Trump: 1,770.2 K
House Republicans: 1,680.7 K
Senate (Kari): 1,595.8 K
42K less votes in the Senate race than the Presidential race.
The state needs to be audited. Start with the federal only ballots. Most, if not all are not citizens. They had to subtract from Kari to allow Gallego to win without going over the total presidential number. Kari would have won with the same total as the republicans in their house races.
I either have to have faith that we are watching a movie or believe the narrative. Can’t believe both. So Trump won but Kari didn’t? Kari is an integral part of the plot. Some disclosure and accountability coming in election fraud?
Yay Arizona for showing up to vote!!! Too big to Rig, pat yourselves one the back. Hopefully Hobbs will be out of your mist and Kari Lake will see justice served!
Great news. Now take their asses to court and expose the cheating they did to steal from Kari Lake!
Here to sign yer petition!!
They did the same thing in Nevada. How can a Republican take the top of the ticket and then all the rest are Dems. It makes no sense.
Looks like they pulled out all the stops to 'count' the votes, and could not manage to make the Dems win.
Good job, Arizona patriots!
About time.
WTF Trump: 1,770.2 K House Republicans: 1,680.7 K Senate (Kari): 1,595.8 K 42K less votes in the Senate race than the Presidential race.
The state needs to be audited. Start with the federal only ballots. Most, if not all are not citizens. They had to subtract from Kari to allow Gallego to win without going over the total presidential number. Kari would have won with the same total as the republicans in their house races.
5.5%? 5:5?
I would feel better if it was 17%!
Oh shit! Good catch!
Yet the son of a cartel member beat Kari Lake. LOL this is gonna blow their entire fraud up. Stay tuned. Its coming.
Not too surprised at the results, but shouldn't have taken this long - the actual percentage that President Trump won by is probably much greater.
I either have to have faith that we are watching a movie or believe the narrative. Can’t believe both. So Trump won but Kari didn’t? Kari is an integral part of the plot. Some disclosure and accountability coming in election fraud?
And Karri Lake got robbed
This just makes me think they definitely stole Kari Lake's Senate race.
Yay Arizona for showing up to vote!!! Too big to Rig, pat yourselves one the back. Hopefully Hobbs will be out of your mist and Kari Lake will see justice served!
All their cheating and they still lost by 3%.
All the countries where the CIA "helped" ensure fair elections are muttering under their breath about now...
But kari Lake is "unlikeable" to normies...
Compared to Trump, or Marjorie Taylor Greene?
How is Arizona a 'swing state' with a 5.5% delta, and NJ a 'solid blue state' where the ho delta AFTER CHEATING was 5%?