posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +245 / -0

100% paper ballots which provide a physical record of the voter's intent

  • Use of paper ballot counting machines, not voting machines
  • Strict chain of custody for ballots with daily reconciliation during early voting
  • Application required to receive a mail ballot - no mass mailing of ballots
  • Counting machines tested prior to every election
  • Counting machines not connected to the internet
  • Drop boxes under 24/7 monitoring

Here's what has already been done in the lead up to this EO being issued:

  • Removal of almost 80k deceased voters from the rolls requirement of a full 9 digit social security number, proof of identity, and proof of legal status when registering to vote.
  • Audits of list maintenance practices
  • Regular National Change of Address mailings to identify voters who no longer live in VA
  • Streamlining of process of removing deceased voters, improving access to databases, and comprehensive auditing of voter rolls

You can read the Order here: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/eo/EO-35-Comprehensive-Election-Security-Ensuring-Legal-Voters-and-Accurate-Counting---vF---8.7.24.pdf