LMAO at the ‘Live’ and ‘Love’ horseshit in the photo. She seems to love and live hate.
The article mentions that her business has not been impacted. Perhaps Linda will have more time on her hands in a few weeks when her patrons find out she’s a piece of scum.
Check out all the comments under all her FB posts, and she wrote this post on 7/14...
To all who hate me, and are commenting in messenger, I haven't even looked at this page in a good long while. So your comments aren't hurting me or my business any. But if you feel the need...
That lady has the quintessential look all leftist older ladies have. I can spot them a mile away. I'm not being disrespectful. Most of them like how they look.
Did you know that one can use fastpeoplesearch and type in someone's name and location and get all sorts of info about them, like address, phone and email?
Personally I've still never been about the baby Hitler quandary. Maybe that's why my moral compass ends up being so firm on some things.
I could never kill an innocent baby, even knowing what crimes he would commit.
If I had the power to affect the past in such a way, why not deflect him off that course? Why not work to avoid the events that changed him into what he became?
It's easy to choose a simple solution when you can just dehumanize someone until you can perform sufficient mental gymnastics to justify heinous acts.
Baby Hitler was always stupid to me because if it wasnt THE Hitler it would just be a different one.....not like killing him would have changed a DAMN thing
Yeah, as a question of philosophy people miss the real point of it.
It's not a black and white quandary; it's not "yeah it's Hitler, I'll kill him" nor is it "it's a baby, I won't kill him."
There are so many different answers to this that are available within the framework of the question, and so many people let their brain go smooth and don't go beneath the surface.
"Please do NOT confuse us with Luna SHEEN Yoga that is currently all over Facebook. We have nothing to do with Linda Peterson and Luna SHEEN Yoga. We are Luna SOL Yoga in Sebastian, Florida. We understand why everyone is angry with this person and we agree with you. However, our studio and other studios with similar names are being targeted because of the campaign to destroy her. Please do not take us down in the process. Be extremely careful when you look up that studio and comment or review to be sure you have the correct person and business."
If she doesn't like Trump that much, then why won't she go out there and try to take him out, HERSELF? What is wrong with these people? Yea, I'll admit I want to see HRC dangling at the end of a rope for TREASON, but I certainly don't want to see harm come to her while she is a free citizen. Trump was just trying to garner votes for his Presidential run, and this lady wants him eradicated because of what? He's an evil Republican or has he taken an LGBTQ right away from her? This lady needs some common sense placed into her brain pan so she can think straight. Maybe when Trump is elected she will change her attitude, somehow.
Calling for assassination is not ok. I would not call for Killary's assassination. That's why I am bringing this. There's some who just write mean things and I don't bring them.
I will take the high road if people change like Amber Rose or Ye or Haley.
They are evil and this is a fight between good and evil. We definitely know who’s side God is on with His miraculous save of President Trump on Saturday.
Looking at this hateful woman’s FB page she sure is getting a lot of negativity. Pretty sure her yoga business really has been impacted. Live and learn I guess
Linda is getting ‘famous’:
LMAO at the ‘Live’ and ‘Love’ horseshit in the photo. She seems to love and live hate.
The article mentions that her business has not been impacted. Perhaps Linda will have more time on her hands in a few weeks when her patrons find out she’s a piece of scum.
Oh wow, getting very famous. I will go write something about her business on Google soon.
Great idea!
Check out all the comments under all her FB posts, and she wrote this post on 7/14...
This her personal FB account I believe but nothing much there... https://www.facebook.com/linda.peterson.52438
Sorry. I couldn't get there.
That lady has the quintessential look all leftist older ladies have. I can spot them a mile away. I'm not being disrespectful. Most of them like how they look.
You will smell the cat piss before you see her.
No, ignorant pigs like this are unworthy of having pets of any kind.
It's not from the pets...kek!
Like a dude? 😂
It's stuff like this that makes me think
Is communist propaganda.
I noticed in the restroom, most of the men that don't wash their hands LOOK like they wouldn't wash their hands.
I don't know if it still exists, but TheDonald.win had a HottiesForTrump subreddit; it was just a collection of beautiful MAGA women.
Can't ignore the consistency, there seems to be a correlation between how people look and what their mind is like.
Charles Manson too lol; crazy eyes.
Like girls gym teachers?
The women gym teachers in my HS were all lesbians.
That’s not a lady. A lady wouldn’t say things like about anyone. There’s people I don’t like but I don’t wish them dead.
Did you know that one can use fastpeoplesearch and type in someone's name and location and get all sorts of info about them, like address, phone and email?
Imagine that.
Charlotte county is Trump country, 63% in 2020 - she's going to have to move because her business is failed.
Woops. Talk about not knowing your surroundings.
Typical Democrat. Virtue signal without actually following through or living up to it in any capacity
Wow. Just look at the "love" and peaceful Bhudda stuff in the background of her profile pic.
Exhibit 6.666^13 illustrating that hypocrisy is the core guiding virtue of the left.
Exactly. I noticed that too.
Their strategy is to dehumanize, then attack.
Personally I've still never been about the baby Hitler quandary. Maybe that's why my moral compass ends up being so firm on some things.
I could never kill an innocent baby, even knowing what crimes he would commit.
If I had the power to affect the past in such a way, why not deflect him off that course? Why not work to avoid the events that changed him into what he became?
It's easy to choose a simple solution when you can just dehumanize someone until you can perform sufficient mental gymnastics to justify heinous acts.
Baby Hitler was always stupid to me because if it wasnt THE Hitler it would just be a different one.....not like killing him would have changed a DAMN thing
Yeah, as a question of philosophy people miss the real point of it.
It's not a black and white quandary; it's not "yeah it's Hitler, I'll kill him" nor is it "it's a baby, I won't kill him."
There are so many different answers to this that are available within the framework of the question, and so many people let their brain go smooth and don't go beneath the surface.
see how fake she is? Her pictures want to say: "I ToOK MY PiCturE in fROnT oF BUdDAH to show hoW aT pEaCe I AM, AND I ONLY Live LovE"
Yes, she is really a fake Buddhist.
Wow, this cancer cunt is getting destroyed on social media everywhere! LOL!! My guess is her shittly little business is not going to last.
That is perfect! I am not worthy.
How about letting the true, actual VOTE decide instead of murdering your opponent, you piece of commie scum?
Make Linda famous. Kek.
That's a man, man......
Came here to say this.
Sure could be.
Is it Linda or Larry? And do they even have a heart?
Either way, it can go choke on a bag of dongs.
LOL. Just make sure to write something about the Yoga studio.
Post link to write bad review please!!
Man it goes on forever!! Got tired of scrolling. Looks like no other reviews before July 16th that I saw.......
Yes. I just checked. Amazing what frogs can do. Go frogs.
Exactly. I do that. LOL.
Thanks for doing that.
Yes, Trump. Don't mess with him.
Get woke, go broke.
Sure will.
https://lunasolyoga.com/ They made this clear lol.
"Please do NOT confuse us with Luna SHEEN Yoga that is currently all over Facebook. We have nothing to do with Linda Peterson and Luna SHEEN Yoga. We are Luna SOL Yoga in Sebastian, Florida. We understand why everyone is angry with this person and we agree with you. However, our studio and other studios with similar names are being targeted because of the campaign to destroy her. Please do not take us down in the process. Be extremely careful when you look up that studio and comment or review to be sure you have the correct person and business."
Nice. I know it's not the same one.
She looks like another TDS lesbian liberal.
Sure do.
That’s one ugly dude.
People who have these values ( like this woman) are not “sick.” No one chooses to be sick. This is pure evil.
it's a lot of evil we are seeing then.
If this was in reverse the left would be calling her studio and anyone involved in it.
Some of us did
I call them out.
I am probably on some list.
I would be too. I wrote a review to them.
Dude looks like a lady.
could be.
Sarah…. Patch me through to Mr. Tyler.
If she doesn't like Trump that much, then why won't she go out there and try to take him out, HERSELF? What is wrong with these people? Yea, I'll admit I want to see HRC dangling at the end of a rope for TREASON, but I certainly don't want to see harm come to her while she is a free citizen. Trump was just trying to garner votes for his Presidential run, and this lady wants him eradicated because of what? He's an evil Republican or has he taken an LGBTQ right away from her? This lady needs some common sense placed into her brain pan so she can think straight. Maybe when Trump is elected she will change her attitude, somehow.
Too much to ask. I will sooner let her be in a homeless camp in Portland.
What right has he taken away from LGBTQP people?
These people curse their own family
oh, no, guys…we need to be “better than them”, donchaknow….
Violence never solved anything!
Turn the other cheek!
Take the high road.
Calling for assassination is not ok. I would not call for Killary's assassination. That's why I am bringing this. There's some who just write mean things and I don't bring them.
I will take the high road if people change like Amber Rose or Ye or Haley.
She's getting crushed on Manta with the reviews and write ups. Dozens and dozens, I just stopped reading them. I did leave one, just for effect.
Yes. It's amazing what we have done here. Thanks for helping out.
You sure know how to get my percolator heated in the morning....
With a Buddah statue ironically in the background 🤦♂️
Buddha must be teaching violence, NOT, but she isn't a Buddhist either.
She sure is.
White American buddhists are always like this, lol
Pure evil.
Yes, so much evil in this world
"That's a man, baby!"
Most likely.
They are evil and this is a fight between good and evil. We definitely know who’s side God is on with His miraculous save of President Trump on Saturday.
Amen and God is all powerful. You know if you read the Bible, Trump is very similar in terms of Josiah.
Calling karma…..
All people have some value, even Linda. She can take solace that she can at least serve as a bad example.
Thank you. LOL
Linda’s reviews are quite plentiful as well:
Wow. FAFO. This one is going down into Portland homeless camp soon.
You are kicking so much ass, Brain Dead.
Thank you.
Looking at this hateful woman’s FB page she sure is getting a lot of negativity. Pretty sure her yoga business really has been impacted. Live and learn I guess
Stupid and hateful don't work well together.
How can you hate so much, and worse be so public about it. You are an embarrassment.
Hateful and stupid don't go well together.
A traitor to the lawful U.S. Constitution. Deserves to be deported. Make it so.
Meme: https://i.imgflip.com/8xcvrw.jpg
Wow. Love it you give me a Bible verse also. Roman 1:22. Appreciate it.
really. your going there
Oh hell no. I won't go to do any yoga with her/he.
Mentally ill. No one who wishes death on another is right in the mind.
Not a good way to be.