Papa Doc Duvalier and his son destroyed Haiti. Most likely with plenty of help from the C_A. The Clintons and others took advantage of the chaos they left in their wake.
If true, a higher proprtion of them probably carry the warrior gene. Maybe more prone to violence, low impulse control. Would be interesting to compare Dominican Republic genes to Haitians
Great…. Stew Peters is reporting that IDF brass is meeting with NYC National Guard, city officials including the office of Asylum Seeker operations. Why don’t we dissolve the government and just hand it over to APAC.
I don't know who "Six Million" is -- so I have no way of knowing how much of that post is factual. There are reports from Springfield, Ohio that these Haitians are eating dogs and cats. But this is the first mention I've come across suggesting cannibalism.
If this is at all true....people can not afford to allow their children to be out of their sight. If this is a known practice in their culture -- how could anyone with any sense believe these people could "blend in" to our society? I do not understand the lack of common sense demonstrated by the Democrats. Their constituents would be in as much danger as anyone. Why import such a problem?
You need to read up. You apparently have no clue what the agenda of the DS is. That's OK. you are welcome to look around. Much to learn here but don't try to bite off too much at one time, it's scary true stuff
It's fine to help them, it's just curious why they don't go to neighboring countries and we could help with the resources or something (for those who want to help voluntarily)
I say we give them all free pagers.
Or eat them! Lol!
Those really would be Oblama Pagers! 😂😂😂
White liberals are detached from reality
That's a very nice way of putting it.
Haitians aren't going where the white liberals are though
Dominican Republic on same island thriving....
This is a wake up call that we really need some kind of large scale separation in general.
Like an actual border?
There is yet another factor to consider here: the DS through the Clintons wrecked Haiti...and still are doing so to this day.
Poetic justice would be to drop the Haitians at the Clinton’s back door and they do the Clintons what the Clintons did to Haiti.
I think it would be better for everyone to drop the Clintons in Haiti rather than the other way around.
Papa Doc Duvalier and his son destroyed Haiti. Most likely with plenty of help from the C_A. The Clintons and others took advantage of the chaos they left in their wake.
Dewines "wine" school too
Was this place a depository of incorrigibles during the slave trade? Not that there is anything wrong with that.
If true, a higher proprtion of them probably carry the warrior gene. Maybe more prone to violence, low impulse control. Would be interesting to compare Dominican Republic genes to Haitians
Why do you think the Clinton Global Foundation has been in Haiti for decades at this point?
No one wants this. It's being done to them. They think if they go along with their bully they'll eventually be left alone.
We've got something those other whites didn't have, though...
Great…. Stew Peters is reporting that IDF brass is meeting with NYC National Guard, city officials including the office of Asylum Seeker operations. Why don’t we dissolve the government and just hand it over to APAC.
The Kalergi Plan
Working as planned.
Yeah... but ya'll food bland tho
Carry some hot sauce in your purse for just that reason...
You ain’t black.
We need the tiny sliver of humanities future to unite under a religion that recognises the truth of private property, patriarchy and eugenics.
Six million ? Hmmmm
Can't take a guy who says "half breeds" seriously.
I don't know who "Six Million" is -- so I have no way of knowing how much of that post is factual. There are reports from Springfield, Ohio that these Haitians are eating dogs and cats. But this is the first mention I've come across suggesting cannibalism.
If this is at all true....people can not afford to allow their children to be out of their sight. If this is a known practice in their culture -- how could anyone with any sense believe these people could "blend in" to our society? I do not understand the lack of common sense demonstrated by the Democrats. Their constituents would be in as much danger as anyone. Why import such a problem?
You need to read up. You apparently have no clue what the agenda of the DS is. That's OK. you are welcome to look around. Much to learn here but don't try to bite off too much at one time, it's scary true stuff
It's fine to help them, it's just curious why they don't go to neighboring countries and we could help with the resources or something (for those who want to help voluntarily)
They are connected to the Dominican Republic...they don't want them
Their neighboring countries all hate them because they have been their neighbors.