Awesome! Start with firing all the idiots who made aspartame, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oils, seed oils, and soy milk and said it was a-okay for human consumption!
Imagine the GIANT black pill these suckers will need to swallow when they find out Covid vaccines, especially boosters fucked up your heart and trimmed years off your life.
Waiting for my lib sister to come to the realization that she likely doomed her two sons, who at the time were approx. 12 and 15 years old, not only with constant masking but with the vax for both of them. I pray they got a benign version.
Will also be interesting as I have this theory or postulation that organizations of a certain size become almost impossible to reform and must be replaced, either after scrapping the original or spinning up the replacement in parallel and transferring functions over time.
But if anyone can reform an org and prove me wrong, it's RFK under DJT.
Maybe way better than they are now as the agency can get back to its core function, making sure food and drugs are safe for human consumption instead of being bought off by the huge food and drug conglomerates.
The FDA accepted hundreds of millions of dollars over the years to push the agenda of those private interests.
They took the bribes and we got sicker in return.
The relationship between pharma and the FDA is incestuous. The officers of pharma move back and forth between the corporations and the FDA seamlessly. Its time we make a law that prohibits relationships of this type. If youve worked for pharma you can never work for the FDA. If youve worked for the FDA you can never work for pharma.
These relationships between government and business must end.
It’s like saying without fema how could we help disaster victims. None of the federal agencies do what they say their directives demand. They always fail. So what’s the real purpose. Look at the SEC. The FED (not a government agency I know).
Homeland security….. they all FAIL at their purpose. As intended.
RFK and the mandate he believes he now has from our country probably excites me the most. This man is going to go scorched earth on everything hurting humans
I agree he should shut down most or all of it. But he doesn’t seem very wise to be announcing it to the media at this point. Why is he shooting off his mouth about his grand plans? Does he even know what it’s going to take to do this, or is he just blowing smoke?
So, discussion point here. Say FDA is shut down. Would you support creating "independent" labs that can "certify" if they think a substance is healthy or not? My understanding is this is the "free market" way to do it (or rather, encourage and coordinate the creation of such things by companies or citizens). People can decide if they wanna trust the reviewers or not
I think transparency might be the key. We need to see the studies and the research. None of that "lock it away for 75 years" and "trust the experts, don't do you own research" crap.
Awesome! Start with firing all the idiots who made aspartame, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oils, seed oils, and soy milk and said it was a-okay for human consumption!
1000 amens!
Big HARMA next.
It's happening.
Imagine the GIANT black pill these suckers will need to swallow when they find out Covid vaccines, especially boosters fucked up your heart and trimmed years off your life.
This pill can only work if MSM doesn't set the narrative.
Something needs to be done about MSM
MSM will be dead soon
I still can't see it. Any visions on how?
Fixing Obama's appeal of the Smith Mundt act. Then sueing fake journalism for everything.
Waiting for my lib sister to come to the realization that she likely doomed her two sons, who at the time were approx. 12 and 15 years old, not only with constant masking but with the vax for both of them. I pray they got a benign version.
I like this one. I also like Big Phaggots
Bobby ------ chop it down and remove the stump
Better yet. SHUT IT ALL DOWN, and create something fresh and untainted by the tyrannical tentacles of Big Business and Big Pharma.
YES, just like a tumor, you have to cut ALL of it out else it comes back stronger than before.
There you go! Where in the Constitution is the FDA anywho?
Yes, thank God!
Definitely. My prayers have been heard!
Like President Trump have said last night: “Just have fun out there Bobby”
He said that in the acceptance speech?
Sounds like an excellent plan to me.
Let’s see the vaccine study
They just received their pink slips by social media. 😂
Several times to the Kennedy’s….
Everyone please continue to pray for not only Pres. Trump & family, but all his team!!
The beast knows what Trump's win means.
Do it
Good. Let the heads roll.
Good. Every last one!
I look forward to this.
Will also be interesting as I have this theory or postulation that organizations of a certain size become almost impossible to reform and must be replaced, either after scrapping the original or spinning up the replacement in parallel and transferring functions over time.
But if anyone can reform an org and prove me wrong, it's RFK under DJT.
This is a serious question I have and could use some insight. Without the FDA, how would food borne disease outbreaks be addressed?
Maybe way better than they are now as the agency can get back to its core function, making sure food and drugs are safe for human consumption instead of being bought off by the huge food and drug conglomerates.
The FDA accepted hundreds of millions of dollars over the years to push the agenda of those private interests. They took the bribes and we got sicker in return.
The relationship between pharma and the FDA is incestuous. The officers of pharma move back and forth between the corporations and the FDA seamlessly. Its time we make a law that prohibits relationships of this type. If youve worked for pharma you can never work for the FDA. If youve worked for the FDA you can never work for pharma.
These relationships between government and business must end.
It’s like saying without fema how could we help disaster victims. None of the federal agencies do what they say their directives demand. They always fail. So what’s the real purpose. Look at the SEC. The FED (not a government agency I know). Homeland security….. they all FAIL at their purpose. As intended.
Once it's cleaned up, it can serve a useful purpose.
I don't think RFK is planning to shut down the "FOBONDI Ctrl" department.
He's talking about the "block cancer drugs because it hurts big harma" department and the "let's fuck with small farms" department.
The FDA is about to be burnt to the ground by Kennedy, and it can't come soon enough!!
RFK and the mandate he believes he now has from our country probably excites me the most. This man is going to go scorched earth on everything hurting humans
Hoover them.
I agree he should shut down most or all of it. But he doesn’t seem very wise to be announcing it to the media at this point. Why is he shooting off his mouth about his grand plans? Does he even know what it’s going to take to do this, or is he just blowing smoke?
So, discussion point here. Say FDA is shut down. Would you support creating "independent" labs that can "certify" if they think a substance is healthy or not? My understanding is this is the "free market" way to do it (or rather, encourage and coordinate the creation of such things by companies or citizens). People can decide if they wanna trust the reviewers or not
If those labs get their finding from the government or big pharma then we're back where we started.
true, so they need to truly be "independent"
I think transparency might be the key. We need to see the studies and the research. None of that "lock it away for 75 years" and "trust the experts, don't do you own research" crap.
yeah, ideally they just release the details and people can truly just read the studies and make their own decisions
So we need to eliminate the lobby, which big pharma has the largest.