Have you seen some of the new houses being built on YT? In 20 years these things will fall apart right when your mortgage is almost payed off. Absolutely no quality craftsmanship at all. Bring Americans back who care.
This is truly a problem in the construction industry. As an owner of an insurance claim advocate business and a licensed general contractor I have been researching this issue for years. Never once have I hired an illegal for a construction project and due to this I have lost a lot (a ton) of bid projects where competitive bids are involved. Now on the insurance side, everyone knows insurance companies don’t want to pay a claim or they want the lowest amount to be paid. They don’t care about the quality of the service just to rubber stamp the claim as work completed and claim closed. The insurance industry controls the estimating software that spits out the reimbursement rate for any certain repair reimbursement. These reimbursement rates often “force” the contractor to cut the only place that is in their control — Labor Cost. Enter the illegal labor force who work for a third of the cost of a U.S. worker that is paying taxes, paying licensing, paying health insurance premiums, paying mortgages, etc etc.
I’ve come to realize that this was all part of “the plan” to decimate the contractor work force and replace workers with illegals. Now who really is behind this “plan”? Personally as I research it keeps coming back to the insurance industry.
In the immediate need, I am forced to admit that illegals being removed from this Country will have an undesirable consequence for all consumers but I firmly believe that it has to be done to protect our Country.
Sorry for the rant… now off to write proposals to present to my State legislators on insurance division law change recommendations that will have more devastating consequences to my State insurance policyholders-the Taxpayers !
Good, I have been seeing way to many vids popping up showing some very sketchy and just down right WRONG and unstable home construction being/been done over the last chunk of years. Things just not being done right like, light switches in showers, cracks in new construction foundations, trimming, framing and beams with gaps and some not even properly nailed together or missing nails that secure them, missing pieces, things not leveled out properly like out door décor walls that may last a few years before they tumble over.. all in NEW construction. Makes me believe that, a LOT of the "new hires" dont know wtf they are even doing and or do not give a flying monkeys ass about it. Worse one was the light switched installed IN the shower. lol. Make Construction GREAT again!
They will likely go back to hiring them 'under the table' so to speak. Lower wages and zero payroll taxes, etc. I knew a construction boss long time ago that did that, and gave them a bit of meth in order to get more work out of them.
Looks like you're going to have to pay for good labor. The era, of cheep labor is over. They will work for you IF YOU PAY THEM DECENTLY. Reminder, in the 70s a janitor could have a home and family and a car. All on his salary. Capiche.
And? Am I supposed to care? Not to sound like one of the socialist retards on reddit, but construction "bosses" typically fall into one of two categories from my understanding. Good, actual construction bosses, and greedy morons who do everything they can to squeeze a few extra bucks into their own pocket.
The Good ones actually hire Americans/and or legal migrants (green card holders who can actually speak English) and their work tends to be much higher quality. The more or less thrive on reputation alone, since they make less per project (given they have to actually pay their employees non slave wages and have to remain at least somewhat competitive). These are the companies that big developers tend to use for their commercial projects and rehabs since quality is better than quantity when it comes to large scale real estate projects like apartments, hotels, shopping centers, etc. You have to actually be able to attract renters/customers to your buildings and if it's all crappy then you'll be getting few to none.
These guys are also the ones that tend to build the nicer "stick built" homes you see these days. The ones that cost millions of dollars and often have completely custom designs. Mostly because the people who can afford to build stuff like that actually want a nice house, not something slapped together that "looks" nice for a few years before falling apart.
On the other hand, you have the ones this article is talking about are the construction equivalent of a slumlord (I mean this literally as this is the type of people slum lords would actually use). They quick fix everything, cut corners everywhere possible, and do everything they can to squeeze out a few extra dollars for their own pocket. That's why everything they build falls apart after a few years. It's quantity over quality. "How many crappy houses can we build in as short as period of time as possible?" They're almost entirely focused on residential housing, because pretty much no commercial sector clients will touch them. They have horrible reputations, but like u/Verumvalet pointed out, they often compete for the lowest big on things like insurance claims, which are notorious for cheaping out as much as possible. They focus almost exclusively on residential buildings since they can pump them out in much higher quantities, so they often put in bids for subdivisions as well.
On the plus side, the latter is overwhelming outnumbered by the former. A quick google search tells you that between 13-30% (depending on the source) of construction workers are illegals. From what I gathered, it seems that roughly 30% of workers are immigrants, but only about 13-15% are illegal, with the rest being legal green card holders. So in reality, this wouldn't really effect anyone in any meaningful way.
The only thing it would really do it cut down on those crappy cookie cutter subdivisions where the houses fall apart after a few years (Think DR Horton Sub contractors). Which wouldn't affect 99% of people because most people with two braincells to rub together wouldn't touch those houses with a 10 foot pole anyway.
Tl;DR: The only ones effected are shady contractors who shouldn't be in business in the first place, who make up a small part of the market.
cry me a river
The Rio Grande...
Hopefully those backs do not hydrate.
Better stock the rivers with salt water fish!
Have you seen some of the new houses being built on YT? In 20 years these things will fall apart right when your mortgage is almost payed off. Absolutely no quality craftsmanship at all. Bring Americans back who care.
you got that right
womp womp
Yeah, too bad so sad!
They will have to start hiring Americans and pay them a decent wage.
Fuck you construction companies for hiring illegals in the just place you anti American fucks.
This is truly a problem in the construction industry. As an owner of an insurance claim advocate business and a licensed general contractor I have been researching this issue for years. Never once have I hired an illegal for a construction project and due to this I have lost a lot (a ton) of bid projects where competitive bids are involved. Now on the insurance side, everyone knows insurance companies don’t want to pay a claim or they want the lowest amount to be paid. They don’t care about the quality of the service just to rubber stamp the claim as work completed and claim closed. The insurance industry controls the estimating software that spits out the reimbursement rate for any certain repair reimbursement. These reimbursement rates often “force” the contractor to cut the only place that is in their control — Labor Cost. Enter the illegal labor force who work for a third of the cost of a U.S. worker that is paying taxes, paying licensing, paying health insurance premiums, paying mortgages, etc etc. I’ve come to realize that this was all part of “the plan” to decimate the contractor work force and replace workers with illegals. Now who really is behind this “plan”? Personally as I research it keeps coming back to the insurance industry. In the immediate need, I am forced to admit that illegals being removed from this Country will have an undesirable consequence for all consumers but I firmly believe that it has to be done to protect our Country. Sorry for the rant… now off to write proposals to present to my State legislators on insurance division law change recommendations that will have more devastating consequences to my State insurance policyholders-the Taxpayers !
Now follow the money of who owns the insurance companies.
Don't do that it will lead you to the truth....
Oy vey, the antisemitism!!!
Insurance companies in general need an overhaul or just be gone.
Thanks for the rant. This is an angle I had not thought of.
Yup retards, you're 100% correct!
Oh no. They must hire Americans now.
FINALLY. I can't wait until he is sworn in. Look at the results he's getting already!
No more slave labor, no more cheap prices. We will see what our own work is worth and respond accordingly, as it should be.
Well "Construction Bosses", THAT IS THE IDEA!!!
"Construction Bosses Complain Trump Will Stop Them From Hiring Illegals"
That's the idea, shitheads.
You're darn right he will!!
Yeah sorry guys.
You now have to pay fair wages.
Fucking cretins.
There is going to be many people former government lawyers and lobbyists looking for work
Good, I have been seeing way to many vids popping up showing some very sketchy and just down right WRONG and unstable home construction being/been done over the last chunk of years. Things just not being done right like, light switches in showers, cracks in new construction foundations, trimming, framing and beams with gaps and some not even properly nailed together or missing nails that secure them, missing pieces, things not leveled out properly like out door décor walls that may last a few years before they tumble over.. all in NEW construction. Makes me believe that, a LOT of the "new hires" dont know wtf they are even doing and or do not give a flying monkeys ass about it. Worse one was the light switched installed IN the shower. lol. Make Construction GREAT again!
This is what you get with cheap labor.
They will likely go back to hiring them 'under the table' so to speak. Lower wages and zero payroll taxes, etc. I knew a construction boss long time ago that did that, and gave them a bit of meth in order to get more work out of them.
Oh no! 😂
Illegals yes.
Green Card no.
Trump will stop them from hiring illegals? Correct!
Looks like you're going to have to pay for good labor. The era, of cheep labor is over. They will work for you IF YOU PAY THEM DECENTLY. Reminder, in the 70s a janitor could have a home and family and a car. All on his salary. Capiche.
And? Am I supposed to care? Not to sound like one of the socialist retards on reddit, but construction "bosses" typically fall into one of two categories from my understanding. Good, actual construction bosses, and greedy morons who do everything they can to squeeze a few extra bucks into their own pocket.
The Good ones actually hire Americans/and or legal migrants (green card holders who can actually speak English) and their work tends to be much higher quality. The more or less thrive on reputation alone, since they make less per project (given they have to actually pay their employees non slave wages and have to remain at least somewhat competitive). These are the companies that big developers tend to use for their commercial projects and rehabs since quality is better than quantity when it comes to large scale real estate projects like apartments, hotels, shopping centers, etc. You have to actually be able to attract renters/customers to your buildings and if it's all crappy then you'll be getting few to none.
These guys are also the ones that tend to build the nicer "stick built" homes you see these days. The ones that cost millions of dollars and often have completely custom designs. Mostly because the people who can afford to build stuff like that actually want a nice house, not something slapped together that "looks" nice for a few years before falling apart.
On the other hand, you have the ones this article is talking about are the construction equivalent of a slumlord (I mean this literally as this is the type of people slum lords would actually use). They quick fix everything, cut corners everywhere possible, and do everything they can to squeeze out a few extra dollars for their own pocket. That's why everything they build falls apart after a few years. It's quantity over quality. "How many crappy houses can we build in as short as period of time as possible?" They're almost entirely focused on residential housing, because pretty much no commercial sector clients will touch them. They have horrible reputations, but like u/Verumvalet pointed out, they often compete for the lowest big on things like insurance claims, which are notorious for cheaping out as much as possible. They focus almost exclusively on residential buildings since they can pump them out in much higher quantities, so they often put in bids for subdivisions as well.
On the plus side, the latter is overwhelming outnumbered by the former. A quick google search tells you that between 13-30% (depending on the source) of construction workers are illegals. From what I gathered, it seems that roughly 30% of workers are immigrants, but only about 13-15% are illegal, with the rest being legal green card holders. So in reality, this wouldn't really effect anyone in any meaningful way.
The only thing it would really do it cut down on those crappy cookie cutter subdivisions where the houses fall apart after a few years (Think DR Horton Sub contractors). Which wouldn't affect 99% of people because most people with two braincells to rub together wouldn't touch those houses with a 10 foot pole anyway.
Tl;DR: The only ones effected are shady contractors who shouldn't be in business in the first place, who make up a small part of the market.
Work visa program operated n under border security not DOS.
Boo freakin hoo