Both are heretical offshoots with a similar backstory. Both Joe Smith and Mohammad were visited by an angel of light (aka Lucifer). This angel assaulted Mohammad so badly that he feared for his life and was even suicidal.
About 600 after Jesus, yes. Then they let a nobody, Muhammad, mess up the gospel and get everything out of place. They had the gospel of John, who was at the foot of the cross, as our Lord and Savior Jesus died for all our sins…and 600 years later just let some Muhammad guy say whatever. Hopefully they pursuit today, will lead them to the truth of who Jesus really is. And then be truly saved.
On a positive note, I've heard that there have been A LOT of Muslims converting to Christianity in that part of the world lately. It makes me even more convinced that we could be getting close to the end times, as God is getting one last push for converts.
A telling example is the Quran's story of Jesus creating live birds from lumps of clay or something. This was lifted directly from the Gospel of Thomas IIRC, which I believe has been proven to be a false gospel since it refers to events that did not happen at the time of Christ, making it historically inaccurate and a fraud.
Exactloy, the Bible came from the Torah and the koran came from both. They teach that Jesus was a phrophet and teacher, but do not see jesus as the son of God.
Behind closed doors, something like this... "Hahaha! Those silly Christians won't do anything about their so called son of God being mocked. Let him burn in excrement for eternity!"
Meanwhile, they will continue being the world's hub for homosexuality and pornography, and Christians will still call them "God's chosen people."
This movie is confusing to me, so the Democrats are supporting Islam right now while Trump is supporting 'our greatest ally - Israel', yet Israel is going against everything Christianity has stood for.
There is something in this story that's not adding up
Remember this, there are radicals in Islam and Zionists all DS. So you have to seperate the DS from the people. They infitrated everything just look at the Pope. The religion is good but that serpent and his puppets are the problem. The Illminatti pretty much pushed the infitration of Churches, Schools and Governnments to push their NWO.
Very little modern religious entities are actually religious, they are subverting from the inside. Just look at the British Protestant church, women and trannies.
They may wear the frocks and gowns of Christianity but they are degenerate satanic infiltrators.
Looks like now the organizers of the Olympics have also offered an apology about that. Sort of halfhearted one though, they are sorry if anybody felt bad about the performance, they didn't mean that and yadda yadda.
Funny in its way though, I presume the organizers had also completely forgotten, or more likely didn't know, that Jesus is indeed also a holy figure for Muslims, so even if the Last Supper painting is one made by Christians they just might get a bit angry about debasing it too. Especially the way it was done. So I'd guess it's pretty certain that apology came because of Iran.
And this: "Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the highest seat of Sunni Muslim learning, condemned Sunday the “insulting scenes” of Jesus Christ during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris."
They knew better . And dont apologize and smirk while doing so. Total DS BS CYA in progress. They thought the people were all sheep. Thankfully the world just received the biggest red pill and wake up call.
Cities have to compete against each other to become an Olympic host city by presenting their plans of venues, transportation, all the way down to the opening and closing ceremonies, even logo designs are scrutinized. The Olympic committee can also ask for changes to the plans. Yes, they knew what they were doing and the Olympic committee picked the most Satanic plan. LA is hosting in 2028.
They agree to about 1/3 of the events found in Scripture, but not the sinless life, or resurrection or return. It’s like if someone said they revere George Washington and then you ask them to define the person to make sure you’re talking about same guy, and then you realize they admire Charles Mason.
I was aware of this many years ago. I was wondering when this would be addressed and it was. But not surprised the Pope has kept his trap shut. Pretty telling.
Yeah, and Muslims love Jesus so much that they murder Christians left and right. Stop pretending that Muslims are on our side. According to the Quran, God used Jesus to play a practical joke on the Jews. Jesus performed many miracles according to Islam, but he cannot hold a candle to the psycopathic, genocidal child-rapist named Mohammad who had people tortured and murdered. Muslims can claim that Jesus is a "prophet of Islam," but if you say that Jesus is the Son of God and that he was raised from the dead, they will hate you for it. I'm glad that Iran has the guts to stand up against the woke French BS, but Muslims do not revere Jesus. They revere "Issa" who is a plagiarism from the Bible and the heretical gospels who was NOT the Son of God and whose life basically amounted to NOTHING. Islam says that Mohammad is the "perfect example," NOT Jesus.
They believe Jesus is a prophet and teacher and not the son of God. But they attacked us with DS radicals and we attacked them with DS radicals, That is how they divided the religions and prohpheted. Remove the Globalists and their DS BS Puppets and we will find peace again. Look who was blamed for 9-11 and then look at who was really behind it.
The DS loves Islam because it is inherently a violent death cult. They are therefore easy to manipulate in order to ensure that endless wars continue. Any other religious mindset cannot be exploited the way Islam can because their "perfect example" is a pedophile who committed mass murder, mass rape, tortured and executed people. He butchered over 800 of the the Banu Qurayza tribe. Boys were made to show whether they had pubic hair or not. Those who did were put to the sword. One woman went insane from seeing everyone slaughtered all day long that she became laughing hysterical and so she was put to death as well. That night, some of his followers came to Mohammad, concerned of the rampant rape in the camps of the women, some whose husbands were still alive. Mohammad then said that aside from the 4 wife maximum, sex with women seized by their right hand (ie rape) is permitted under Islam. Mohammad tortured Kinana to death to make him reveal the secret of his treasure. He had his men assassinate a poetess for mocking him in a poem, so they went into her tent at night and murdered her while she slept with her infant child. He married Aisha at the age of 6. The stress was so great for the little girl that she became ill to the point that her hair fell out, and then he raped her at age 9. Mohammad betrayed the people of Mecca. He broke a treaty with them and waged war against them. He attacked merchant caravans, stealing their money and killing them.
This is Islam's "perfect example" for you. The main reason why we have Islamic terrorism is because Mohammad was a terrorist, and by the law of abrogation all of the early verses of peace were overruled by the later verses of violence against all non-believers. Mohammad also claimed that the Quran was "timeless and eternal" and therefore was to be taken literally at all times and applied to life at all times.
Unfortunately, Muslims have been prisoners to Islam for centuries now. Islam is a false doctorine of hatred and violence that offers no sure way to Heaven other than to diel while killing infidels. Mohammad thought that one up during the Battle of the Trench to motivate his soldiers to fight and overwhelm their enemy. Read up on the history of Islam and it is nothing but bloodshed, oppression, and evil. Consequently, the DS funds and arms Islamic groups to do their bidding. Look at Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and how they were used to overtake countries. Egypt, fortunately, fought back and kicked the installed MB out. Islam has been used as the pawns of Zionists and the banksters for far too long. Meanwhile, real reforms have been happening in Saudi Arabia. When given the choice of freedom, fair-minded Muslims will choose freedom. Christ gives true freedom, and allowing Christianity to flourish will be the death of Islam.
Thank you for sharing this. Like all religions they start of good until some fanatic takes control and injects ther venom in them. We see the same with the vatican today with the Pope. The religion is good but the leadershop is corrupt .
I always wondered how Mohammed could be called a prophet when he died before ever having prophecy ? And his only miracle was witnessed by a donkey ? I am aware of Mohammed and his bloody past and the pedo. And the kingdom of God is not a whorehouse. As we will be in the spirit and not a clay body. The rules change with that. Time and distance as a couple of examples.
The knights Templars were betrayed by the church and France. France owed then a lot of money. So they brought false charges and stole the wealth and split the wealth with the church.
Then Europe had their own Holy wars also.
None of these things would ever be supported by Jesus nor would they find the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus stated his Fathers Kingdom was not of this world.
Time for us to change and follow that path Jesus set forth.
Looks like some dickbrain has taken it upon himself to downvote all of your posts. I swear... Some people need a hobby in life. Anyhow, Islam never started out good, though. This judgment is by official Islamic texts. One can only deduce that Mohammad was a demon-possessed psychopath. He even admitted as such, when he wrote verses in the Quran endorsing the worship of the Arabic pagan goddesses Al-Lat and Al-Uzza. When his followers challenged him on this obvious polytheism, he then had them removed, claiming that he was momentarily possessed by Satan. Wow, what a "prophet"! Yet they claim that he was somehow better than Jesus.
Archaeology points to something else, however. There are very early Islamic coins with a depiction of Mohammad and a cross. As someone else on here mentioned, it is very possible that Mohammad had spread the Gospel to the Arabic Peninsula, and his movement was radically overtaken by revisionists who then made up crap about genocide, camel piss drinking, sexual degeneracy, and a myriad of other depravity. Stuff like Mohammad having intercourse with all seven of his wives every night and Aiysha writing hadiths about how she constantly found crusty cum stains on his clothing and would try to scratch them off. Some hypothesize that Mohammad was not an actual person because after analyzing the opulent cornucopia of mental illness that Mohammad was, it is impossible for one man to have so many mental illnesses (unless, of course, he was demon-possessed I say). The first Caliphate chose one Quran and had all the rest of them destroyed, and the Quran was rearranged in a nonsensical, non-linear order from longest to shortest chapters. Some years ago, a very ancient Quran was discovered in storage at some mosque. It was sent to an Islamic scholar in Germany and was found to be fundamentally different from the Quran as it is known today. The mosque demanded that it be sent back and has been hidden from sight since.
Perhaps Islam was originally a Christian movement, but was infiltrated by Jesuits or Jews or whatever and corrupted, and the world has been forced to endure Islam's shit ever since. I am very willing to believe this. But given only the official Islamic Quran and Hadiths, Mohammad was a depraved, murdurous, psychopathic sexual degenerate who stuck his tongue into baby boy's mouths and had sex with a 9 year old girl.
Thank you for sharing this, I care nothing about the points. Not into the points mind control game . It is their time to waste. I move on getting more information out.
Actually saw a video today, from priest Mari, who was a natural born Syrian, who became a Christian and now lives in Australia. He said in their book of Quran, the holy mother Mary is labeled as Moses sister… they are like 1500 years off.
Surah Al-Imran (3:42):"And (mention) when the angels said, 'O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, [Jesus] the Messiah, the son of Mary—distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and those who are near to Allah.'"
This verse highlights Mary's special status and the divine message she received. Additionally, in Surah Maryam (19:16-26), her story is elaborated, affirming her purity and the miraculous birth of Jesus (Isa):
Surah Maryam (19:16-26):
In these verses, the Quran describes Mary’s dedication and the miraculous birth of Jesus, emphasizing her virtue and the divine favor bestowed upon her.
There are a variety of titles used to refer to the penultimate prophet of Islam, Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus), in the Quran. Islamic scholars emphasize the need for Muslims to follow the name of Isa (Jesus), whether spoken or written, with the honorific phrase alayhi al-salām (Arabic: عليه السلام), which means peace be upon him. Isa is mentioned by name or title 78 times in the Quran
Among points of difference, Muslims believe that Jesus was merely a prophet, deny his resurrection or that he was the Son of God; but that he was merely a prophet,
That's why we're as Christians much closer to (most of) Muslims than the losers that believe in gender theory we have to deal with, and other kind of people.
They want a Muslim vs Christians 3rd world war, that's their goal, don't forget that.
Of course it's more complex than that, but it's OBVIOUS they want this spiritual war, hiding the actual one, which is GOOD vs EVIL
Thank you for the link. its been many decades ago and I was aware that the Bible Jesus does not have the same high staus that we have in the bible. Always good to refresh ones memory.
Make no mistake. This is a PR stunt to get more of these "disgruntled" Christians to jump on the muslim bandwagon. "See, we love Christ too, but unlike you're church, we aren't cucks. Come check us out".
Andrew Tate fell for this LARP. No need to make it more than it is.
Make no mistake, the Jews HATE Jesus, and Christians don't talk enough about it. Instead, we call them "God's chosen people", not even realizing they aren't even Hebrew, but a group of Eastern Europeans who claimed the religion, then suckered Christians worldwide into believing they were the Jews of the Bible. You will hear Christians say, "God will bless those who bless Israel!" Meanwhile, ignoring the fact completely that the United States has been in a downward spiral since 1948. Maybe the Israel we are calling Israel is not the real Israel.
That is in my daily prayers for God to guide our steps and share his wisdom with us. So it can be on earth as it is in Heaven as it always should have been.
How wonderful that your path was drected and guided by God. Nobody knows us better then God. And why God is the best teacher. Having been a atheist and from what you were shown and learned your faith is strong because you lived it. Nobody can ever take that away from you. And all of it based on free will.
We do not force religion on anyone. We however encourage everyone to go and find God and establish a relationship with God. We fear if we forced this we would do more harm then good despite all of our good intentions. As they experience things with God we are there to listen and then share with them what was shown to them to help them with that understanding. This continues as God reveals more to them in their journey through life. The teachings never stop unless they decide to stop them. The old ones said we could live three life times and not learn it all as God is so great.
The old grandmothers encourage us to always come before God in humbleness and humility. And frown when we think we are better then anyone else. They remind us that we are here only to become the best person we can be. So we are only in competition with ourself. Sort of the old US Army commercial of be all you can be. I encourage be all you can be with God and let God assist you in your growth spiritiually.
You went from non believer to believer through the grace of God. Because of this you have a deep appreciation for with your experiences with God. There is what i have shared with others including Christians is the different levels of faith. There are the nonbelievers which is sad as they have no idea what they are missing. I do not judge them as they have free will. I pray they will find God. Then there are those who want a little religion or they come to a point they are comfortable and remain there. The there are the ones that want to be all they can be. I always recommend be all you can be with God teaching this to you.
And for those who had walked away and returned I give thanks in prayer. I am thankful they realized what they are missing and returned back to God. I only see it as a learning experience that helped them appreciate God even more. We will keep praying that all people will return back to God, and that we all come together and heal.But we will never interfere with free will. the choice must always come from their own heart.
They are also showing the world that they are not monsters and are capable of empathy and respect. In the case of the Iranian people, I know that is correct. In the case of the Iranian leadership, I have a different view. However, regardless, I support anything that might cause clearer heads to prevail as opposed to rushing pell mell into WWIII so the MIC can buy some more yachts.
Amen, we had seen al three religions get along peacefully on Syria until Obummer and HRC pulled their crap . Then Obummer and HRC and their crap in Libya made slavery possible again. As Africans were being again sold into slavery. Notice the same MSM that cry BLM were silent on the Africans being sold as slves in Libya.
I agree time for cooler heads to prevail and time for peace and healing for all.
Makes one wonder why they don't condemn the radicals who kill Christians based on them not following Islam. I've always wondered about that. If they believe Jesus was a prophet, then puts Him on equal footing with Mohammed in their religion.
Thats how the Globalists played it. They had either side kill the other so we would blame each other. look at who was blamed for 9-11 and then who was wiring the towers for demolition ? Thei look at Bush Jr and manufactured evidence of WMD supported by Blair and they both knew the intel was manufactured. They both are guilty of starting a illegal war.
I remember they consider Jesus a prohpet and teacher and not the son of God. I also remember in Syria that all the religions got along until Obummer and HRC pulled their crap.
Do you believe the Pope is any better then Mohammed. All religions have been hijacked by fanatics in time that only serve a evil master. Europe had their Holy Wars also. It is those fanatics around the world that brought suffering to those who wished to live in peace and wordhip God. These evil ones feed their own greed under whoevers name they used for God. That deception came from only one source that was cast from heaven. It all needs to be cleaned and brought back to what God had always wanted it to be.
Islam was founded as such. Comparing the current Pope to the fictional Muhammad, the anti-Christ based on how he supposedly founded Islam is a nonsensical comparison. It also falls flat because I'm not catholic so who gives a fuck, fuck the pope as well
It has always been your right to choose and make foolish decisions. Evil is Evil and should never be ignored. Evil has always come from the same source.
You fell right back into the trap that has plagued humanity. When people understand their are only two energies that affect our lives. One being Positive energy from God the other being negative energy from the Devil. If all of humanity only accepted the positive energies it would be on earth as it is in heaven. It was never complicated, only humans made it complicated.
Exactly my point. Both sides started things at one time or another. Just like the protestant reformation wars in Europe. Jesus would have sat down in peace and discussed this, the wars were decided by man. And on the Protestant Reformation wars both sides defended or started the aggression claiming they were doing this for Jesus and God.
Okay, but we're discussing Islamic aggression not inter religion wars. Jesus would've tried for peace certainly, but Islam does not have peace until all nonbelievers are dead
Isn’t it the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Think this originated from someone who eventually was imprisoned and beheaded by their enemy so, might not have a good ending.
No, it won't, until they become Christian they will continue lying to deceive us as Muhammad told them too. War will.never end on Earth, did you read the story of the tower of Babel
Notice the Popes silence about this.
In contrast, notice Archbishop Vigano's reaction about this:
Vigano is my Pope
I’m catholic but that son of a bitch should never have been elected and needs to go now
Amen. I am not catholic but support the good people who are and Arch Bishop Vigano and pray for all of you. You all have my support and prayers.
i very much doubt macron was elected. the daily protests in france the last few years scream this as fact
He was speaking about the Pope, but yes, I'm French and can assure you 2022 were stolen (2017 maybe idk), same for the elections this year.
He thinks he is the Anti Christ, but at the end of the day he's MK Ultra'd by his gay, pedo husband
Oh btw, did you know that the ""official"" Brigitte Macron's birthday is the exact same day as the MK Ultra program birth? You can't make that up
If this is a current picture, old Macaroni is looking decidedly haggard and unwell.
He looks like the Vampires from Twilight just before their skin was about to crack into a thousand pieces.
A lot of people are unaware in general that Islam started as a offshoot of Christianity.
It's basically the original Mormons. They make up their own book and own prophet, then hate on Paul.
Both are heretical offshoots with a similar backstory. Both Joe Smith and Mohammad were visited by an angel of light (aka Lucifer). This angel assaulted Mohammad so badly that he feared for his life and was even suicidal.
Mormons are a cult and not actually Christian since they deny the trinity
About 600 after Jesus, yes. Then they let a nobody, Muhammad, mess up the gospel and get everything out of place. They had the gospel of John, who was at the foot of the cross, as our Lord and Savior Jesus died for all our sins…and 600 years later just let some Muhammad guy say whatever. Hopefully they pursuit today, will lead them to the truth of who Jesus really is. And then be truly saved.
On a positive note, I've heard that there have been A LOT of Muslims converting to Christianity in that part of the world lately. It makes me even more convinced that we could be getting close to the end times, as God is getting one last push for converts.
Christianity is currently booming in Iran and Indonesia.
This is true.
Started in direct opposition of Christ. It's not an offshoot in anything but the fact that it steals from other religions
A telling example is the Quran's story of Jesus creating live birds from lumps of clay or something. This was lifted directly from the Gospel of Thomas IIRC, which I believe has been proven to be a false gospel since it refers to events that did not happen at the time of Christ, making it historically inaccurate and a fraud.
Exactloy, the Bible came from the Torah and the koran came from both. They teach that Jesus was a phrophet and teacher, but do not see jesus as the son of God.
The fact that Iran is saying something and our greatest ally is silent… says a lot.
Exactly. Pope pleading the 5th ?
lol. He hasn’t even done that! Tells you all you need to know.
What's Israel saying
Behind closed doors, something like this... "Hahaha! Those silly Christians won't do anything about their so called son of God being mocked. Let him burn in excrement for eternity!"
Meanwhile, they will continue being the world's hub for homosexuality and pornography, and Christians will still call them "God's chosen people."
I have not come across any information as of this time.
This movie is confusing to me, so the Democrats are supporting Islam right now while Trump is supporting 'our greatest ally - Israel', yet Israel is going against everything Christianity has stood for.
There is something in this story that's not adding up
Remember this, there are radicals in Islam and Zionists all DS. So you have to seperate the DS from the people. They infitrated everything just look at the Pope. The religion is good but that serpent and his puppets are the problem. The Illminatti pretty much pushed the infitration of Churches, Schools and Governnments to push their NWO.
Exactly. Very little modern religious entities are actually religious, they are subverting from the inside. Just look at the British Protestant church, women and trannies.
They may wear the frocks and gowns of Christianity but they are degenerate satanic infiltrators.
Mocking god is nothing new for them. Thank you for sharing this.
Donald Trump is the dominant one in the US/Israel relationship.
Looks like now the organizers of the Olympics have also offered an apology about that. Sort of halfhearted one though, they are sorry if anybody felt bad about the performance, they didn't mean that and yadda yadda.
Funny in its way though, I presume the organizers had also completely forgotten, or more likely didn't know, that Jesus is indeed also a holy figure for Muslims, so even if the Last Supper painting is one made by Christians they just might get a bit angry about debasing it too. Especially the way it was done. So I'd guess it's pretty certain that apology came because of Iran.
And this: "Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the highest seat of Sunni Muslim learning, condemned Sunday the “insulting scenes” of Jesus Christ during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris."
So not just Iran.
They knew better . And dont apologize and smirk while doing so. Total DS BS CYA in progress. They thought the people were all sheep. Thankfully the world just received the biggest red pill and wake up call.
Cities have to compete against each other to become an Olympic host city by presenting their plans of venues, transportation, all the way down to the opening and closing ceremonies, even logo designs are scrutinized. The Olympic committee can also ask for changes to the plans. Yes, they knew what they were doing and the Olympic committee picked the most Satanic plan. LA is hosting in 2028.
I doubt we will see that happen in 2028.
Oops! The globalists didn’t mean to upset the Muslims. They forgot Jesus is one of their revered prophets. I wonder who will get an abject apology….
This is pretty funny in some ways.
There goes another Billion people that are not happy with them.
What a surprising turn of events. Had no idea that Jesus is revered in the Muslim faith
They agree to about 1/3 of the events found in Scripture, but not the sinless life, or resurrection or return. It’s like if someone said they revere George Washington and then you ask them to define the person to make sure you’re talking about same guy, and then you realize they admire Charles Mason.
He's not, it's just a lie so they can lull people into a false sense of security.
I was aware of this many years ago. I was wondering when this would be addressed and it was. But not surprised the Pope has kept his trap shut. Pretty telling.
Now I’m rooting for the Ayatollah, this movie’s nuts.
You will be surprised how many of the bad guys want to be free of the Globalists and their Puppets.
Yeah, and Muslims love Jesus so much that they murder Christians left and right. Stop pretending that Muslims are on our side. According to the Quran, God used Jesus to play a practical joke on the Jews. Jesus performed many miracles according to Islam, but he cannot hold a candle to the psycopathic, genocidal child-rapist named Mohammad who had people tortured and murdered. Muslims can claim that Jesus is a "prophet of Islam," but if you say that Jesus is the Son of God and that he was raised from the dead, they will hate you for it. I'm glad that Iran has the guts to stand up against the woke French BS, but Muslims do not revere Jesus. They revere "Issa" who is a plagiarism from the Bible and the heretical gospels who was NOT the Son of God and whose life basically amounted to NOTHING. Islam says that Mohammad is the "perfect example," NOT Jesus.
They believe Jesus is a prophet and teacher and not the son of God. But they attacked us with DS radicals and we attacked them with DS radicals, That is how they divided the religions and prohpheted. Remove the Globalists and their DS BS Puppets and we will find peace again. Look who was blamed for 9-11 and then look at who was really behind it.
The DS loves Islam because it is inherently a violent death cult. They are therefore easy to manipulate in order to ensure that endless wars continue. Any other religious mindset cannot be exploited the way Islam can because their "perfect example" is a pedophile who committed mass murder, mass rape, tortured and executed people. He butchered over 800 of the the Banu Qurayza tribe. Boys were made to show whether they had pubic hair or not. Those who did were put to the sword. One woman went insane from seeing everyone slaughtered all day long that she became laughing hysterical and so she was put to death as well. That night, some of his followers came to Mohammad, concerned of the rampant rape in the camps of the women, some whose husbands were still alive. Mohammad then said that aside from the 4 wife maximum, sex with women seized by their right hand (ie rape) is permitted under Islam. Mohammad tortured Kinana to death to make him reveal the secret of his treasure. He had his men assassinate a poetess for mocking him in a poem, so they went into her tent at night and murdered her while she slept with her infant child. He married Aisha at the age of 6. The stress was so great for the little girl that she became ill to the point that her hair fell out, and then he raped her at age 9. Mohammad betrayed the people of Mecca. He broke a treaty with them and waged war against them. He attacked merchant caravans, stealing their money and killing them.
This is Islam's "perfect example" for you. The main reason why we have Islamic terrorism is because Mohammad was a terrorist, and by the law of abrogation all of the early verses of peace were overruled by the later verses of violence against all non-believers. Mohammad also claimed that the Quran was "timeless and eternal" and therefore was to be taken literally at all times and applied to life at all times.
Unfortunately, Muslims have been prisoners to Islam for centuries now. Islam is a false doctorine of hatred and violence that offers no sure way to Heaven other than to diel while killing infidels. Mohammad thought that one up during the Battle of the Trench to motivate his soldiers to fight and overwhelm their enemy. Read up on the history of Islam and it is nothing but bloodshed, oppression, and evil. Consequently, the DS funds and arms Islamic groups to do their bidding. Look at Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and how they were used to overtake countries. Egypt, fortunately, fought back and kicked the installed MB out. Islam has been used as the pawns of Zionists and the banksters for far too long. Meanwhile, real reforms have been happening in Saudi Arabia. When given the choice of freedom, fair-minded Muslims will choose freedom. Christ gives true freedom, and allowing Christianity to flourish will be the death of Islam.
Thank you for sharing this. Like all religions they start of good until some fanatic takes control and injects ther venom in them. We see the same with the vatican today with the Pope. The religion is good but the leadershop is corrupt .
I always wondered how Mohammed could be called a prophet when he died before ever having prophecy ? And his only miracle was witnessed by a donkey ? I am aware of Mohammed and his bloody past and the pedo. And the kingdom of God is not a whorehouse. As we will be in the spirit and not a clay body. The rules change with that. Time and distance as a couple of examples.
The knights Templars were betrayed by the church and France. France owed then a lot of money. So they brought false charges and stole the wealth and split the wealth with the church.
Then Europe had their own Holy wars also.
None of these things would ever be supported by Jesus nor would they find the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus stated his Fathers Kingdom was not of this world.
Time for us to change and follow that path Jesus set forth.
Looks like some dickbrain has taken it upon himself to downvote all of your posts. I swear... Some people need a hobby in life. Anyhow, Islam never started out good, though. This judgment is by official Islamic texts. One can only deduce that Mohammad was a demon-possessed psychopath. He even admitted as such, when he wrote verses in the Quran endorsing the worship of the Arabic pagan goddesses Al-Lat and Al-Uzza. When his followers challenged him on this obvious polytheism, he then had them removed, claiming that he was momentarily possessed by Satan. Wow, what a "prophet"! Yet they claim that he was somehow better than Jesus.
Archaeology points to something else, however. There are very early Islamic coins with a depiction of Mohammad and a cross. As someone else on here mentioned, it is very possible that Mohammad had spread the Gospel to the Arabic Peninsula, and his movement was radically overtaken by revisionists who then made up crap about genocide, camel piss drinking, sexual degeneracy, and a myriad of other depravity. Stuff like Mohammad having intercourse with all seven of his wives every night and Aiysha writing hadiths about how she constantly found crusty cum stains on his clothing and would try to scratch them off. Some hypothesize that Mohammad was not an actual person because after analyzing the opulent cornucopia of mental illness that Mohammad was, it is impossible for one man to have so many mental illnesses (unless, of course, he was demon-possessed I say). The first Caliphate chose one Quran and had all the rest of them destroyed, and the Quran was rearranged in a nonsensical, non-linear order from longest to shortest chapters. Some years ago, a very ancient Quran was discovered in storage at some mosque. It was sent to an Islamic scholar in Germany and was found to be fundamentally different from the Quran as it is known today. The mosque demanded that it be sent back and has been hidden from sight since.
Perhaps Islam was originally a Christian movement, but was infiltrated by Jesuits or Jews or whatever and corrupted, and the world has been forced to endure Islam's shit ever since. I am very willing to believe this. But given only the official Islamic Quran and Hadiths, Mohammad was a depraved, murdurous, psychopathic sexual degenerate who stuck his tongue into baby boy's mouths and had sex with a 9 year old girl.
Thank you for sharing this, I care nothing about the points. Not into the points mind control game . It is their time to waste. I move on getting more information out.
I like this approach
The Muslims like Jesus?
Muslims love Jesus as a holy prophet, but do not believe He is the Son of God.
Thank You. I had no idea.
It's bullshit
Yes, they also believe that Mary was the most blessed mother and most beloved by God.
Actually saw a video today, from priest Mari, who was a natural born Syrian, who became a Christian and now lives in Australia. He said in their book of Quran, the holy mother Mary is labeled as Moses sister… they are like 1500 years off.
Surah Al-Imran (3:42): "And (mention) when the angels said, 'O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, [Jesus] the Messiah, the son of Mary—distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and those who are near to Allah.'"
This verse highlights Mary's special status and the divine message she received. Additionally, in Surah Maryam (19:16-26), her story is elaborated, affirming her purity and the miraculous birth of Jesus (Isa):
Surah Maryam (19:16-26): also all of this. People should stop acting like Islam isn't founded by an anti-Christ
that's interesting
Among points of difference, Muslims believe that Jesus was merely a prophet, deny his resurrection or that he was the Son of God; but that he was merely a prophet,
I'm guessing they didn't murder Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
its been many decades, I just remember they teach that Jesus was a prohet and teacher. But they do not see him as the son of God.
That's why we're as Christians much closer to (most of) Muslims than the losers that believe in gender theory we have to deal with, and other kind of people. They want a Muslim vs Christians 3rd world war, that's their goal, don't forget that.
Of course it's more complex than that, but it's OBVIOUS they want this spiritual war, hiding the actual one, which is GOOD vs EVIL
This is why they they attacked all the religions with real wars, they created to divide us by blaming the other religion.
Give Macron a good flogging
Lets see how this plays out.
Muslims believe in a different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible.
Plus all this
Thank you for the link. its been many decades ago and I was aware that the Bible Jesus does not have the same high staus that we have in the bible. Always good to refresh ones memory.
We know there is a Great Awakening when Muslims defend Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!!
People are waking up to who the real evil ones are that cause all the wars and hate. Lets keep those prayers going around the world.
Make no mistake. This is a PR stunt to get more of these "disgruntled" Christians to jump on the muslim bandwagon. "See, we love Christ too, but unlike you're church, we aren't cucks. Come check us out".
Andrew Tate fell for this LARP. No need to make it more than it is.
Make no mistake, the Jews HATE Jesus, and Christians don't talk enough about it. Instead, we call them "God's chosen people", not even realizing they aren't even Hebrew, but a group of Eastern Europeans who claimed the religion, then suckered Christians worldwide into believing they were the Jews of the Bible. You will hear Christians say, "God will bless those who bless Israel!" Meanwhile, ignoring the fact completely that the United States has been in a downward spiral since 1948. Maybe the Israel we are calling Israel is not the real Israel.
Yeah both are trash
ITA, But everyone now sees the DS and their Globalist Masters are clearly wanting God removed.
It’s a sad day when Muslims have more courage and will to fight to defend the image of Jesus than most American Christian’s do.
I suspect this will be gaining more traction.
Look at Syria where all the religion lived peacefully until Obummer and HRC started their mess. DS playing all religions against each other.
Amen, but we can with the right heart, God and prayer. Time to end the wars and bring spiritual healing back for all.
That is in my daily prayers for God to guide our steps and share his wisdom with us. So it can be on earth as it is in Heaven as it always should have been.
Thank you for sharing this.
How wonderful that your path was drected and guided by God. Nobody knows us better then God. And why God is the best teacher. Having been a atheist and from what you were shown and learned your faith is strong because you lived it. Nobody can ever take that away from you. And all of it based on free will.
We do not force religion on anyone. We however encourage everyone to go and find God and establish a relationship with God. We fear if we forced this we would do more harm then good despite all of our good intentions. As they experience things with God we are there to listen and then share with them what was shown to them to help them with that understanding. This continues as God reveals more to them in their journey through life. The teachings never stop unless they decide to stop them. The old ones said we could live three life times and not learn it all as God is so great.
The old grandmothers encourage us to always come before God in humbleness and humility. And frown when we think we are better then anyone else. They remind us that we are here only to become the best person we can be. So we are only in competition with ourself. Sort of the old US Army commercial of be all you can be. I encourage be all you can be with God and let God assist you in your growth spiritiually.
You went from non believer to believer through the grace of God. Because of this you have a deep appreciation for with your experiences with God. There is what i have shared with others including Christians is the different levels of faith. There are the nonbelievers which is sad as they have no idea what they are missing. I do not judge them as they have free will. I pray they will find God. Then there are those who want a little religion or they come to a point they are comfortable and remain there. The there are the ones that want to be all they can be. I always recommend be all you can be with God teaching this to you.
And for those who had walked away and returned I give thanks in prayer. I am thankful they realized what they are missing and returned back to God. I only see it as a learning experience that helped them appreciate God even more. We will keep praying that all people will return back to God, and that we all come together and heal.But we will never interfere with free will. the choice must always come from their own heart.
They are playing this smartly.
Exactly, they are exposing the evil ones.
They are also showing the world that they are not monsters and are capable of empathy and respect. In the case of the Iranian people, I know that is correct. In the case of the Iranian leadership, I have a different view. However, regardless, I support anything that might cause clearer heads to prevail as opposed to rushing pell mell into WWIII so the MIC can buy some more yachts.
Amen, we had seen al three religions get along peacefully on Syria until Obummer and HRC pulled their crap . Then Obummer and HRC and their crap in Libya made slavery possible again. As Africans were being again sold into slavery. Notice the same MSM that cry BLM were silent on the Africans being sold as slves in Libya.
I agree time for cooler heads to prevail and time for peace and healing for all.
Makes one wonder why they don't condemn the radicals who kill Christians based on them not following Islam. I've always wondered about that. If they believe Jesus was a prophet, then puts Him on equal footing with Mohammed in their religion.
Thats how the Globalists played it. They had either side kill the other so we would blame each other. look at who was blamed for 9-11 and then who was wiring the towers for demolition ? Thei look at Bush Jr and manufactured evidence of WMD supported by Blair and they both knew the intel was manufactured. They both are guilty of starting a illegal war.
They should behead him. Send a message to “queer’s for Palestine” 🤔
Military Tribunals for Crimes against humanity work for me.
Muslims don't revere Jesus at all. People need to understand Islam better
Some do. Jesus is mentioned in the Koran. Mohammed himself said Jesus was a prophet like him.
No one knows what Muhammad said. No one knows what the Quran said either.
Well, I know what the translated version said in 1984 when I took honors world religions in college.
You could read Arabic and read the Arabic version and you are getting sold a bill of bullshit. Islam is a false religion made up to denigrate Jesus
HOnoRs WorLD ReLiGionS
I remember they consider Jesus a prohpet and teacher and not the son of God. I also remember in Syria that all the religions got along until Obummer and HRC pulled their crap.
You've read the Quran in Arabic huh? Or you heard those things from people commanded by their prophet to lie in order to conquer you
Do you believe the Pope is any better then Mohammed. All religions have been hijacked by fanatics in time that only serve a evil master. Europe had their Holy Wars also. It is those fanatics around the world that brought suffering to those who wished to live in peace and wordhip God. These evil ones feed their own greed under whoevers name they used for God. That deception came from only one source that was cast from heaven. It all needs to be cleaned and brought back to what God had always wanted it to be.
Islam was founded as such. Comparing the current Pope to the fictional Muhammad, the anti-Christ based on how he supposedly founded Islam is a nonsensical comparison. It also falls flat because I'm not catholic so who gives a fuck, fuck the pope as well
It has always been your right to choose and make foolish decisions. Evil is Evil and should never be ignored. Evil has always come from the same source.
Yep, and that evil is the entirety of Islam which is founded as enemies of God
You fell right back into the trap that has plagued humanity. When people understand their are only two energies that affect our lives. One being Positive energy from God the other being negative energy from the Devil. If all of humanity only accepted the positive energies it would be on earth as it is in heaven. It was never complicated, only humans made it complicated.
Also the crusades were just responses to Muslim aggression.
Exactly my point. Both sides started things at one time or another. Just like the protestant reformation wars in Europe. Jesus would have sat down in peace and discussed this, the wars were decided by man. And on the Protestant Reformation wars both sides defended or started the aggression claiming they were doing this for Jesus and God.
Okay, but we're discussing Islamic aggression not inter religion wars. Jesus would've tried for peace certainly, but Islam does not have peace until all nonbelievers are dead
“The enemy of my greatest ally is my friend.”
Or something like that.
Isn’t it the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Think this originated from someone who eventually was imprisoned and beheaded by their enemy so, might not have a good ending.
Depends on who your greatest ally is.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Or at least they can be allies, even if temporary ones. Time will tell.
Once everyone see's who divided us and caused the trouble ,peace will reign around the world.
No, it won't, until they become Christian they will continue lying to deceive us as Muhammad told them too. War will.never end on Earth, did you read the story of the tower of Babel