Same thought came to my mind - they may not be so happy about voting for “the prosecutor” should their child get caught skipping school….or some other minor transgression. As POTUS has said, “she is dumb and vicious”, which makes her very dangerous.
As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
4%-6%??? The percentage of Stupid people in the USA is much higher than that. Next Tuesday we will get a much better idea of that the percentage really is.
I believe the 4-6% is those who are “lost” after everything comes to light. The ones who still cannot accept the people they exalted for years are actual horrible people.
Actually they still control massive/populated parts of the country and silence/punish MAGAmericans living under that control even if outside the population centers.
They're going to double, triple, and quadruple down, because they still saturate Tech, Pharma, public institutions (that we're all forced to pay for/interact with and that literally can throw us in jail for disagreeing).
(And don't tell me to "move," because I'm sick of having to abandon everything I and my darling ever worked for because the GOP has for so long been a bunch of gutless spineless globalist illegal-labor traffickers.)
The "power" OP's useful idiots project is a kind of self hypnosis. The more unreal/surreal their positions are--the more they diverge from lived reality--the more they believe in them. The tension they feel, being confronted with cognitive dissonance, they flip around into "Those bad MAGA natsees are doing bad things that make me feel bad. THEY are the problem."
Well said and totally with you on the " move " comments. That is the easy way out and as I've told others in time they will come for all of us anyway. Even if you're in a red state you're still subsidizing communism in some form.
Adding to your point - Why should I have to be chased from my hometown ( due to stolen elections ), especially when we are all red here anyway ? That is partly why I stayed in a commie state.
Also the GOP are not just gutless and/ or incompetent. They ARE COMPLICIT.
They had a 33 yr pact and agreed not to pursue voter fraud. Why would that be ?
Because until now elections did not matter. The ILLUSION of choice is what was crucial to be protected.
There was ZERO difference between clintons, bushes, barry and joe. They all hurt us and the Country, just in different ways.
Always glad to run into someone aware of the 1982 Consent Decree. I've been amazed by how many people don't.
EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. the GOP went to court and agreed to let Dems commit voter and election fraud. Because they said they didn't want to be called "racist."
Thanks for that link. It looks less cluttered than the only one I was able to archive. (Topic got web scrubbed in or around '20. Used to be a lot out there about it.)
The GOP was infiltrated like everything else. Controlled employees of the corporation acting a role. It was a huge deceptive scam. There was only one party until trump came along.
You think any Red-blooded American man would touch that with a 10ft pole? Not only is she a single digit IQ brainwashed MSNBC harpy, but she’s also like a 2 at very best.
Sure is ironic how pro-felon these people were a few short years ago, and the same people who wanted to defund the police are embracing prosecutors - the legal arm of law enforcement without which the police would have no real power.
The type who mutilate and groom their children while cheering on others who do the same, and spew hatred at anyone who disagrees. Have them in my family. too. I pray for their souls.
I have an old acquaintance from high school like this. She and her Low T-level husband have a 10 year old daughter who they are trying to turn into a boy. She was posting about how unfair it was that she couldn’t mutilate her child in the Red state that we are from- so much so that they packed up and moved to a Blue state (although one that might go Red this year 😂). Good riddance
Lol I saw this on Reddit the other day and laughed at how incredible it was how much they look like the average Kamala voter. He looks like his T levels are single digit and she looks like your typical plain-faced MSNBC harpy
Way to advertise how ignorant you really are. The only shame to ot is this cuck and his partner will benefit from what trumps policies will bring. If there was someway to keep them benefitting g from bidens policies instead of trumps it would be justice.
I hate the “I did a thing” type of expression. It’s like baby talk.
They are proudly infantilized and wholly owned units of Big Mommy Globo. They embrace the state and their dependency.
They're multi - vaxxed too, I'd put money on it
Was just going to say... this is YouTube dog-video speak.
Edit: I also loathe the virtue signaling. "We did X today...... look at us being upstanding citizens! Aren't we exceptional!?!"
Prosecutor who put black women in prison for child truancy.
Same thought came to my mind - they may not be so happy about voting for “the prosecutor” should their child get caught skipping school….or some other minor transgression. As POTUS has said, “she is dumb and vicious”, which makes her very dangerous.
That week she was India woman
Unfortunately, we have family and friends that are a part of that group. Very sad.
Matthew 10:12-15
As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
4%-6%??? The percentage of Stupid people in the USA is much higher than that. Next Tuesday we will get a much better idea of that the percentage really is.
I recon its at least 20% or more.
I believe the 4-6% is those who are “lost” after everything comes to light. The ones who still cannot accept the people they exalted for years are actual horrible people.
Some of the dumb people are any way the wind blows, the 4-6% are the truly evil and deserve whatever fate brings them.
To be fair, 100% of Dems could vote trump, but Dominion machines will still flips enough votes to give you a non-zero number
some are a lost cause
Ok now do a flip, faggots
kek classic
She pegs him nightly
[very stoopid]
Find solace in the fact that these NPC's will soon have to make big life altering decisions. Will they be good or bad choices is the unknown.
They go live as a recluse to avoid watching their fake world crumble.
Get onboard which means they start nibbling some truths, which in time will eventually wake them up enough to not be a severe threat to the public.
Act a fool until disowned or arrested under Trump's 3rd term.
Either way I don't sweat it cuz NCSWIC. And I too have fools in my circle.
Actually they still control massive/populated parts of the country and silence/punish MAGAmericans living under that control even if outside the population centers.
They're going to double, triple, and quadruple down, because they still saturate Tech, Pharma, public institutions (that we're all forced to pay for/interact with and that literally can throw us in jail for disagreeing).
(And don't tell me to "move," because I'm sick of having to abandon everything I and my darling ever worked for because the GOP has for so long been a bunch of gutless spineless globalist illegal-labor traffickers.)
The "power" OP's useful idiots project is a kind of self hypnosis. The more unreal/surreal their positions are--the more they diverge from lived reality--the more they believe in them. The tension they feel, being confronted with cognitive dissonance, they flip around into "Those bad MAGA natsees are doing bad things that make me feel bad. THEY are the problem."
Well said and totally with you on the " move " comments. That is the easy way out and as I've told others in time they will come for all of us anyway. Even if you're in a red state you're still subsidizing communism in some form.
Adding to your point - Why should I have to be chased from my hometown ( due to stolen elections ), especially when we are all red here anyway ? That is partly why I stayed in a commie state.
Also the GOP are not just gutless and/ or incompetent. They ARE COMPLICIT. They had a 33 yr pact and agreed not to pursue voter fraud. Why would that be ? Because until now elections did not matter. The ILLUSION of choice is what was crucial to be protected.
There was ZERO difference between clintons, bushes, barry and joe. They all hurt us and the Country, just in different ways.
Always glad to run into someone aware of the 1982 Consent Decree. I've been amazed by how many people don't.
EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. the GOP went to court and agreed to let Dems commit voter and election fraud. Because they said they didn't want to be called "racist."
But it wasn't about that at all. Just as you say.
For those not aware.
Thanks for that link. It looks less cluttered than the only one I was able to archive. (Topic got web scrubbed in or around '20. Used to be a lot out there about it.)
Exactly. I have saved several over the years to send to newbies & they all regularly end up broken when I return. Literally not much out there.
'Member how, after the sunsetting of the Decree, there were MSM headlines that "Now RNC can once again engage in voter intimidation"?????
The Atlantic said something like "The RNC comes out of decades of court supervision of elections."
Tiresome : all so.
The GOP was infiltrated like everything else. Controlled employees of the corporation acting a role. It was a huge deceptive scam. There was only one party until trump came along.
This is what we've been told . I don't believe it . The 4_6% are all they can keep and has been this way for decades
Probably boosted to the max too. Darwin wins
They are already quadruple boosted, I contend that that day has already arrived for them and now it's just a question of tick, tock
I am sure that her boyfriend however, voted for Trump.
You think any Red-blooded American man would touch that with a 10ft pole? Not only is she a single digit IQ brainwashed MSNBC harpy, but she’s also like a 2 at very best.
I think that's a little harsh. Personally I put her at 8.... Wait a minute, we are talking percentages, right?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to vote for the left
Which one is the wife?
You can always tell these morons just by their looks.
The one wearing the pants.
Both with penis’s hmmmmm
Do they share a brain cell ?
Haha, that's what makes their relationship work so well
They were just too dumb
Sure is ironic how pro-felon these people were a few short years ago, and the same people who wanted to defund the police are embracing prosecutors - the legal arm of law enforcement without which the police would have no real power.
It's a clown world af-ter-all...
Let's see those smiles next week
This is how I KNOW I am living in a simulation.
The type who mutilate and groom their children while cheering on others who do the same, and spew hatred at anyone who disagrees. Have them in my family. too. I pray for their souls.
I have an old acquaintance from high school like this. She and her Low T-level husband have a 10 year old daughter who they are trying to turn into a boy. She was posting about how unfair it was that she couldn’t mutilate her child in the Red state that we are from- so much so that they packed up and moved to a Blue state (although one that might go Red this year 😂). Good riddance
Lol I saw this on Reddit the other day and laughed at how incredible it was how much they look like the average Kamala voter. He looks like his T levels are single digit and she looks like your typical plain-faced MSNBC harpy
So dumb.
Damn, a picture of two white dudes for Harris!
I wonder if his wife boyfriend voted the same way?
Way to advertise how ignorant you really are. The only shame to ot is this cuck and his partner will benefit from what trumps policies will bring. If there was someway to keep them benefitting g from bidens policies instead of trumps it would be justice.
“Did a democracy?”
This is nonsensical. Is he a retarded person?
It would be interesting to find out what country they voted in, seeing as the US is not, and never has been, a democracy.