Far out maaaan. Whole ass new meaning to "based". (I always struggle with the meaning cuz muhh old ass) I just know "based" is now a word that describes general badassery. Which describes you ma'am. Your optimism is intact somehow. I aint quite figured that out one bit for muhh self.
Not exactly out of context. Its part of the curses God put on the people if they disobey His commandments. One could say we have been disoveying for a long time and hence it has come to pass.
The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else. Let's take a look:
Deuteronomy 28 contains several passages that mention foreigners in the context of blessings and curses. When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.
This depiction arises from the context of ancient Israel, where national strength and independence were viewed as signs of divine favor, and foreign domination was seen as a sign of divine displeasure.
The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.
-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.
Nothing in that passage was a judgement about foreigners, just the result of what would happen from the foreigners if you disobey the Commandments, unless you chose to read it that way.
The commentary on this section is helpful as well:
When Blessing Turns into Curse
The verses that follow form a great contrast with the previous verses. It is a dramatic section full of warnings. These are prophecies that have literally been fulfilled.
The interpretation of Scripture is threefold: literally in history, prophetically in the future and the spiritual or practical application for us. It is a serious section not only for Israel, but also for us. This section is also written that we may learn from it. In Romans 11 we hear the same warning and prophecy for Christianity (Rom 11:16-24 ). Christianity has experienced the same. The question is: What do we do with the lesson that this section contains?
In Deu 28:16-19 , everything in which the people in Deu 28:3-6 will be blessed by obedience is turned into a curse by disobedience. The curse runs parallel with the blessing. The curse hits them in the blessing. This is a penetrating presentation of the matter. From a spiritual point of view, we see that unfaithfulness causes the blessings to disappear – the insight in them and the enjoyment of them – and instead evil teachings come in, destroying the life of faith in every way.
7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
Deuteronomy 7:9 (KJV)
9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Deuteronomy 32:20 (KJV)
20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
Psalms 5:9 (KJV)
9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
Psalms 31:23 (KJV)
23 O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.
This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.
The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.
God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."
Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."
These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."
In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."
So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.
The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.
"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.
The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.
Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).
The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.
The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.
These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.
Note: When the Roman Empire switched to Christianity, they wanted the Old Testament and New Testament translated into Latin. Jews offered their services, claiming they were experts in Hebrew. This is how they infiltrated Christianity, so as to destroy it from within. They had 1,000+ years to continue massaging it to suit their Talmudic purposes, as it was a crime to write the Bible in any language other than Latin. Most people of the time could not read Latin. The European people spoke Greek, not Latin. Latin was reserved to the noble class and the clergy (and their jewish "helpers").
Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.
Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).
Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.
The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else
The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.
Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.
But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.
When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.
Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.
These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.
The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.
I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.
The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.
Adam was the first White man (not the first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.
God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.
Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).
His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).
Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).
Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.
Once you understand that this is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.
We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.
The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.
The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.
Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.
Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America. These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.
These problems are a new development in those 'White' countries. However these problems have existed in Africa, Asia and South America in all of recorded history. What you are saying is the nations last to fall to apostate are the 'White' nations. I will take that as a point of pride considering it took people from Africa, Asia, and South America to be in control of these nations so this true invasion and destruction that you referred to, could commence.
The word "nations" has a changed meaning in the modern era.
Today, the word is used to describe what we would call a "country," or a geographic area controlled by a government (a "state" or "nation state").
But that is not what the meaning was in the Bible. In the Bible, "nation" or "goy" or "ethnos" meant a group of poeple who were of the same race, or a family within a particluar race. Thus, a mixed (i.e. "racially diverse") society was not a nation. It was a racial term.
All the European countries were originally White, as was the USA. While it is true that Indians and blacks also lived within the geographic area, they were not part of the governmental body. The People were the governmental body, and those were the White people.
The Whites did invade the other nations, such as Africa, Asia, and South America over many centuries. That is true. But those other nations benefited, on the whole, by the Whites coming to their lands.
When the White Europeans showed up in Africa in the 1500's, the black Africans had not even figured out how to make a wheel, or a written language, or a two-story structure. The modern progress we see today in Africa was due to the Whites bringing technology to them.
The same is true of other places in the world. So, Deuteronomy 28 clearly has nothing to do with those nations of people, since their invasion was not a destruction, but a net benefit (yes, both good and bad, but on the whole, good).
The White nation(s), on the other hand, have had nothing but destruction from the invasion of other nations.
I understand why non-Whites like to live in White societies. They benefit greatly by living in a society built on White values. But the Whites are harmed by "muh diversity." It has not been a net benefit to Whites, and this is what Deuteronomy 28 is all about.
[Smith's Bible Dictionary]
Gentiles - (nations). All the people who were not Jews were so called by them, being aliens from the worship, rites and privileges of Israel. The word was used contemptuously by them. In the New Testament, it is used as equivalent to Greek. This use of the word seems to have arisen from the almost universal adaption of the Greek language.
[International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]
Gentiles - jen´tı̄lz (גּוי, gōy, plural גּוים, gōyim; ἔθνος, éthnos, “people,” “nation”): Goy (or Goi) is rendered “Gentiles” in the King James Version in some 30 passages, but much more frequently “heathen,” and oftener still, “nation,” which latter is the usual rendering in the Revised Version (British and American), but it is commonly used for a non-Israelitish people, and thus corresponds to the meaning of Gentiles.” It occurs, however, in passages referring to the Israelites, as in Gen 12:2; Deu 32:28; Jos 3:17; Jos 4:1; Jos 10:13; 2Sa 7:23; Isa 1:4; Zep 2:9, but the word (עם, ‛ām) is the term commonly used for the people of God. In the New Testament ethnos is the word corresponding to gōy in the Old Testament and is rendered “Gentiles” by both VSS, while (λαός, laós) is the word which corresponds to ‛ām̌. The King James Version also renders Ἕλληνες, Héllēnes, “Gentiles” in six passages (Jhn 7:35; Rom 2:9, Rom 2:10; Rom 3:9; 1Co 10:32; 1Co 12:13), but the Revised Version (British and American) renders “Greeks.”
The Gentiles were far less sharply differentiated from the Israelites in Old Testament than in New Testament times. Under Old Testament regulations they were simply non-Israelites, not from the stock of Abraham, but they were not hated or despised for that reason, and were to be treated almost on a plane of equality, except certain tribes in Canaan with regard to whom there were special regulations of non-intercourse. The Gentile stranger enjoyed the hospitality of the Israelite who was commanded to love him (Deu 10:19), to sympathize with him, “For ye know the heart of the stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Exo 23:9 the King James Version). The Kenites were treated almost as brethren, especially the children of Rechab (Jdg 1:16; Jdg 5:24; Jer 35). Uriah the Hittite was a trusted warrior of David (2 Sam 11); Ittai the Gittite was captain of David's guard (2Sa 18:2); Araunah the Jebusite was a respected resident of Jerusalem. The Gentiles had the right of asylum in the cities of refuge, the same as the Israelites (Num 35:15). They might even possess Israelite slaves (Lev 25:47), and a Gentile servant must not be defrauded of his wage (Deu 24:15). They could inherit in Israel even as late as the exile (Ezk 47:22, Ezk 47:23). They were allowed to offer sacrifices in the temple at Jerusalem, as is distinctly affirmed by Josephus (BJ, II, xvii, 2-4; Ant, XI, viii, 5; XIII, viii, 2; XVI, ii, 1; XVIII, v, 3; CAp, II, 5), and it is implied in the Levitical law (Lev 22:25). Prayers and sacrifices were to be offered for Gentile rulers (Jer 29:7; Baruch 1:10, 11; Ezr 6:10; 1 Macc 7:33; Josephus, BJ, II, x, 4). Gifts might be received from them (2 Macc 5:16; Josephus, Ant, XIII, iii, 4; XVI, vi, 4; BJ, V, xiii, 6; CAp, II, 5). But as we approach the Christian era the attitude of the Jews toward the Gentiles changes, until we find, in New Testament times, the most extreme aversion, scorn and hatred. They were regarded as unclean, with whom it was unlawful to have any friendly intercourse. They were the enemies of God and His people, to whom the knowledge of God was denied unless they became proselytes, and even then they could not, as in ancient times, be admitted to full fellowship. Jews were forbidden to counsel them, and if they asked about Divine things they were to be cursed. All children born of mixed marriages were bastards. That is what caused the Jews to be so hated by Greeks and Romans, as we have abundant evidence in the writings of Cicero, Seneca and Tacitus. Something of this is reflected in the New Testament (Jhn 18:28; Act 10:28; Act 11:3).
If we inquire what the reason of this change was we shall find it in the conditions of the exiled Jews, who suffered the bitterest treatment at the hands of their Gentile captors and who, after their return and establishment in Judea, were in constant conflict with neighboring tribes and especially with the Greek rulers of Syria. The fierce persecution of Antiochus IV, who attempted to blot out their religion and Hellenize the Jews, and the desperate struggle for independence, created in them a burning patriotism and zeal for their faith which culminated in the rigid exclusiveness we see in later times.
Don't forget it is the Kenyan born who is still controlling the white house, on his third term.
Do not forget it is the Jews who own and run America.
Keep in mind those other 'White' nations have non-white leaders who hold no allegiance to them, and often aren't even native to the land they are running into the ground.
Jesus had blond hair and blue eyes. Historical letters to the Roman emperor (complaining about Jesus) state this.
He was an Israelite.
Jews are non-Israelites. But they have done a good job of lying about who they really are (Edomites -- which they admit to in the Jewish Encyclopedia).
There is nothing restricting them from doing so. The only restriction is on the Israelites, restricting them from adding interest when dealing with each other.
47 Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things;
48 Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.
49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;
50 A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young:
51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee.
52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
Here is a continuance of that message in Romans specifically to the Gentiles:
Romans 11:16-24 (KJV)
16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?
This scripture comes to mind,
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
I live in Alaska, for fifty years at first natives born here, Russians, Asians, whites, now my town has 123 languages, the lower income neighborhoods looks like cities dumps, shit holes, welcome to USA, thank you the bi parties democrats and lazy ass republicans
My take on Deuteronomy 28. The Commandments were given as a blessing to us they are the (safe way) they are the warning(keep your hands off the stove you will get burnt) but they are a curse to those who rebel against them. Prosperity is a blessing from God, but when prosperity is (magnified) above God it becomes a curse. Read the testimony of many who won the lottery, and did not have the discipline that comes from walking with God. Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessings of the Lord maketh rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Yes, the blessings of the world can make you rich, but with it comes much grief, look at the mess most in Hollywood are in. Combine these examples with what our dear sister posted in Deuteronomy 28, and see (that) what should be blessed, becomes cursed when God is forsaken, for God (alone) maintains the blessing. Proverbs 9:17 says,"The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forgot God" What's happening now in the land of the free and the home of the brave? They kicked God out of the schools, government, workplace and replaced him with? You fill in the blanks. Romans 8:22 says, "Thinking themselves to be wise without God they became utter fools instead" University professors who no longer even know what gender they are. Yes we need Trump in office, but it'll do us little lasting good unless God maintains the highest office, in our home, in our businesses.(by being in our hearts) We have to come back to one nation under God. To me this is the principle that is taught in Deuteronomy 28. We are seeing it play out right before our eyes. And thank you dear sister for pointing it out.
Taking the Bible out of context is a dangerous sport. In the New Testament it is said, literally by Jesus Himself:
Matthew 25:31
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
So it appears that this is in direct contradiction to what is posted here. And this is red text.
You so fuckin based Daughter of Joy.
I consider it an honor to be based in The Holy Bible fren ✝️🙏
Far out maaaan. Whole ass new meaning to "based". (I always struggle with the meaning cuz muhh old ass) I just know "based" is now a word that describes general badassery. Which describes you ma'am. Your optimism is intact somehow. I aint quite figured that out one bit for muhh self.
I'm optimistic because of my Faith fren.
I know that we were born for such a time as this and that God brought us here for a reason.
God is doing a wonderful work in each one of us. The world is in Revival! I'm not sure we can grasp His Mighty Plans, but I'm comfy. 🙌
I wonder how the native americans think about this bible quote.
99 percent of the US are foreigners since the 13 colonies.
I wonder how the elk feel about this quote since they were there before the native Americans
This is out of context to say the least
I posted Deuteronomy 28:1-68, if you would like to read fren...
How so?
Not exactly out of context. Its part of the curses God put on the people if they disobey His commandments. One could say we have been disoveying for a long time and hence it has come to pass.
The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else. Let's take a look:
Deuteronomy 28 contains several passages that mention foreigners in the context of blessings and curses. When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.
This depiction arises from the context of ancient Israel, where national strength and independence were viewed as signs of divine favor, and foreign domination was seen as a sign of divine displeasure.
The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.
-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.
I don't think modern jews are either. The tribes were lost. They don't even dare call themselves Israelites.
Khazarian counterfeits.
I agree.
Nothing in that passage was a judgement about foreigners, just the result of what would happen from the foreigners if you disobey the Commandments, unless you chose to read it that way.
Correct, that's actually my point. The passage in isolation makes it appear that way.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 = Blessings for Obedience
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 = Curses for Disobedience
The commentary on this section is helpful as well:
When Blessing Turns into Curse
The verses that follow form a great contrast with the previous verses. It is a dramatic section full of warnings. These are prophecies that have literally been fulfilled.
The interpretation of Scripture is threefold: literally in history, prophetically in the future and the spiritual or practical application for us. It is a serious section not only for Israel, but also for us. This section is also written that we may learn from it. In Romans 11 we hear the same warning and prophecy for Christianity (Rom 11:16-24 ). Christianity has experienced the same. The question is: What do we do with the lesson that this section contains?
In Deu 28:16-19 , everything in which the people in Deu 28:3-6 will be blessed by obedience is turned into a curse by disobedience. The curse runs parallel with the blessing. The curse hits them in the blessing. This is a penetrating presentation of the matter. From a spiritual point of view, we see that unfaithfulness causes the blessings to disappear – the insight in them and the enjoyment of them – and instead evil teachings come in, destroying the life of faith in every way.
Not really about faith.
It is about punishment for disobeying God's law.
"Do this, and this is your reward."
"Don't do it, and this is your punishment."
Same relationship as a parent and child.
Simple as that.
It is always about faith.
Faith is mentioned 58 times in the Old Testament.
Numbers 12:7 (KJV)
7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
Deuteronomy 7:9 (KJV)
9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Deuteronomy 32:20 (KJV)
20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
Psalms 5:9 (KJV)
9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
Psalms 31:23 (KJV)
23 O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.
The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.
God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."
Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."
These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."
In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."
So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.
The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.
"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.
The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.
Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).
The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.
The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.
These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.
Note: When the Roman Empire switched to Christianity, they wanted the Old Testament and New Testament translated into Latin. Jews offered their services, claiming they were experts in Hebrew. This is how they infiltrated Christianity, so as to destroy it from within. They had 1,000+ years to continue massaging it to suit their Talmudic purposes, as it was a crime to write the Bible in any language other than Latin. Most people of the time could not read Latin. The European people spoke Greek, not Latin. Latin was reserved to the noble class and the clergy (and their jewish "helpers").
Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.
Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).
Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.
The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.
Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.
But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.
Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.
These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.
I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.
The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.
Adam was the first White man (not the first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.
God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.
Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).
His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).
Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).
Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.
Once you understand that this is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.
We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.
The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.
The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.
It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.
These problems are a new development in those 'White' countries. However these problems have existed in Africa, Asia and South America in all of recorded history. What you are saying is the nations last to fall to apostate are the 'White' nations. I will take that as a point of pride considering it took people from Africa, Asia, and South America to be in control of these nations so this true invasion and destruction that you referred to, could commence.
The word "nations" has a changed meaning in the modern era.
Today, the word is used to describe what we would call a "country," or a geographic area controlled by a government (a "state" or "nation state").
But that is not what the meaning was in the Bible. In the Bible, "nation" or "goy" or "ethnos" meant a group of poeple who were of the same race, or a family within a particluar race. Thus, a mixed (i.e. "racially diverse") society was not a nation. It was a racial term.
All the European countries were originally White, as was the USA. While it is true that Indians and blacks also lived within the geographic area, they were not part of the governmental body. The People were the governmental body, and those were the White people.
The Whites did invade the other nations, such as Africa, Asia, and South America over many centuries. That is true. But those other nations benefited, on the whole, by the Whites coming to their lands.
When the White Europeans showed up in Africa in the 1500's, the black Africans had not even figured out how to make a wheel, or a written language, or a two-story structure. The modern progress we see today in Africa was due to the Whites bringing technology to them.
The same is true of other places in the world. So, Deuteronomy 28 clearly has nothing to do with those nations of people, since their invasion was not a destruction, but a net benefit (yes, both good and bad, but on the whole, good).
The White nation(s), on the other hand, have had nothing but destruction from the invasion of other nations.
I understand why non-Whites like to live in White societies. They benefit greatly by living in a society built on White values. But the Whites are harmed by "muh diversity." It has not been a net benefit to Whites, and this is what Deuteronomy 28 is all about.
Incredibly misguided racism on display here.
Here are a few citations to prove you are wrong:
[Smith's Bible Dictionary] Gentiles - (nations). All the people who were not Jews were so called by them, being aliens from the worship, rites and privileges of Israel. The word was used contemptuously by them. In the New Testament, it is used as equivalent to Greek. This use of the word seems to have arisen from the almost universal adaption of the Greek language.
[International Standard Bible Encyclopedia] Gentiles - jen´tı̄lz (גּוי, gōy, plural גּוים, gōyim; ἔθνος, éthnos, “people,” “nation”): Goy (or Goi) is rendered “Gentiles” in the King James Version in some 30 passages, but much more frequently “heathen,” and oftener still, “nation,” which latter is the usual rendering in the Revised Version (British and American), but it is commonly used for a non-Israelitish people, and thus corresponds to the meaning of Gentiles.” It occurs, however, in passages referring to the Israelites, as in Gen 12:2; Deu 32:28; Jos 3:17; Jos 4:1; Jos 10:13; 2Sa 7:23; Isa 1:4; Zep 2:9, but the word (עם, ‛ām) is the term commonly used for the people of God. In the New Testament ethnos is the word corresponding to gōy in the Old Testament and is rendered “Gentiles” by both VSS, while (λαός, laós) is the word which corresponds to ‛ām̌. The King James Version also renders Ἕλληνες, Héllēnes, “Gentiles” in six passages (Jhn 7:35; Rom 2:9, Rom 2:10; Rom 3:9; 1Co 10:32; 1Co 12:13), but the Revised Version (British and American) renders “Greeks.”
The Gentiles were far less sharply differentiated from the Israelites in Old Testament than in New Testament times. Under Old Testament regulations they were simply non-Israelites, not from the stock of Abraham, but they were not hated or despised for that reason, and were to be treated almost on a plane of equality, except certain tribes in Canaan with regard to whom there were special regulations of non-intercourse. The Gentile stranger enjoyed the hospitality of the Israelite who was commanded to love him (Deu 10:19), to sympathize with him, “For ye know the heart of the stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Exo 23:9 the King James Version). The Kenites were treated almost as brethren, especially the children of Rechab (Jdg 1:16; Jdg 5:24; Jer 35). Uriah the Hittite was a trusted warrior of David (2 Sam 11); Ittai the Gittite was captain of David's guard (2Sa 18:2); Araunah the Jebusite was a respected resident of Jerusalem. The Gentiles had the right of asylum in the cities of refuge, the same as the Israelites (Num 35:15). They might even possess Israelite slaves (Lev 25:47), and a Gentile servant must not be defrauded of his wage (Deu 24:15). They could inherit in Israel even as late as the exile (Ezk 47:22, Ezk 47:23). They were allowed to offer sacrifices in the temple at Jerusalem, as is distinctly affirmed by Josephus (BJ, II, xvii, 2-4; Ant, XI, viii, 5; XIII, viii, 2; XVI, ii, 1; XVIII, v, 3; CAp, II, 5), and it is implied in the Levitical law (Lev 22:25). Prayers and sacrifices were to be offered for Gentile rulers (Jer 29:7; Baruch 1:10, 11; Ezr 6:10; 1 Macc 7:33; Josephus, BJ, II, x, 4). Gifts might be received from them (2 Macc 5:16; Josephus, Ant, XIII, iii, 4; XVI, vi, 4; BJ, V, xiii, 6; CAp, II, 5). But as we approach the Christian era the attitude of the Jews toward the Gentiles changes, until we find, in New Testament times, the most extreme aversion, scorn and hatred. They were regarded as unclean, with whom it was unlawful to have any friendly intercourse. They were the enemies of God and His people, to whom the knowledge of God was denied unless they became proselytes, and even then they could not, as in ancient times, be admitted to full fellowship. Jews were forbidden to counsel them, and if they asked about Divine things they were to be cursed. All children born of mixed marriages were bastards. That is what caused the Jews to be so hated by Greeks and Romans, as we have abundant evidence in the writings of Cicero, Seneca and Tacitus. Something of this is reflected in the New Testament (Jhn 18:28; Act 10:28; Act 11:3).
If we inquire what the reason of this change was we shall find it in the conditions of the exiled Jews, who suffered the bitterest treatment at the hands of their Gentile captors and who, after their return and establishment in Judea, were in constant conflict with neighboring tribes and especially with the Greek rulers of Syria. The fierce persecution of Antiochus IV, who attempted to blot out their religion and Hellenize the Jews, and the desperate struggle for independence, created in them a burning patriotism and zeal for their faith which culminated in the rigid exclusiveness we see in later times.
Don't forget it is the Kenyan born who is still controlling the white house, on his third term.
Do not forget it is the Jews who own and run America.
Keep in mind those other 'White' nations have non-white leaders who hold no allegiance to them, and often aren't even native to the land they are running into the ground.
Just more examples of foreigners causing problems, due to Whites not following The Law.
By us I mean non-isrealites, not whites.
In fact in Jesus time, Israelites had blond hair and blue eyes. I can give you the evidence if you need it.
Whites today are the Israelites of the Bible.
Jesus had blond hair and blue eyes. Historical letters to the Roman emperor (complaining about Jesus) state this.
He was an Israelite.
Jews are non-Israelites. But they have done a good job of lying about who they really are (Edomites -- which they admit to in the Jewish Encyclopedia).
You didn't convince me.
Thats vague. I didn't convince you of what?
Gentiles weren’t known for lending money, now were they?
The below poster MAGA768720 says it so much better than I.
There is nothing restricting them from doing so. The only restriction is on the Israelites, restricting them from adding interest when dealing with each other.
That’s not what I said. Focusing on what could be, versus what is, shows my point.
In fact they did. And was common. https://www.sfu.ca/~poitras/Trad_usury_71.pdf
Blatantly untrue. Every war, every expedition, every excursion to new lands (and especially the New Land) was financed by…? Yes, jews.
Read the part again about war. It’s important.
Ursury is not a gentile concept.
You coulda at least dug up the sauce so people can decide for themselves.
Here you go: https://biblehub.com/nkjv/deuteronomy/28.htm
There is no need since it was already posted by OP.
Fine let all the east Indians who take American jobs into your community. More than happy to ship them first class to your neighborhood
And yet , The abused often become the Abusers
Here is a continuance of that message in Romans specifically to the Gentiles:
Romans 11:16-24 (KJV)
16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?
The most important part is below the circled area.
"Because you did not obey the Lord your God and keep all the laws that he gave you".
This scripture comes to mind, Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
Absolutely. The world seems quite content ignoring past mistakes/history and walking directly into more curses for disobedience.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- Santayana
"The reason we fail to learn from history is that we are lied to about history." -- Harry Browne
That is pretty dasting as anons say!
I live in Alaska, for fifty years at first natives born here, Russians, Asians, whites, now my town has 123 languages, the lower income neighborhoods looks like cities dumps, shit holes, welcome to USA, thank you the bi parties democrats and lazy ass republicans
Oh dear Moose...so sorry that you are suffering the onslaught up there! Praying it will clear up rapidly when POTUS is back officially...
Just say thank you uniparty. Lol
And who exactly are those money lenders?
I think we all know...
Prussian Jesuits...
Hard to argue with that.
My take on Deuteronomy 28. The Commandments were given as a blessing to us they are the (safe way) they are the warning(keep your hands off the stove you will get burnt) but they are a curse to those who rebel against them. Prosperity is a blessing from God, but when prosperity is (magnified) above God it becomes a curse. Read the testimony of many who won the lottery, and did not have the discipline that comes from walking with God. Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessings of the Lord maketh rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Yes, the blessings of the world can make you rich, but with it comes much grief, look at the mess most in Hollywood are in. Combine these examples with what our dear sister posted in Deuteronomy 28, and see (that) what should be blessed, becomes cursed when God is forsaken, for God (alone) maintains the blessing. Proverbs 9:17 says,"The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forgot God" What's happening now in the land of the free and the home of the brave? They kicked God out of the schools, government, workplace and replaced him with? You fill in the blanks. Romans 8:22 says, "Thinking themselves to be wise without God they became utter fools instead" University professors who no longer even know what gender they are. Yes we need Trump in office, but it'll do us little lasting good unless God maintains the highest office, in our home, in our businesses.(by being in our hearts) We have to come back to one nation under God. To me this is the principle that is taught in Deuteronomy 28. We are seeing it play out right before our eyes. And thank you dear sister for pointing it out.
You speak pure truth 2B...we must get our lives alined with Him! 🙏🙌☝️✝️🌌
The blessings and curses chapter of the Bible. Israel found out the hard way.
Taking the Bible out of context is a dangerous sport. In the New Testament it is said, literally by Jesus Himself:
Matthew 25:31
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
So it appears that this is in direct contradiction to what is posted here. And this is red text.
Why do you say that?
profound given current events, but that particular part is "the curse" for violating the old covenant, which is not for new covenant believers.
They were using the same playbook back then. Distraction.
Pretty sure this is in reference to foreigners in Israel, Old Testament. As in non-Israelites.