"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
"against spiritual wickedness in high places" , i.e. against psychopathy in high positions
Yeah. Remember those stories about how Native American priests would sacrifice a virgin to appease the volcano?
So somebody found this tunnel on one of those volcanos close to the top full of female skeletons.
Definitely weren’t any “priests” or their business partners just screwing and eventually murdering the choicest females consequence free, surely, and having the population pay for them to do it and for their temples they used for it.. Surely nobody wouldconspirelike that!
Instead we say, “man, those people sure were stupid to think that pushing a person into a volcano would ‘appease the gods’.” No, WE are stupid for not seeing through these wicked peoples’ cover stories, that they’re still laughing at us every time they tell us about it and we still naively don’t get the joke.
This probably isn’t even that extreme of a case. Every now and then, I’ll bump into a story that definitely gives me the jeebies.
Ditto. I did too, probably bc we're normal human beings with normal, rational thinking, and can't wrap our brains around people who are that sick, that vile and that evil. The more examples we have like Epstein, Diddy, etc the easier the awakening will be for normies....I hope
We all have the potential to be that sick, vile & evil. Under just the right/ wrong circumstances anyone can snap. As long as you aren't literally perfect like Jesus...it could be any one of us.
My two younger brothers are a classic example. I remember talking to the youngest many years ago about some 9/11 research I had been doing.
I didn't propose any theories, just mentioned to him a number of facts that proved that there's no way the government narrative could be correct. My usually mellow little brother became positively irate with me. He could not handle the idea that elements of the government could be that evil.
Same thing goes for the C19 "vaccine"/mass murder campaign. If one takes a long look at the evidence, critical thinking dictates that you extrapolate some pretty scary things given that the entire Western world was in lockstep. Newspapers, network and cable TV, politicians, the entire medical industry, all of them perfectly aligned in telling you that your only salvation was The Jab.
You need some very, very powerful people pulling the rope to align all of those groups together. But that's simply too terrifying for most to consider.
The biggest, most evil secrets tend to keep themselves.
I think the elements that conspired to bring the evil of 911 were already perverted by evil before the event. All the banks were/are Rothschild agents. The medical industry is controlled by the Rockefellers. The news was consolidated down to 6 corporations. China bought the universities, and Bill Gates (the depopulation Czar) bought the farmland. All the corporations are consolidated into Magnimus or something like that. As long as child trafficking is the biggest money maker on the planet after war, current authority is aligned with evil.
i also have two younger brothers, that I am struggling to awaken. Which is ironic, because they never listened to anything from an authoritarian standpoint...
And people are so blind to failures of their churches,
The minister with the trans child? The bishops going to freak offs and grinding on his granddaughter, predatory priests molesting kids and handing out crucifixes so other priests would know the kid is easy prey.
But their church is special/different.... knowing and choosing to ignore the crimes and atrocities the hierarchy of their church leaders support and these people get their paycheck from....
Try a Calvary Chapel church! They started back in the late '60s when the "Jesus movement" swept the country. They are a pure, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church, and they are located all over the country.
" The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. " J. Edgar Hoover.
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”
— Marshall McLuhan
If u can't prove to someone God exists, what's the next best thing ? Proving evil does.
" The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist " Charles Baudelaire.
I think we all started that way. But that is because we are good people who couldn't believe people in general couldn't be that evil. Then when we were presented facts, we changed our positions..
The problem with the current crop of normies is that despite evidence, they refuse to believe what they're being told and shown. Exhibit A: COVID and the jabs. They just stick their fingers in their ears and say "LA, la, la . . . I can't hear you!"
Correct. This is why I similarly tell friends of mine that "the truth is stranger than fiction." This is not a new saying/slogan at all but it underscores our reality. We've been lied to soo much that the actual truth is stranger than a lie or made-up story. I then add-on the saying/slogan "perspectives shape reality." If perspectives shape reality (we know that "normies" are spoon-fed the collective perspective (post modernism)), then the truth will be stranger than fiction. Sorry for the circular reasoning. 😎
We should arrange for the normies to watch and read everything known to man about the Magdalene Laundries. Maybe that would disabuse them of the notion that respected people in charge can’t be evil. If that doesn’t work, they need to read all about Jimmy Savile, knighted by beloved Queen Liz, and revered all over England for his charitable work. Still not enough? They need to have a gander at the life and work of the globally adored Mother Theresa.
I was lucky that as a young kid, multiple authority figures in different arenas revealed themselves to be evil. It’s why I didn’t get jabbed. Ain’t life grand?
I just watched a series on the Magdalene laundry called The Woman in the Wall. It's six episodes and all-around great show. Normally not my type of tv, but this was excellent and I highly recommend the show. It's on paramount plus.
There was a thread earlier that went into “taking The Lord’s Name in vain”. This isn’t what it is, but it is profaning it, and shouldn’t be done by Christians.
If you’re an atheist, or whatever, it’s a different rule set, I guess, but if you’re just being “anti-Jew” as a Christian, this is anti-biblical.
I read a thread once, probably on this site, when a baby is first born, and his or her little lungs fill with air for the first time, it sounds like a "yah" sound. Take a deep breath, a really deep breath, and what do you hear? And then when we all exhale, deeply exhale, it sort of sounds like like a "way" sound. Try to exhale deeply, forcefully, and not sound like you are saying "way".
So when we are born, we say 'yah', and when we die, our final exhale will sound like a 'way', and we will have spent our entire lives in the entire interim with the actual name of God on our lips.
Downvote me if you want, I don't care. I know with all my remaining breaths and my final exhalation someday, I fervently know who I will be praying to.
That is a BIG stumbling block to accepting the idea that the twin towers were brought down by pre-planted explosives. The planes were real, but the collapse was planned well in advance. You have to hand it to them though, pretty ingenious to let the plane hijacking and crashing go through so you could then implode the buildings and blame it on the hijacked planes.
Its beginning to seep in. RFK Jr has awakened many to the vaccines and food issues. The fluoride exposure is having an effect too as is the 350k+ kids missing at the border. My Trump supporting but normie fox news consuming dad linked me the comment from the Texas Lt Gov about Kamala and Biden knowingly and purposely facilitating child trafficking. And then there is Diddy. Everyone is following along with that.
Liberals live in a self-righteous bubble where they are the heroes and everyone outside of it is the villain like in their superhero movies. They are totally good and everyone else is totally bad. No nuance or understanding that people can have qualities of good and bad at the same time.
This is why they have this odd behavior, where everything they say and do, even if it's immoral or horrific, is justified as good, even if they have to distort and bend reality with dissonance and fantasy. They do the opposite to others. No matter what you say, even if it's reasonable, it's distorted and enters their ears as pure evil. It's difficult to get them to wake up from this delusion. I've given up. I'm convinced that awakening is very much a personal journey. We can only live by example, but we can't free them from their fantasies directly.
Why is it difficult? It's because the dynamic of superheroes vs villains is their "safe space." You don't need any emotional or mental strength to believe in this way of thinking. Facing uncomfortable truths and the real world DOES require some strength which they don't have currently. This is not meant to be insulting. They grew up to be infantilized mentally, filled with anxiety, and stunted in growth by media they consume and other various factors.
The wording is confusing. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say our biggest problem is that we DO believe that the people in control couldn't possibly be that evil?
The problem is that the whole system was programmed to respect people in authority! Most confirmed and if you did not you were labelled a criminal, for lack of a better word! Our God given freewill has been an eternal thorn on secret societies! Millions of awakened men through the millenia of their rule have resisted! We stand on the shoulders of Giants!
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12
For this verse i prefer the KJV translation:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
"against spiritual wickedness in high places" , i.e. against psychopathy in high positions
I had this problem when i woke up.
I dove deep into finding out how evil people could be. It made me sick. I backed off when i realized they could be 100 times more sick than that.
Yeah. Remember those stories about how Native American priests would sacrifice a virgin to appease the volcano?
So somebody found this tunnel on one of those volcanos close to the top full of female skeletons.
Definitely weren’t any “priests” or their business partners just screwing and eventually murdering the choicest females consequence free, surely, and having the population pay for them to do it and for their temples they used for it.. Surely nobody would conspire like that!
Instead we say, “man, those people sure were stupid to think that pushing a person into a volcano would ‘appease the gods’.” No, WE are stupid for not seeing through these wicked peoples’ cover stories, that they’re still laughing at us every time they tell us about it and we still naively don’t get the joke.
This probably isn’t even that extreme of a case. Every now and then, I’ll bump into a story that definitely gives me the jeebies.
Ditto. I did too, probably bc we're normal human beings with normal, rational thinking, and can't wrap our brains around people who are that sick, that vile and that evil. The more examples we have like Epstein, Diddy, etc the easier the awakening will be for normies....I hope
We all have the potential to be that sick, vile & evil. Under just the right/ wrong circumstances anyone can snap. As long as you aren't literally perfect like Jesus...it could be any one of us.
Agreed. They have no idea the depravity of these monsters. Neither do I actually, I know all I need to tho
This is certainly a component of the problem.
My two younger brothers are a classic example. I remember talking to the youngest many years ago about some 9/11 research I had been doing.
I didn't propose any theories, just mentioned to him a number of facts that proved that there's no way the government narrative could be correct. My usually mellow little brother became positively irate with me. He could not handle the idea that elements of the government could be that evil.
Same thing goes for the C19 "vaccine"/mass murder campaign. If one takes a long look at the evidence, critical thinking dictates that you extrapolate some pretty scary things given that the entire Western world was in lockstep. Newspapers, network and cable TV, politicians, the entire medical industry, all of them perfectly aligned in telling you that your only salvation was The Jab.
You need some very, very powerful people pulling the rope to align all of those groups together. But that's simply too terrifying for most to consider.
The biggest, most evil secrets tend to keep themselves.
I think the elements that conspired to bring the evil of 911 were already perverted by evil before the event. All the banks were/are Rothschild agents. The medical industry is controlled by the Rockefellers. The news was consolidated down to 6 corporations. China bought the universities, and Bill Gates (the depopulation Czar) bought the farmland. All the corporations are consolidated into Magnimus or something like that. As long as child trafficking is the biggest money maker on the planet after war, current authority is aligned with evil.
i also have two younger brothers, that I am struggling to awaken. Which is ironic, because they never listened to anything from an authoritarian standpoint...
If you belive in God,you belive what he says about evil.
It's a shame the church doesn't teach it anymore.
Hopefully we get real churches again. That’s my biggest problem. Can’t find a church that isn’t cucked.
Agree. I still attend my old church,but I doubt I would join them today.
And people are so blind to failures of their churches,
The minister with the trans child? The bishops going to freak offs and grinding on his granddaughter, predatory priests molesting kids and handing out crucifixes so other priests would know the kid is easy prey.
But their church is special/different.... knowing and choosing to ignore the crimes and atrocities the hierarchy of their church leaders support and these people get their paycheck from....
Try a Calvary Chapel church! They started back in the late '60s when the "Jesus movement" swept the country. They are a pure, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church, and they are located all over the country.
Try walking into foreign congregations being prepared to minister to them, and possibly rebuke them, knocking the dust off your shoes on the way out.
Follow scriptural guidance as well as possible to do so.
2 of my fav quotes seem applicable
" The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. " J. Edgar Hoover.
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” — Marshall McLuhan
If u can't prove to someone God exists, what's the next best thing ? Proving evil does.
" The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist " Charles Baudelaire.
People should study the nature of evil.
Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes - https://cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm
You just gave me something to look at this weekend.
That reminds me of Polly. Haven’t seen her stuff in a while.
That is a very eye-opening book. Well worth the read.
That pesky cognitive dissonance is tough to break through
I think we all started that way. But that is because we are good people who couldn't believe people in general couldn't be that evil. Then when we were presented facts, we changed our positions..
The problem with the current crop of normies is that despite evidence, they refuse to believe what they're being told and shown. Exhibit A: COVID and the jabs. They just stick their fingers in their ears and say "LA, la, la . . . I can't hear you!"
One of my tactics for waking normies is telling them they must drop their bias of "That's too bizarre to be true."
A bias is more irrational than the evidence of our bizarre reality.
Correct. This is why I similarly tell friends of mine that "the truth is stranger than fiction." This is not a new saying/slogan at all but it underscores our reality. We've been lied to soo much that the actual truth is stranger than a lie or made-up story. I then add-on the saying/slogan "perspectives shape reality." If perspectives shape reality (we know that "normies" are spoon-fed the collective perspective (post modernism)), then the truth will be stranger than fiction. Sorry for the circular reasoning. 😎
We should arrange for the normies to watch and read everything known to man about the Magdalene Laundries. Maybe that would disabuse them of the notion that respected people in charge can’t be evil. If that doesn’t work, they need to read all about Jimmy Savile, knighted by beloved Queen Liz, and revered all over England for his charitable work. Still not enough? They need to have a gander at the life and work of the globally adored Mother Theresa. I was lucky that as a young kid, multiple authority figures in different arenas revealed themselves to be evil. It’s why I didn’t get jabbed. Ain’t life grand?
I just watched a series on the Magdalene laundry called The Woman in the Wall. It's six episodes and all-around great show. Normally not my type of tv, but this was excellent and I highly recommend the show. It's on paramount plus.
No way?!
Yeah, way!
There was a thread earlier that went into “taking The Lord’s Name in vain”. This isn’t what it is, but it is profaning it, and shouldn’t be done by Christians.
If you’re an atheist, or whatever, it’s a different rule set, I guess, but if you’re just being “anti-Jew” as a Christian, this is anti-biblical.
I read a thread once, probably on this site, when a baby is first born, and his or her little lungs fill with air for the first time, it sounds like a "yah" sound. Take a deep breath, a really deep breath, and what do you hear? And then when we all exhale, deeply exhale, it sort of sounds like like a "way" sound. Try to exhale deeply, forcefully, and not sound like you are saying "way".
So when we are born, we say 'yah', and when we die, our final exhale will sound like a 'way', and we will have spent our entire lives in the entire interim with the actual name of God on our lips.
Downvote me if you want, I don't care. I know with all my remaining breaths and my final exhalation someday, I fervently know who I will be praying to.
I believe that, too.
Apologies, it seemed as if you were mocking. There are some around here who claim faith then deny and denounce The Name.
I think we could be frens, fren. Take my updoot. Please.
That is a BIG stumbling block to accepting the idea that the twin towers were brought down by pre-planted explosives. The planes were real, but the collapse was planned well in advance. You have to hand it to them though, pretty ingenious to let the plane hijacking and crashing go through so you could then implode the buildings and blame it on the hijacked planes.
Its beginning to seep in. RFK Jr has awakened many to the vaccines and food issues. The fluoride exposure is having an effect too as is the 350k+ kids missing at the border. My Trump supporting but normie fox news consuming dad linked me the comment from the Texas Lt Gov about Kamala and Biden knowingly and purposely facilitating child trafficking. And then there is Diddy. Everyone is following along with that.
Liberals live in a self-righteous bubble where they are the heroes and everyone outside of it is the villain like in their superhero movies. They are totally good and everyone else is totally bad. No nuance or understanding that people can have qualities of good and bad at the same time.
This is why they have this odd behavior, where everything they say and do, even if it's immoral or horrific, is justified as good, even if they have to distort and bend reality with dissonance and fantasy. They do the opposite to others. No matter what you say, even if it's reasonable, it's distorted and enters their ears as pure evil. It's difficult to get them to wake up from this delusion. I've given up. I'm convinced that awakening is very much a personal journey. We can only live by example, but we can't free them from their fantasies directly.
Why is it difficult? It's because the dynamic of superheroes vs villains is their "safe space." You don't need any emotional or mental strength to believe in this way of thinking. Facing uncomfortable truths and the real world DOES require some strength which they don't have currently. This is not meant to be insulting. They grew up to be infantilized mentally, filled with anxiety, and stunted in growth by media they consume and other various factors.
Their biggest problem is they believe americas biggest enemy, the legacy news. And they are arrogant in their beliefs.
The wording is confusing. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say our biggest problem is that we DO believe that the people in control couldn't possibly be that evil?
That’s my oldest sister’s biggest issue. She is unable to comprehend that those who hold the reins of power are corrupt.
If they actually opened up a history book, it seems to be the norm - not the exception.
The problem is that the whole system was programmed to respect people in authority! Most confirmed and if you did not you were labelled a criminal, for lack of a better word! Our God given freewill has been an eternal thorn on secret societies! Millions of awakened men through the millenia of their rule have resisted! We stand on the shoulders of Giants!