Suppose Harris then replaces him with Clinton or whoever. What would happen to the votes already cast for Harris / walt? Would they automatically go to Harris / Clinton? Or would those ballots be considered essentially wasted? Maybe it's different state by state. Does anyone know?
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I figure as it is the democrats, the rules are what they want them to be, just like when biden dropped out and harris took the votes
Yes, very close. See all the comments about THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, which are correct but seem to have gotten the fewest votes here.
Nobody votes for Harris-Walz on Nov 5, they vote for their state electors. If Democrat electors are judged as winning the state, those electors go to the state capital in mid-December and choose the electoral votes for president and veep separately. Whatever instruction prevails in December will be what they do; if it's useful and credible in December to vote Cthulhu-Gozer, the electors will. Electors are free to reject the party line whether or not they pledged to on the honor system or with penalties. If the Republican electors get 270 on Nov 5, it won't matter because their bloc will hold. If they don't, then the Democrat electors would theoretically make it to 270 without mutiny. But many other scenarios could arise.
See "faithless elector" on Wikipedia for fun stories.
u/Young_Patriot this is a good lesson above here.
Also, boats especially rickety ones have been around since the 1970's. The USSS might be able to figure that tech out... since it is so old.
Dems picked a dirty whore who's dumb as rocks, and a pedophile. Both failed at their jobs.
This is the destruction of the democrat party in real time. He's gotta drop out. He's a fucking pedophile piece of filth.
"A dirty whore who's dumb as rocks, and a pedophile". Good descriptions for sure.
It would go to the Electoral College. The delegates elected by the Harris voters would simply select any VP they want. Remember, technically we're not electing the President/VP. We're electing people who promise to vote for the candidate we want when the Electoral College convenes.
The scenario would certainly hurt the Harris campaign, but it wouldn't result in a loss of electoral votes.,_2024#Replacing_a_nominee_between_the_national_convention_and_the_election
This seems to show that the last date for Democrats to replace a candidate is around late August or early september. It then has separate rules what they do if the candidate drops off after the election. I can't see anywhere here where it explains what to do in the situation that I described.
People would have cast a vote for Harris/Walz....NOT....Harris/Clinton
Thus, those votes only go towards adding to the totals of Harris/Walz only AND Harris/Clinton only. It would be like two different candidates were running for President on the Dem side. The Walz and Clinton votes cannot be added together, they are seperate votes and should be counted as such. So, let's say at the end of the election Harris/Walz gets 65M votes and Harris/Clinton gets 50M votes. Now Trump/Vance gets 100M votes. Trump/Vance wins because that campaign got the most votes. Harris might think she won with 115M votes, but she is running two different campaigns. Tough toenails, Kamala, you don't get the Oval Office.
Yeah, that's not how the electoral college works.
This is wrong. The vote is for the president. The person who is running for president chooses who their VP is. There is no vote for VP and it wouldnt be split as you say if that happened.
I'm starting to think that's what is going to happen. Some people have been predicting that Harris will drop off and force the Democrats to find a new candidate to put on the ballot before election day. But it's starting to look like it will be Walz
They are gonna create a Constitutional crisis.
I'm just waiting for them to try and turn the tables on early voting and claim it's unconstitutional and only election day votes should count, even though they put it all in motion in the first place.
Yeah, I'm on the fence. Vote early and "lock" my vote or vote on Election Day.
He will stay i bet.
Most everyone will know he's a pedo,but he will stay
Yep. Innocent until proven guilty.
I would think you would be right, but like was said by one of the other posters, the Dems/Commies make their own rules-so we may not know what would happen with the votes.
I've got some actual on-the-ground sauce for you. My parents are one of newsom's neighbors. Kamala was in town visiting him at his mansion just within the past few days. IMO, that can only mean they plan to swap Walz with hairgel Hitler.
Electoral College
You're not voting for President and Vice President, you're voting for a slate of Electors chosen by the different presidential campaigns. Once that slate is chosen via the election, they almost always vote for the President and Vice President with their electoral votes, and some states require them to vote that way by law (see faithless Electors). But they are technically free to vote for whomever they want.
In a scenario where a Vice Presidential candidate drops out, and the campaign supports that dropout, they will likely issue new instructions for whom their slates of Electors should vote.
The safest move for Kamala is to choose Jaws has her running mate. Not the Bond one but the water one... much ... much safer choice.
At least with Jaws, you know where he stands (swims). With Kamala, it depends on who is attending, which way the wind is blowing, time of year, etc.
Kamala / Jaws over Kamala / Clinton... that is the safer choice for Kamala.
why would he drop out for raping young boys? isnt that the Democratic base? i see it as helping them
Anything can happen but they won't be making up new ballots so I suspect He's just replaced with someone else and the ballots won't be changed but everyone would know the new gal or guy would take his spot.
The vote stays unless the voter goes and retracts their vote. How many will do that is anybody’s guess. However, Kamala is on top of the ticket so anyone they bring in to play second fiddle to her will just ride along. Aka Hilary or Michael aka Michelle. We need to demand DNA tests in Michelle.
Horse jizz rule in place.
Seems they like pedophiles in office.
I just gotta say it..... When I was a child I was heavy into Nostradamus and the like..... One little tidbit I remember clearly......
The last president will be a WALK IN President.
Now, absolutely nobody could explain what that really is or means...... Until now. What if Kamala AND Tampon Timmy have to drop out due to WHATEVER. At this point we are left with one candidate. The truth here is that PDJT is the ONLY candidate. The American People NEEDED the show folks. I'm not even mad, as they say..... Whatever it takes to wake everyone up, in the end NCSWIC.
they're probably already getting orders from clinton, so i think they'll leave walz on the ballot.
As far as I understand, we are voting for PRESIDENT, so if people voted for Harris then she gets the vote. Walz is essentially an employee that we trust the president to hire in the place of their demise or incapacitation.
Sorry, I don't know, but Dave at X22 Report thinks there is still enough time to replace both Tim and Kamala with Michelle and Hillary, so maybe Harris/Walz votes will no mysteriously become Obama/Clinton votes.