But wasn’t the video we all saw proven in court to have been edited to make it look like they pulled ballots from under the table and run them through the tabulator several times? I thought that’s why he was found guilty of slander because the accusations against them couldn’t be proven? Or am I totally off base?
You really need to start downloading the images in your post and reposting them on files.catbox.moe. All your digging is unclickable, and I’d like to see it.
I keep thinking, somethings going on, what I don't know. But this attack on Rudy is ridiculous. It's NY and the southern district. Someone is blackmailing and using leverage. I believe the DS is trying to show others what they can do to Someone. Rudy is a chew toy for them.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
.... So you are correct that people keep using the word. You are incorrect that they are using it inappropriately. There has just been A LOT of it going on in the past decade.
Stealing elections and subverting the will of the people where the consequences have been what we have experienced globally but in terms of lives lost and economy broken is treason.
Like djeeez what bubble do you live in actually? Are you not aware of what has happened?
I'm not trying to talk shit about Rudy, or cast aspersion. Seems to be on the up and up.
But I find it hard to believe he wasn't involved in, or at least knew about, 9/11.
I don't know, but I find it hard to believe such a huge FF event and the mayor of the city it occurs in has no idea. Maybe, and I don't know, which is why I started the post like I did.
At a minimum, he was largely responsible for destroying the crime scene. They put up screens so people couldn't see what was going on and trucked out all the evidence and shipped it overseas, within days so it couldn't be tested for thermite or other explosive material, not to mention the potential of finding dead bodies. Given his experience as a prosecutor, he definitely knew better.
I don't think he was privy to the details. Not trying to be raciss or anything, but his speciality was Italian crime families, not Khazarian ones.
Q; 20% of Israelis speak Russian.
After the atrocities of WW2, Stalin made a Jewish Oblast to which all Jews could move safely, while he purged the evil in Ukraine. Most opted to move NOT to that oblast, however. Most 'Russian Jews' in the USA (and UK, and Israel), for example, had lived in the Ukraine.
This is all a narrative deployment, just like everything else. If this were true, he would never have the access to say it. "All movies playing at the same time". Coincidence?
The role of Mayor in such a context cannot simply be described. Who knows whether he should, or should not, have done 'something' in a super high-stress situation. I suspect he may have been running on nicotine and coffee for 72 hours straight, before collapsing in despair. He may have suspected foul play, but could easily have been convinced by the immediate narrative, that it was some cloth-heads done it.
Of course, we were all victims of a massive psy-op that was conducted by, what we now know to be, traitorous hands. However, I don't think Rudy falls in that category, given his track-record of going after RICO-MAFIA stuff.
What one needs in a court-case, is proof of treason, and that includes a consideration of intent. It is very difficult to parse out what any man was thinking in retrospect.
I suspect the Trump crew knows exactly who did it.
"Saving Israel for last."
P.S. Your comment about the RICO stuff is dead-on point accurate. That is what this is all about. The last 8 years have been one giant RICO sting/ladder climb. "We have it all". I look forward to watching each and every one of these cockroaches burn or turn (on their supervisors).
P.P.S. What not many know is that the disaster center for NYC was located ... directly under the WTC. So it's a miracle the people who managed the response (including Giuliani) were not turned into paste. I have no issues with how Giuliani responded to WTC. He did a job that I don't think anyone else could have done. And, while he was doing it, he went to some insane amount of funerals for our fallen NYPD/FDNY. Anyone that wants to give him shit for his performance during those days will have to go through me. Of course, he's not a perfect man. Neither am I.
Now imagine that weight used against you and your family. If they can do this to one person they can do it to everyone. Remember the anti vaxxers campaign. They wanted to deny us access to food and employment. Then the arrogant fucks wanted to take our children. They wanted total control and force everyone to vaxx. Now, rembering this. Act accordingly.
These people are nothing more than political hostages who are given the option of playing ball or being fertilizer. And the sad thing is that if they don't play ball, someone else always will.
Fulton election workers Ruby Freeman, Shaye Moss receiving the Presidential Citizens Medal by the from Biden
1/5/23 (photo): https://i0.wp.com/www.washingtoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/image-32.jpg?fit=1200%2C801&ssl=1
BREAKING GEORGIA UPDATE: Ruby Freeman who Jammed Suspect Ballots Into Voting Machines Multiple Times on Election Night Is Subpoenaed. Shaye Moss, Ruby's daughter was subpoenaed in Georgia for her activities in the 2020 election in Fulton County. https://www.survivethenews.com/breaking-georgia-update-ruby-freeman-who-jammed-suspect-ballots-into-voting-machines-multiple-times-on-election-night-is-subpoenaed/
Photo: Ruby counting same ballot multiple times: https://saidit.net/media/mf88P1TgYQ5cnh4oDPY8pSWcM61h6ykfBeSdMNosu1E.jpg
And: https://thumbnails.lbry.com/G48ywNxVSfM
Ruby conspiring with daughter Shaye (photo): https://cdn.locals.com/images/video/originals/640135/640135_bghavllef83dw5s.jpeg
"We have a partially corrupt legal system." - DJT
I think you need to upgrade to "totally", Mr President.
And there's the deep Catholic Church.
But wasn’t the video we all saw proven in court to have been edited to make it look like they pulled ballots from under the table and run them through the tabulator several times? I thought that’s why he was found guilty of slander because the accusations against them couldn’t be proven? Or am I totally off base?
I really think they cheated.
Trump rally 2020: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Trump_MAGA_rally_in_Greenville_%281%29.jpg/640px-Trump_MAGA_rally_in_Greenville_%281%29.jpg
Biden rally 2020: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/06/17/us/politics/17onpolitics-pm/merlin_173635797_c9205677-aa2d-4df9-b28f-6a642fc1d848-superJumbo.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp
I look at the rallies, not the polls.
You really need to start downloading the images in your post and reposting them on files.catbox.moe. All your digging is unclickable, and I’d like to see it.
But, is it even constitutional to bankrupt someone for their opinion, or even their speech?
It is all under New York Law, supposedly.
IS there not an appeal to be made?
With what money?
Poor Rudi doesn't deserve this, Trump should help him out
Do you doubt that DJT plans to do exactly that?
He sure hasn't mentioned Rudy at all lately.....
Strategic. Complicated business.
We can help him after we free the Jan 6 prisoner's of war.
I keep thinking, somethings going on, what I don't know. But this attack on Rudy is ridiculous. It's NY and the southern district. Someone is blackmailing and using leverage. I believe the DS is trying to show others what they can do to Someone. Rudy is a chew toy for them.
Ruby freeman should be executed.
Executed... for what?
How was it treason?
People just keep using that word without understanding what it means. It's basically made it meaningless now.
Cheating in a presidential election is treason
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. .... So you are correct that people keep using the word. You are incorrect that they are using it inappropriately. There has just been A LOT of it going on in the past decade.
You spelt the word decades wrongly.
Stealing elections and subverting the will of the people where the consequences have been what we have experienced globally but in terms of lives lost and economy broken is treason.
Like djeeez what bubble do you live in actually? Are you not aware of what has happened?
He said Ruby, not Rudy
Fkn sad.
I'm not trying to talk shit about Rudy, or cast aspersion. Seems to be on the up and up.
But I find it hard to believe he wasn't involved in, or at least knew about, 9/11.
I don't know, but I find it hard to believe such a huge FF event and the mayor of the city it occurs in has no idea. Maybe, and I don't know, which is why I started the post like I did.
We're watching a movies comes to mind...
At a minimum, he was largely responsible for destroying the crime scene. They put up screens so people couldn't see what was going on and trucked out all the evidence and shipped it overseas, within days so it couldn't be tested for thermite or other explosive material, not to mention the potential of finding dead bodies. Given his experience as a prosecutor, he definitely knew better.
Hmmm. I'll have to read Leadership some more.
I don't think he was privy to the details. Not trying to be raciss or anything, but his speciality was Italian crime families, not Khazarian ones.
Q; 20% of Israelis speak Russian.
After the atrocities of WW2, Stalin made a Jewish Oblast to which all Jews could move safely, while he purged the evil in Ukraine. Most opted to move NOT to that oblast, however. Most 'Russian Jews' in the USA (and UK, and Israel), for example, had lived in the Ukraine.
Hmm... Boomerang maybe..?
This is all a narrative deployment, just like everything else. If this were true, he would never have the access to say it. "All movies playing at the same time". Coincidence?
ok then, what is this narrative?
On face value it seems like a plea for help.
Intelligent minds want to know what the subjective narrative is, or I do, anyway (polishes fingernails).
Yes, this is definitely part of the movie.
We used to be a real country.
This is reprehensible. For "The Nation's Mayor" we have turned the USA into a walk-around gulag from which he cannot escape. I can't accept this.
New York City is one of the world's mega-cities.
The role of Mayor in such a context cannot simply be described. Who knows whether he should, or should not, have done 'something' in a super high-stress situation. I suspect he may have been running on nicotine and coffee for 72 hours straight, before collapsing in despair. He may have suspected foul play, but could easily have been convinced by the immediate narrative, that it was some cloth-heads done it.
Of course, we were all victims of a massive psy-op that was conducted by, what we now know to be, traitorous hands. However, I don't think Rudy falls in that category, given his track-record of going after RICO-MAFIA stuff.
What one needs in a court-case, is proof of treason, and that includes a consideration of intent. It is very difficult to parse out what any man was thinking in retrospect.
I suspect the Trump crew knows exactly who did it.
"Saving Israel for last."
P.S. Your comment about the RICO stuff is dead-on point accurate. That is what this is all about. The last 8 years have been one giant RICO sting/ladder climb. "We have it all". I look forward to watching each and every one of these cockroaches burn or turn (on their supervisors).
P.P.S. What not many know is that the disaster center for NYC was located ... directly under the WTC. So it's a miracle the people who managed the response (including Giuliani) were not turned into paste. I have no issues with how Giuliani responded to WTC. He did a job that I don't think anyone else could have done. And, while he was doing it, he went to some insane amount of funerals for our fallen NYPD/FDNY. Anyone that wants to give him shit for his performance during those days will have to go through me. Of course, he's not a perfect man. Neither am I.
Thank you fellow Guiliani-appreciator.
Now imagine that weight used against you and your family. If they can do this to one person they can do it to everyone. Remember the anti vaxxers campaign. They wanted to deny us access to food and employment. Then the arrogant fucks wanted to take our children. They wanted total control and force everyone to vaxx. Now, rembering this. Act accordingly.
please pin
Bitcoin solves this problem
Perhaps he should've supporter the Money Lizards harder.
twstalker - https://twstalker.com/nicksortor/status/1861535440618058042
Trump will fix this.
He will be restored
If I told you that Rudy was likely behind the deception of 9/11, and hiding the truth, would that change any opinions?
That would be a Rudy awakening
I always wonder about this.
Maybe he flipped in some sort of deal, although that would still be bad somewhat
No…but it will cause me to ask what color the sky is on your planet.
Kind of like Lombardo in Vegas.
These people are nothing more than political hostages who are given the option of playing ball or being fertilizer. And the sad thing is that if they don't play ball, someone else always will.