Very valid point. Every one else, especially those who specialise in basic rights are vilified, ignored or harassed throughout their life with lawwfare.
Isn't it amazing how this man's speech seems to enter the brain as ready-made knowledge, with scarcely any processing required first to convert the words into information
Jordan Peterson has a similar effect...Thomas Sowell as well, and to a great extent Ben Shapiro to name just a few
That's the mark of an actual good communicator who wants you to understand, not dazzle you with word salad like Obama and Harris in hopes that you don't question then.
Looks like the legal system has turned into a big gobbley monster.
You make a post - someone makes a complaint - cops get an arrest - courts get a conviction. Pay the fine or do the time. Rinse and repeat until society learns the rules.
This is pretty big happenings in the UK. I do believe we are at a crossroads.
This video is old - 2012 - and the law he referred to has already been amended (see ) - fat lot of good that did though considering current events. Looks like we need another campaign.
Anyone who has carried water for the deep state should be fired, fined, and stripped of their qualification for any job in govt or management. Their voting rights should also be suspended
ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS SPEECH. If only more celebrities would use there INFLUENCE for good the world would change even quicker.
He is more than a celebrity. He is a highly intelligent, well educated Oxford alumni.
I remember a documentary about him a few years ago, very impressive guy.
YES I am aware of his other attributes, BUT if he wasn,t A Celebrity aka Mr Bean, no one would give him a press conference.
He'll always be Black Adder to me.
Sodoff baldrick!
Aye. Can't stand Mr. Bean; Loved Mr. Blackadder.
He'll always be Mr. Bean to me. Love Rowan. Glad he is speaking out!
You should see him in the dramatic role of Inspector Maigret. If you've only seen his comedies, you'll be quite surprised and impressed.
A point which he addresses in his speech.
Very valid point. Every one else, especially those who specialise in basic rights are vilified, ignored or harassed throughout their life with lawwfare.
His degree is also in electrical engineering, not some liberal arts nonsense vanity degree.
Back when electoral engineering required very high iq I would add. All calls done on a slide rule.
I have my old one in my desk still, barely remember how it worked 😀
in electrical engineering
Grammar police have arrived. Do you have a loicence for dat dictionary guvnor?
Your nicked sah.
Isn't it amazing how this man's speech seems to enter the brain as ready-made knowledge, with scarcely any processing required first to convert the words into information
Jordan Peterson has a similar effect...Thomas Sowell as well, and to a great extent Ben Shapiro to name just a few
Ben Shapiro is a huge whiney cuck dude. Not comparable to the others.
That's the mark of an actual good communicator who wants you to understand, not dazzle you with word salad like Obama and Harris in hopes that you don't question then.
I purpose a two state solution for Great Britain.
Yeah. One for actual English people, and the other one for actual English people.
The Mohammedans don't get half the country.
What an absolute hero!
He's sticking his neck out for free speech.
This guy could easily keep his mouth shut, he's been in the propaganda system environment his whole life, his fans include normies and lefties.
He is, in his way, a whistleblower.
He nailed it.
Courageous speech.
Good point. Sociopaths are infuriated by criticism of any kind, even of the most minor sort.
The scene to which Rowan Atkinson refers re Police Constable Savage
He's right, back in the 1980s it was a joke but now it's become real.
Looks like the legal system has turned into a big gobbley monster. You make a post - someone makes a complaint - cops get an arrest - courts get a conviction. Pay the fine or do the time. Rinse and repeat until society learns the rules.
This is pretty big happenings in the UK. I do believe we are at a crossroads.
Those with a platform need to speak up. Elon is doing his part.
This video is old - 2012 - and the law he referred to has already been amended (see ) - fat lot of good that did though considering current events. Looks like we need another campaign.
Elon Musc tweeted that very video today, hence its actuality.
Yes. Relevant because just brought up and still an issue, though the prior “fix” was clearly insufficient.
Highly intelligent, principled man. NO doubt about to be black listed by all and sundry in the media etc.
Dont forget lawyers, Adulterers , the french, etc
Anyone who has carried water for the deep state should be fired, fined, and stripped of their qualification for any job in govt or management. Their voting rights should also be suspended
One of the most important aspects of freedom of speech is the freedom of others to hear that speech.
I'd say New PM right here, but he is probably too smart to take the job.
Can you imagine …!
I’d pay money to see that.
Mr. Bean for Prime Minister!!
Good for him, really love the way he approach these evil disciples the only thing I didn’t like was about OBOSO SOETORO.
Will the UK still want to arrest Elon in the USA for posting this?
Applause. Excellent. Now you are ready for the ultimate primer on free speech, On Liberty, by John Stewart Mills.
Tells us where we are as a society, that something that goes without saying, has to be said, and is deemed a brave act when it is said.
All love for Mr. Bean! 🫘