Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake
Yesterday, as I watched a podcast about my favorite NFL football team, a commercial interrupted my reverie. Yes, I know. Podcasts have commercials. However, this was not one of those “buy this, buy that, take th...
When Fox called it for Joe Biden— that too was fake. Yet past 4 years has been real AF!
...valid observation...
not really
And I’m still angry at those two FOX puppets—Baer and McCallum.
Have they?
When Dana Bash asked her what she was going to do on her first day as president, kamel paused (you know when you put yourself into that situation mentally) and the look on her face was one of despair. There was no glow in her fish eye. Any other person aspiring to run for president would have a very clear picture of what that would feel like, filled with awe and pride. But not Kamel because she already knows it’s never going to happen. She most likely does not even want the job because she is inherently lazy and does not want to be bothered. Much like Big Mike and Oprah, they would rather throw stones from their glass houses than get their hands dirty with hard work
I really couldn't believe that interview. It was like a really bad Seinfeld episode... What they couldn't even spring for lights? Was she drunk again?
AND... She was SOOOO full of 💩💩💩...
And that POS Tampax... asshole was asked about "carrying weapons in battle" - and...
No Timmy, you have a lying POS 💩💩💩 problem. She had to ask you three times and you still dodged it... Why not just say you misspoke?
These people are such assholes... This whole Plan thing BETTER be real because we ain't goin out like this...
Think she will debate?
I thought she was a master debater.
Shes the sword swallower at the freak show.
Yes the polls are fake. Trump has his base locked up with extra low propensity voters thrown in. Trump is up double digits with the independents. Trump is focused now on getting as many votes as possible out of the democrat base. He has nearly 50% of the Hispanic vote. He has about 25% of the black vote and I believe he will be over 50% by Election Day. He is picking up a bunch of 65+ votes with the no taxes on social security. Trump is making inroads with the youth vote using social media. And lastly, he is making inroads with suburban women due to safety, inflation and schools.
This looks a lot more like a landslide than tied or behind. I am predicting that Trump goes over 100 Million in the popular vote.
I think the Trump team is going to take big bites out of the democrat cheating to secure the win.
...let's pray that your observations prove presceint...
Trump is also publicly making statements on not supporting the 6 week abortion ban. Something tells me his internal polling shows abortion is a huge issues amongst female voters that may cause big issues down the road.
What’s sad is that it shouldn’t be, but young women especially are easily swayed by emotional appeals and hyperbole. As a youngish woman myself, it pisses me off to no end that there’s so much focus on the “right” to kill your baby but not on anything that actually matters in a presidential candidate 🤦🏼♀️
"easily swayed by emotional appeals and hyperbole"
The exact reason they shouldn't be voting in the first place.
The following excerpt from an interview with Ralph Reed (a friend of President Trump and long-time lobbyist for Evangelical Christian policies) sheds a lot of light into what's going on:
Tina Nguyen: Let’s start with an easy, non-controversial topic. Voters have overwhelmingly turned out to enshrine abortion access in their state constitutions, and often cite a candidate’s position on the topic as a deciding factor in the voting booth. The issue will be on the ballots in swing states like Colorado and Florida in November. What do you make of the backlash to Dobbs?
Ralph Reed: On the 40th anniversary of Roe, Time magazine had that famous cover where they said the feminists won a historic victory with Roe v. Wade. The sub headline was “… and they’ve been losing ever since”—which was true. From the time of Roe until Dobbs, the feminists in the pro-abortion lobby did nothing but lose. And we began our long march through the institutions, through the courts, through Congress, through the presidency, and through state legislatures, and systematically restricted abortion and protected innocent human life. My greatest concern is that 40 years from now, somebody’s going to write a headline like that about us: that Dobbs was the greatest victory in the history of our movement—and then after that, all we did was lose. And so the question is, what do we do about that?
I think the answer is that we respond in the post-Dobbs environment exactly the way we did in the post-Roe environment, in the sense that it’s all about state legislative action. The Democrats are the real extremists here—and Joe Biden is the real extremist—because they’re for abortion on demand. You can debate when [life begins], but for all practical purposes, [they claim that it’s] at any stage of pregnancy, and they want to pay for it with tax dollars—which means repealing the Hyde Amendment, which Joe Biden supported for 42 years. If you do the polling on this, by the way, the majority of the American people are fine with restrictions, at the absolute latest, after the first trimester.
I guess it was in Hillary’s interview with The New York Times that created so much buzz, in which she said, “Our formula was always safe, legal, and rare.” Remember, Roe was based on a trimester system, and the argument was that after the first trimester, it was going to be possible to restrict, and therefore it would be very rare. And it would be legal, and therefore safe. And she said that her campaign advisors told her, “You can’t say ‘rare’ anymore.” That’s when the party transitioned to on-demand, making it paid for under Medicaid. It’s treated as if it’s a positive good.
Elective abortions paid for under Medicaid, which the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, has estimated to have led to as many as 300,000 additional abortions a year—if you do the polling on this, our position is a winning position. It’s where the majority of the American people are. They don’t want unlimited abortion, and they don’t want to pay for [it with] tax dollars. The problem is that in a campaign environment, that’s doing us very little good, because they’re able to run these ads saying, “So and so is for a federal ban on abortion.” And after that, you’re explaining, and when you’re explaining, you’re losing.
We just have to plow through this current environment. President Trump, who will be the nominee, is going to emphasize state legislative action. We should emphasize state legislative action. And neither the pro-choice nor the pro-abortion side is going to be able to pass any sweeping federal legislation anyway.
The pro-abortion movement is enjoying a short-term sugar high with these initiative and referendum victories, but eventually those will come to an end. Because there’s a limit to the number of states that have initiative and referendum [systems]. And then it’ll be our turn. We’ll go state by state and do what we did before Dobbs.
Tina Nguyen: That sugar high will drive Democrats and pro-choice Republicans out to vote in this election cycle, though. What are G.O.P. candidates saying to you about how they plan to navigate this environment?
Ralph Reed: First of all, this has been a highly organic process, worked out between candidates, campaign strategists, the party, the pro-life and pro-family movement, all working symbiotically and in a highly organic fashion to arrive at what to do. What you’re seeing is candidates saying either, “I don’t support a federal bill,” or if they don’t say that, they certainly say, “A federal bill isn’t going to move anytime soon.” Steve Daines said that, and he’s the chair of the Senatorial Committee. Mike Johnson has said that.
The second thing that they say is, “I support my state. I support my state’s legislation.” That’s what Rick Scott has said in Florida. He said, “I support the Florida legislation, but there’s not going to be any federal legislation.” And if you look at the polling, that’s where most voters are in terms of these initiatives. For candidates, I think you just say what Rubio, Rick Scott, Kari Lake, and others have said: This is abortion on demand, unlimited, at any stage of pregnancy. The good news is that in Florida they need 60 percent. I’m not saying they can’t get 60 percent, but I can tell you it’s going to be hard.
Tina Nguyen: You don’t think Trump loses trust among evangelicals by declining to back a national ban?
He is going to be given significantly more slack from the evangelical and pro-life voters because of everything that he did to deliver on the life issue as president. I have to be honest with you, I don’t know that anybody other than Trump would get that running room. He gets that forgiveness because he delivered and kept his promises on the courts, on defunding Planned Parenthood. He spoke to the March for Life. Would any other candidate be given that level of deference? I doubt it.
Great view of the battlefield.
Yep those podcasts aside let's not forget that for the Musk and Trump talk 70% of the listeners were under 35.
Amen! Agree been feeling the SAME WAY!!
Nobody likes her not even the Demorats.
Always was. Shit, according to authority media only 1% of Cali (where she was Senatard) supported her during the 2020 primaries. Everything is fake and ghey
So are the votes....
Their going to use the polls to justify their cheating. The sec of state of michigan said that any electors who challenge the election result this year will be targeted for prison. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania said that it could take several days to know who won there. 3 swing states refuse to take RFK off the ballot even though he requested it. They will try to steal it again. I just hope Trump's people actually have a solid plan to stop them.
Trump won in 2016 even though they had padded the vote as they normally do.
Trump was a great president. Great economy, jobs and no wars. Social media fought back against MSM lies.
Dems brought out a candidate that was possibly worse than Hillary. But he got 81 million votes?
Now they’ve brought a candidate that is even worse than both. The VP choice is even worse than her.
But yeah, Kamala is leading somehow.
Trump is up 70-30 or better.
We know the polls are fake, but the lost ones will believe it, so when the election is stolen, they will smile and say, "I knew she would win!"
It is gas-lighting for the steal and to push voter suppression
It’s the fake election that follows the fake polls that I’m concerned about
Biden's win in 2020 was fake too
Just drove through deep PA to visit Cook Forest. I must have seen hundreds of flags/Trump signs. It was not until I got back to outside the City of Reading that I saw one, (yes only one) Kamala sign.
As OP stated, don't worry about the polls.
People who live in these rural areas know the impact inflation/regulations has had on their way of life. So much of these areas are stricken in poverty. The Scamdemic shut down a lot of these businesses that were holding on...was sad to see. These people will not forgot when they go to the polls in November.
The fake polls are not to fool us, they are to support their steal of a fraudulent election by proving their polls were right. Remember when Trump ran against Hilary, Hilary was suppose win by 95 to 5% but "someone" stopped the steal. Hilary and the MSM had a meltdown because they KNEW it was a done deal before the election took place.
It was glorious watching them pour through papers trying to figure it out.."where's the Hispanic vote in fla?"
Reminder that they’re not trying to convince you to vote for her, they’re trying to convince you that others are voting for her, so they can steal it AGAIN. Call out their bullshit every chance we get
That's what they want you to believe, Hammer down everyone.
Just the mear fact people still buy into polls after 2020 is truly astonishing. Even people here are still chirping about how close the feckless drone is to Trump in "polls". Remember one simple thing, we don't answer polls. Most polls are the enemy trying to gain Intel on where they stand and that includes masquerading as a conservative groups.
Yeah the lead in polls is fake, but they are only doing it to lend validation to the steal
...that seems to be the consensus here...
What, me worry?
...Dad had that tattooed on his arm...
Then you must remember Mad Magazine and Alfred E. Neuman. That was one of the joys of my youth, what a GREAT magazine!!!!
...wonderfully subversive...
What they are not counting is those of us who refuse to participate in polls because we don't want them to know how hard to cheat.
I don't believe for a minute Cackles is leading Trump. The dems have long been running hypothetical matchups Trump vs Whoever. If any of the other candidates did any better than Dementia Joe, they would have put them up already. They are just trying to push the "tight election" narrative so they can get by with late "water main breaks" in Phily, Atlanta, Milwaukee, etc.
...the only "water issues" will be in the trousers of Kamala's apparatchiks...
...doggy winks...
True and we all know it's fake. However they are doing this so when they cheat and win they can tell everyone "remember, she had a lead in the polls...blah blah lie lie blah"
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
George Orwell
Normies don't operate in reality. They need to be stirred to vote, let them be a little scared to have them wanting to vote against her. If they think it's in the bag with Trump, they may not vote because why we're gonna win. Which may even work in reverse that the democrat side thinks Kamala has it no problem. If either side feels it's on the line, they will feel like they have to fight to vote. If they feel it's hopeless, they may not vote. Probably a delicate balance somewhere.
...valid observation, nicely stated...
Stopped worrying years ago. What I find interesting is the deep state / cobal show us who is the boss and greater and greater levels of evil all while people in the USA are still not up to par to the level of evil they do.
All of USA know Trump won 2020 and we keep watching g them torment Trump.
It is the greatest sickness I have experienced my whole life. It is so evil but I do not worry. I pray that USA will have a repentance. I am not holding my breath though.
We will fall is God is against the USA and we are in the biggest holiest war in centuries and the largest portion on the USA people know more about how many touchdowns took place last season of nfl than they do about the truth of what is going on.
USA and western culture is setup to be destroyed under the disguise of being Satanists and yet we might be the worst the world has ever seen since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah…
Is there enough Salt?
...Valid observations...
...compelling addendum...