Did you know? Celine Dion had an opening act at the French #SatanicOlympics. Celine has launched a "Gender neutral" clothing line out of Tel Aviv with clothes displaying the word "New Order" and goat head displays. WHAT THE FRESH HELL EVEN IS THIS! (See link)

As a french dude I am very happy about this ceremony. I've been trying to wake up my family and my friends about the reality of the satanism of the elites and this is the biggest help I received to redpill them. This is as obvious as it can get. The only ones who won't know at this point will be the ones who don't want to see the truth.
(No, actually... it's deaf, dumb and blind people like you that make me crazy)
have you seen the opening ceremony from 2020? Hit them with that. 2020 Olympic opening ceremony. That will be a great second act if they haven't already been shown.
Then check out Brazil. You'll find satan in the Carnivalle parades, more recently. Shocking, in the face stuff.
OK thanks for the info.
Just an FYI, it's not news. She's been doing this for years. Came across this probably in 2018-2019.
But just an fyi. It's still noteworthy.
Yup. She definitely took the Satanic oath to get to where she is. Even though she's irrelevant these days, she still has to pay the devil his dues. Shitty deal.
And that’s after only ever knowing a man who was already old when she was young.
Assuming their “marriages” work anything like an actual marriage, anyway.
Yea I remember that some years back for sure
Demons have infiltrated the top echelons of all Rothschild controlled countries. Ask yourself why do these evildoers hate and want to turn the worlds ire against those countries such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, Gadaffi in Libya, etc. because they weren’t in the central banking demonic club.
Not really an adequate explanation, imo.
Gadaffi was certainly a target because he didn't conform and was a threat to Banker control in Africa. He was definitely putting his people before the bankers. So yeah.
Russia appears to have been sidelined as a threat by the bankers after the fall of Communism, so yeah.
North Korea, however, has always been, and continues today, to be a horrific stalinist regime that harms its people to an intolerable level.
Iran, too, is an actual terrorist sponsoring radicalized Islamic theocracy, that overthrew a far freer, liberated and potentially more anti-tyranny regime, probably at the behest or control of the Clowns that serve the bankers.
I've heard the central banking theory as to why these nations are attacked, but there are some very real reasons why the latter two incur the world's ire, as you put it.
I thought she was dying of some incurable disease?
I'm sure they have a massive supply of fresh, top quality Adrenochrome in Paris to loosen her up.
"Stiff Person Syndrome" (which I'd never heard of before)
Yeah, I thought she was underweight, couldn't sing anymore, has stiff muscle syndrome, was in a wheelchair..all of a sudden she's okay now.
It’s all coming back to her now.
Good one! :)
Yep she’s been groomed into the cult since she was a kid - met her husband/manager when she was 13 iirc
she married her manager who is like 40 years older than her and he had been her manager since she was 12 or younger I think..
She messed up in the head. The elites used and abused her when she was young. God has been getting back at her last couple of years. Think she learned? Not yet
username checks out LOL
Her baphomet clothing has been out for a number of years. I remember lots of stickies here in GAW about it around that time (or shortly after). She’s defo a devil puppet.
I could have sworn I saw a news story recently that showed her almost on the verge of death. Maybe they had an emergency stash of adrenochrome.
About a month ago.
Wait...How old is that pic of Feline Demon?
Last I saw, she was like 85 pounds wet looking like bride of Skeletor from Adrenochrome withdraw...
Yeah, LOOK Keep in mind, this is the BEST they can make this vamp look! Just nasty!
Over a year ago. It's from an old commercial for her satanic clothing line for babies. See the links (one of her recent condition, one with the year+ old ad) in others of my comments in this post.
Te Aviv you say? I'm didn't know this but I'm not surprised at all.
She looked like death warmed over at the Olympics.
This commercial does not reflect that. She actually looks pretty good.
And now I have the very, very dark thought that she ate the babies that did not make the audition cut for the commercial.
She's always bragging about her kuru. Stiff person syndrome my ass.
I thought she was really skinny and sickly and had muscle stiff problems? She's healed now?
Girl must have got her some babies blood so she could perform!
Yes we covered this when it happened.
Clothing line was covered here years ago for
And it is pretty benign. If the parents are into streetwear fashion, the baby clothes match that aesthetic spot on. Especially because a lot of hypebeast brands don't do infant clothes, the brand has a niche.
For what it is worth, the new rules are pretty strict on drugs and trans competitors. So the actual olympic events themselves are as unwoke as they have been lately.
She needs more adreno.
BTW this picture comes from an ad for her infant clothing line (NWO bs). This from over a year ago.
check this out - drinking blood of virgins and "playing ping pong" with Weird Al in 2003 (sry don't have timestamp, whole thing is 7min)
celinununu....nu mirrored = un = United Nations = One World Order