Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
https://archive.fo/Lqadj (this is old stuff by Ariel)
""Question: Who said they have direct access to all the world leaders through Ogiame Atuwatse III? Answer: The Judges."" sorry, what?
They always tell us what’s going on. Y’all have said it time and time again. I’ve watched tv shows I watched when they first aired and now I’m seeing what you mean.
Supernatural clip: P Diddy
Silver. Broke 33 today
USD against AUD keeps falling. Hasnt been this low in a year.
It's happening slowly.
I'm glad I have my silver bought already.
Does anyone here read Hebrew?
The Louis Vuitton America's Cup Final is looking exciting after day 1 of racing. Italy won the first race and England won the second race. Any other Frens watching the Races?
May God keep you safe through this hurricane, all those in it's path. I will pray that lives are not lost and that common sense prevails. There is nothing material that is worth your life, and I know that is a hard pill to swallow, especially if you have worked hard all your life to have a home and your possessions. May he also protect your pets. I will be praying for you all through out this day, that by nightfall, you are high and as dry as you can be. God help you.
That’s really kind. Thanks!
444 & 528 hz Christian music
In a grocery store today. My routine for lunch is to avoid all fast food and sugar. So I am mixed in with regular shoppers while I walk the outside parameter for lunch.
At the egg section a nice elderly lady is telling how ridiculous the eggs price is. I agree and reply “you get what you voted for” - she is sort of taking offense to my remark. She says “I did not vote for democrats”
I tell you many has. This is a majority of democratic voters in this grocery store. I was wanting to see if any of them would call me racist. I am not looking for a fight but this lady gave me an opportunity to essentially float an option to the surrounding people.
I do not think the elderly lady understands that, however she also showed me that she is fed up with the nonsense too and had the courage to proclaim she never voted to democrats.
Little things is all. Much like throwing a little pebble in an ocean. I deem it a miniature win. I wish millions of others did the same. It would be awesome to see another citizen chim and say something like amen.
We will get there eventually. Then I can go back to observing good people with good intent. :)
Your story reminds me of this story: Two men walking towards each other on a beach, covered with thousands of star fish. As they get closer to each other, the one man notices that the other man,every once in a while would bend down and pick up a star fish and throw it back into the water, so when they get within talking distance of one another,the one man says to the other,"WHAT'S THE POINT" there are tens of thousands of starfish washed up, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" The other man reaches down and picks up another starfish and throws it back into the water and replies "All the difference in the world to that starfish"
CNN is going the homeless beggar route 😂😂😂
I’m looking for a Joe Rambo video that was posted yesterday about Michael Jackson. I thought I saved it into my pedo file, but I can’t find it.
I suggest you change the name configuration of that file fren😂 /Irish sarcasm
it’s technically named
Gizlane 😂😂😂
All of my pedo posts go in that folder
Found it
We all know about u/#q918
It's a singular cryptic post. Could be referring to anyone... yet why do anons keep digging up graves and bringing the dead back to life? Occams razor suggests it's someone living afterall. Early enough drop that it could simply be reinforcing 45's involvement with the drops.
It's JFK Jr! No, it's JFK Sr! No, it's Michael Jackson! No, it's Prince! AFAIK all of this reanimating the dead comes from paytriots and social media personalities. None of it comes from old board bakes or archived notables.
Just wish this board had more self respect and respect for the dead because we do our own no favors by supporting or ignoring outright ridiculous claims.
well actually;)...
it's also a practice of the enemy, perhaps we're supposed to shine light on it...expand our thinking.
lots of Q clues at this website...here's one for reanimating GW😳
*and a perfect example why I think GW is involved in Q, and the Whitehats run the MV site... https://www.mountvernon.org/search#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=Died%20suddenly&gsc.page=1
How is it outright ridiculous? Do you know he’s dead? Did you see him?
Those are rhetorical questions that could be asked of anyone claiming he faked his death.
It's the same as the NY senate seat. He never submitted paperwork to run for senate, thus HRC didn't have him Arkancided... it's fake news fren.
I'll be the first to eat crow but again, it's all based off of paytriot pipedreams. The buns were all thrown out on the homeboards long ago because they were stale and did not produce bakes.
The one where Trump defended Jackson, while Kamala was saying how she would prosecute him?
Found it
Any of these what you were looking for?
https://x.com/BrainStorm_Joe/status/1838342574358052991 (Part 1)
https://x.com/BrainStorm_Joe/status/1838343549550461293 (Part 2)
Part 2 🤯 now this is something I’ve never seen. How much more obvious can you get.
Part 1 Diddy’s little boy, doing interviews with people with an eyepatch on? Signal?
Thank you for doing that. I appreciate it but I.
Found it https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CKVWPU/i-have-no-idea-if-michael-is-ali/
Personal research and intelligence gathering, for lack of better term, to me anyway, involves being open to ALL possibilities, even if they meander into uncharted territory, areas you don't understand or agree with, because I know there's a huge slice of the information pie I don't know, but an even bigger part that I don't know that I don't know.
Early on, this was a lot more challenging because I had to go over, around or bust through all the guardrails put in place the first few decades of my life on various "channels" of the spectrum. Areas like religion, perceived authority including govt, taboos, beliefs, etc - that were literally hard wired to my core (root chakra) - which made new ideas that challenged imprinted knowledge difficult to consider or adopt because you had to put extreme effort into reprogramming yourself - repeatedly - to get new ideas that were aligned to your true individual feelings/perspectives to root and grow. It's ongoing...old habits and indoctrination die hard and still have to be shovelled back decades, into authentic beliefs, truths and ideas adopted during a personal awakening.
For some of us, there comes a point where you are confronted with an existential crisis - Something that goes WAY behind merely a "mid-life crisis" - one could even say, a "life long crisis" - because the desire to "know" literally burns inside you like a hot splinter that won't leave you alone. In some cases, this becomes your primary MO - to find your truth - and it blankets your consciousness - You try to push it off or to the proverbial back burner because the minutiae of life has to be done...but no matter what you do, there's no avoiding what some call, The Dark Night of the Soul
You begin to question absolutely EVERYTHING that you've been told to believe your whole life - You unravel all the "supposed mysteries" that previous generations blindly followed to get them through life (and you're gonna believe/do that too because that's what this family believes...) - except that no longer works anymore. A LOT of things no longer work anymore. (sound familiar?) So you have to TEAR IT ALL DOWN AND START OVER FROM SCRATCH. It's certainly not an easy thing to do...and it's not like you've got nothing better to do, so you just decide to upend absolutely everything that was a "rock" or anchor or semblance of stability because you love chaos or something...No. It's existential. Live with the burning splinter of "the question" (It's the question, that drives us, Neo) and find ways to stuff that back down...mute it...drown it out OR get on with it and really start looking.
I shouldn't have to tell anyone here that we're in a battle between good and evil. When you shake it all down, run the slop of everything thru a sieve, and sift it all out - that's pretty much what you've got coming out. Are you going to live like an ignorant selfish animal or embrace godly ideas and act on them. Simplistic I know, but that's about it.
There came a point for me, someone who grew up Roman Catholic - spiritually starving and unsatisfied with what little "food" was offered, despite "giving myself fully to the program" (alter boy, youth ministry, etc) - It was over for me by around 15. There was way more...I didn't know what that was, and I set off to find "it" - I set off to find "me"...and set off to find God...The Supreme Creator, Who has no name.
I had to go back - rewind it all back to the beginning and imagine that if I were somehow dropped in the middle of a forest for instance, with no outside influences, ideas, indoctrination, belief systems, etc - What would I deduce on my own? What story would I make up about why I am here? What would be my ideas and relationship to God? It certainly would NOT be sky daddy or some story about some guy from the middle east who wanted me to eat his flesh and drink his blood - I can tell you that straight up.
They say that the process of finding out who you really are is like peeling back the layers of an onion - there are a lot of tears along the way they don't tell you about...many HARD challenges, but also many revelations. As I mentioned before, this wasn't some kind of hobby - It was REQUIRED from a soul-level that I find out certain answers because the pangs of needing to know dominated my thoughts and emotions every day my entire life. Sticking with the process of peeling things back, never stopping or being fooled into thinking, "that's the final answer" - inevitably lead to me coming full circle and I think anyone who truly seeks "hard enough" will eventually come full circle and see things and understand things that you couldn't early on. As soon as you think you've got it all "figured out" - You don't. You're screwed. Search again.
The goal of EVERY modality of meditation, many eastern religions etc is to become silent and still. To become EMPTY. It is out of the silence of the mind that all is truly revealed. The reason many kinds of meditation use a sound, phrase or mantra - is simply to give the never ending monkey chattering mind something to do - to hypnotize it into not chattering as much, so you can divert your attention to the eternal observer within yourself that is beyond the mind. But many fail at becoming truly still because they believe that the goal is to make the mind silent...and THAT is truly difficult and/or impossible. Instead, it is your ATTENTION that must be managed, steered or focused away from every idea and thought that the mind generates and runs under your nose. Just look at how many listen to every thing that the mind throws up in front of them like a calling card and then you just blindly run with it - then wonder how the hell you wound up doing whatever whacked out idea you latched onto just because YOUR mind ran it in front of you?
Contrary to the tagline from the X-Files, the "truth" is NOT out there. When you become truly quiet and you direct your attention to the one that sees all within yourself, you observe the observer - you experience your own conscious presence. Now don't get me wrong, this is still a challenge to "achieve", but everyone is capable of doing it. You don't have to learn ANYTHING - don't have to meditate for 50 years to "get it" - don't have to belong to any religion - NOTHING - and that's the point - Nothingness. Zero knowledge required. Roll it all back to the point of origin. "Cast your net to the other side" - "You're going the wrong way"
In this conscious presence, you experience your true self. NOT the character your are playing in this life - there is no gender, there is no anything - you have no name - the REAL you is revealed - the One with no name - unlike the name they gave your character in this life. In this revelation, you see the world with the love and compassion of the Christ. There is no judgement. There is no fear. There is only your natural state of love and compassion for everyone - which is true unity and fellowship. All that is unnecessary is BURNED UP in this state of consciousness. This includes anything to do with genetics/bloodlines/biblical begats, religions, dogma, karma, all worldly concerns, right/wrong, judgement and the list goes on - It's all irrelevant in this space of truth.
And so, it all comes full circle - back to the Christ - the TRUE Christ, who said that you can be just like me and more - He was the way, the Truth and the Light - THE EXAMPLE for the world to follow. His greatest commandment:
In silence, you are in communion with God. You get to experience a taste of Christ's love and compassion for humanity. It isn't a BELIEF, it is a KNOWING - Big difference. Ask yourself if you truly are capable of loving your neighbor as yourself. Seriously. HOW is that even possible when he does things that literally piss you off to no end and make you throw hate daggers over the fence at him? You can't "get" what the Christ was trying to tell you unless you quiet yourself enough to be in communion with God. It is there, beyond your body, beyond your mind, beyond any belief that you have, BEYOND JUDGEMENT OF ANY KIND, that the Truth - EFFORTLESSLY - in communion with God, that you understand what the Christ was telling us. It's experiential...and all the bs concerns about the character you are playing and worldly concerns are completely, an in an instant burned up and become irrelevant.
THIS is your birthright - to KNOW the truth. Not to "believe real good" or "believe real hard" whatever some book, preacher or otherwise tells you that you should believe. The answer is NOT more information - it's less. One thing should be absolutely clear to you as the world appears to embrace darkness more and more each day. That's the competition for your attention. There are 1000+ channels of TV, internet, music, books, honkeytonk, sportsball, etc etc to keep you from getting quiet. ALWAYS SOMETHING - some kind of noise pollution or racket going on EVERYWHERE to keep you from ever getting quiet. And if you manage to mute all those things, there's always your monkey chattering mind to keep you from being quiet - through projected fantasies or horrors - it's always something isn't it? Observe and acknowledge that for a second...and those that will do ANYTHING not to be alone...not to be CONSTANTLY entertained or occupied.
This isn't really where I wanted to go with this, this morning...but Spirit seems to be pouring all this out on the page because somebody needs to hear it I guess. I was going to mention some of the things about 2024/2025 that people were channeling...not just one or two...MANY...Maybe more on that later. I don't want to color this with darkness...
Peace be with you...I love you all - even though I may think your character or role is shit - I love YOU - the God within you made of the same stuff as the God within me - a long way of saying, Namaste - The God within me, bows to the God within you.
I tell you this today, because MANY are struggling, many are experiencing their own dark night of the soul or other existential crisis. I want you to know you are NOT alone. We are going to have challenging times ahead. Please take your connection to God serioulsy - whatever that means to YOU at this time. We are going to need God and we are going to need each other more and more as things progress going forward. It's UP TO US as God's soldiers, to be the Light in this world and an inspiration to others - letting them know it's okay for you to be the Light too. From Dark to Light. That's where we're all going.
Well this is a wall of text I didn’t expect to read. Yet I did, every word. Thank you ❤️
Like I said...a lot of people are having a hard time of things right now - and that's definitely part of the Great Awakening. It goes way beyond mere politics... for many it's existential.
Sometimes Spirit takes control of the flow of what I write and I channel what the universe needs to be said. Other times it's just little old me...In either case, the goal is to let you know you're not nuts, you're not in an insurmountable situation that nobody can relate to and you're not alone.
It's WWG1WGA, not where we go some we go some.
Thanks for saying thanks.
It’s very difficult to love your neighbor.
The other morning, my neighbor was using his power tools at 5:30 AM. I was going to go outside in my underwear and T-shirt, but my neighbors behind my house were out eating breakfast already. All we have is chain link fences around our property 😂😂 so I had to go back inside and put some clothes on before I went out to yell at my noisy neighbor.
After making it out a second time, I asked my neighbors behind me. Is there somebody out here using power tools? They said yes. I looked to my left, and there was a man standing there in his backyard.
I yelled at him… “Please go do your Meth somewhere else” 🤷♀️ Then I got in my car drove around the block and got a picture of his house so I could report him. I was a total hothead. I was so triggered.
After I cooled down, I got over myself, and I had to leave and go do a three day pet sitting job, so I got over it pretty quickly.
For context, we are in Arizona so I understand somebody wanting to get started early but 5:30 AM? Anyway, I actually still feel bad about calling him a meth addict, even though he was in the wrong for waking me up. This is how Christ works on you… forgiveness is so important.
For the record, I’m not the reporting a neighbor type, and would definitely go and talk to them before ever doing so. But after driving by the house, it looks a little sus! Everything looks like a fortress, and he has beware of dog signs on both sides of his house, but he has no dogs 🤷♀️ This is probably a neighbor I don’t want to have anything to do with at all. Just get over it and move on.
So in closing… Love your neighbor, even if they are a meth addict! 🥰
So Hunter moved next door? Oh goodie! Be safe fren😂
Dairy farmers start at 4 30am, loggers warms their skidders up at 5, in the winter, and those are not quiet engines. I live in farm country NE, if you drive by the homes all the lights are out before 10 pm, local gas stations are closed by 8pm, I guess noise at night (after 10pm) is less tolerated. Most of the workmen who are woodsmen, carpenters, farm workers expect everyone to be up, dressed, showered and shaved and getting their coffee and breakfast burritos by 7.Not to mention the crews will gather, if they have to drive to a job, on the truck by 5. I guess it's dependent on where you live. A skiider at full throttle pulling logs at 6am is a sound no one sleeps through. Ah well, I am a morning person, watching the sun come up is something I love to do.
I was never a morning person either...came to find out my thyroid was dicked up. Started taking nutrition for it and it's gotten way better... now only a maintenance dose...Synthroid = no.
It's more of a natural life I guess - governed by the sun. Animals need tending to etc mornig and night. Sometimes in the summer months with 12+ hours of light it feels like you're going to meet yourself coming back 😂😂😂
Did sorting the hypothyroid help with the morning fatigue? What did you take?
Yes ... and "darkness" and depression. It's much easier to leap out of bed now rather than just rolling over.. for what seems like 5 min to find out it's been 5 hours 😐 I don't miss those days
I'm fortunate to have a chiropractor that is trained in contact reflex analysis in conjunction with specific nutrition only available thru "practitioners of the healing arts" - It's essentially bovine thyroid with a protomorphogen complex for better absorption and metabolism of the nutrition. CRA uses muscle testing/aka "applied kinesiology" to ask the innate wisdom of your body what it needs and how much to take. Even though it's a naturally derived product, you can hurt yourself if you don't take the proper amount.
Thank you for the info. I have a brilliant metabolic health coach, and he thinks I may have a subclinical hypothyroid. This is the next trial to try to root cause the CFS. He likes Dr Sarah Myhill's method and protocols. I have a lot of work ahead of me.
Glandular extracts are what you want. Hopefully your guy gets you what you need. Good luck!
The thyroid is a "master gland" - it's the "timing gear" of the body. It regulates your metabolism, works with the adrenals to help the heart and is responsible for "pushing" fluids in your body. Adrenals "pull" fluids in your body - like old lady ankles in summer full of fluid is a result of tired adrenals etc.
It's also your throat chakra location - divine communication & the ability to communicate between your head and your heart. Like when someone asks you to help them move for example... and your brain says yes but your heart says no - I really don't want to - and other situations like that where you can't believe you agreed to something that "sounded like a good idea at the time"...
That’s wonderful. It’s your community, everybody’s on the same schedule, and everybody is doing the same hard work every day. 👏👏👏
When I hear stories like this, I think to myself, the NWO are so delusional. They’ll never have enough robots to do all the work. Real work, not taking orders at McDonald’s. 😂😂😂
Thank you for helping to keep my house running, from afar! Without your job… I wouldn’t even have a house to live in. 🥰
Yep...I have one that sets off stadium sized fireworks on his shitty little 2 acre plot - and he's set my hayfield on fire twice already. He has a 6' cross on his front lawn he adorns with lights at christmas...It's this hypocrisy that gets me. I've asked him numerous times not to set them off because they're against the law AND you've harmed me twice already by setting my hayfield on fire - Certifiably retarded. He's a prison guard that wants to be referred to as an officer...wife teacher. Both takers.
I despise their characters they're playing...but know inside that what animates him is the same that animates me. He's just playing a role...as we all are - peel all that back and God remains. I don't necessarily like that - when I'm running full boost with my feet off the ground...but that's the truth when I cool down and get centered again.
Maybe remind him that it's quiet hours pretty much everywhere by law 11-7 and tell him he keeps waking the baby....9 times out of 10, they'll respect that because surprisingly in this 24/7 world, people really don't know about the 11-7 thing...The only exception is for farmers - not sure that extends to meth farmers or not...lol
We live in a 55 and older neighborhood, so the baby thing might not work
For all intensive purposes, here in Arizona I’m fine with people starting work early, but I think we have to switch the hours around here 7-11 😂😂😂 I’m a night owl so I don’t care about late at night, that’s why I’m sleeping later into the morning.
as soon as I read your first sentence I knew we were going on a ride. Good shit as usual TaQo.
I've always ASSumed that Google changed their welcome screen theme everyday, but today it's still showing us the Popcorn 🍿 them / game.
Is this normal behavior for these folks or is this soft confirmation that the White Hats have taken control?
Yes, they usually do change it every day so this is interesting.
And the blue salt shaker looks mad 🤣
Yeah - because people who eat popcorn are always angry, right 😂😂
Everything in demonic pedophile world is backwards. Just remember that.
I’ve never seen an angry person in my life. Decide you know what… I’m gonna make popcorn right now. 🤷♀️
so apparently according to Fox News updates on the radio COVID-19 causes diabetes in children so get your kids vaccinated, okay you guys? Seriously considering just going off into the wilderness at this point.
Here in New England, they are really pushing the RSV injections on the radio. And Walgreens and CVS are ramping up the flu shot ads for "Flu Season".
Anyone get a Census form, more like a BOOK to fill out? The questions are ridiculous I don't want to answer any of them except how many ppl live at your address, I don't even wanna tell them that but that seems like the only one relevant to people that want to pretend to represent us
See, I'm in canada and they have an option where you can have them call you instead. A lot of people choose that then block the number, as it isn't illegal to not fill it out and it wastes their time phoning all the numbers a half dozen times.
I just threw in the trash
Throw the book away. Or keep it for posterity.
Don't know why you got that. The last US census was in 2020 and the next is in 2030.
And, yes, it was a book, with all kinds of invasive questions. Haven't looked to see if all questions are mandatory or if you can just not answer the ones you don't want to answer.
Asking about how many spare rooms you have in your house and shit. Fuck the federal government
Yes everything they ask is none of their business, or information they already have somewhere else....
I used to be against the census and refused to fill it out. Guess even in my twenties I was slightly awake. After doing family genealogy research I understand how important it is or was. With today’s technology and our entire lives online I don’t see the importance of it on the genealogy side. I admit I don’t know the other purposes of the census.
As it was explained to me when I accidentally opened my door to a census taker (cuz I put the books in the garbage they eventually knocked on my door); It is to compile data on demographics to ascertain what neighborhoods get grant money for social developments , public area like parks, or roads, or bike paths, extra public school funding etc etc use your imagination.
Is that what it is really for? idk, I doubt it but I don't answer my door anymore kek
When the census first started I can see this being beneficial for the reasons you mentioned. Today they know everything about us. I was searching for a former co worker’s address and found her husband. You probably know this, anyone you are related to and even X in-laws are attached to you. I clicked on her, his wife, and found several cell numbers. He’s a pastor and they have kids. I guess the numbers were all she paid for on an account and maybe previous numbers. No wonder we get so much spam.
I think the craziness and mental illness is from the toxins in food, medicine and vaccines. Food dyes are very bad for children it does something with their behavior, I forget the details.
We always knew this madness was Coming. Heck we have been waiting for it. But if you want to credit the collider so be it. Who knows, maybe it is the real looking glass.
We're now in the timeline where it's Catherine Middleton not Kate 😂😂😆
Its a fun theory for sure!
At least she’s awake! 👏👏👏
Shocking: Woman Who Wants Your Money Endorsed By People Who Take Your Money
How to Calm An Anxious Mind...You can regain peace with the right strategies.
Judge Orders EPA to Address Potential Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water...‘The risk to health at exposure levels in United States drinking water is sufficiently high to trigger regulatory response by the EPA,’
‘The Matrix’: Re-release on Its 25th-Year Anniversary...“The Matrix” is the AI prophecy and wake-up call the human race is in dire need of. Watching the 2024 re-release is highly recommended.
Day in Photos: Vote of No Confidence, Campaign Rallies, and a Visiting King A look into the world through the lens of photography.
The Intricate Connections Between Humans and Nature...In Peter Godfrey-Smith’s “Living on Earth,” humans are in no way separate from the life that surrounds us.
Wednesday Poem...Mark Terrill - The Skin Inside
now that's a delta. ❤
my kid was watching a 9/11 documentary and i didn't know about this one part- the firefighters were staging to go up and these heavy thumps kept hitting the roof. it was the people jumping. i was like 'are you sure you want to watch this?" "yeah".
Philippians 1:6
6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.