Donald J. Trump € @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just blew up the railway going to South Korea. Here we go, this is BAD NEWS! "Only Trump can solve it."

North Korea throws a tantrum.
Oh... it must be Tuesday.
Yes. A tantrum over the prospects they were making for progress under Trump being stolen by the DS.
Remember the handshake?
Trump crossing the line?
Remember Kim STRINGS cut? You could see he was happy and free? Relieved almost?
Gone were the frog marching Military men leading him in lockstep
Gone were the deep state and big tech tentacles which aimed and pointed NK Nukes at the world to make it bow to it’s agenda and demands…..
Remember MSN hyping up a nuclear war because they knew the plan was to enable NK to develop nukes via US and take the blame?
Remember when Q showcased to us white hat control over earthquake tech when Q took credit for an earthquake that demolished an entire mountain in on itself destroying the nuclear facility and most importantly the SCIENTISTS and minds beneath it?
MSN was showing cgi animations of NK hitting CA w tech they were developing.
Q caved in their nuclear facilities.
Regardless of the “conspiracy” side of military deep state dictatorship strings being cut
Trump eased tensions amidst a nuclear standoff/world war inducing tensions and moment?
Not only that but managed to create a historic treaty of peace between SK n NK?
Clearly you are trolling. Non Q supporter trolling one of the strictest boards for Q support.
Did you forget the literal MOUNTAIN that Q takes credit for collapsing in on the nuclear facilities and scientists within?
Q revealing white hat use of earthquake capable tech to destroy NK nuclear mountain facility was literally nothing to you?
Do you even Q bro?
There was some vague thing about Trump crossing the DNZ and shaking the NK leader's hand for the first time in history, plus the establishment for some groundwork to diplomatic relations. But nevermind, it was probably nothing important.
Tuesday is also the day that Kamala is "Black." I forget which day she is Latina.
ICYMI: North Korea blows up parts of inter-Korean roads in a symbolic display of anger
In a symbolic display of anger, North Korea on Tuesday blew up the northern section of unused roads that once linked it with the South, with the rivals exchanging threats days after the North claimed that its rival flew drones over its capital Pyongyang.
The roads’ choreographed demolition underlines North Korea’s growing anger against South Korea’s conservative government.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to sever relations with South Korea and abandon the goal of achieving peaceful Korean unification.
That’s correct, part of the builded up to the scare event that will lead to the cancellation of the 2024 election.
South Korea is pretty woke.. the younger generation, and they're all knee deep in DS level coruption and propagandas.. ain't that innocent either. We don't really know what's going on and if this is part of the movie. Also maybe they're trying to stop certain things like drugs/weaponries coming in from SK
Norks were bad, but at this point...I question everything.
Imho, SKorea is leaning towards being the next Ukraine, them being the entertainment industry propaganda mining through brainwashing the young minds who escaped western music and movies just to end up still trapped in the international outlets.
'K Pop' is utterly EVIL. Endless combinations of identical boys that look like girls miming and performing epileptic fits on stage to the most basic Casio melodies and nursery rhyme lyrics, with 100,000 teenage girls at a time screaming their hymens off to them. And we criticise the North for 'cult' behaviour training.
thas rasis
You have no idea what you are talking about. Your misogyny is showing.
Kpop is 10000x better than current American music. Hell, it is better than pretty much the entire past 40 maybe even 50 years of American music.
It is not just lame boy groups. In fact, while boy groups are incredibly popular and profitable, and woke Americans do gravitate towards them; they are not a representation of what Kpop can truly be. Soloist, indie, and girl group (except blackpink and newjeans) kpop all make ridiculusly high quality and forward thinking music.
I can reduce western music just the same. "Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is just a boring, whiny song about cheating" etc. The problem with a lot of you anons is you tend to be pretty close minded and that is why young people who are desperate for better lives and secretly like a lot of what Trump says can't swallow the pill and join us.
It all started with that Evil Elvis Presley, with his wild hip thrusts and gyrations on-stage, playing black people music! He was obviously a degenerate.
He should have been thrown in jail or executed for polluting the minds of our nation's girls (and likely some boys, as well)!
Our country would be so much better if we were still listening to Lawrence Welk and Perry Como.
Forget Perry Como, he was a hellion. WHY AREN'T WE SINGING FROM THE HYMNAL??? These flappers are seducing our boys straight to hell!!
lol..Yup.. and if you look up this big company SM.. they are completely Cabal controlled. The former CEO is a freemason/illuminati bs ..didn't know they have asian freemason but they do, and the music videos the put out are heavily satanic symbolism and messages.
It's the same fucking formula. Make a band. They do the same dances and shitty songs.
The stars are called "Idols" in Korean. It's absolutely evil.
That word idol is just a borrowed word from the Japanese market which is what Korea modeled their pop industry off. Korea had a long hiatus in pop music because of government modesty/decency ordinances, until the 2nd wave of Korean pop was established in the late 90s.
Idol Has nothing to do with religion or idolatry. It is more about an artist oweing themselves to their fans and country. Which means as idols they need to display decorum, not do drugs, not get caught up in sex scandals, and represent their culture (hallyu wave) and country proudly
Our girls would be so much better off if American artists were held to the same standards, instead we have degenerates like Chappel Roan and Sexxxy Redd corrupting our youth.
Check the spiritual history of Japan.
Done it. Japanese people would probably be the greatest Christians of all time becauze so many of their core values line up with Christianity..but here is the issue
When the first missionaries went to Japan, they could not figure out how to properly translate the concept of sin because the word sin kind of translates to crime. So to a Japanese person, the idea that simply by existing they are by default criminals, in spite of living as a good person, does not sit right with them. The idea of "original sin" simply is not compatible with the Japanese way of thinking and living. That was the biggest failure in spreading the gospel to Japan
The indigenous Mexicans got a break because La Virgen De Guadalupe proved to them Christ was real but there were no apparitions or signs that occurred for the Japanese.
WW2 complicates it more. Wouldn't you wonder..why is this supposed Christian nation ok with killing 100k people in a one go? From the Japanese perspective at leaat.
I have faith there will be an awakening and Japan will proclaim the name of Jesus louder than any nation ever has. I can't count the number of times I am playing a Japanese game or watching an anime and something makes me think Praise Jesus. The core emotions, values, etc are already ALL there. They just need to let Him in.
Not sure how blowing up train tracks that haven't been in use for years is going to stop anything from coming in.
Idk.. that's why I said maybe.. now that you mentioned it, I think they probably have underground tunnels
Bring back Trump.
Calm Kim down.
Build Trump Golf and Beech Resort in NK.
Liberal heads explode.
29 Nov 01, 2017 2:13:10 AM EDT Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147452214 Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the DIRECTOR? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.
NK is playing its role to show the world that everyone is ready for American-led peace and prosperity. You are watching a movie. Steady everyone... we are almost there. Watch the betting markets today!
I wonder where our Fren that was teaching English in N Korea went. He had it pretty rough during the scamdemic as he refused to wear the muzzle. I can't remember his username, but I seem to remember that he was hoping to move out of the country and go elsewhere. Anyone remember his name?
North Korea blows up the Northern section of unused roads that linked it with South Korea.
Okay, Just to be sure. North Korea did not blow up the section that connects to South Korea (the south end). It just blew up the other end (the north end)of the line that is not used. I guess if they didn't announce it South Korea would never have known.
Let's remember drop #88
Saudi Arabia->US->Asia->Europe
Trump has told us over and over that the US campaign will end on Nov. 5. So Asia is up next. Taiwan can't be far behind.
I am low on kerosene and coal better act out! Should we shoot a missle over Japan? Nah, blow up a railway.
"blew up the northern section of unused roads"
First a nuke boom in Korea. Then eyes to the sky.
"All these many wars..."
"Their priorities change."
Are you watching closely?
Wonder if NK is paranoid—some globalist enemy might plan to derail a toxic chemical warfare “accident” all over their pristine, non-polluted, non-industrial, almost Amish-level unspoiled countryside…🤔…I mean, that’s never happened anywhere anytime /s.
Remember the WH are in control of the media now, the information is primarily for those who have been brain wash by the globalist. You cannot trust Trump if you don’t understand the plan…..people have to read his executive orders and the Q board.