, to raise, to care for, and love. Happy Fathers Day! You don't need a tie, you need to go fishing and catch a dandy!
Been going to Alcoholics Anonymous and it's starting to grind on my nerves. Bunch of bleating deacons and once you look past the wrinkles and grey hairs you realize these people have suppressed spiritual and mental growth for decades with booze. It's a bunch of sixty year old shells giving the emotional perspective of a twenty year old. I definitely appreciate a small portion of truly wise individuals but they're few and far between.
There's this seventy year old lady there that everyone says is a sweetheart, the other day she needs a ride. She can tell I'm right winged and decides to tell me she's a lesbian and her husband years ago figured it out and outed her to their kids... like I'm supposed to be sympathetic or some shit. She tells me about how he turned into a "bad person" and was terrible towards the end of their marriage before he died.
I go back and my friend is like, "isn't Kathleen a wonderful and sweet woman?". I told him I hate her the most of everyone there and that she's a selfish cunt, he was shocked to say the least. She envied everyone else so much she faked love and created lives with an unsuspecting man. She basically killed her husband and fucked up two children in the head because she couldn't be honest. She's a coward. I'd never marry some fag and adopt kids pretending I'm gay like the other 98% of society if the roles were reversed. I don't care where you stand on homosexuality that's some cold shit to do to someone. That guy could've met someone better and probably wouldn't have turned into a drunk and still be alive without that devastating bitch.
The 12 steps have been very helpful in my life. I'm on the the other side, the Anon side, but we had several from AA and NA show up, because they wanted to learn how to change their ways, said AA was keeping them from drinking, but they wanted more. I've been to Al-anon, Nar-anon, and other programs. Unfortunately, my most useful meeting turned into a liberal "safe place", where after the meeting meetings (and sometimes even during meetings) were spent insulting or putting down conservatives. Attended meetings in several different states, due to work or vacation travel. Found some good meetings, found some super dysfunctional meetings. Found some friends, but didn't want to be friends with everyone who came. Read the literature, hang out with those you connect with, and grow together. You'll continue changing, growing, learning, and old friends won't fit anymore, because our spiritual growth paths tend to diverge. Enjoy the journey and all the new people you'll meet. There will be some true gems along the way.
What the hell would compel you to want to bash conservatives all day? I make my share of jokes about woke liberals but going to a group specifically to do so would make me feel like a loser and pity the ones creating these places.
They weren't loud and obnoxious so most people didn't really notice. It was a lot of little snippy remarks sometimes almost under their breath. Probably should have called them out on their comments, but I was a bit outnumbered. Decided it just wasn't worth my time going anymore.
Yeah, same boat when I go to the liberal side of my state, they even have a woke libtard tranny at one of the meetings, there's no mystery why it drinks. If I were so unhappy with myself and that mentally ill I'd just go full Leaving Las Vegas style and drink myself to death. I just really feel like I'm better off finding a decent church with people my age instead of AA. Meet some new friends and maybe a nice lady that have mentally and spiritually grown the entire time I was out being selfish and partying... learn from people who didn't squander their youth lol.
Read the Big Book, inside those rooms, we are trying to stay away from a drink, There are helpful steps, the 4th step is about taking our own inventory, not anyone elses. Why? Because sobriety is a way to be happy and fulfilled without a drink. Raging at others of why or who they are, and resenting someone likeing that person, even if you do not, does not sound like peace of mind to me. There are a million reasons an alcoholic will find to drink, Resentment is the reason for 90% of them. It's not a social club, except that everyone when the sit down, is there because they could not stop messing up their lives with alcohol, There will be people you do not like for reasons that do not bother others. But maybe that person has a way of keeping sober that you might need someday, One Day at A Time
If you haven't met anyone you don't like at a meeting then you aren't going to enough they say. I wouldn't necessarily say it's resentment, I just can't be cordial with some of these folks. My old boss had his kid released from prison and came to work with me, something was off about him so I looked into his charges, he was convicted of raping his sisters for years... 11 and 12 and he was 20 when he got got locked up for 5 years. I couldn't stay working there. I'm not able to overlook certain stuff, it is a character defect and I've asked God to remove it.
I'm sorry to hear you have had bad experiences with the meetings. I to did not find the meetings helpful, though I know many that do. I'm sure each meeting is different and anytime you get addicts together...there are gonna be a lot that are dealing with there own demons.
Have you thought about joining a local church. The 12 steps do have some biblical support...though they don't ground it in Christ...so it falls short in many ways.
The important thing is to "control the things you can control" which doesn't include how others act...only how we respond to there actions. Love you fren. Feel free to reach out if you ever need a fren to talk to or need prayer. Love you
I've met some really great people there too but I just don't think it's healthy for me to be around some of the people there. I realize that I'm going to have health issues from alcohol and want to be a better son, business owner, friend etc. so I quit drinking. I wish I had some of you as friends in real life. It feels like I'm lumped in with some truly awful people and I'm glad they're getting help but I didn't ruin other people's lives, I was a good person even drunk I'm just better off without it. It's wrong for me to judge but I don't want to be around shitty people regardless of their sobriety.
I can't be around people who ditched their kids, beat their spouse, cheated, lied, stole... I'm guilty of dodging responsibility and spending too much time getting drunk with my dog and fishing... led girls on because I was drunk and horny....
Wow fren awesome heartfelt stuff right here. Thanks for being open.
What is the reason you feel you can't be around people with certain faults/sins?
Someday I trust we will all be able to meet. Praying on that very thing often.
Fren that's awesome that you wanted to be a better person. Keep at it.
I think I get what Luminescent is saying. At least, I think so. Some people are just so toxic, it's dangerous to be around them. And I feel no obligation to do so. If God wants me to be around them, He'll prompt me and give me the strength. Not everybody is worth our time. Some are just demons in disguise.
That is exactly what I was getting at. Even drinking heavily and daily I was still me, loan friends money when they need, help my elderly neighbor rebuild his fence after a bad storm, let a coworker crash on my couch when there's trouble at home... so many people enabled my drinking or at least overlooked it because I'm a good person and a productive member of society. I have a problem with projection, I assume everyone is honest and moral.
Now that I don't drink I notice EVERYTHING and there really is some evil in people at places I hadn't expected to find it like AA. A lot are so busy stroking each other's egos for being sober that they choose not to see the demons in the room. At least an addict has the excuse of being too fucked up to notice the sins being committed or they've made but some of these people are full on working for the devil consciously.
Demon posed but still created by God...right
Shouldn't we approach these people with confidence that our Lord is stronger then any force that evil can send our way. And yes I know it's not always easy but shouldn't this be the goal.
These people are chances for our faith to take action. It's a process to get there and I don't judge anyone where they might be at.
The Bible tells us to focus on all things good and righteous. So to me this means I focus on the fact that our God can heal anyone and I will stand in the gap for them.
Love conquers all...what if your act of love and grace and mercy is the spark Jesus wanted to send there way so he could re ignifht the light within them.
I guess what I'm saying is we should always be receptive to being used by God. This requires putting aside our own understanding and following in the footsteps of Jesus as best we can.
I do understand what he is trying to say though. Simply providing some add on thoughts. Learning to suffer...even when it's caused by people...can really renew the mind in awesome ways
Oh and good to see you fren. Hope all is well with you
I believe in God's prompting. If God prompts us to hang with these people, then great. But if not, no harm, no foul. I don't believe in beating yourself up if you can't get through to somebody, or find them too difficult to deal with. Someone else will come along with the skills necessary to work with them. We don't all have the same skills, temperament, ability, etc. Some plant, some water, some harvest. And some might make an offer that is rejected, so they shake the dust from their sandals and move on. Jesus Himself instructed His disciples to behave in that way. Yes, it's crucial to remember that we are all sinners and we all fall short of the Glory of God. But I also know that God knows our weaknesses and our strengths. For some, toxic people are the limit. At this point in their lives, they are not equipped to deal with them. That might change later. On the other hand, there are people like you, who no doubt could deal with such people and do so very well. Better to have someone like you, with the patience and temperament to deal with those people, then someone who is ill-equipped. jmo.
I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me :)
I do understand the heart of your message though fren. Absolutely no judgement on my end. Just wanna maybe motivate people out of there comfort zone. There is also power in the words we speak over ourselves.
Thanks for the kind words fren. Appreciate you sharing your heart
Some people actually are better than other people. Trump is better than Biden, for instance.
Pain expresses itself differently in each person. Sometimes it helps to just share what we are thinking with others, regardless of if it's justified...or a correct approach or grounded in truth.
I read his message as simply this
I don't give a shit why she drinks, I don't want to be around a bunch of pride supporting people that turn a blind eye to such obvious sin and evil just because they're sober. It's not fair for you to judge me and I her but here we are. I'm just hoping for a decent church or a better group of people at a different club. I'm not Jesus but if I was I'd be kicking over tables and whip people, I don't want to hang around murderers and adulterers. My aunt used to go to church and pretend she was this wonderful woman, people thought she was a nice sweet woman too but I watched her let her own children go hungry and whip them with electrical cords.
I am facing my problems, dealing with evil is easier when I'm drunk because I don't notice how horrible some people are. I didn't say I was an alcoholic, you did.
Luckily Jesus doesn't feel this way. If you aren't able to yet show them grace then it's probably best to be real with yourself and try to stay away from them until God can soften that part of your heart. This way you aren't laying judgement that doesn't belong to you.
I completely understand your frustration with people though and have been through that myself
Thank you, this helps. I pray for guidance every morning, I'm probably just being shown a lesson God knows I'm ready for now.
I would agree with you. I had a lesson to learn years ago (one of many). A guy I dated was emotionally abusive (imagine that!) But I kept going back because there were parts of him I really liked (camping, hiking, working on things, travel). I came to realize the lesson was for me to learn how to let other people's s**t roll off me. Stay calm, don't do back to them what they did to me, don't let other people push my buttons, don't let other people control me or my time. Don't take his inventory. Learn how to walk away when it gets too bad to handle, before getting angry. Take a break. Being around him helped me recognize, examine, and finally disable several of my hot buttons. As time passed, it seemed God put more grounded and functional people in my life. Today is good, and the toxic people are no longer in my life.
Of course my fren. Thanks for being vulnerable with us and sharing your honest and true feelings. It helps no one to keep them bottled up. At least this way frens can help support you. Above all though...keep giving it to Jesus. It's awesome you pray for guidance. Keep letting Jesus chisel away at the parts that need it. It's a life process. Will be sure to pray for you as well.
Prayer helps but I keep it pretty simple, just wake up and say please and then say thank you before bed. I'm a simple creature, God knows what I am and what I need.
Prayer is not supposed to be complex. So it's truly awesome you keep it simple. It's meant to be a 2 way conversation with our loving creator. I have little chats with God all throughout the day. The please and thank you type things are part of it. You are correct God knows what you are and need.
Have you thought about maybe adding some of those short please and thank you throughout your day. Gratitude does wonders for the heart ❤️:)
Biden joke (1:03) --
I love that guy's accent.
Lots of clickbait flying around about this new, absurd, GHEY Star Wars Acolyte show. Keep in mind that this was made by Harvey Weinstein's enabler, that degenerate lesbo what's-her-name. It's a real rancid turd, but Star Wars has been on the decline ever since Greedo shot first in '97.
People have told me that all of this Disney Star Wars crap has ruined Star Wars for them. I never saw The Last Jedi, so I've spared myself the microtrauma or whatever you'd call it. I never saw another SW movie since then. They can't take away the originals for me, and between Harmy's Despecialized Trilogy and Adywan's SW Revisited, the true fans are keeping SW alive. Here is a video I saw for the first time of Donnie & Marie Osmond doing a cute SW song and dance skit, back when SW was fun.
I completely agree. We arent fans of the movies so much as we are fans of the feelings we had during them. Many factors come into play to decide how we feel though. Times changed... difficulty arise amongst other stuff. Honestly I have a hard time relating to any movie the way I did when I was younger. Movies use to be the sense of adventure we all have within us...now that advebture is focused on the real world advebture. Such a huge blessing though
Up vote for "that degenerate lesbo what's-her-name." LOL
Enjoying Life 🌴🌺
Oh my goodness. That is beautiful! Did you film that? Lucky you, if that's where you live.
I live here part time, because my family has a home here and a house sit for them. I’m here for six weeks. I did film that, and if you follow my channel, you’ll see that I have videos almost every day that I’ll be putting out.
GodsGloryNatureVideos (instagram) 🥰🙏
Oh nice. Wow, that is truly spectacular. We live on a beautiful planet. I imagine Heaven will look like that. Thanks.
Happy Father's Day everybody, don't forget to spend some time with your Father in Heaven too! I'm sure He'd love to hear from you (:
here's an interesting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5mWx2zt6cw
The World's Most Secure Buildings: Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center
C.O.G ?
Anything to do with the famous "EMS" in Q post 34 (which incidentally was the comms from Trump's "conviction"_ which seemed like a typo?
Interesting that they call the COG as "COOP". Sounds like COUP? Is this the "reverse-coup" that Q operation is all about?
Very interesting ...
From Pg. 119 of "Behold a Pale Horse" : https://stopthecrime.net/docs/William_Cooper-Behold_a_Pale_Horse1991.pdf
MOUNT WEATHER Just outside of a sleepy little town called Bluemont, Virginia, about 46 miles west of Washington D.C., is an area of wilderness covering what has been called the toughest granite rock in the eastern United States. The area is surrounded by signs marked "Restricted Area" and "This installation has been declared a restricted area....Unauthorized entry is prohibited." Other signs state: "All persons and vehicles entering hereon are liable to search. Photographing, making notes, drawings, maps or graphic representations of this area or its activities is prohibited. Such material found in the possession of unauthorized persons will be confiscated. Internal Security Act of 1950." The installation is beneath a mountain and its name is the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations. Its nickname is Mount Weather. It was ordered to be built by the Federal Civil Defense Administration, which is now the Federal Preparedness Agency. Mount Weather was designed in the early '50s as part of a civil defense program to house and protect the Executive branch of the Federal government.
The official name was "The Continuity of Government Program."
Congress has repeatedly tried to discover the real purpose of Mount Weather, but so far has been unable to find out ANYTHING about the secret installation. Retired Air Force General Leslie W. Bray, director of the Federal Preparedness Agency, told the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights in September 1975: "I am not at liberty to describe precisely what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at Mount Weather or at any other precise location."
Psalm 58, v. 10 & 11: https://www.bible.com/search/bible?query=Palm%2058%3A10 & https://www.bible.com/search/bible?query=Palm%2058%3A10
Psalm 58:10-11
Amplified Bible
10 The [unyieldingly] righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance [of God]; He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.