When are parents going to say NO to their pediatricians, hospitals, schools and government. It is ridiculous to have a FDA, budget the FDA and pay salaries of employees. The FDA does NOT protect our food, water, or drugs. The FDA is in the pocket of BIG PHARMA.
They’ve certainly been playing a long game, pushing feminism and dual income. My grandparents saw the change and where it would head. Wonder what they’d be thinking now.
In most states, there are religious and personal exemptions. My kids will have a religious exemption due to the aborted fetal cells in most of the shots.
My children all have the religious exemption for that reason. They would be allowed in public schools with it, but we have them in private for as long as we can manage. Ironically, the Catholic school does not accept religious exemptions. So much for being pro-life :/
Most important thing to note, even if you do feel overwhelmed enough to give your kids the million shots they have on the schedule, just remember that you DO NOT have to give them combo shots. You can absolutely request individual shots and you absolutely need to space them out to give your kid a fighting chance. Again, that is IF you decide that you want to follow these idiot doctors and their suggestions.
Space and time is so important if you’re going to put them through this hell.
And never let them bring in a prefilled shot. If they do, make them toss it and bring in the vile. You need to read things, be informed, understand batch numbers and what exactly it is that’s going in to your kids body. The more you know, the more you may be inclined to reject and protect.
there are doctors who will tell you they are cancelling services and you have to find another doctor if you ask for single dosing! i've seen videos of them bragging about doing this
It’s a red line. I went through this when they threatened to fire me if I didn’t get vaxxed, I knew it was a possibility for our newborn when I saw my sister go through a similar situation in a different location. We were extremely lucky to have a somewhat hesitant but accepting doctor who will ask every time but doesn’t give push back when we tell him what we want. However, if it meant having to find a new doctor then so be it. I know that’s a very cavalier attitude towards it, but at the end of the day it’s a gift to know where your healthcare team stands and what they may or may not try to push on you.
Sadly if one is going to give the shots, combos are the only option. Good luck trying to find individual tetanus, diphtheria, measles, or almost any other vax. It's impossible or next to it.
Safety tests have been done on individual shots but never on combined shots which are up to 8 at a time now.
It's still a win even if there aren't. More God Wrath poured onto the demons heads someday and the babies still chill with God. Ill enjoy it all. Good times ahead with lot's of entertainment for all types. Who else daydreams about street sweeping hell.
FFS parents, you can say NO! Like I did! My kids are both unvacxed. Zero. And before you reply with your bullshit "muh schools, muh liberalism forced me" I live in a "top 3" libtard hellhole surrounded by programmed drones. If I can do it here, you can do it anywhere. #ModernParentsArePussies
I'm replying to my own reply because I am so enraged by these spineless parents! Arrerggghhhhhh! At one point we have five doctors in the room pressuring us to vacx and I kicked them all OUT! PARENTS! YOU ARE THE BOSS! YOU PAY THE BILLS! YOU HAVE RIGHTS! AND MOST OF ALL YOU HAVE THE POWER!
That’s great for you. Not all of us were awake and aware when we vaccinated our children. Now mine has a major neurological disorder and a mortality rate from SUDEP. I had no idea. I do now. I live it.
I think one of the problems parents don’t anticipate is preparation. You need to understand what’s in these shots, you need to understand why you’re saying no. This is one scenario where I feel like our side is lacking. In our circles it’s socially acceptable to say “hell no I’m not giving my kids shots”, ok, well why? Don’t say it’s because they’ll get retarded. It should be because of the fillers, the mercury, the insane amount of non sensical ingredients that are put in there, the bombardment of combo shots entering the body of a child that can barely fight off the common cold given their age and their growing (naturally) immune system.
When you understand all these things, there’s conviction beyond just saying no.
Had a patient recently, full term pregnancy, had the rsv vax(Pfizer) 11 days before she showed up with complaint of decreased fetal movement, baby was deceased in utero. Please, if you know any pregnant women, encourage them to pass on all poison shots.🙏😔
I had our daughter at the end of August and my OB’s office was always so rude about me not getting any of the 💉. They tried so hard to scare us into getting the newborn ones too (especially “vitamin” k) but we didn’t! Then we got fired by the pediatrician they assigned us to for telling her we wouldn’t be doing 💉 so we take her to Freedom Health Systems!
Really heartbreaking. When it happens to children it hurts more because they haven't even lived yet and now they can't experience all the good stuff they're supposed to. God, please heal them and show your miracles to these people as a testament of your love and grace.
Took my daughter to a new pediatrician who tried to guilt me into getting her shots. Told the bitch to go fuck herself. So fucking sick of these worthless doctors.
Shit like this makes me so angry. We HAVE to get a Nuremberg 2.0 after all this. Following orders is not an acceptable excuse.
When are parents going to say NO to their pediatricians, hospitals, schools and government. It is ridiculous to have a FDA, budget the FDA and pay salaries of employees. The FDA does NOT protect our food, water, or drugs. The FDA is in the pocket of BIG PHARMA.
Needs to go on the three-letter agency scrap heap, along with four-letter FEMA.
Schools won't allow your child in without them. Economy requires two income households. Gotcha!
They’ve certainly been playing a long game, pushing feminism and dual income. My grandparents saw the change and where it would head. Wonder what they’d be thinking now.
Yes...our Grandparents right Dagny!
In most states, there are religious and personal exemptions. My kids will have a religious exemption due to the aborted fetal cells in most of the shots.
My children all have the religious exemption for that reason. They would be allowed in public schools with it, but we have them in private for as long as we can manage. Ironically, the Catholic school does not accept religious exemptions. So much for being pro-life :/
Louisiana has those plus simply parents are opposed.
Religious exemptions, get them they work.
Most important thing to note, even if you do feel overwhelmed enough to give your kids the million shots they have on the schedule, just remember that you DO NOT have to give them combo shots. You can absolutely request individual shots and you absolutely need to space them out to give your kid a fighting chance. Again, that is IF you decide that you want to follow these idiot doctors and their suggestions.
Space and time is so important if you’re going to put them through this hell.
And never let them bring in a prefilled shot. If they do, make them toss it and bring in the vile. You need to read things, be informed, understand batch numbers and what exactly it is that’s going in to your kids body. The more you know, the more you may be inclined to reject and protect.
there are doctors who will tell you they are cancelling services and you have to find another doctor if you ask for single dosing! i've seen videos of them bragging about doing this
It’s a red line. I went through this when they threatened to fire me if I didn’t get vaxxed, I knew it was a possibility for our newborn when I saw my sister go through a similar situation in a different location. We were extremely lucky to have a somewhat hesitant but accepting doctor who will ask every time but doesn’t give push back when we tell him what we want. However, if it meant having to find a new doctor then so be it. I know that’s a very cavalier attitude towards it, but at the end of the day it’s a gift to know where your healthcare team stands and what they may or may not try to push on you.
Sadly if one is going to give the shots, combos are the only option. Good luck trying to find individual tetanus, diphtheria, measles, or almost any other vax. It's impossible or next to it.
Safety tests have been done on individual shots but never on combined shots which are up to 8 at a time now.
DTAP yes, but the new DTP shot you absolutely can break up. As far as other combo shots, we’ve never had push back on any request
Sorry not DTP, I think it was Pediarix, combo of like dtap, hib, ipv. There’s a couple of those they push now
Pray for them to heal.
I hope to God there are cures the white hats can use to help these people.
It's still a win even if there aren't. More God Wrath poured onto the demons heads someday and the babies still chill with God. Ill enjoy it all. Good times ahead with lot's of entertainment for all types. Who else daydreams about street sweeping hell.
FFS parents, you can say NO! Like I did! My kids are both unvacxed. Zero. And before you reply with your bullshit "muh schools, muh liberalism forced me" I live in a "top 3" libtard hellhole surrounded by programmed drones. If I can do it here, you can do it anywhere. #ModernParentsArePussies
I'm replying to my own reply because I am so enraged by these spineless parents! Arrerggghhhhhh! At one point we have five doctors in the room pressuring us to vacx and I kicked them all OUT! PARENTS! YOU ARE THE BOSS! YOU PAY THE BILLS! YOU HAVE RIGHTS! AND MOST OF ALL YOU HAVE THE POWER!
That’s great for you. Not all of us were awake and aware when we vaccinated our children. Now mine has a major neurological disorder and a mortality rate from SUDEP. I had no idea. I do now. I live it.
Wife and I refused vax for our two daughters, if looks could kill.
You guys rock!
I had a new pediatrician try to guilt me into getting my 6-year-old all of her shots. Told the bitch to fuck right on off.
Yep, they really try to pressure and guilt-trip you. No means no!
I think one of the problems parents don’t anticipate is preparation. You need to understand what’s in these shots, you need to understand why you’re saying no. This is one scenario where I feel like our side is lacking. In our circles it’s socially acceptable to say “hell no I’m not giving my kids shots”, ok, well why? Don’t say it’s because they’ll get retarded. It should be because of the fillers, the mercury, the insane amount of non sensical ingredients that are put in there, the bombardment of combo shots entering the body of a child that can barely fight off the common cold given their age and their growing (naturally) immune system. When you understand all these things, there’s conviction beyond just saying no.
the pharmaceutical executives need publiic executions
I'm all for it.
It is nearly time for Good Men to do Bad Things.
I'll swing the ax. I've split many a cord of firewood by hand. I'm a... well practiced you might say.
So heartbreaking, Lord in heaven please heal these children
It hurt my heart watching it. I can be, and have been, a cold MFer at times but when it involves a child I melt.
Had a patient recently, full term pregnancy, had the rsv vax(Pfizer) 11 days before she showed up with complaint of decreased fetal movement, baby was deceased in utero. Please, if you know any pregnant women, encourage them to pass on all poison shots.🙏😔
I had our daughter at the end of August and my OB’s office was always so rude about me not getting any of the 💉. They tried so hard to scare us into getting the newborn ones too (especially “vitamin” k) but we didn’t! Then we got fired by the pediatrician they assigned us to for telling her we wouldn’t be doing 💉 so we take her to Freedom Health Systems!
Really heartbreaking. When it happens to children it hurts more because they haven't even lived yet and now they can't experience all the good stuff they're supposed to. God, please heal them and show your miracles to these people as a testament of your love and grace.
It's even more horrible when you realize that there was absolutely ZERO reason to give them a Covid vaccine in the first place!
Took my daughter to a new pediatrician who tried to guilt me into getting her shots. Told the bitch to go fuck herself. So fucking sick of these worthless doctors.
Those poor children and parents. Lord have mercy on us.
Took way too long for these type of videos to become public.
crap like this is crimes against children. They need a bullet to the head. ASAP. Can't even watch the while thing....!
Do not vaccinate. There’s ALWAYS been problems
God's justice on the people who created this poison will be absolute.
This is Biblical.
I'm hoping and praying that the MedBeds will heal all the children. They will be first in line.