not only that but IMO and contrary to what many say on here Ben Carson is LETHAL to the cabal. His soft-spoken demeanor is an ASSET because the truth that he speaks and the way he words it is perfect to use against liars and fools, and he gives them no room for attacking "muh how he talks is so rude". I can't wait for the pwnage sound clips to start dropping
People call him "meek", but a quiet and intelligent human is not "meek", and I find it personally a bit shameful to call someone who stuck by Trump this long "meek".
He may not be loud, he may not sling mud, but he is strong.
Because to be weak would have been to turn with their tail between their legs and run after they went full force on Trump's people, such as the ones who stabbed him in the back.
Strength in conviction is important even if you are not wielding the sword.
Sometimes, you need a shield in your hand.
Ben is like a shield of mirrors, because they will be slinging racist rhetoric against him if he is the pick, and that will hurt them further.
I'd like to hijack this to clarify something about the word "meek":
Cognate: 4239 praýs (also listed as 4239a/praupathia in NAS dictionary) – meek. See 4236 (praótēs).
This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than "meek." Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness.
[The English term "meek" often lacks this blend – i.e. of gentleness (reserve) and strength.]
He also grew up in Detroit's ghetto and was raised by a single mother. There isn't a whiff of privilege about him, just a focused, hard working, deeply devout patriot.
I have been railing against the growing tribalism in this country for 30 years. Ask my wife, kids, friends, acquaintances and tattoo/piercing covered strangers in the checkout line. Most people treat politics like rooting for your favorite sports team.
Go look at the sorry state of the public schools and it will be very obvious huge numbers of our citizens are functionally retarded. Social media confirms this.
I have expressed my doubts on GAW about Dr. Carson as VP, but as I research him and his background, I have to say I am changing my mind. He's a bit of an opposite of Trump in personality, but they have some interesting similarities: Trump grew up in a wealthy family but instead of becoming the typical drinking, drugging Trust Fund Baby, he learned to work hard and to care for the people around him. Dr. Carlson grew up in a single-family household without much money. But his mother taught him to work hard and not to be afraid to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. He was successful in doing so and became a highly skilled surgeon and financially secure as a result. Who could be a better role model than either of these men?
We totally love Ben Carson - words cannot express our appreciation for what he has achieved professionally (pediatric neurosurgery, research, and more), his Faith, his commitment to the U.S. Constitution. AND ... his courage to SPEAK truth.
VP? Not sure. Could he "pull the trigger"? (could he issue a Kill Order?)
HHS? A+++
Love the guy, and his service in any capacity would be a PLUS
As to whether he could "pull the trigger"? I am assuming that he could be ever so quietly and politely ruthless in issuing such an order. Surgeons are not known for being faint of heart when it comes to matters of life and death, and are able to make very quick decisions in emergency situations.
I have confidence that he wouldn't be "trigger happy", either, but able to make solid choices in complex matters of state. If Trump sizes him up as capable of taking over in the event... I have to pray, then trust that God's guiding Trump.
Agree. Of all the winred spam emails I get, I really pause the longest on the Ben Carsen ones, even though I know it's all just winred propoganda (incidentally where can we send money to the Trump campaign directly, anyway? Still don't fully trust the GOP RINO winred aparatus). Anyway something about Carson hits me in feels. He'a just a genuinely good human being.
I have a letter from the DJT for President 2024 Inc with a return envelope to send money. Here's the address:
DJT for President 2024 Inc
PO Box 8916
Topeka KS 66608-9985
I really like Ben Carson, but Trump’s tendency to bring people front and center just to later expose their crooked ways, has me worried.
I hope Ben is a good one!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I don't love the choice, but I do like it. I believe Carson to be a good man and obviously highly intelligent. And there's obvious political advantages as it will drive Leftists insane.
My only hesitancy is that Dr. Carson is very soft spoken. But perhaps his reserved personality would compliment President Trump's bombast.
I do not look forward to the attacks on Dr. Carson (if he turns out to be the VP pick) because Leftists are never so vicious to a target as when it's a black man standing up for conservative, patriotic values.
This was a good one. Ben Carson missed his que on the introduction and stayed put at the entrance to the stage.
Then when it was Donald Trumps turn to come on the stage he chose to stand with Ben Carson instead of walking on to the stage. Class act by Donald Trump. He could almost be heard telling Ben Carson, I Got You.
Same here. I was rooting for Carson until he dropped out. I didn't even like Trump then but I prayed to God about His pick and I clearly heard Trump. Haven't looked back since.
not only that but IMO and contrary to what many say on here Ben Carson is LETHAL to the cabal. His soft-spoken demeanor is an ASSET because the truth that he speaks and the way he words it is perfect to use against liars and fools, and he gives them no room for attacking "muh how he talks is so rude". I can't wait for the pwnage sound clips to start dropping
If Carson is indeed the VP pick, oh please please let us get a VP debate. I so badly want to watch him politely wipe the floor with Kneepad's ass.
....would he? Am I the only person who remembers how ben carsons debates went? Reminder, not great.
I have consistently been in favor of Ben.
People call him "meek", but a quiet and intelligent human is not "meek", and I find it personally a bit shameful to call someone who stuck by Trump this long "meek".
He may not be loud, he may not sling mud, but he is strong.
Because to be weak would have been to turn with their tail between their legs and run after they went full force on Trump's people, such as the ones who stabbed him in the back.
Strength in conviction is important even if you are not wielding the sword.
Sometimes, you need a shield in your hand.
Ben is like a shield of mirrors, because they will be slinging racist rhetoric against him if he is the pick, and that will hurt them further.
a wild etymology nerd pops out of a bush!
I'd like to hijack this to clarify something about the word "meek":
Cognate: 4239 praýs (also listed as 4239a/praupathia in NAS dictionary) – meek. See 4236 (praótēs).
This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than "meek." Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness.
[The English term "meek" often lacks this blend – i.e. of gentleness (reserve) and strength.]
Fair assessment, though meek is used as a negative trait for Ben Carson for some reason even.
Etymology nerds are good. We should never forget how to use our language, nor the roots of words.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
I could be crass...but all I will say is this. Pedes and anons already joke about Trump's yuge balls...
Now with Carson we throw in that BBC energy, this truly is meme magic!
And their personalities are like a yin yang to one another :D
Send Ben to the sensitive folks and Trump to the fiesty ones!
Good points!
He also grew up in Detroit's ghetto and was raised by a single mother. There isn't a whiff of privilege about him, just a focused, hard working, deeply devout patriot.
Anyone STILL supporting dems, regardless of libtard ideology, is a fckin retard.
You're gunna vote to keep destroying your own life, community, and bank account? How smart.
It’s because of tribalism!
This is a flaw of tribalism!
I have been railing against the growing tribalism in this country for 30 years. Ask my wife, kids, friends, acquaintances and tattoo/piercing covered strangers in the checkout line. Most people treat politics like rooting for your favorite sports team.
Well said!!
That’s exactly what I have been thinking!
Go look at the sorry state of the public schools and it will be very obvious huge numbers of our citizens are functionally retarded. Social media confirms this.
IQs have dropped all across the board.
That’s exactly how I see it. Not sure how they cannot…
I don't know. They slip pretty easily into Uncle Tom mode when it suits them. Hypocrisy seems to be another virtue on that side of the aisle.
Cant argue with this.
What can be done can be undone? Carson would eat Cumala alive.
I have expressed my doubts on GAW about Dr. Carson as VP, but as I research him and his background, I have to say I am changing my mind. He's a bit of an opposite of Trump in personality, but they have some interesting similarities: Trump grew up in a wealthy family but instead of becoming the typical drinking, drugging Trust Fund Baby, he learned to work hard and to care for the people around him. Dr. Carlson grew up in a single-family household without much money. But his mother taught him to work hard and not to be afraid to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. He was successful in doing so and became a highly skilled surgeon and financially secure as a result. Who could be a better role model than either of these men?
a perfect pair if I may say so!
Dr Carson needs to dismantle the entire medical system of this nation. Dr Carson and Clarence Thomas are great Americans.
My antennas go up when I think of Ben Carson as possible V. P. Pick. It could put the Dems in a Check position, your move.
We totally love Ben Carson - words cannot express our appreciation for what he has achieved professionally (pediatric neurosurgery, research, and more), his Faith, his commitment to the U.S. Constitution. AND ... his courage to SPEAK truth.
VP? Not sure. Could he "pull the trigger"? (could he issue a Kill Order?)
HHS? A+++
Love the guy, and his service in any capacity would be a PLUS
As to whether he could "pull the trigger"? I am assuming that he could be ever so quietly and politely ruthless in issuing such an order. Surgeons are not known for being faint of heart when it comes to matters of life and death, and are able to make very quick decisions in emergency situations.
I have confidence that he wouldn't be "trigger happy", either, but able to make solid choices in complex matters of state. If Trump sizes him up as capable of taking over in the event... I have to pray, then trust that God's guiding Trump.
Agree. Of all the winred spam emails I get, I really pause the longest on the Ben Carsen ones, even though I know it's all just winred propoganda (incidentally where can we send money to the Trump campaign directly, anyway? Still don't fully trust the GOP RINO winred aparatus). Anyway something about Carson hits me in feels. He'a just a genuinely good human being.
I have a letter from the DJT for President 2024 Inc with a return envelope to send money. Here's the address: DJT for President 2024 Inc PO Box 8916 Topeka KS 66608-9985
Thanks much, fren!
I really like Ben Carson, but Trump’s tendency to bring people front and center just to later expose their crooked ways, has me worried. I hope Ben is a good one!!! ❤️❤️❤️
True, but I'm hoping we are about to transition from exposing to fixing and bringing justice.
I agree. This seems a "Look over here and not over there / talk about what I tell you to talk about" kind of Trump move.
I don't love the choice, but I do like it. I believe Carson to be a good man and obviously highly intelligent. And there's obvious political advantages as it will drive Leftists insane.
My only hesitancy is that Dr. Carson is very soft spoken. But perhaps his reserved personality would compliment President Trump's bombast.
I do not look forward to the attacks on Dr. Carson (if he turns out to be the VP pick) because Leftists are never so vicious to a target as when it's a black man standing up for conservative, patriotic values.
That moment of Trump and Carson at one of the Republican debates, standing and smiling at the cameras as the others entered.
Wouldn't surprise me if Ben Carson wae Q all along
This was a good one. Ben Carson missed his que on the introduction and stayed put at the entrance to the stage.
Then when it was Donald Trumps turn to come on the stage he chose to stand with Ben Carson instead of walking on to the stage. Class act by Donald Trump. He could almost be heard telling Ben Carson, I Got You.
God, I wish Herman Cain was still with us. He would have been wonderful in this role.
However, this is very, very intriguing, and the comments here have me quite excited!
RIP Herman. I loved him
Assuming Trump grooms him a bit, Dr. Carson could be a great pick for 2028.
Suspect a man like Carson ain't gonna settle for being a wallflower VP, which means he could be a great asset to the administration.
He was my pick during the 2016 primary until God showed me that Trump was His pick.
Same here. I was rooting for Carson until he dropped out. I didn't even like Trump then but I prayed to God about His pick and I clearly heard Trump. Haven't looked back since.
He’s been my pick all along and he’ll bury the Left’s VP candidate in a debate.
I would love ❤️ Ben Carson as VP.
Remember Trump plays 5D cheese.
Love this!
Who doesn't follow Don Jr.?
GEOTUS is a master with the laser pointer