U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is leading a bipartisan push for $575 million in federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to be included in the upcoming government spending package.
Defund any that are not apolitical, that can’t make it on donations and subscriptions. I would defund the Kennedy Center too, as well as any theatre, zoo, aguarium, etc. I used to love the zoo, but the older I get, the sadder I think it is that we are caging the animals that are meant to be free. Fund rescues only.
I'm loving the actions of Team Trump. Let those Georgetown champaign sipping elitist assholes cry big weepy tears. Let's see if they and their deep pocket buddies love it enough to fund the entire thing WITHOUT taxpayer support. All Things Considered? Like hell they do.
"TIL why they lie as easily as they breathe. Totalitarianism is built on lies. That's why they continuously lie and work so hard to malign people speaking the truth. The reason is that it only takes a little truth to bring down their reality constructed of lies."
I support 1000%. NPR and PBS are pure propaganda. Smith-Mundt 2025!
We're going to watch the absolute gutting of deep state shit and it's got me so excited!
Defund NPR and PBS. If they can’t make it with corporate and personal donations, but no government funding, then they should be allowing to sink.
Like every major bank
Government has no business funding "art".
It's run by Big Pharma, a full time ad agency for the leftist agenda. Do it Elon.
Loving it.
He's not wasting time.
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is leading a bipartisan push for $575 million in federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to be included in the upcoming government spending package.
If they really want that crap on the air Soros can just add it to all of those stations the FCC just let him buy.
But Soros has us taxpayers fund his 200+ NGOS so he would just add this to the list
Down with her!
During the Dorsey days I refuted something they said and was kicked off.
This is all good but we need to re-instate smith-mundt and stop all this BS.
Or maybe a total remake of NPR into a MAGA outlet. Use the vast array of radio stations to get the message out.
Excellent move EM!
Do them first. Should be easy.
NPR are smug assholes they know exactly what they are doing. Defund them and then put them in the chipper.
Defund any that are not apolitical, that can’t make it on donations and subscriptions. I would defund the Kennedy Center too, as well as any theatre, zoo, aguarium, etc. I used to love the zoo, but the older I get, the sadder I think it is that we are caging the animals that are meant to be free. Fund rescues only.
If you're a Communist and you know it play your hand....
I'm loving the actions of Team Trump. Let those Georgetown champaign sipping elitist assholes cry big weepy tears. Let's see if they and their deep pocket buddies love it enough to fund the entire thing WITHOUT taxpayer support. All Things Considered? Like hell they do.
The US Gummint should not be involved in domestic propaganda in any form, competing with the free market, and picking winners and losers.
NPR, PBS, etc. should operate on private donations, or not at all. No taxpayer funds.
NPR and PBS all need to be 100% defunded!
40 years overdue. These leftists have spewed lies for way too long.
When Big Pharma disappears so will all the propaganda outlets.
No-Agenda had something to say about NPR. Listen 45 min in
Reminds me of a post I did.
"TIL why they lie as easily as they breathe. Totalitarianism is built on lies. That's why they continuously lie and work so hard to malign people speaking the truth. The reason is that it only takes a little truth to bring down their reality constructed of lies."
NPR should have been defunded years ago.
I've thought NPR as one of the most incidiously destructive forces in their PSYWAR.
Drive time audiences addicted to the daily "we are the smart ones" propaganda.
They are slick.
They are sick.