The Bible says nothing about Mary Magdalene being a whore. That was perpetuated by the Catholic Church approximately 300 years after the Bible was released. They wanted to diminish her standing among the men. Their behavior hasn't changed any. They just don't want women around.
Catholics are the original Christians. Catholics assembled the Bible & Protestants are missing seven books after Luther removed them. He attempted to remove even more, but his followers stopped him.
The assembly of the biblical canon, both Old and New Testament, occurred over several centuries and involved different processes for the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament).
Old Testament Canon
The Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament, was largely established by Jewish religious leaders over centuries. It is traditionally believed that the Law (Torah) was completed and recognized as authoritative by around 400 B.C. The Prophets (Nevi'im) and the Writings (Ketuvim) were gradually accepted over time, with the Hebrew canon being solidified by the time of Jesus.
By the first century A.D., the Old Testament books were essentially agreed upon in Jewish tradition, with three main divisions:
The Torah (the first five books)
The Nevi'im (the Prophets)
The Ketuvim (the Writings)
The Council of Jamnia (c. A.D. 90) is sometimes cited as a key moment in confirming the Hebrew canon, although evidence for a formal council is debated. Nonetheless, by the end of the first century, the Hebrew Scriptures had been settled.
New Testament Canon
The process for assembling the New Testament canon was more drawn out, emerging over the first few centuries of Christianity. Early church leaders used several criteria for recognizing books as Scripture:
Apostolic authorship or close connection to the apostles
Consistency with Christian doctrine
Widespread usage in churches for teaching and worship
Key figures in the canonization process include:
Athanasius of Alexandria: His Easter letter in 367 A.D. was the first known document to list all 27 books of the New Testament as canonical.
Councils of Hippo (393 A.D.) and Carthage (397 A.D.): These councils affirmed the 27 books of the New Testament, as they had already been widely accepted by churches.
God's Sovereignty in the Canonization Process
From a classical Judeo-Christian perspective, God sovereignly guided the process of canonization through the work of His Spirit in the church. Although human councils and leaders played roles in formally recognizing the canon, it is believed that God ultimately determined which books were inspired and authoritative.
In summary, the Old Testament canon was formed over centuries within the Jewish community, while the New Testament canon was recognized through the early church solidifying by the 4th century A.D.
Catholics are not the original Christians, one can focus on the following points:
Apostolic Christianity: The earliest Christians, including the apostles, followed a simple form of faith based on Scripture and direct teachings from Jesus Christ. These early believers met in homes, emphasized salvation through faith alone, and adhered to biblical teachings without many of the later developments seen in Catholicism.
Gradual Development of Catholic Doctrine: Many Catholic doctrines (e.g., papal infallibility, veneration of Mary, indulgences) developed over centuries and are not found in the New Testament or early Christian writings. These teachings diverged from the original apostolic practices, reflecting an evolution rather than a continuation of the early faith.
The Great Schism and Protestant Reformation: The Christian Church experienced several splits, most notably the Great Schism of 1054 (East-West) and the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Reformers like Martin Luther argued that the Catholic Church had deviated from original Christianity, calling for a return to biblical authority and the simplicity of early Christian faith.
Biblical Authority Over Tradition: Early Christianity was rooted in the authority of Scripture, whereas Catholicism gives equal weight to church tradition. Protestants argue that this addition of extra-biblical tradition represents a departure from the foundational teachings of the apostles.
In conclusion, those who argue that Catholicism isn't the original form of Christianity claim that the early church was simpler, biblically grounded, and free of many later Catholic practices. Therefore, Catholicism is viewed as a development that diverged from the original apostolic faith.
I'll add my biggest personal hang up (of many) with Catholicism here.... Neither Catholic priests nor the Pope meet the biblical requirements laid out in scripture for a pastor or an elder. Period.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-9
A pastor or elder must be a married man. A pastor must be a married man with faithful and obedient children.
This is God's commanded structure for His Church and The shepherds of His flock.
The Catholic Church demands clerical celibacy and doesn't allow priests to be married.
Catholism is the completion of Judaism. Its interesting to note that Jews didn't like the fact that Catholics included seven books to the old Testiment; Martin Luther comes around & removes the books they wanted out of the Cannon. He also was a follower of the Kabbalah.
Protestantism is judiased Christianity. I like Christianity, hold the Judeo.
I love Catholics, but.. the body of Christ is the body of Christ. Plenty of more pressing issues than praying for Christians to become different Christians, imo
The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
In fact, Luther’s first German translation was missing 25 books (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Esther, Job, Ecclesiastes, Jonah, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation. He referred to the Epistle of James as “straw not worthy to be burned in my oven as tinder.” The rest he called “Judaizing nonsense.” Subsequent Protestants, deciding that Luther wasn’t really inspired by the Holy Spirit, replaced most of the books he had removed.
Maybe I’m basic, but all the quarreling over deep church omissions and esoteric Biblical debate is somewhat off-putting to those of us who are learning to walk with Christ. As a recovering agnostic, I have chosen my own generic path, because I see all the back and forth between the religiously devout, and choose “disorganized” religion over the brand names. Perhaps that is what we need right now— unity over bickering about details we cannot prove or disprove. I know people can be passionate about these things, but shouldn’t Christ’s Love be held above anything else?
Its a journey for all of us.I was a cradel Catholic until the Pedo stuff came out. Stepped away for decades but my journey made me learn about an clandestine war between Catholics & secret societies that has been going on for Centuries. Then it was learning about Child Saints like Saint Simon of Trent, Saint William of Norwich, Knights templar worshiping the Baphomet...
Then learning about the Judeo-Masonic infiltration of the Church that happened in the 20th Century. Finally, during 2020, when Revolutionaries burned down Catholic historic Churches across the world, that was my breaking point. I went from being a critic of the (original) Church to a defender of her.
There is a lot of hate for the Church from all sides, hence why I feel a need to boldy proclaim her. God bless & good luck on your journey!
Q's first image to be posted was of Washington crossing the Delaware river on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Q movement is about one group of Christians finding it necessary to slit the throats of other Christians on Christmas. Over an issue of just wanting to be separate from the Jew-controlled Holy Roman Empire based out of Frankfurt. The Americans just didn't want to maintain a relationship with England (or pay taxes to the Rothschilds).
King George was being an Ecumenical cuck. He said: "Let's end the bickering, we believe in so much, just lay down your arms, let Christ's love compel us towards unity." Forget King George and forget ecumenical cucks.
I'm giving Trump and the Catholic outsiders some benefit of the doubt, because obviously now is not the time to start a Holy War when the Military's mission is to avoid starting Civil War and it is trying to calm people down so they don't get carried away and start firebombing Synagogues and Mosques and Catholic parishes and Federal Buildings in the coming months.
I think the Military can't and doesn't want to establish a religion, so they won't. But like Trump often does, he points at something, and people talk about it.
This board, and the 4chan boards are full of comments for and against Catholicism. For and against Ecumenical efforts. These boards are archived and will be studied in the future. Every school in the United States will want to read what Annons were talking about and warning about, and thinking about in the years before the Storm.
The Biblical Christian Faith as taught by Christ is unique (it is unlike any other faith or school of thought) in that it prophesizes that with each day the Apostate church grows, and false converts continuously water down the scripture until the Ecumenical World Religion of Universalism takes over and exults itself over God. God then destroys the world with fire. Ecumenical efforts provoke God to destroy the world.
Anyone who teaches "All faiths are legitimate, all religions come from God" is sent by the Devil. The devil can and does initiate long cons and he can play good cop and bad cop.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
And "By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly."
I'd rather die in a gulag than so much as eat a meal with an Ecumenical proselytizer.
This. A few months ago, a Catholic told me I am surely going to hell because I was too "cheap" to not pay several thousand dollars 50 years ago to become a Catholic (most of a year's salary for me and my husband to get annulment from our 1st marriages. I have since found that I could have passed the not baptized test because I was mormon and Catholics don't recognize mormon baptism)
I miss the literagy. A lot. But I know if I continued attendance, I would be having endless encounters over church policy and no one would put up with my contraryness. I have considered attending Catholic services and sitting in the back and leaving a few minutes early. I can't take the Eucharist, so there's that also.
Melania is a devout Catholic. I am praying for his conversion & the conversion of the country.
love it! Mary is one of my the favorites, and Fatima was in 1917🐸
And yes lots of Catholics in Q's movie! I noticed that he frequently mentioned the poor treatment of Catholics during his Iowa caucus rallies,
definitely think he appreciates them and wants to help. of course the Kennedy's were/are Catholic too.
And can't forget JB...
Also right after he became president, the dinner with HRC.
Making jokes about how HRC 'pretends she doesn't hate Catholics'.
exactly^ which makes me wonder even more about HRC's role in all of this...
she plays along well with his insults, etc. so many meme-worthy expressions
As she sat next to Cardinal Dolan!
I think that Catholic dinner was before the election, IIRC. But yes, he was dropping a lot of truth bombs that night.
Amen. Lets hope the devout finally learn what the real 3rd Secret revealed.
yes I can't wait. also remember reading that Kennedy was told about Fatima, adds another layer to his story...
Watch this, the Hermit of Loretto predicted Trump would lead America back to God.
The Bible says nothing about Mary Magdalene being a whore. That was perpetuated by the Catholic Church approximately 300 years after the Bible was released. They wanted to diminish her standing among the men. Their behavior hasn't changed any. They just don't want women around.
Did you learn that from Dan Brown?
Who's talking about Mary Magdalene???
conversion from Christian to Catholic?
Catholics are the original Christians. Catholics assembled the Bible & Protestants are missing seven books after Luther removed them. He attempted to remove even more, but his followers stopped him.
Lol what a wild misrepresentation.
The assembly of the biblical canon, both Old and New Testament, occurred over several centuries and involved different processes for the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament).
Old Testament Canon
The Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament, was largely established by Jewish religious leaders over centuries. It is traditionally believed that the Law (Torah) was completed and recognized as authoritative by around 400 B.C. The Prophets (Nevi'im) and the Writings (Ketuvim) were gradually accepted over time, with the Hebrew canon being solidified by the time of Jesus.
By the first century A.D., the Old Testament books were essentially agreed upon in Jewish tradition, with three main divisions:
The Torah (the first five books)
The Nevi'im (the Prophets)
The Ketuvim (the Writings)
The Council of Jamnia (c. A.D. 90) is sometimes cited as a key moment in confirming the Hebrew canon, although evidence for a formal council is debated. Nonetheless, by the end of the first century, the Hebrew Scriptures had been settled.
New Testament Canon
The process for assembling the New Testament canon was more drawn out, emerging over the first few centuries of Christianity. Early church leaders used several criteria for recognizing books as Scripture:
Apostolic authorship or close connection to the apostles
Consistency with Christian doctrine
Widespread usage in churches for teaching and worship
Key figures in the canonization process include:
Athanasius of Alexandria: His Easter letter in 367 A.D. was the first known document to list all 27 books of the New Testament as canonical.
Councils of Hippo (393 A.D.) and Carthage (397 A.D.): These councils affirmed the 27 books of the New Testament, as they had already been widely accepted by churches.
God's Sovereignty in the Canonization Process
From a classical Judeo-Christian perspective, God sovereignly guided the process of canonization through the work of His Spirit in the church. Although human councils and leaders played roles in formally recognizing the canon, it is believed that God ultimately determined which books were inspired and authoritative.
In summary, the Old Testament canon was formed over centuries within the Jewish community, while the New Testament canon was recognized through the early church solidifying by the 4th century A.D.
Catholics are not the original Christians, one can focus on the following points:
Apostolic Christianity: The earliest Christians, including the apostles, followed a simple form of faith based on Scripture and direct teachings from Jesus Christ. These early believers met in homes, emphasized salvation through faith alone, and adhered to biblical teachings without many of the later developments seen in Catholicism.
Gradual Development of Catholic Doctrine: Many Catholic doctrines (e.g., papal infallibility, veneration of Mary, indulgences) developed over centuries and are not found in the New Testament or early Christian writings. These teachings diverged from the original apostolic practices, reflecting an evolution rather than a continuation of the early faith.
The Great Schism and Protestant Reformation: The Christian Church experienced several splits, most notably the Great Schism of 1054 (East-West) and the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Reformers like Martin Luther argued that the Catholic Church had deviated from original Christianity, calling for a return to biblical authority and the simplicity of early Christian faith.
Biblical Authority Over Tradition: Early Christianity was rooted in the authority of Scripture, whereas Catholicism gives equal weight to church tradition. Protestants argue that this addition of extra-biblical tradition represents a departure from the foundational teachings of the apostles.
In conclusion, those who argue that Catholicism isn't the original form of Christianity claim that the early church was simpler, biblically grounded, and free of many later Catholic practices. Therefore, Catholicism is viewed as a development that diverged from the original apostolic faith.
I'll add my biggest personal hang up (of many) with Catholicism here.... Neither Catholic priests nor the Pope meet the biblical requirements laid out in scripture for a pastor or an elder. Period.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-9
A pastor or elder must be a married man. A pastor must be a married man with faithful and obedient children.
This is God's commanded structure for His Church and The shepherds of His flock.
The Catholic Church demands clerical celibacy and doesn't allow priests to be married.
God's Word > Catholic traditions
Very well said.
So "true" Christianity didnt come into being until a obese Catholic Monk broke his vows, married a nun & edited the bible in the year 1517? Got it.
I'll stick with the original, thanks!
In conclusion " without putting words in your mouth" consensus does not equal correct.
Thank you.
Actually, jews are the original Christians. Catholics love to steal the title.
Christians are the original Christians.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." ~2 Corinthians 5:17
you are not wrong.
Catholism is the completion of Judaism. Its interesting to note that Jews didn't like the fact that Catholics included seven books to the old Testiment; Martin Luther comes around & removes the books they wanted out of the Cannon. He also was a follower of the Kabbalah.
Protestantism is judiased Christianity. I like Christianity, hold the Judeo.
And the kazarians (modern day Ukraine) were known as the name stealers
I love Catholics, but.. the body of Christ is the body of Christ. Plenty of more pressing issues than praying for Christians to become different Christians, imo
I'm praying for the unity of the Christian faith as it was for over a millenia. A divided house cannot stand but we are all in this together!
Luther never removed a single book, in fact he translated all of them in his German bible that he presented to Frederick.
He removed books and added words, fact.
The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
In fact, Luther’s first German translation was missing 25 books (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Esther, Job, Ecclesiastes, Jonah, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation. He referred to the Epistle of James as “straw not worthy to be burned in my oven as tinder.” The rest he called “Judaizing nonsense.” Subsequent Protestants, deciding that Luther wasn’t really inspired by the Holy Spirit, replaced most of the books he had removed.
Maybe I’m basic, but all the quarreling over deep church omissions and esoteric Biblical debate is somewhat off-putting to those of us who are learning to walk with Christ. As a recovering agnostic, I have chosen my own generic path, because I see all the back and forth between the religiously devout, and choose “disorganized” religion over the brand names. Perhaps that is what we need right now— unity over bickering about details we cannot prove or disprove. I know people can be passionate about these things, but shouldn’t Christ’s Love be held above anything else?
Its a journey for all of us.I was a cradel Catholic until the Pedo stuff came out. Stepped away for decades but my journey made me learn about an clandestine war between Catholics & secret societies that has been going on for Centuries. Then it was learning about Child Saints like Saint Simon of Trent, Saint William of Norwich, Knights templar worshiping the Baphomet...
Then learning about the Judeo-Masonic infiltration of the Church that happened in the 20th Century. Finally, during 2020, when Revolutionaries burned down Catholic historic Churches across the world, that was my breaking point. I went from being a critic of the (original) Church to a defender of her.
There is a lot of hate for the Church from all sides, hence why I feel a need to boldy proclaim her. God bless & good luck on your journey!
God bless you GR! i def think of relationship with Jesus over religion. there is way too much bickering over religion. talk more about relationship.
i agree with you that Christ's Love should be above all else.
Thank you! Bless you as well, Godknowstheheart!
Q's first image to be posted was of Washington crossing the Delaware river on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Q movement is about one group of Christians finding it necessary to slit the throats of other Christians on Christmas. Over an issue of just wanting to be separate from the Jew-controlled Holy Roman Empire based out of Frankfurt. The Americans just didn't want to maintain a relationship with England (or pay taxes to the Rothschilds).
King George was being an Ecumenical cuck. He said: "Let's end the bickering, we believe in so much, just lay down your arms, let Christ's love compel us towards unity." Forget King George and forget ecumenical cucks.
I'm giving Trump and the Catholic outsiders some benefit of the doubt, because obviously now is not the time to start a Holy War when the Military's mission is to avoid starting Civil War and it is trying to calm people down so they don't get carried away and start firebombing Synagogues and Mosques and Catholic parishes and Federal Buildings in the coming months.
I think the Military can't and doesn't want to establish a religion, so they won't. But like Trump often does, he points at something, and people talk about it. This board, and the 4chan boards are full of comments for and against Catholicism. For and against Ecumenical efforts. These boards are archived and will be studied in the future. Every school in the United States will want to read what Annons were talking about and warning about, and thinking about in the years before the Storm.
The Biblical Christian Faith as taught by Christ is unique (it is unlike any other faith or school of thought) in that it prophesizes that with each day the Apostate church grows, and false converts continuously water down the scripture until the Ecumenical World Religion of Universalism takes over and exults itself over God. God then destroys the world with fire. Ecumenical efforts provoke God to destroy the world.
Anyone who teaches "All faiths are legitimate, all religions come from God" is sent by the Devil. The devil can and does initiate long cons and he can play good cop and bad cop.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
And "By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly."
I'd rather die in a gulag than so much as eat a meal with an Ecumenical proselytizer.
This. A few months ago, a Catholic told me I am surely going to hell because I was too "cheap" to not pay several thousand dollars 50 years ago to become a Catholic (most of a year's salary for me and my husband to get annulment from our 1st marriages. I have since found that I could have passed the not baptized test because I was mormon and Catholics don't recognize mormon baptism)
I miss the literagy. A lot. But I know if I continued attendance, I would be having endless encounters over church policy and no one would put up with my contraryness. I have considered attending Catholic services and sitting in the back and leaving a few minutes early. I can't take the Eucharist, so there's that also.
I’m pulling for the exact opposite.
I'm praying against it!
prepare for battle! 😆